         MXG Version 18.18 is  dated Feb 12, 2001, thru Change 18.360.  
         MXG Newsletter THIRTY-EIGHT is dated Feb 12, 2001.             
         MXG Version 18.12 was dated Jan 30, 2001, thru Change 18.341.  
         MXG Version 18.11 was dated Jan  4, 2001, thru Change 18.315.  
First    MXG Version 18.10 was dated Dec 20, 2000, thru Change 18.303.  
         MXG Version 18.09 was dated Oct 24, 2000, thru Change 18.264.  
         MXG Newsletter THIRTY-SEVEN was dated Oct 24, 2000.            
         MXG Version 18.08 was dated Sep 25, 2000, thru Change 18.238.  
         MXG Version 18.07 was dated Aug 31, 2000, thru Change 18.217.  
First    MXG Version 18.07 was dated Aug 30, 2000, thru Change 18.216.  
Test     MXG Version 18.07 was dated Aug 27, 2000, thru Change 18.204.  
         MXG Version 18.06 was dated Jul 28, 2000, thru Change 18.177.  
         MXG Version 18.05 was dated Jul  1, 2000, thru Change 18.154.  
         MXG Version 18.04 was dated May 15, 2000, thru Change 18.109.  
Final    MXG Version 18.03 was dated Apr 17, 2000, thru Change 18.086.  
         MXG Version 18.03 was dated Apr 12, 2000, thru Change 18.083.  
First    MXG Version 18.03 was dated Apr 11, 2000, thru Change 18.081.  
Final    MXG Version 18.02 was dated Mar 29, 2000, thru Change 18.052.  
Second   MXG Version 18.02 was dated Mar 16, 2000, thru Change 18.046.  
First    MXG Version 18.02 was dated Mar 15, 2000, thru Change 18.043.  
         MXG Version 18.01 was dated Mar  3, 2000, thru Change 18.021.  
         MXG Version 17.17 was dated Feb  7, 2000, thru Change 17.398.  
      Newsletter THIRTY-SIX was dated Feb 7, 2000, thru Change 17.398.  
Contents of member CHANGES:                                             
  Member NEWSLTRS (and the Newsletters frame at now 
  contain the current MXG Technical Notes that used to be put in member 
  CHANGES between Newsletters.  New Technical Notes are now added (and  
  now dated!) in NEWSLTRS/Newsletters with each new MXG Version.        
I.    MXG Software Version 18.18 was shipped to all MXG licensees.      
II.   Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 18.18.                  
III.  Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
IV.   Changes Log                                                       
I.   MXG Software Version 18.18 is the annual version, Feb 12, 2001, and
     it was sent to all MXG sites, and contains NEWSLETTER THIRTY-EIGHT.
    Major enhancements added in MXG 18.18:                              
     Support for z/OS Version 1.1 (COMPATIBLE).                         
     Support for CICS/TS for z/OS Version 2.1 (INCOMPATIBLE).           
     Support for DB2 Version 7.1 (COMPATIBLE).                          
     Support for Vital Signs VisionNet VSV TCPIP stats.                 
     Support for Innovation Data Processing's FDR SMF.                  
     Support for SYNCSORT Release 3.7 (COMPAT).                         
     Support for IBM TapeTools MOUNTMON user SMF record.                
     ASUMTALO MAXDRVS greater than installed tape drives corrected.     
     New   MACRO _Vdddddd KEEP=x y z %;    finally makes KEEP= easy.    
    Major enhancements added in MXG 18.12:                              
     Support for CA UNICENTER TNG AIX, CISCO, NT, and SOLARIS objects.  
     Support for SOLVE SMF Subtypes 1 and 2.                            
     Support for SHADOW SMF Subtype 6.                                  
     Support for IBM Domino WebServer Logs enhanced.                    
     Support for DFSMSRMM 1.5 changes (COMPATIBLE).                     
    Major enhancements added in MXG 18.11:                              
     Support for DB2 Space Manager 2.1 (INCOMPAT).                      
     Support for NPM APAR OW45788 corrects LXETxxxx.                    
     Scheduling Environment variables added to PDB.JOBS                 
     MXG execution under SAS V8.1 notes consolidated in NEWSLTRS member.
     Documentation of the Internal Logic of BUILDPDB in DOCPDB member.  
     Erroneous EXCLUDED FIELDS message, MXG 18.10 only, TS 1.3 only.    
    Major enhancements added in MXG 18.10:                              
      RMFINTRV now calculates MSU4HRAV 4-hour running MSU avg for z/OS. 
      DB2ACCT variable DB2TCBTM included Stored Proc AS CPU time twice. 
      Support for MQ Series V5.2 (INCOMPATIBLE) SMF 115 and SMF 116.    
      Support for Websphere Appl Server (EE) Component Broker SMF 120.  
      Support for TMON for MVS 2.0 NQ records corrected.                
      Support for ANALRMFR to create HTTP Server Report from SMF 103.   
      Using IMACJBCK for DB2ACCT selection saves CPU time               
      NPM Type 28 Subtype 'DC'x caused INPUT EXCEEDED.                  
      CICINTRV request for "EOD" did not sum correctly.                 
      CICS 1.3 SAP Journal records in CICSJOUR vice CICSSAP             
      Support for Vital Signs VisionNet VSAM file.                      
      Short JES3 type 6 record protected.                               
      Support for APAR OW37743 corrected.                               
      CICINTRV DSA size variables corrected.                            
      Support for NETVIEW SMF 38 APAR OW45728.                          
    Major enhancements added in MXG 18.09:                              
      Support for NPM APAR OW37743 (INCOMPATIBLE if TIC3 and 3746).     
      Support for Neon System's Shadow Server V4.5 SMF record.          
      Support for NTSMF ADSM, ColdFusion, MQSeries, WorldSecure objects.
      Support for Candle's Omegamon for VTAM TCP record.                
      TYPE74 PCTDVUSE,PCTDVCON, etc for PAV Volumes now less than 100%. 
      GRAFWORK/GRAFRMFI/GRAFTAPE SAS/GRAPH examples now output as HTML  
      TYPE70 variable CPCMODEL ('RX6') added, was already in TYPE70PR.  
      Format $MGSASPR maps SAS PROC name to Product name, for SAS SMF.  
    Major enhancements added in MXG 18.08:                              
      Support for Landmark TMON for VTAM.                               
      Support for Landmark TMON for DBCTL.                              
      Support for Omegamon for VTAM V500 (COMPAT).                      
      Support for Enterprise Data Access, EDA, SMF record.              
      Support for AS/400 Collection Services records.                   
      Summarization/Trending for STC datasets.                          
      ANALUAFF finds wasted tape drives for SORT without UNIT=AFF.      
    Major enhancements added in MXG 18.07:                              
      Support for OS/390 R2.10 (INCOMPAT!).  See Change 18.134.         
         R2.10 support was included in MXG 18.06, although there was no 
         statement of support in that Version, and the Change text was  
         "Reserved".  MXG 18.06 or later is required for OS/390 R2.10.  
      Support for BMC MainView for MQ Series History File V2.1.         
      Support for APAR II11493 (INCOMPAT) type 50 SMF.                  
      Support for APAR PN61399 TCP type 118 SMF.                        
      Support for NTSMF object "SESSION", from Term Svcs.               
      Support for APAR OW45168 SMF type 94 confirmed.                   
      Support for APAR OW43854, adds OPENTIME to SMF 62 and 64.         
      VMXGSUM revisions, VIEW used, can avoid I/O, can be big savings.  
      ASUMUOW revised, MQ Series added to DB2+CICS, VIEW used for speed.
      TYPE71 Memory (Hi,Med,Low Impact Frames) now correct and useful.  
      Datasets TYPE7 and TYPE23 now automatically built by BUILDPDB/3.  
      Example ANALCNCR and PROC TABULATE create HTML format reports.    
      New %MACRO VMXGENG returns the ENGINE of a SAS dataset.           
      MXG Y2K error, BMC CICS Manager type 110 segment corrected.       
    Major enhancements added in MXG 18.06:                              
      Support for OS/390 R2.10 (INCOMPAT!).  See Change 18.134.         
      Support for OS/400 Release 4.5.0 (INCOMPATIBLE).                  
      Support for IHS WEBSERVER SMF 103 APAR PQ32435, adds JOB/ASID.    
      Support for BETA93 Release 321 INCOMPATIBLE subtype 1 record.     
      Revised support for TYPEEDGS/TYPEEDGB for DFSMS/rmm.              
      TCP SMF 118 Bad Record INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED corrected (again).
