****************NEWSLETTER TWENTY-FOUR**********************************
              MXG NEWSLETTER NUMBER TWENTY-FOUR August 2, 1993          
Technical Newsletter for Users of MXG :  Merrill's Expanded Guide to CPE
                         TABLE OF CONTENTS                              
I.    MXG PreRelease 11.03 available Upon Request                      2
II.   MXG Technical Notes                                              3
III.  MVS Technical Notes                                               
      1. DFP 3.3 APAR OY59794 adds VSAM free space info to DCOLLECT    3
      2. Type 94 SMF (3495 Tape Library) APAR OY60348                  3
      3. DCOLLECT APAR OY50194 corrects trashed size of large datasets 3
      4. JES2 Type 24 SMF invalid ESS triplet                          3
      5. NETSPY line utilization correction zaps.                      3
      6. CMF type 72 subtype 2 invalid data fixed by BPM4494.          3
      7. PR/SM analysis variables in ASUM70PR mini-tutorial            3
IV.   VM Technical Notes                                               4
V.    CICS Technical Notes                                              
      1. Landmark pseudo type 110 incorrect, APAR U805248.             4
      2. No CPU time TASCPUTM in CICSTRAN                              4
VI.   SAS Technical Notes                                               
      1. OBJECT FILE OUT OF SPACE, Zap Z6076384                        4
      2. USER 315 ABEND if SMS Release Upon Close used.                4
      3. WAIT state if incorrect blocksize specified.                  5
      4. %MACRO compiler error, Usage Note 6719.                       5
VII.  Incompatibilities, Installation, and Space Requirements.          
      1. No known incompatibilities in MXG 11.02                       5
      2. Installation instructions.                                    5
VIII. Documentation of MXG Software.                                   6
IX.   Change Log                                                       7
      Alphabetical list of important changes                         8-9
      Changes 11.140 thru 11.001                                    9-31
I.    MXG Software Status and Enhancements:                             
MXG PreRelease 11.03 is now available, free, upon request.  Note that no
tape was sent with this Newsletter.  MXG 11.03 corrects all known errors
in MXG 10.10-11.03 and has enhancements listed below.  While MXG 10.10  
is quite robust, leading edge sites and sites with PR/SM environments   
are well advised to replace MXG 10.10 with MXG 11.03.  Likewise, sites  
that have not yet installed MXG 10.10 should go directly to MXG 11.03.  
The "Production" Version 11 (i.e., the MXG Version that is produced and 
shipped automatically to all MXG sites) is not scheduled until 1994.    
  These major enhancements were added in MXG 11.03:                     
    Asynchronous Data Mover Facility APAR OY65142 for SMF type 30.      
    Correction of all reported 11.02 errors.                            
  These major enhancements were added in MXG 11.02:                     
    Support for VM/ESA Release 2.1.                                     
    Support for Top Secret Release 4.3.                                 
    Support for NPM APAR OY54370.                                       
    Support for RMF APAR OY64585.                                       
    Support for SAP Releases 4.3.J and 5.0.                             
    Support for DOS/VSE POWER 5.1.                                      
    Support for OMEGAMON 2.60 Audit Record changes.                     
    Support for APPC Deaccumulation APAR OY63634.                       
  These major enhancements were added in MXG 11.01:                     
    Support for ZARA, The Tape Media Manager from Altai.                
    Support for SYNCSORT Release 3.5 SMF record.                        
    Support for HMF, Host Monitoring Facility user SMF record.          
    Support for Corporate TIE user SMF record.                          
    Support for STOPX37 Release 3.5 mis-documentation.                  
    Enhanced ANALRMFR for RMF look-a-like reports from MXG.             
    Validation of Candle's ITRF (Omegamon/IMS Version 110).             
    Validation and correction of SMSDATA operand of DCOLLECT            
    Each of those enhancements are described in the Change Log, below.  