      SAS Version 8.1 causes Condition Code 4 and prints log message:   
       because the length of their &SYSVER Version macro was shortened  
       from four to three.  There is no execution impact, fortunately,  
       except that the warning causes MVS Condition Code/Return Code of 
       four instead of zero, and wastes your time in reading this!      
       See further discussion in Change 18.159 which revises MXG.       
    Major enhancements added in MXG 18.05:                              
      Support for Domino Server R5.0.3 subtypes 2 and 6.                
      Support for Type 42 RLS Subtype 19 enhanced, fixed.               
      Support for COM Tran Integrator, TN3270 Server, etc.              
      Support for new NTSMF Objects in Windows 2000 Server.             
      Support for IBM Websphere SMF type 103 subtype 2 undoc field.     
      Support for 3494 Peer-to-Peer (Gemini).                           
      Support for APAR OW41317 support, INCOMPAT R2.7, R2.8, R2.9.      
      IMS Log Version 5.1 caused zero obs in IMSTRAN in TYPEIMSA.       
      ANALSMJB Who is filling your active VSAM SMF file utility.        
      MEMSIZE removed, S=72,S2=72 restored to CONFIGV8.                 
      Trending of NTSMF LOGLDISK for NT disk space in TRNDNTLD.         
      Additional ESS variables now decoded from type 6.                 
      Summarize TYPETCPT to track concurrent users in ASUMTCPT.         
    Major enhancements added in MXG 18.04:                              
      SAS V8.0/V8.1 errors can corrupt variable labels in tape datasets 
       built by the V8SEQ "tape" engine.  Until the errors are fixed, I 
       strongly recommend that you change the default "tape" engine to  
       V6SEQ instead of V8SEQ (by adding SEQENGINE=V6SEQ to the CONFIGV8
       member in your CONFIG concatenation, and by changing any LIBNAMEs
       with "TAPE" engine specified to "V6SEQ", as discussed in the SAS 
       Technical Note 5 in Newsletter-to-be THIRTY-SEVEN (in NEWSLTRS & 
       in Newsletters on homepage), and in the text of Change 18.104.   
       Update July 26:  SAS ZAP Z8002651 exists and corrects the error, 
       so that with that ZAP installed, the V8SEQ engine can be used.   
      TYPEIMSB correction for IMS 6.1 log processing.                   
      Support for Roger Software Development RSD FOLDERS.               
      Support for MainView for CICS 5.3.01 (INCOMPATIBLE).              
    Major enhancements added in MXG 18.03:                              
      Support for OS/390 Release 2.9 (17.17 support was not correct).   
      Support for NETSPY Release 5.3 (COMPATIBLE).                      
      Support for CMA Release 1.11 (COMPATIBLE).                        
      Support for OAM Release 1.5.0 (INCOMPATIBLE) SMF 85.              
      Support for Systemware SYSOUT X/PTR, JHS, MPS, and C/QUE.         
      IMS Log OTMA/APPC transactions supported, dates fixed in ASMIMSLx.
      ASUM70PR/ASUMCEC with ICFs had PCTLnBY and LPnDUR wrong           
      ASUMTALO corrected for SPINning (in-flight) allocations.          
      KEEPALL= argument for VMXGSUM was externalized to a Global macro. 
    Major enhancements added in MXG 18.02:                              
      Support for Tivoli Netview Performance Monitor NPM 2.5 (SMF 28).  
      Support for GUTS Gutenberg Time Sharing user SMF records.         
      Support for optional CICS RMI counters.                           
      Support for Oracle Version 7.3.3 (INCOMPATIBLE)                   
      Support for retrofit APAR OW41317 was in MXG 17.17                
      Support for type 21 APAR OW40414, added four byte fields.         
      Recognition and non-counting of ICF processors is now corrected.  
    Major enhancements added in MXG 18.01:                              
      MXG 18.01 replaced MXG 17.17 for ITSV sites.  Changes made in MXG 
      17.17 to BUILDPDB/BUILDPD3, RMFINTRV, and ASUMTALO members had not
      been tested with ITSV when MXG 17.17 was shipped.  Change 18.009. 
      Using Report Performance Groups or Reporting Classes in IMACWORK  
      to define the workloads in our RMFINTRV dataset did not work in   
      MXG 17.17; enhancements to VMXGRMFI (invoked in RMFINTRV) support 
      using any mixture of report/control/service class to define your  
      RMFINTRV workloads.  Revised UTILRMFI can be used to discover any 
      overlap if you get the "CPU TIMES DO NOT MATCH" error message.    
      Support for DB2 6.1 Buffer Pools 100+ in DB2ACCT/DB2STATS.        
      Support for Type 79 Subtype 15 IRLM Long Lock now validated.      
      ASUMUOW adds DB2ELAP to output, corrects wait for SPUN UOWs.      
      You can now use (COMPRESS=YES) with MACRO _Ldddddd definitions.   
      Blank value in JOBCLASS corrected.                                
      ANALDSET needed _NULL to be added to its DATA statement.          
      Invalid Y2K date in BETA93 product now protected.                 
      Type 39 record INPUT EXCEEDED RECORD error corrected.             
  See member NEWSLTRS or the Newsletters frame at for       
  current MXG Technical Notes that used to be in CHANGES.               
  MXG 18.18 has been tested with SAS 6.09, SAS V8.0 TS M0/M1 and V8.1.  
  All of these enhancements are described in the Change Log, below.     
    Availability dates for the IBM products and MXG version required:   
                                       Availability     MXG Version     
      Product Name                     Date              Required       
      MVS/ESA 4.1                      Oct 26, 1990         8.8         
      MVS/ESA 4.2                      Mar 29, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.2.2                    Aug 15, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.3                      Mar 23, 1993        10.10        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - compatibility    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - Goal Mode        May  3, 1995        13.01        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.0                    Jun 15, 1995        13.05        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.2                    Oct 19, 1995        13.09        
      OS/390  1.1.0                    Feb 22, 1996        14.01        
      OS/390  1.2.0                    Sep 30, 1996        14.05        
      OS/390  1.3.0 Compatibility Mode Mar 28, 1997        14.14        
      OS/390  1.3.0 WLM Goal Mode      Mar 28, 1997        15.02        
      OS/390  2.4.0                    Sep 28, 1997        15.06        
      OS/390  2.5.0                    Feb 24, 1998        15.06        
      OS/390  2.6.0                    Sep 24, 1998        16.04        
      OS/390  2.7.0                    Mar 26, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.7.0 APAR OW41317       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.8.0                    Aug 24, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.8.0 APAR OW41317       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.8.0 FICON/SHARK        Aug 24, 1999        17.08        
      OS/390  2.8.0 APAR OW41317       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.9.0                    Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390 2.10.0                    Sep 15, 2000        18.06        
      OS/390  PAV                      Oct 24, 2000        18.09        
      z/OS    1.1                      Mar 30, 2001        18.11        
      CICS/ESA 3.2                     Jun 28, 1991         9.9         
      CICS/ESA 3.3                     Mar 28, 1992        10.01        
      CICS/ESA 4.1                     Oct 27, 1994        13.09        
      CICS/ESA 5.1 aka CICS/TS V1R1    Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-Transaction Server V1R1     Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-TS V1R1 with APAR UN98309   Sep 15, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R2  CICS/TS 1.2        Oct 27, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R3  CICS/TS 1.3        Mar 15, 1999        17.04        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 2.1     Mar 15, 2001        18.11        
      CRR 1.6                          Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      CRR 1.7                          Apr 25, 1996        14.02        
      DB2 2.3.0                        Oct 28, 1991        10.01        
      DB2 3.1.0                        Dec 17, 1993        13.02A       
      DB2 4.1.0 Tolerate               Nov  7, 1995        13.07        
      DB2 4.1.0 Full support           Sep 11, 1996        14.07        
      DB2 5.1.0 Tolerate               Jun 27, 1997        14.14        
      DB2 5.1.0 Full support           Jun 27, 1997        15.02        
      DB2 6.1.0 initial support        Mar 15, 1999        16.09        
      DB2 6.1.0 all buffer pools       Mar 15, 1999        18.01        
      DB2 7.1.0                        Mar 30, 2001        18.11        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.1                    Mar 13, 1993        11.11        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.2                    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.3                    Dec 29, 1995        13.09        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4                    Sep 28, 1997        15.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4 HSM                Sep 23, 1998        16.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.5                    ??? ??, 1999        16.04        
      MQM 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4          Apr 25, 1996        14.02        
      MQ Series 1.2.0                  May 26, 1998        16.02        
      MQ Series 2.1.0                  Oct  2, 1999        17.07        
      NETVIEW 3.1 type 37              ??? ??, 1996        14.03        
      NPM 2.0                          Dec 17, 1993        12.03        
      NPM 2.2                          Aug 29, 1994        12.05        
      NPM 2.3                          ??? ??, 1996        15.08        
      NPM 2.4                          Nov 18, 1998        17.01        
      NPM 2.5                          Feb ??, 2000        18.02        
      RMDS 2.1, 2.2                    Dec 12, 1995        12.12        
      TCP/IP 3.1                       Jun 12, 1995        12.12        
      TCP/IP 3.4                       Sep 22, 1998        16.04        
      DOS/VSE POWER V6.3.0             Dec 19, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.0                      Dec 23, 1992        10.04        
      VM/ESA  2.1                      Jun 27, 1993        12.02        
      VM/ESA  2.2                      Nov 22, 1994        12.06        
      VM/ESA  2.3                      ??? ??, ????        16.08        
      IMS     4.1                      Jul  4, 1994        12.02        
      IMS     5.1                      Jun  9, 1996        14.05        
      IMS     6.1                      ???  ?, 199?        16.04        
      AS400 3.7.0                      Nov  1, 1996        15.01        
      AS400 4.1.0                      Dec 30, 1996        15.08        
      AS400 4.2.0                      Apr 27, 1998        16.02        
      AS400 4.4.0                      Sep 27, 1999        17.07        
    Availability dates for non-IBM products and MXG version required:   
                                                        MXG Version     
      Product Name                                       Required       
      SAS Institute                                                     
         SAS V8 (TS M0), (TS M1):                                       
         (Read member NEWSLTRS (search 'V8') for other V8 notes.        
       MXG 16.16 runs, prints "options CODEPCT/BLKSIZE don't exist".    
       MXG 17.01 removed options in CONFIGv8 member, Change 17.073.     
       MXG 17.07 exploits 32K character var length, Change 17.253       
       MXG 17.08 exploits INHERIT option VMXGSUM, Change 17.265.        
       MXG 18.04 changes V8 default to SEQENGINE=V6SEQ.  Change 18.104. 
       Windows NT 4.0 and NT 3.51                          14.14        
       Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 2                       15.03        
       Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 5                       16.04        
       Windows 2000 Build 2195                             17.10        
      Demand Technology                                                 
       NTSMF Version 1 Beta                                14.11        
       NTSMF Version 2.0                                   15.05        
       NTSMF Version 2.1                                   15.06        
       NTSMF Version 2.2                                   16.04        
       NTSMF Version 2.3                                   17.10        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 2                       13.06        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.0                     16.02        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.1                     16.02        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.2 -                      12.12        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.3 -                      15.01        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 2.0 -                      15.06        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.3  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.5  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 2.0  -                      15.09        
       Omegamon for CICS V200 User SMF                     12.05        
       Omegamon for CICS V300 User SMF                     13.06        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 User SMF                     16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 type 110 segments            16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V500 User SMF                     18.01        
       Omegamon for IMS V110 (ITRF)                        12.12        
       Omegamon for IMS V300 (ITRF)                        14.04        
       Omegamon for MVS V300                               13.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V400                               13.06        
       Omegamon for DB2 Version 2.1/2.2                    13.05        
       Omegamon for VTAM V160                              12.04A       
       Omegamon for VTAM V400                              15.15        
       Omegamon for VTAM V500                              18.08        
       Omegamon for SMS V100/V110                          12.03        
       ACF2 6.2                                            16.04        
       ASTEX 2.1                                           14.04        
       NETSPY 4.7                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.0                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.2                                          16.05        
       NETSPY 5.3                                          18.03        
      Boole & Babbage                                                   
       IMF 3.1 (for IMS 5.1)                               12.12        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1 only)                          15.09        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 5.1 and 6.1)                       16.04        
       LMS 3.1                                             12.12A       
      MXG IMS-Log Not-Officially-Supported                              
       IMS 6.1  -   ASMIMSL6/TYPEIMSA                      18.03        
       IMS 5.1  -   ASMIMSL5/TYPEIMSA                      18.03        
       APAF 4.1, 4.3                                       16.08        
II.   Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 18.10.                  
    MXG Definitions with regard to MXG Software Changes:                
    COMPATIBLE   A change in a data record which did not alter either   
                 the location or the format of all of the previously-   
                 kept MXG variables is COMPATIBLE, and you can continue 
                 to run the old version of MXG software, which will read
                 the new records without error, but none of any new data
                 fields or any new record subtypes will be created/kept 
                 until you install the MXG Version with this change.    
                 A change that alters any previously kept variable is   
                 INCOMPATIBLE, and requires the new version to be used. 
    TOLERATE     In other words, the old MXG Version TOLERATES the new  
                 data records, if they are COMPATIBLY changed.          
    EXPLOIT      Once you use the new MXG Version to read the changed   
                 records, all of the new fields, subtypes, etc, that are
                 described in this change will be created in the MXG    
                 datasets, so the new MXG Version EXPLOITS the new data,
                 and you have full support of the new data records.     
    INCOMPAT     A change in a data record that causes the current MXG  
                 version to fail, visibly or invisibly, with or without 
                 error conditions or messages, and the output datasets  
                 may contain wrong values and incomplete observations,  
                 and/or observations may have been lost.                
                 You MUST install the new MXG Version with this change  
                 to process data records that have been INCOMPATIBLY    
                 changed by their vendor.                               
 1. Incompatibilities introduced in MXG 18.10 (since MXG 17.17):        
  a- No changes in MXG architecture were made between 17.17 and 18.10   
     that introduced incompatibilities.                                 
 2. Installation and re-installation procedures are described in detail 
    in member INSTALL (which also lists common Error/Warning messages a 
    new user might encounter), and sample JCL is in member JCLINSTL.    
III.  Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
    MXG Documentation is now described in member DOCUMENT.              
    See also member INDEX, but it may be overwhelming.                  
IV.   Changes Log                                                       
--------------------------Changes Log---------------------------------  
 You MUST read each Change description to determine if a Change will    
 impact your site.  All changes have been made in this MXG Library.     
 Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of     
 MXG Software that is contained in that library.                        
 The CHANGES selection on our homepage at            
 is always the most current information on MXG Software status,         
 and is frequently updated.                                             
 Important changes are also posted to the MXG-L ListServer, which is    
 also described by a selection on the homepage.  Please subscribe.      
 The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be  
 different than described in the change text (which might have printed  
 only the critical part of the correction that need be made by users).  
 Scan each source member named in any impacting change for any comments 
 at the beginning of the member for additional documentation, since the 
 documentation of new datasets, variables, validation status, and notes,
 are often found in comments in the source members.                     
Alphabetical list of important changes after MXG 17.17 now in MXG 18.10:
  Member   Change    Description                                        
  SAS V8  SAS Version 8.1 notes are updated in member NEWSLTRS.
  many     18.001  Duplicate removal by MXG _Sdddddd macro enhanced.    
  many     18.338  Description of soon-to-be-pervasive  MACRO _Vdddddd. 
  many     18.317  Support for z/OS R1.1 (COMPATIBLE).                  
  many     18.338  New  MACRO _Vdddddd KEEP=x y z % ;  syntax defined.  
  ANAL94   18.218  Report failed with PDB=SMF/PDBOUT=PDB.               
  ANALCNCR 18.326  Support for interval specification of MINUTE.        
  ANALCNR  18.089  Last period for synchronized intervals corrected.    
  ANALDB2R 18.067  Negative DD counts for OPEN/USED DDs in reports.     
  ANALDB2R 18.246  DB2 Report PMAUD03 failed, semicolon missing.        
  ANALDB2R 18.329  DB2 Accounting Summary enhanced for DB2 Version 6.   
  ANALDSET 18.010  _NULL_ needs to be added to DATA statement.          
  ANALHTML 18.177  ANALCNCR/PROC TABULATE HTML format reports w/ODS.    
  ANALRMFR 18.028  Partition Data Report supports CP/ICF.               
  ANALRMFR 18.302  Support for RMF HTTP Server Report from SMF 103.     
  ANALSMJB 18.149  Who is filling your active VSAM SMF file utility.    
  ANALTCP  18.091  Sample TCP/IP basic analysis reports.                
  ANALUAFF 18.234  Detect wasted tape drives for SORT without UNIT=AFF. 
  ASMIMSL5 18.030  APPC transactions caused negative SERVICETM          
  ASMIMSL5 18.060  IMS transactions thru OTMA and APPC revised.         
  ASMIMSL6 18.287  Assembly error: CLOSE (R3) s/b CLOSE ((R3)).         
  ASUM42DS 18.140  Variables CIOPCT, HITPCT, RDHITPCT were incorrect.   
  ASUM70PR 18.131  Amdahl SMF 70 LPARNUM=0, LPARNAME=Inactive error.    