    Table of availability dates for the IBM products and MXG version:   
                                       Availability     MXG Version     
      Product Name                     Date              Required       
      RMF 4.1.2 (for MVS/ESA 3.1.3)    Sep  7, 1990.        8.8         
      RMF 4.2   (for MVS/ESA 4.1)      Oct 26, 1990.        8.8         
      MVS/ESA 4.1                      Oct 26, 1990.        8.8         
      MVS/ESA 4.2                      Mar 29, 1991.        9.9         
      RMF 4.2.1 (for MVS/ESA 4.2)      Mar 29, 1991.        9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.2.2                    Aug     1991.        9.9         
      RMF 4.2.2 (for MVS/ESA 4.2.2     Aug     1991.        9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.3                      Mar 23  1993.       10.5         
      RMF 4.3.0 (for MVS/ESA 4.3       Mar 23  1993.       10.5         
      CICS/ESA 3.2                     Jun 28, 1991.        9.9         
      CICS/ESA 3.3                     Mar 28, 1992.       10.1         
      DB2 2.2.0                                1990         8.8         
      DB2 2.3.0                        Oct 28, 1991.       10.1         
      VM/ESA  1.1.1                    Dec 27, 1991.       10.1         
      VM/ESA  2.0                      Dec 23, 1992.       10.4         
      VM/ESA  2.1                      Jun 27, 1993.       11.02        
II.   MXG Technical Notes                                               
III.  MVS Technical Notes                                               
 1. APAR OY59794 for DFP 3.3 will add VSAM free space information to    
    DCOLLECT records.  (This information is already in DFSMS 1.0).      
 2. APAR OY60348 corrects duplicate type 94 SMF records from the 3495   
    Tape Library Dataserver; the 3495 statistics were notified on the   
    host on each of the paths, but MVS should have ignored the duplicate
    notifications on multiple paths and only written one record.        
 3. APAR OY50194 corrects DCOLLECT data values for large datasets; if   
    a dataset was over 72% of the size of a 3390, the value stored by   
    DCOLLECT was trashed; the problem was noted first on SPOOL datasets,
    which had irrationally high (4GB) sizes.                            
 4. JES2 Type 24 SMF record has ESS triplet non-zero, but there is no   
    ESS segment at the end of the record. Problem is open at IBM.       
 5. Legent's NETSPY Zaps QN42062,QN42074,QN42097,QN42078, and QN42155   
    are needed (in that order!) to correct invalid data in NETSPY NCP   
    line utilizations from NetSpy-to-NetSpy data for NetSpy 4.2         
 6. Boole and Babbage's CMF type 72 subtype 2 record contains invalid   
    STARTIME and CYCLE values that are fixed by their change BPM4494.   
 7. PR/SM and MLPF environments provide hardware utilization information
    in TYPE70PR dataset, but MXG member ASUM70PR should be executed to  
    create dataset ASUM70PR for analysis and reporting, as it summarizes
    and enhances the PR/SM data.  Change 11.041 added new variables to  
    ease understanding of the data:                                     
      LPARCHG   - 'Y' if something changed in any LPAR                  
      LPnCHG    - 'Y' if something changed in LPAR n.                   
      LPnDUR    - LPAR n's "Up time" or "Availability time to execute   
                  CPU", the sum of DURATM across all LCPUs in LPAR n.   
                  This is the total seconds during which this LPAR could
                  have been CPU dispatched.  If an LPAR was IPLed as    
                  a 3-engine MVS machine, in one hour it would have 3   
                  hours of "Up Time".                                   
      LPCTnBY   - Percent "Logically" Busy in LPAR n, equal to          
                  100*LPnUPDTM/LPnDUR, the Partition CPU Dispatch       
                  divided by the LPAR's "Up Time".  If a 3-engine LPAR  
                  was dispatched for 60 minutes, it's LPCTnBY would be  
                  33%.  This new variable describes how much the LPAR   
                  was logically busy; the existing variable PCTL1BY     
                  describes how much the LPAR was physically busy.  If  
                  this same 3-engine LPAR was executing on a 5-engine   
                  machine, it's PCTL1BY would be 20%, because that LPAR 
                  was using 20% of the hardware while it used 33% of the
                  CPU time available to this LPAR.  See the example     
      LPCTnOV   - Percent "Logically" Busy in "LPAR Overhead"           
                  100*LPnMGTTM/LPnDUR, to describe how much of the new  
                  LPCTnBY was in LPAR management of this LPAR.          