  ASUMSTC  18.235  Summarization/Trending for STC datasets.             
  ASUMTALO 18.013  Failed under ITSV or with USER=WORK: Member Lock.... 
  ASUMTALO 18.346  MAXDRVS greater than installed tape drives corrected.
  ASUMTCPT 18.122  Summarize TYPETCPT to track concurrent users.        
  ASUMUOW  18.007  Wait times for spun UOWs corrected, DB2ELAP added.   
  ASUMUOW  18.204  Major rewrite, adds MQ Series data, easy tailoring.  
  BLDNTPDB 18.145  Revisions to use symbolics instead of hardcode dsn.  
  BUILDPD3 18.124  BUILDPD3 fails, VARS NOT SORTED WORK.TYPE25.         
  BUILDPDB 18.018  Blank value for JOBCLASS corrected.                  
  BUILDPDB 18.094  If you want to write the PDB output to tape.         
  BUILDPDB 18.184  Datasets TYPE7 and TYPE23 now automatically built.   
  BUILDPDB 18.217  BUILDPDB Missing _S21 to build PDB.TAPES.            
  BUILDPDB 18.259  Do not redefine MACRO _BLD005 under SAS V8.          
  BUILDPDB 18.306  Scheduling Environment variables added to PDB.JOBS   
  BUILDPDB 18.312  Variable DATETIME now contains correct value.        
  BUILDxxx 18.014  Warning CODEPASS=2 eliminated, can be disregarded.   
  CONFIGV8 18.104  SAS V8 requires SEQENGINE=V6SEQ for tape datasets.   
  CONFIGV8 18.147A MEMSIZE removed, S=72,S2=72 restored to CONFIGV8.    
  DOCITSV  18.310  Example of ITSV macros needed to add new variable.   
  DOCMXG   18.168  Example of how to use USER=XYZ with MXG.             
  DOCPDB   18.315  Documentation of the Internal Logic of BUILDPDB.     
  EXCECTIM 18.066  Exit for PDB.ASUMCEC with different system clocks.   
  FORMATS  18.240  SAS user SMF record, $MGSASPR maps Proc to Product.  
  GRAFRMFI 18.263  GRAFRMFI Graphs from RMFINTRV now output as HTML.    
  GRAFSAMP 18.264  GRAFWORK sample using mainframe PDB, output to LAN.  
  GRAFTAPE 18.262  GRAFTAPE MXGTMNT and STK TRENDing, output as HTML.   
  GRAFWORK 18.264  GRAFWORK Graphs from RMFINTRV now output as HTML.    
  GRAFxxxx 18.220  SAS V8.0 (not 8.1) ERRORABEND with missing values.   
  IMAC6ESS 18.138  Additional ESS variables now decoded from type 6.    
  IMACICBB 18.190  MXG Y2K error, BMC CICS Manager now data-validated.  
  IMACICUS 18.036  Support for optional CICS RMI counters added.        
  IMACJBCK 18.289  Using IMACJBCK for DB2ACCT selection saves CPU time  
  JCLIMSL5 18.318  SORT FIELDS value should have been 35,8.             
  JCLMNTH  18.113  Monthly failed trying to build MONTH.ASUMCEC.        
  JCLUWOV  18.204  JCL Example for CICS+DB2+MQ Series merge.            
  MONTHBLD 18.135  WEEKBLD and MONTHBLD had wrong BY for TYPE30MU.      
  PRINTNL  18.058  No output if you did not use MXGSAS or CONFIG=.      
  RMFINTRV 18.000  Failed under ITSV, because of hardcode PDB.RMFINTRV. 
  RMFINTRV 18.111  Variable MVSLEVEL now kept in RMFINTRV.              
  RMFINTRV 18.298  Calculation of z/OS License Manager MSU4HRAV added.  
  RMFINTRV 18.345  High/Med/Low Impact Frame variables added to RMFINTRV
  TRNDNTLD 18.145  Trending of NTSMF LOGLDISK for NT disk space util.   
  TYPE102  18.178  DB2 6.1 only, IFCID 106, end comment missing.        
  TYPE102  18.330  SQL Text truncated to 100 characters with V8/NoCOMP. 
  TYPE103  18.092  TYPE1032 dataset had missing values for variables.   
  TYPE103  18.129  IBM Websphere SMF type 103 subtype 2 undoc field.    
  TYPE103  18.172  Support for IHS WEBSERVER SMF 103 APAR PQ32435.      
  TYPE103  18.198  Variable BYREADCA negative, now BYREADCA=KBREADCA.   
  TYPE108  18.119  Support for Domino Server R5.0.3 subtypes 2 and 6.   
  TYPE110  18.188  INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED 110 Journal GLRHTYPE=2.     
  TYPE110  18.250  CICS STAT STID=126 zero obs in CICCFS6D dataset.     
  TYPE110  18.276  CICS 1.3 SAP Journal records in CICSJOUR vice CICSSAP
  TYPE110  18.313  EXCLUDED FIELDS error message for TS 1.3 in error.   
  TYPE110  18.314  Support for CICS/TS for z/OS Version 2.1 (INCOMPAT). 
  TYPE110  18.333  New "Header" exit IHDR110S to skip unwanted STID's.  
  TYPE115  18.292A Support for MQ Series V5.2 (INCOMPATIBLE)            
  TYPE116  18.292A Support for MQ Series V5.2 (INCOMPATIBLE)            
  TYPE120  18.299  Support for Websphere Appl Server Comp Brok SMF 120. 
  TYPE21   18.026  Support for APAR OW40414, adds four byte fields.     
  TYPE28   18.032  Support for Tivoli Netview NPM V2R5 new subtypes.    
  TYPE28   18.254  Support for NPM APAR OW37743 (INCOMPAT if TIC3,3746).
  TYPE28   18.257  NPM 28 NPMSUBTY=14x NRT non-fatal MXG messages.      
  TYPE28   18.273  Support for APAR OW37743 corrected.                  
  TYPE28   18.279  NPM Type 28 Subtype 'DC'x caused INPUT EXCEEDED.     
  TYPE28   18.308  Support for NPM APAR OW45788 corrects LXETxxxx.      
  TYPE30   18.001  _Bdddddd list macros were updated for NODUP.         
  TYPE30   18.286  Init delays SMF30JQT/RQT/HQT/SQT incorrect.          
  TYPE30   18.344  Some duplicate steps were not removed by NODUP.      
  TYPE37   18.266  Support for NETVIEW SMF 38 APAR OW45728.             
  TYPE38   18.015  INPUT EXCEEDED RECORD SMF type 38 record.            
  TYPE39   18.185  Protection for NETVIEW SMF 39 overlaid ROUTE seg.    
  TYPE42   18.118  Support for Type 42 RLS Subtype 19 enhanced, fixed.  
  TYPE42   18.334  TYPE42XR dataset (XRC) was trashed; misaligned INPUT.
  TYPE50   18.197  Support for APAR II11493 (INCOMPAT) type 50 SMF.     
  TYPE6    18.137  Variable CUTSHEET in TYPE6/PDB.PRINT was wrong.      
  TYPE6    18.274  Short JES3 type 6 record protected.                  
  TYPE64   18.187  Support for APAR OW43854, adds OPENTIME to SMF 64.   
  TYPE70   18.258  Variable CPCMODEL ('RX6') added to TYPE70.           
  TYPE7072 18.023  SMF70CIN was reread, didn't remove ICFs.             
  TYPE7072 18.027  Support for retrofit APAR OW41317 was in MXG 17.17.  
  TYPE7072 18.120  APAR OW41317 support, INCOMPAT R2.7 or R2.8.         
  TYPE71   18.199  TYPE71 Memory (Hi,Med,Low Impact Frames) now useful. 
  TYPE74   18.049  "Broken RMF Record" over-protective, revised.        
  TYPE74   18.125  Extra observations in TYPE746B (HFG Global Buffs).   
  TYPE74   18.166  Variables R744Cxxx in TYPE74ST wrong in 2nd segment. 
  TYPE74   18.261  TYPE74 for PAV had over 100% for PCTDVUSE/ACT/CON/PND
  TYPE79   18.004  Type 79 subtype 15 IRLM Long Lock now validated.     
  TYPE80A  18.024  INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED in RACFTYPE=39 segment.     
  TYPE85   18.055  Support for OAM Release 1.5.0 (INCOMPATIBLE) SMF 85. 
  TYPE94   18.123  Support for 3494 Peer-to-Peer (Gemini).              
  TYPE94   18.176  Support for APAR OW45168 confirmed.                  
  TYPEAPAF 18.021  Support for APAF Release 4.6.                        
  TYPEBETA 18.019  Invalid Y2K date now protected in BETA93 records.    
  TYPEBETA 18.164  Support for BETA93 Release 321 INCOMPATIBLE.         
  TYPECIMS 18.051  IMF Fast Path INPQUEUE, ARRIVTIME corrected.         
  TYPECIMS 18.191  New variable PSBNAME was still blank.                
  TYPECIMS 18.225  Counts in CIMSDB2 and CIMSDBDS wrong after Ch 17.303.
  TYPECMA  18.056  Support for CMA Release 1.11 (COMPATIBLE).           
  TYPECMA  18.142  Subtype 6 variable SMFT06PC incorrect.               
  TYPEDB1  18.226  Variable JOB in DB2ACCT can be blank.                
  TYPEDB2  18.003  Support for DB2 6.1 Buffer Pools 100+ in DB2ACCT.    
  TYPEDB2  18.202  DB2GBPST,DB2STATS some QGBxxxx and QXxxxx vars wrong.
  TYPEDB2  18.305  Support for DB2 Version 7.1 (COMPATIBLE).            
  TYPEDB2  18.348  QWAXxxxx variables now put back in QWACxxxx.         
  TYPEDCOL 18.224  DCOLLECT sort macros now remove duplicates.          
  TYPEEDA  18.227  Support for Enterprise Data Access, EDA, SMF record. 
  TYPEEDGR 18.322  Support for DFSMSRMM 1.5 changes (COMPATIBLE).       
  TYPEEDGS 18.128  DFSMS/rmm dataset EDGSVREC had blank dataset names.  
  TYPEEDGS 18.162  Support for DFSMS/rmm TYPEEDGS/TYPEEDGB still wrong. 
  TYPEEREP 18.183  EREP Symptom Record was incorrectly output.          
  TYPEFDR  18.351  Support for Innovation Data Processing's FDR SMF.    
  TYPEFTP  18.141  Variable DVGSBCNT has always been wrong.             
  TYPEGUTS 18.040  Support for GUTS, Gutenberg Time Sharing, SMF.       
  TYPEICE  18.136  RECTYPE=5 records were incorrectly output.           
  TYPEIMSB 18.103  IMS log processing, 18.03 only, IMS 6.1 only, error. 
  TYPEIMSB 18.139  IMS Log Version 5.1 caused zero obs in IMSTRAN.      
  TYPEIMSB 18.283  IMS 6.1, MSGSZOUT a constant, wrong value.           
  TYPEMIM  18.029  Variables labeled and reformatted                    
  TYPEMVCI 18.087  Support for MainView for CICS 5.3.01 (INCOMPATIBLE). 
  TYPENSPY 18.069  Support for CA's NETSPY 5.3 (COMPATIBLE).            
  TYPENSPY 18.232  STOPOVER ABEND NETREC='I' with NSPYENTL=124.         
  TYPENSPY 18.323  Variable TIC_UTIL now created in NSPYTIC3 dataset.   
  TYPENTSM 18.110  Support for COM Tran Integrator, TN3270 Server, etc. 
  TYPENTSM 18.143  Support for new NTSMF Objects in Windows 2000 Server.
  TYPENTSM 18.193  Support for NTSMF object "SESSION", from Term Svcs.  
  TYPENTSM 18.245  Support for NTSMF ADSM/ColdFusn/MQSeries/WorldSecure 
  TYPEOMVT 18.229  Support for Omegamon for VTAM V500 (COMPAT).         
  TYPEOMVT 18.244  Support for Candle's Omegamon for VTAM TCP record.   
  TYPEORAC 18.034  Support for Oracle Version 7.3.3 (INCOMPATIBLE).     
  TYPEORAC 18.133  Oracle CPUTM is revised based on Oracle feedback.    
  TYPEQACS 18.222  Support for AS/400 Collection Services records.      
  TYPEQAPM 18.173  Support for OS/400 Release 4.5.0 (INCOMPAT LRECLs).  
  TYPERMFV 18.326  CSA, ECSA, SQA, ESQA variables calculated.           
  TYPERMFV 18.349  Support for RMF III for z/OS (COMPAT).               
  TYPERSDF 18.093  Support for Roger Software Development RSD FOLDERS.  
  TYPESARR 18.270  SARRU33 records from CA-VIEW subtype 33 corrected.   
  TYPESHDW 18.247  Support for Neon System's Shadow Server V4.5 SMF.    
  TYPESHDW 18.311  Support for SHADOW SMF Subtype 6.                    
  TYPESOLV 18.332  Support for SOLVE SMF Subtypes 1 and 2.              
  TYPESPMG 18.311  Support for DB2 Space Manager 2.1 (INCOMPAT).        
  TYPESTC  18.035  VTCS 2.2 VTV Timestamps invalid, corrected.          
  TYPESYNC 18.347  Support for SYNCSORT Release 3.7 (COMPAT).           
  TYPETCP  18.196  Support for APAR PN61399 TCP type 118 SMF.           
  TYPETLMS 18.355  Support for TLMS 5.5 records; there was no change.   
  TYPETMDC 18.231  Support for Landmark TMON for DBCTL.                 
  TYPETMS5 18.054  PROC SORTs now have _WTMSTMS/_WTMSDSN for Work copy. 
  TYPETMV2 18.290  Support for TMON for MVS 2.0 NQ records corrected.   
  TYPETMVT 18.236  Support for Landmark TMON for VTAM.                  
  TYPETNG  18.337  Support for CA's UNICENTER TNG performance cubes.    
  TYPEVITA 18.275  Support for Vital Signs VisionNet VSAM file.         
  TYPEVITA 18.353  Support for Vital Signs VisionNet VSV TCPIP stats.   
  TYPEWWW  18.327  Support for IBM Domino WebServer Logs enhanced.      
  TYPEXPTR 18.073  Support Systemware SYSOUT X/PTR, JHS, MPS, and C/QUE 
  UTILRMFI 18.017  Utility to detect overlap in RMFINTRV workloads.     
  VMACDB2  18.300  DB2ACCT variable DB2TCBTM included SPAS CPU twice.   
  VMXGCICI 18.268  CICINTRV DSA size variables corrected.               
  VMXGCICI 18.278  CICINTRV request for "EOD" did not sum correctly.    
  VMXGDEL  18.020  You can use (COMPRESS=YES) with MACRO _Ldddddd.      
  VMXGDUR  18.326  Support for interval specification of MINUTE.        
  VMXGENG  18.182  New %MACRO to determine the ENGINE of a SAS dataset. 
  VMXGRMFI 18.009  Using Report PGNs or Reporting Classes didn't work.  
  VMXGRMFI 18.088  Using VMXGRMFI with TREND= and PDB=blank corrected.  
  VMXGSUM  18.182  VIEW used to avoid physical I/O, can be big savings. 
  VMXGSUM  18.326  Support for interval specification of MINUTE.        
  VMXGUOW  18.204  New %MACRO to support ASUMUOW revisions.             
  VMXGUOW  18.281  Logic errors corrected.                              
  WEEKBLD  18.135  WEEKBLD and MONTHBLD had wrong BY for TYPE30MU.      
Inverse chronological list of all Changes:                              
NEXTCHANGE: Version 18.                                                 
======Changes thru 18.360 were in MXG 18.18 dated Feb 12, 2001======    
Change 18.360  Support for IBM's free MOUNTMON tape mount and allocation
EXMOUNTM       monitor creates the new MOUNTMON dataset from either the 
TYPEMOUN       flat file or the SMF record.  Support for this monitor   
TYPSMOUN       was prompted by concerns that the MXG Tape Mount Monitor 
VMACMOUN       was missing fast, scratch Virtual Tape mounts, and if the
VMXGINIT       IBM freebie did better, I was prepared to restructure the
Feb 11, 2001   ASUMTAPE logic to use their record instead of ASMTAPE's  
TYPFMOUN       SMF record, but the initial comparison with three day's  
               data with both monitors running showed MOUNTMON saw 462  
               mounts with 1 second sampling and MXGTMNT saw 452 with 2 
               second default sampling, so I'm greatly encourages that  
               no errors are seen in MXGTMNT capture of mounts.  However
               as the IBM monitor captures Device Pend/Dis/and Connect  
               times, I will evaluate an enhancement to combine both    
               monitor's data and improve the quality of MXG measurement
               of tape mounts and tape drive usage.  The IBM MOUNTMON   
               monitor is written and supported by Dennis Haight, and is
               available at
              -Member TYPFMOUN processes the flat file when MOUNTMON is 
               not writing to SMF.                                      
   Thanks to Mike Shapland, (i)Structure, USA.                          