    The following example is real data from a 5-engine CEC (Central     
    Electronic Complex, the preferred name for a "machine").  This CEC  
    has three LPARs: LP1 has two engines (and is lightly used), LP2 has 
    five engines, and LP3 has three engines.  ASUM70PR for one hour has:
             PARTNCPU  5          - Number of real engines in CEC       
             DURATM    1:00:00.05 - Duration interval                   
             CPUACTTM  4:40:35.32 - Total CPU Dispatch, all engines     
             CPUOVHTM    15:35.40 - Total CPU Overhead in LPARS         
             LPPUPDTM     6:40.28 - Total "Physical" Overhead           
             PCTCPUBY  93.53%     - CPUACTTM as a percent of hardware   
             PCTOVHD    5.20%     - CPUOVHTM as a percent of hardware   
             PCTPOV     2.22%     - LPPUPDTM as a percent of hardware   
                          LP1            LP2            LP3             
             LPnNRPRC     2              5              3               
             LPnDUR       2:00:00.10     5:00:00.25     3:00:00.15      
             LPnMGTTM        1:53.03        3:50.02        3:12.07      
             LPnUEDTM        2:56.63     3:29:16.51       52:46.77      
             LPnUPDTM        4:49.67     3:33.06.54       55:58.85      
             LPCT1BY      4.02%          71.04%         31.10%          
             LPCT1OV      1.57%           1.28%          1.78%          
             PCTL1BY      1.61%          71.04%         18.66%          
             PCTL1OV       .63%           1.23%          1.07%          
             The LP2 has the same PCTL1BY as LPCT1BY because it can use 
             all five engines, and its logical and physical utilization 
             are the same.  The LP3, with only three engines available  
             to its MVS, shows it is using 18.66% of the five hardware  
             engines (PCTL1BY), but the new LPCT1BY also shows that this
             is actually 31.1% of the CPU time possible for those three 
             logical CPUs available to LP3.                             
IV.   VM Technical Notes                                                
V.    CICS Technical Notes                                              
 1. Landmark The Monitor for CICS can optionally create pseudo type 110 
    SMF records, but the records contain an incorrect value of zero for 
    SMFPSSTY (it should be 1), causing zero observations in CICSTRAN.   
    Landmark's open APAR is U805248.  Note that MXG recommends using the
    Landmark records directly (see member TYPEMON8) instead of creating 
    the pseudo type 110 records and then using TYPE110, because of the  
    double passing of the data, and because their pseudo type 110 does  
    not contain all of the data values in their own record.             
 2. Zero value for TASCPUTM in CICSTRAN can result for two reasons.     
    First, your CICS Systems Programmer has to enable the CPU=YES       
    parameter in the DFHMCT (Monitor Control Task) macro to cause IBM   
    to record CPU time.  In CICS/ESA 3.3, IBM changed the default to    
    CPU=NO, and many MXG sites suddenly found zero CPU time when they   
    migrated to 3.3!                                                    
    Second, zero TASCPUTM has resulted from MVS STIMER errors that are  
    reported in APAR OY55060 and fixed in PTF UY89942.                  
VI.   SAS Technical Notes                                               
    SAS 607 repaired by SAS Zap Z6076384.                               
 2. Error USER 315 ABEND occurs in System Managed Storage, if //WORK    
    (or any DISP=NEW data library) is in a Storage Class that specifies 
    "RELEASE UPON CLOSE", because SAS issues multiple OPENs.  SAS has an
    accommodation, or special consideration, ZAP Z6072705, which        
    bypasses the multiple opens of the //WORK dataset.  (If you specify 
    RLSE in your JCL, SAS detects that environment, and also avoids the 
    multiple OPEN, but SAS Institute has not found a way to recognize   
    SMS's "RELEASE UPON CLOSE").                                        
 3. Incorrect blocksize (one that is not a multiple of 512) for //WORK  
    library can put SAS into a WAIT state.  The specific case was the   
    processing of VMXGVTOF; all datasets were built ok in the work file,
    but the PROC COPY went into the WAIT state.                         