Change 18.359  This analysis of the new z/OS MSU capacity was provided  
ANALMSU        by Alan Sherkow.  See the text of Change 18.298 for the  
Feb 11, 2001   discussion of PDB.RMFINTRV's new MSU4HRAV variable that  
               measures your current capacity in Millions of Service    
               Units (per hour) for License Manager pricing.            
   Thanks to Al Sherkow, I/S Management Strategies Ltd, USA.            
Change 18.358  My QA stream reports variables with blank labels, but now
DOC            I've actually used it to clean up labels in these members
                VMAC30   VMAC42   VMAC50   VMAC90A  VMAC91   VMACBGSI   
                VMXGRMFI.  These member's update date was updated but   
               the last change referenced is the prior change.          
Change 18.357  Eight TMS flag variables from the TMSREC record are now  
TYPETMS5       propagated into the pseudo TMSDSNB observation created   
VMACTMS5       from the TMSREC. The DSNBssss suffixes updated are       
                UPD/ETM/CAT/ABN/FILEISCA/DEFEXPOO/E99/DEF   (from TMS). 
               New DEVTYPE values for Redwood, STK 9842 and 3590E are   
               created from TRTCH values of E4-E7 and EA-EB.            
   Thanks to David Ehresman, University of Louisville, USA.             
Change 18.356  SAS SMF record pads SASPROC with '00'x instead of blank, 
VMACSASU       causing SASPROD to be UNKNOWN because the $MGSASPR table 
Feb  9, 2001   expected blanks.   SASPROC= TRANSLATE(SASPROC,' ','00'x);
               was added to convert the '00'x to blank (and note that   
               a blank, rather than '40'x is used so the code will work 
               under either ASCII or EBCDIC) before the create of:      
   Thanks to Jim Peddycord, The Northern Trust Company, USA.            
Change 18.355  Support for TLMS 5.5 records; there were no changes to   
TYPETLMS       the record or to MXG; this is just for documentation.    
Feb  9, 2001                                                            
Change 18.354  Collected updates and new features added.                
ASUMCACH      -ASUMCACH added KEEPALL=YES, ID=DEVICE and the logic to   
ASUMSMFI       keep only DASD devices; tape devices were reported.      
FORMATS       -New ASUMSMFI summarizes PDB.SMFINTRV, keeping only the   
VMXG2DTE       variables needed for problem solving and accounting.     
ASUM23        -New format MGPCTGR is used to print horizontal graphs in 
TRND23         DB2 reporting.                                           
ASUMVMNT      -New VMXG2DTE macro is self-documenting and provides the  
TRNDVMNT       creation of week-to-date and month-to-date summarization.
ASUMVTVM       The algorithms can interleave or APPEND the output.      
ADOCUOW       -Summarization and trending of TYPE23 (SMF activity) is   
Feb 12, 2001   provided in the new ASUM23/TRND23 members                
              -Summary of VSM recall and migrate activity by hour from  
               STCVSM19 records is provided in new ASUMVTVM member.     
              -Summary of VSM mount activity is summarized in ASUMVMNT  
               and TRNDVMNT from STCVSM13 records.                      
              -Revision of documentation for large volume CICS/DB2 shows
               how best to set up VMXGUOW processing, in member ADOCUOW.
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
   Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.                   
Change 18.353  Support for Vital Signs VisionNet Record created new MXG 
EXVITATC       dataset VSVTCPIP with VSV TCPIP Interface Stats, but     
IMACVITA       there will be additional datasets created from their VSAM
TYPEVITA       file.                                                    
Feb  8, 2001                                                            
   Thanks to Craig Collins, State of Wisconsin IT Services, USA.        
Change 18.352  Running MXG under ASCII SAS to create DB2ACCT dataset did
VMACDB2H       not convert the NETSNAME to ASCII, so you could not match
Feb  8, 2001   the DB2 plan back to its CICS transaction.               
   Thanks to Mark Cohen, DTS, ITALY.                                    
Change 18.351  Support for Innovation Data Processing's FDR user SMF    
EXFDRDSF       record creates new FDRDSF dataset with an observation for
FORMATS        each FDR event.                                          
Feb  8, 2001                                                            
   Thanks to Shawn Beardsley, NDC Health Information Services (AZ), USA.
Change 18.350  Cosmetic. Labels were missing for variables in VMACDB2   
VMAC28         VMAC42(SMF42NRS), and VMAC74(SMF74CNF,SMF74CNX).  Labels 
VMXGRMFI       for CSFRxxAV and ESFRxxAV that didn't have AVE, now do.  
Feb  7, 2001                                                            
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute ITSV, USA.                     
Change 18.349  Support for RMF III changes for z/OS COMPATIBLY added a  
EXZRBCPU       few fields, and three previously undecoded segments are  
EXZRBCSR       now decoded to create these three new datasets:          
EXZRBPGP         ZRBCPU - Processor                                     
IMACRMFV         ZRBCSR - Common Storage Remaining                      
VMACRMFV         ZRBPGP - Performance Group Period                      
VMXGINIT       This change also added the CSA/ECSA/SQA/ESQA variables in
Feb  5, 2001   Change 18.325.  Many variables are still the accumulated 
               value, and have not been divided by their sample count.  
               Please validate that the variables of interest to you do 
               match their RMF III screen values, and let me know if you
               find any needed corrections for MXG variables.           
   Thanks to Thom Kight, Fidelity Systems, USA.                         
Change 18.348  MXG created QWAXvvvv variables in DB2ACCT from the new   
VMACDB2        QWAX segment, but I failed to realize that most of those 
Feb  5, 2001   QWAX fields were existing QWACvvvv variables, with some  
               new QWAX fields.  Instead of extending QWAC, IBM created 
               the new QWAX segment; if it exists, your QWAC fields are 
               all zero. I should never have created the QWAXvvvv names.
               So this change now stores the QWAXvvvv values in QWACvvvv
               variables that exist, and creates new QWACvvvv variables 
               for the new QWAX fields.                                 
               I should DROP the QWAXvvvv variables now, but I can't do 
               that without warning, as those few of you who found the  
               QWAX variable names would have reports failed, so this is
               your warning:  Do Not use QWAXvvvv variable names.       
               Use their QWACvvvv counterpart instead.                  
               Variable names starting with QWAXvvvv will go away soon! 
               And if you want to drop them now, with this change, you  
               can use the _KDB2ACC macro to drop them, with:           
                 MACRO _KDB2ACC DROP=                                   
                QWAXOCNS QWAXSLNS QWAXDSNS QWAXOTNS                     
                QWAXAWFC QWAXFCCT QWAXIXLE QWAXIXLT                     
               QWAX fields so your existing and future programs work    
               with the same QWACvvvv names in your future reports, and 
               this change accomplishes that:  use QWACvvvv instead of  
               QWAXvvvv in any reports you write.                       
               QWAXxxxx variables should not have been created at all,  
               but since I can't safely DROP them without warning, here 
               is your warning:                                         
                 Don't USE DB2ACCT variables named QWAXxxxx;            
                 Instead, use QWACxxxx with the same suffix             
   Thanks to Alan Winston, MBNA,USA.                                    
Change 18.347  Support for SYNCSORT Release 3.7 (COMPAT) adds variables.
VMACSYNC       SYNCSORT now permits up to 100 SORTWORK DDs, so VMACSYNC 
Feb  8, 2001   can creates up to 100 sets of variables for each sort    
               work area, but the MXG default is 32, previously the max 
               that SYNCSORT allowed.  You can increase the number of   
               sets of variables if you have more than that:            
              -You can change it permanently by adding this statement in
               your IMACKEEP member to re-definite the default value:   
                    MACRO _NSYNCWK 100 %                                
              -Or, to increase it just for this execution of TYPSSYNC,  
               you can change it "Instream" with this in your //SYSIN:  
                   %LET MACSYNC=  MACRO _NSYNCWK 99 %   ;               
               (you can track variable NRWRKUSE in TYPESYNC to see if   
               more than 32 sort works are being used).                 
               Note: Dec 2001: The DDnames are SORTWK00-SORTWK99, but   
               SAS will start with SORTWK01 and not use SORTWK00.       
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA,USA.                                      
Change 18.346  ASUMTALO could have MAXDRVS greater than installed drives
ASUMTALO       when tape drives are switched between systems, because of
Feb  3, 2001   slightly different timer pops on different systems.  One 
               event with ALOCEND=11:22:05.79 on SYSA was followed by an
               event with ALOCSTRT=11:22:05.60 on SYSB.  The overlap is 
               always less than the monitor interval (2 second default);
               code inserted into an existing step now detects any such 
               overlap and resets the ALOCSTRT to the previous ALOCEND. 
   Thanks to Bruno Peeters, Dexia, BELGIUM.                             
Change 18.345  The High/Med/Low Impact Average Frame variables are now  
VMXGRMFI       MAX'ed for each interval and added to PDB.RMFINTRV.  The 
Feb  2, 2001   variables that are added are these:                      
   Thanks to Peter Smith, SEMA, ENGLAND.                                
Change 18.344  Some duplicate steps were not removed by PROC SORT NODUP 
VMAC30         because the BY list did not force adjacency if there was 
Feb  1, 2001   a real step and a flushed step with the same TERMTIME.   
               Variable INITTIME was needed at the end of the BY list   
               defined in MACRO _BTY30U4.                               
   Thanks to Michael Oujesky, MBNA, USA.                                
Change 18.343  MXG 18.12 only.  Typo in label had *' instead of * in    
VMACIAM        one label in this (fortunately) seldom-used code; typo   
Jan 31, 2001   was made incorrectly after final QA.                     
Change 18.342  Variables CSFRLSAV and ESFRLSAV were incorrect; parens   
VMAC71         were missing.  The correct equations are:                
Jan 31, 2001      CSFRLSAV=CSTORE-(CSFRTOAV-CSFRFXAV);                  
   Thanks to Peter Smith, Sema plc, ENGLAND.                            
======Changes thru 18.341 were in MXG 18.12 dated Jan 30, 2001======    
Change 18.341  A short first record in the Catalog Export's output file 
VMACCTLG       caused notes on the log, but no error.  The record is now
Jan 30, 2001   decoded and the time stamp text string is printed on log.
   Thanks to Len Rugen, State of Missouri Department of Education, USA. 
Change 18.340  BETA93 variable JESNR was missing for JOB/TSU/STC. Add   
VMACBETA         ELSE DO;                                               
Jan 29, 2001       JESNR=INPUT(SUBSTR,JCTJOBID,4,5), ?? 5.);            
               in two places so JESNR will be populated.                
   Thanks to Klaus Messer, COMLAB GmbH, GERMANY.                        
Change 18.339  Divide by zero protected in two places in this analysis  
ANALCACH       example.                                                 
Jan 29, 2001                                                            
   Thanks to Greg Jackson, National Life of Vermont, USA.               
Change 18.338  New MXG enhancement defines new  MACRO _Vdddddd   that   
DOC            lets you use this simple and straightforward syntax:     
Jan 28, 2001      %LET MACKEEP=     MACRO _Vdddddd KEEP= A B C %   ;    
               (or you can put that MACRO _Vdddddd in member IMACKEEP)  
               to KEEP only those variables want kept in an MXG dataset!
                  The original design of the _Kdddddd macro will still  
                  be supported (documented in DOCMXG), but that syntax  
                  still requires you to list those variables that you do
                  not want to keep, using a DROP= statement; kludgy!    
               This change moves the text of the KEEP= and its list from
               inside the _VARxxxx macro into a new _Vdddddd for each   
               MXG dataset, and the syntax of the _VARxxxx definition   
               was changed to use that new _Vdddddd token:              
                   _Wddddddt (LABEL='THE*LABEL*FOR*THE*DATASET'         
                                   _Vdddddd  _Kdddddd )                 
               While being easy to use, the new _Vdddddd will also truly
               keep only what you want; using _Kdddddd to DROP variables
               only drops variables you listed; all new MXG variables   
               (a new release of CICS?) will be kept in your output data
               set until you edited your DROP= list.                    
               You can put the MACRO _Vdddddd definitions in IMACKEEP   
               if you ALWAYS want only those variables kept in that data
               set, or you can tailor a job in its //SYSIN "instream",  
               so the macro changes only what's created by that job.    
               Using the CICSTRAN dataset as an example, you look up the
               "dddddd" dataset-suffix name in the IMACxxxx member for  
               the TYPExxxx product, so IMAC110 tabulates the dddddd for
               each MXG dataset built from the type 110 SMF record.  The
               IMAC110 member show you that "CICTRN" is the dddddd name 
               for the "CICSTRAN" dataset, so this instream tailoring   
               creates CICSTRAN.CICSTRAN with only three variables kept:
                    //SYSIN DD *                                        
                    %LET MACKEEP=                                       
                    %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE110);                         
               This is an internal text change inside VMAC members, and 
               it should be transparent to your existing tailoring.     
               Since datasets with lots of variables are the ones most  
               likely to need KEEP= tailoring, datasets with the most   
               variables were revised first; most have been enhanced but
               not all MXG members were finished when 18.18 was ready.  
               These members that already defined an _Vxxxxxx macro were
               set aside to be examined later:                          
Change 18.337  Support for CA's UNICENTER TNG performance cubes data for
EXTAI001-      AIX, CISCO, WIN-NT, and SOLARIS platforms creating these:
EXTAI005                                                      MXG       
EXTC2001-         Platform Object          Max    Max   Max   DATASET   
EXTC2002                                 Instance Vars  Rows  NAME      
EXTC7001          AIX411:  BUFFER            1     8    95    AI001     
EXTNT001-                  CPU               1     5    95    AI002     
EXTNT020                   PAGING            1     4    95    AI003     
EXTSO001-                  QUEUES            1     4    95    AI004     
EXTSO015                   SWAPPING          1     1    95    AI005     
FORMATS           CIS2500: CISCO             7   130    76    C2001     
IMACTNG                    MIB-2            34    89    76    C2002     
VMACTNG           CIS7500: CISCO            24   166    76    C7001     
TYPETNG           NTS400I: BROWSER           1    20    95    NT001     
TYPSTNG                    CACHE             1    27    95    NT002     
UTILTNGO                   ICMP              1    27    95    NT003     
VMXGINIT                   IP                1    17    95    NT004     
Jan 28, 2001               LOGICALDISK       5    21    95    NT005     
                           MEMORY            1    27   140    NT006     
                           NBT CONNECTION    8     3    95    NT007     
                           NETBEUI           2    39    71    NT008     
                           NETBEUI RESOURCE 13     3    71    NT009     
                           NETWORK INTERFACE 3    17   140    NT010     
                           OBJECTS           1     6    95    NT011     
                           PAGING FILE       2     2   140    NT012     
                           PHYSICALDISK      3    19   140    NT013     
                           PROCESSOR         2    10    95    NT014     
                           REDIRECTOR        1    37    95    NT015     
                           SERVER            1    26   140    NT016     
                           SERVER WORK QUEUES3    17   140    NT017     
                           SYSTEM            1    25   140    NT018     
                           TCP               1     9    95    NT019     
                           UDP               1     5    95    NT020     
                  SOL240S: BUFFER            1     8    12    SO001     
                           CPU               1     5    12    SO002     
                           DISK              3     6    12    SO003     
                           FILE-ACCESS       1     3    12    SO004     
                           FILESYSTEM        2     3    12    SO005     
                           IPC               1     2    12    SO006     
                           KERNEL MEMORY ALLOC1    8    12    SO007     
                           MEMORY            1     2    12    SO008     
                           NETWORK           5     5    12    SO009     
                           PAGING            1    11    12    SO010     
                           QUEUES            1     4    12    SO011     
                           SWAPPING          1     5    12    SO012     
                           SYSTEM-CALLS      1     7    12    SO013     
                           TABLES            1     7    12    SO014     
                           TERMINAL          1     6    12    SO015     
               The dataset names in this implementation are structured: 
                 Dataset Name:  PPOOO                                   
                    WHERE PP= Platform Type 2-Character Abbreviation:   
                              AI=AIX411     C2=CIS2500    C7=CIS7500    
                              NT=NTS400I    SO=SOL240S                  
                         OOO= Object Number within Platform (see above) 
                 Variable Name: PPOOOVVV                                
                         VVV= Variable (metric) number within object.   
               The Label for each MXG dataset is the Object Name; the   
               Label for each MXG variable is the Metric Name.  Use the 
               PROC CONTENTS DATA=PDB._ALL_ DETAILS; to display what is 
               what in the AInnn,C2nnn,C7nnn,NTnnn and SOnnn datasets.  
               This is a departure from MXG variable naming.  Most MXG  
               names are abbreviations for what it is, but these names  
               are all cryptic,  except for the common BY variables of  
               PLATFORM SYSTEM INSTANCE and STARTIME.  If it turns out  
               that having "real MXG variable names" is needed, perhaps 
               to match existing variables from other data sources, an  
               optional rename with PROC DATASETS will be developed.    
               New metrics/platforms/objects are easy to add; MXG notes 
               new objects and metrics on the log, telling you to run   
               UTILTNGO program, and email me the report and the OBJECTS
               dataset.  I can create the needed code from those files. 