 4. SAS 6.08 %MACRO compiler has a known error, described under SAS     
    Usage Note 6719.  Only GRAFLPAR failed, and Change 11.079 provides  
    an MXG circumvention until SAS has a ZAP for the problem.           
VII.  Incompatibilities, Installation, and Space Requirements.          
 1. Migrating to MXG Version 11.03 from MXG Versions 10.2 thru MXG 10.10
    or from MXG 11.01 has no known incompatibilities, and installation  
    has been reported to be the easiest yet!                            
    If you are migrating to MXG Version 11.03 from an MXG Version prior 
    to MXG 10.2, and you have tailored your MXG installation (with EX...
    and IMAC.... members), you must read the compatibility section of   
    member CHANGE10.                                                    
    MXG Version 11.03 has been tested under both SAS 6.07 and SAS 6.08; 
    there appears to be no significant performance difference between   
    SAS 6.07 and SAS 6.08.                                              
 2. Installation and re-installation procedures are described in detail:
    in member INSTALL, but they are summarized here:                    
     a. Install member MXGSAS as JCL Procedure MXGSAS in your PROCLIB.  
     b. Allocate a 75-cyl PDS: MXG.V1103.MXG.SOURCLIB, and use IEBUPDTE 
        to read the MXG tape to create the 2000+ member Source Library. 
     c. Allocate a 1-cyl PDS:  MXG.V1103.USERID.SOURCLIB for your site  
        "Installation Tailoring" Source Library.  Installation specific 
        tailoring (like telling MXG your shift hours, which performance 
        groups are TSO, CICS, etc.) is done by copying and modifying MXG
        source members into V1103.USERID.SOURCLIB.                      
     d. Allocate a 1-cyl SAS Data Library:  MXG.V1103.MXG.FORMATS and   
        execute SAS to create the library of Formats required by MXG.   
        Sample JCL for steps b-d is contained in member JCLINSTL.       
     e. If this is the initial install of MXG, tailor these members into
        your MXG.V1103.USERID.SOURCLIB tailoring library:               
          IMACACCT (Account Length),                                    
          IMACSHFT (Shift Definitions),                                 
          IMACWORK (Performance Group to Workload mapping), and         
          IMACSPIN (for BUILDPDB).                                      
        Each IMAC member is self-documenting, and IMACAAAA is the index 
        of all of the IMACs.  You should at least scan IMACAAAA to see  
        the acronyms MXG uses for the many products MXG supports.       
     e. If re-installing MXG, copy your existing USERID.SOURCLIB library
        members into the MXG.V1103.USERID.SOURCLIB. Then compare your   
        IMACs with those that were changed (see the alphabetical list of
        changed members in member CHANGES).  If any members in your     
        MXG.V1103.USERID.SOURCLIB were changed, you must reinstall your 
        site's tailoring for that IMAC, starting with the IMAC member   
        from the MXG 11.03 Source Library.                              
     f. EDIT and submit member JCLTEST6 to verify that your tailoring   
        did not create any errors.                                      
     g. EDIT and submit JCLPDB6 to create a Daily PDB for testing.  Or  
        use the TYPE.... members to process specific data sources, use  
        the ANAL.... members for report examples, the GRAF.... members  
        for SAS/GRAPH reports.                                          
     You have now installed MXG 11.03 in its own set of libraries. When 
     parallel testing is complete and are ready to implement MXG 11.03  
     in production, rename your three current MXG Production Libraries  
     and rename the MXG.V1103.x.y libraries to their Production names!  
     Again, detailed installation instructions are in member INSTALL    
Always read comments in the CHANGES member for compatibility issues, as 
well as for any last minute changes.                                    
Whenever you install changes or test a new version of MXG (or even your 
own reports), be extra careful to look on the SAS log for any real error
conditions. Search for all occurrences of "ERROR:" and  "ERROR :"  and  
"UNINITIALIZED" and "NOT CATLGD", as they may indicate a serious error. 
A PROC PRINT and a PROC MEANS of each new MXG-built SAS dataset can help
you to understand their contents, and should be used to examine any     
unusually large, negative, or suspicious values.  Print all variables in
the dataset, and read the variable's descriptions in its ADOC member.   
VIII. Documentation of MXG Software.                                    
Member CHANGES identifies the Version and Release of MXG Software, and  
describes all changes made in that Release.  The text of each change    
names the members that were added or altered by that change.  Member    
CHANGES is designed to be read online (with SPF BROWSE), so that you can
search for specific product name references (CICS, MVS/ESA, etc.), or   
the MXG member name or product acronyms.  Member CHANGESS contains all  
changes in all MXG versions.  Member CHANGEnn is a copy of the CHANGES  
member that was shipped in MXG version nn.                              
Member NEWSLTRS contains the text of all newsletters.  You can search   
NEWSLTRS for product name or acronym to find the technical notes, APARs,
etc., from all MXG newsletters.  The Change Log pages of each Newsletter
are in member CHANGESS and are not repeated in member NEWSLTRS.         
Member DOCVER lists alphabetically ALL datasets and variables that can  
be build by this MXG Software Version.  "Delta-documentation" between   
MXG versions, which lists only those datasets and variables that were   
changed by version "nn" is found in DOCVERnn members.                   
Chapter FORTY in the 1984 MXG Guide and 1987 MXG Supplement books are   
still the primary documentation of MXG datasets and their variables.    
This should be the first place you look for information about MXG       
variables and/or datasets, but as each section of chapter FORTY is      
rewritten, it becomes an ADOCxxxx member of MXG.SOURCLIB, providing     
online documentation for product xxxx.  ADOCs contain alphabetic        
descriptions of datasets and variables, the instructions on how to      
enable that product, bibliography to the vendor documentation, sample   
PROC PRINT and PROC MEANS of real data, and the MXG member names that   
you use to process that product, etc.  Sounds great? It will be when    
finished - this is work still in progress!                              
There is an IMACxxxx member for every product supported by MXG.  Once   
you know the xxxx suffix for a product, you then know the names of all  
of the MXG members for that product:                                    
  IMACxxxx - Defines record IDs, and "_K,_L" macros for product xxxx.   
  ADOCxxxx - "Chapter FORTY" style dataset and variable documentation.  
  VMACxxxx - The "real" source code member, often extensively commented.
  TYPExxxx - Standalone member to test or process product xxxx records. 
  ASUMxxxx - Summarization example (only for some products)             
  TRNDxxxx - Trending example (only for some products)                  
  ANALxxxx - Reporting/analysis example (only for some products)        
  GRAFxxxx - SAS/GRAPH report example (only for some products)          
  EXyyyzzz - OUTPUT exit for each dataset.  There can be more than one  
             dataset per product.  The EX member name suffix yyyzzz is  
             the same as the suffix of "_L" and "_K" macros defined in  
             IMACxxxx for the product.  See further discussion under    
             "Using the MXG Exit Facilities".                           
   Member IMACAAAA is an index of all IMACs, and is the best place to   
   begin to find what xxxx suffix Merrill chose for which product!      
   You can often find additional documentation by searching members     
   NEWSLTRS or CHANGESS for the xxxx suffix.                            
Finally, remember that MXG is source code, so you can often find your   
answer by BROWSE/EDIT of the source member, especially the VMACs that   
actually create the data set, or ANALs that analyze the MXG data sets.  
In most cases, the MXG Variable name is the IBM or Vendor's field or    
DSECT field name. In other cases, the DSECT field name is carried as a  
comment beside in the MXG INPUT statement to map field name to MXG's    
variable name.  MXG does expect that you will also have access to the   
vendor's documentation of the data records you are processing.          
The MXG Technical Newsletter is published aperiodically, one copy per   
licensed site, and describes changes and enhancements to the software,  
provides APARs and PTFs affecting MXG users, and provides tutorial      
information of interest to MXG users.                                   
IX.   Change Log                                                        
--------------------------Changes Log---------------------------------  
 You MUST read each Change description to determine if a Change will    
 impact your site. All changes have been made in this MXG Library.      
 Member CHANGES of the MXG SOURCLIB will always be more accurate than   
 the printed changes in a Newsletter, because the software is created   
 after the newsletter is sent to the printer!                           
 Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of     
 MXG Software that is contained in that library.                        
 The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be  
 different that described in the change text (which might have printed  
 only the critical part of the correction that can be made by paper).   
 Scan each source member named in any impacting change for any comments 
 at the beginning of the member for additional documentation, since the 
 documentation of new datasets, variables, validation status, and notes,
 are often found in comments in the source members.                     
Alphabetic INDEX of significant changes after MXG 10.10 was shipped:    
  Member    Change   Description                                        
  ANALDB2R 11.007  Fails with PDB=SMF if account reports suppressed.    
  ANALDB2R 11.036  Suspension counts twice actual value.                
  ANALDB2R 11.037  Total Read IOs miscalculated on Statistics Summary   
  ANALDB2R 11.042  DB2 PMACC02 count of OPENS actually counted FETCHES. 
  ANALDB2R 11.043  DB2 PMSTA02 count of SUSPENDS usually zero.          
  ANALDSET 11.048  ERROR 455-185 for dataset TYPE30OM.                  
  ANALRMFR 11.024  Report fails with PDB=SMF, works with PDB=PDB.       
  ANALRMFR 11.069  Continued enhancement of RMF look-a-like reports.    
  ASUMDB2A 11.038  QTXAIRLM omitted from SUM= list                      
  ASUM70PR 11.022  PDB.RMFINTRV may be corrupted by ASUM70PR.           
  ASUM70PR 11.027  LP0MGTTM not in RETAIN list (affects only MDF)       
  ASUM70PR 11.041  ASUM70PR new variables, and mini-tutorial.           
  ASUM70PR 11.087  LP0MGTTM (Amdahl MDF only) incorrect.                
  BUILDPDB 18.094  Building your PDB on tape.                           
  BUILDPDB 11.089  Purge records lost if PRPRTY=4-7 or 12-15.           
  CHANGESS 11.074  New member CHANGESS contains ALL changes ALL Versions
  CLTIMER  11.035  STOP statement required by SAS Version 6.            
  CONFIG07 11.129  SAS Error 76-322 with numbered + unnumbered lines.   
  Doc      11.013  Change 10.175 typo, two _KTY0 should be _LTY0        
  DAILYDSN 11.076  Typos misspelled output datasets.                    
  DIFFHSM  11.019  Member did not use the "_L" macro names.             
  FMXGUCBL 11.088  Archaic UCBL function corrected.                     
  GRAFLPAR 11.079  Error "OUT OF MEMORY" due to SAS Error 6719.         
  IMACACCT 11.104  "VARIABLE SACCT1 NOT FOUND" can occur.               
  IMACICSA 11.110  Support for SAP Releases 4.3.J and 5.0.              
  JCLIMSLG 11.109  MXG 10.10 had wrong JCL in this example JCL member.  
  JCLTEST  11.012  SAS 5.18 WORK.#DIRMACR is out of space condition.    
  JCLTEST6 11.093  0C4 ABEND in SASXKERN if IBM exit IFGOEXOB used.     
  MONTHBLD 11.040  Error "DATASET TAPEMNTS NOT SORTED".                 
  RMFINTRV 11.008  TYPE74 tape counts in AVGRSPMS, DEVACTTM, etc.       
  TRNDDB2A 11.038  QTXAIRLM omitted from SUM= list                      
  TYPECIMS 11.073  INVALID VALUE FOR TH corrected.                      
  TYPEDB2  11.005  INVALID 3rd ARGUMENT IN SUBSTR, variable JOB blank.  
  TYPEDB2  11.006  Variable QDSTQDBT is incorrect.                      
  TYPEDB2  11.050  DB2ACCT variable NETSNAME incorrectly padded.        
  TYPEDCOL 11.057  DCOLLECT SMSDATA (SMS constructs) cause STOPOVER.    
  TYPEDOS  11.106  Support for DOS/VSE POWER 5.1.                       
  TYPEHMF  11.049  Support for HMF, Host Monitoring Facility product.   
  TYPEHSM  11.078  New HSM dataset HSMFSRBO, IMACHSM changed.           
  TYPEMEMO 11.032  New variables TRANTIME TRANCOST added.               
  TYPENSPY 11.029  Variable SNITIME incorrect.                          
  TYPEOMAU 11.092  Omegamon 2.60 Audit Record moved OMSUBSID.           
  TYPEOPC  11.122  Variables added to OPC24_6 and OPC24D_C datasets.    
  TYPESTC  11.124  Missing values for several variables corrected.      
  TYPESYNC 11.056  Support for SYNCSORT Release 3.5 new variables.      
  TYPETAO  11.034  "INVALID DATA FOR TAOSTYP" messages.                 
  TYPETCP  11.028  TCP/IP addresses reformatted.                        
  TYPEVM   11.113  Support for VM/ESA Release 2.1 Accounting record.    
  TYPEVMXA 11.112  Support for VM/ESA Release 2.1 Monitor records.      
  TYPEVVDS 11.103  Blank values for SMS Storage, Data, etc., Classes.   
  TYPEX37  11.070  STOPX37 Release 3.5 records incorrectly documented.  
  TYPEX37  11.091  Variable MESSAGE not decided in STOPX37 Rel 3.5.     
  TYPEZARA 11.059  Support for ZARA, The Tape Media Manager from Altai. 
  TYPE102  11.085  Variables QW0145SC/QW0145LL not input.               
  TYPE102  11.107  IFCID 53 and 58 records may have been dropped.       
  TYPE110  11.023  Omegamon V550 APAR QOC0451/QOC0534 bad record error. 
  TYPE110  11.080  STARTIME in CICINTRV dataset is actually ENDTIME.    
  TYPE28   11.116  Support for NPM APAR OY54370.                        
  TYPE30   11.002  INVALID OMVS TRIPLET message, no observations.       
  TYPE30   11.003  Type 30 Interval INTBTIME/INTETIME wrong in MVS 4.3. 
  TYPE30   11.004  Variable DSSIZHWM is incorrect.                      
  TYPE30   11.033  Small negative values for ACTDLYTM.                  
  TYPE30   11.060  JELAPSTM and others large (positive or negative).    
  TYPE37   11.031  Undocumented LAN variables BRFSMADR BRFSMNAM added.  
  TYPE42   11.021  New TYPE42DS has GMT values in INTERVAL record.      
  TYPE7072 11.016  TYPE72MN dataset contains only one PERFGRP.          
  TYPE73   11.015  TYPE73 contains observations for dummy CHPIDs        
  TYPE73   11.102  Zero observations in TYPE73.                         
  TYPE73   11.114  PNCHANBY (EMIF Partition Channel Busy) added.        
  TYPE80   11.117  Support for Top Secret Release 4.3.                  
  TYPE80A  11.017  INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED error.                      
  TYPE80A  11.054  TYPE80A fails with INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.         
  VMACNSPY 11.130  Legent LANSPY #DGL249 circumvention.                 
  VMACX37  11.133  STOPX37 undocumented VOLSER,MSGCODE found.           
  VMAC110  11.138  Skip over SAP Journal Records circumvention.         
  VMAC30   11.126  Type 30 APPC fields accumulation corrected OY63634.  
  VMAC30   11.140  Asynchronous Data Mover read/writes in APAR OY65142. 
  VMXGHSM  11.131  HSM BCDS dataset MCB incomplete, too few obs.        
  VMXGVTOF 11.030  Variable DS4IVTOC was not kept.                      
  WEEKBLD  11.040  Error "DATASET TAPEMNTS NOT SORTED".                 
Inverse chronological list of all Changes:                              
---Changes 11.140-11.001 were printed in MXG NEWSLETTER TWENTY-FOUR---- 
     and can be found in member CHANGES of MXG Version 11.03