               The next major enhancement to TNG support (2nd Quarter?) 
               will make the processing of TNG data completely dynamic: 
               I will only create datasets for those objects that had   
               data in the input file, and will only keep variables for 
               metrics that were found in the input file.  That will    
               minimize the space required and remove the clutter of the
               un-measured variables, and the completely new algorithms 
               in this support were designed with that intention.       
               Standard MXG PDB:                                        
               You will continue to have the option of building the     
               standard all-variable all-datasets PDB library from TNG  
               data, so your PDB libraries are consistent, with missing 
               values in variables that were not measured, and with     
               zero observations in datasets for objects that were not  
               found in today's data.                                   
               Dynamic MXG PDB:                                         
               You can tell MXG to construct the datasets and variables 
               that were found in today's input data stream, using only 
               the amount of storage and processing to be determined by 
               the data stream.                                         
               This architecture is extendable to other data sources    
               that have one row of raw data describing the object and  
               the metric followed by that one column of data values.   
                -Over a year ago, Roman Jost tried to convince me that  
                 TNG was a find source of data, and sent me code that   
                 read the TNG data, but it took me a year to finally    
                 realize how I could write supportable code.  This      
                 development was actually triggered by a phone call     
                 after CMG from the mid-west insurance company that had 
                 written a C-program to "decode the performance cube    
                 data".  I had all along assumed that some API-issuing C
                 program or a vendor-provided utility was needed to read
                 the data, but when I realized this C program read a    
                 flat file and wrote a flat file, and then actually     
                 looked at a faxed dump of three records, I saw that the
                 raw data could be processed with SAS.                  
                -My first pass took two days, and I read each record to 
                 create one dataset for each variable, outputting an obs
                 for each data value, and then merged those datasets    
                 together to create a dataset per object.  I tested the 
                 prototype with an NT cube with four objects and twenty 
                 metrics, and the logic performed as designed.          
                -Then I wrote a SAS utility to generate all of the SAS  
                 statements I would need to create a dataset for all of 
                 the other objects and variables in all cubes for five  
                 platforms, executed the generated code, and it worked. 
                 However, with a small performance cube (64KB in size), 
                 the program used 330 MegaBytes of disk storage and 10  
                 minutes to create those 800+ datasets!                 
                -Examining the structure of these data, I realized that 
                 with fairly limited numbers of observations and limited
                 numbers of objects in one single input cube, arrays to 
                 store a single performance cube was all that was needed
                 and that generated names for variables and datasets was
                 the best solution for this type of data structure; at  
                 the end of each input cube, one dataset per object is  
                 created, containing all of that object's metrics, so   
                 there are 44 datasets created, one per object.         
                -The final run with multiple input of 24 daily cubes, at
                 15 minute intervals, 10,000 records, 6.6MB of raw data,
                 now took 25 seconds (12 to read and create datasets,   
                 and 13 seconds to sort them into the PDB), used 17MB of
                 disk work space, with less than 6MB virtual storage for
                 all arrays, so the algorithm should scale well as new  
                 objects and metrics are added in the future.  The MXG  
                 output PDB library was 6MB of disk for 24 days data,   
                 using COMPRESS=YES under Win98 on a 500MHz Pentium III.
                    COMPRESS=NO took 2 seconds longer, needed 37MB for  
                    work space and created a 12MB PDB on disk; I've     
                    previously reported that COMPRESS=YES saves time and
                    disk space on Pentium architecture.                 
Change 18.336 -Device Number variables STC13DID/STC14DID are character  
VMACSTC        variables formatted with $HEX4., which do not translate  
Jan 24, 2001   correctly between EBCDIC and ASCII platforms.  New DEVNR 
               variable is created as numeric and formatted HEX4., so it
               matches DEVNR in other MXG datasets like TYPE74.         
                 See Newsletter "Executing SAS on PCs and Workstations" 
              -STC does not store anything into the channel interface   
               name field, variable STC11INM, so we will now store the  
               channel interface number as a character in STC11INM with:
                 IF STC11INM LE ' ' THEN STC11INM=PUT(_I_,8.);          
               so that if they change their mind and store a value in   
               the future, you'll get it, but for now, we need to sort  
               by STC11INM.  (The LE ' ' catches both blanks and hex    
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 18.335  Testing statement   PUT RTYPE= $HEX2.;  should have been 
VMACNAF        deleted, and now it is.  Only impact was a large SASLOG. 
Jan 24, 2001                                                            
   Thanks to Robert A. Brown, Arthur Anderson, USA.                     
Change 18.334  XRC dataset TYPE42XR had trash; the INPUT was misaligned.
VMAC42         The following INPUT statement was inserted before the    
Jan 23, 2001   existing DO statement in member VMAC42:                  
                      INPUT @S42XRSSO @;                                
                      DO _I_=1 TO S42XRSSN;                             
   Thanks to John Nalesnik, The Prudential, USA.                        
   Thanks to Brenda Rabinowitz, The Prudential, USA.                    
Change 18.333  New "Header" exit IHDR110S for the CICS 110 Statistics   
IHDR110S       STID segments allows you to skip unwanted subsubtypes    
VMAC110        and thereby save CPU time for the INPUT statements, if   
Jan 22, 2001   you only want to output one or a few STID's (like STID=25
               a year's CICLDR observations).  See IHDR110S comments;   
               you simply set variable STIDWANT to 1 or zero, using:    
                     IF STID =25 THEN STIDWANT=1;                       
                     ELSE             STIDWANT=0;                       
                     IF STID IN (1,5,9, ..)  THEN STIDWANT=1;           
                     ELSE STIDWANT=0;                                   
               to skip unwanted STID segments, you should also throw    
               away the unwanted subtype 1 transaction record and other 
               unwanted statistics subtypes using the MACFILE tailoring:
                   %LET MACFILE=  %QUOTE (                              
                       IF ID=110 ;                                      
                       IF SUBTYPE=2;                                    
               so only (in this case) subtype 2 records, which contain  
               subsubtype 25 records, are input past the SMF header.    
               Note these mappings of subtypes to STID's:               
                 0 - Journal                                            
                 1 - Transaction, Exception, Dictionary                 
                 2 - Statistics - all other STIDs                       
                 3 - Statistics - STIDs 121,122,123                     
                 4 - Statistics - STIDs 126, 127, 128, 129              
                 5 - Statistics - STIDs 124, 125                        
Change 18.332  Support for Solve SMF subtypes 1 and 2 create new dataset
EXTYSOL1       TYPESOL1 for FTS File Send/Receive.                      
Jan 20, 2001                                                            
   Thanks to Aubrey Tang, Westpac Banking Corporation, AUSTRALIA.       
Change 18.331  Validation of Shadow SMF subtype 6 changed variable      
VMACSHDW       SM06SQSR from numeric to variable length 32000 if under  
Jan 19, 2001   V8 with COMPRESS=YES, or will be broken down into 100    
               byte pieces and output in multiple records (with resource
               counts set to missing values in the SM06SEGN=2nd and     
               subsequent observations).  All test records had SQL text 
               truncated at byte 255, with the rest of the SM06SQLN     
               bytes filled with hex zeroes.  That may be an error or   
               an installation choice; it is under investigation, but   
               MXG prints one instance if found.                        
   Thanks to Chris Morgan, IBM Integrated Technology Services, ENGLAND. 
Change 18.330  Character strings (SQL text) greater than 100 bytes long 
VMAC102        were truncated to 100 bytes if run under SAS V8 without  
Jan 19, 2001   COMPRESS=YES.  The tests to decide to break the long text
               into 100 byte chunks was  IF &SASVER GE 7 THEN DO; but   
               that was changed to IF &SASCHRLN LE 100 THEN DO; because 
               the &SASCHRLN length is set greater than 100 only if both
               SAS V8 is being used AND COMPRESS=YES is used.           
Change 18.329  The DB2 Accounting Summary report is enhanced to match   
ANALDB2R       the DB2 Version 6 DB2PM reports.                         
Jan 18, 2001                                                            
Jan 30, 2001                                                            
Change 18.328  The MQIN view/dataset was not deleted at the end of the  
VMXGUOW        program, causing no error, but inconsistent with MXG's   
Jan 17, 2001   deleting of temporary datasets from the work file.       
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute ITSV, USA.                     
Change 18.327  IBM Domino WebServer logs are readable with TYPEWWW code,
TYPEWWW        but the statement  FULLURL=SUBSTR(FULLURL,1,LOC-1); was  
Jan 16, 2001   changed to FULLURL=SUBSTR(FULLURL,1,LOC-10).  Without the
               change, variable FULLURL contained the URL plus the      
               variable HTTPCLVS.                                       
   Thanks to Greg Meyer, Isuzu Motors, USA.                             
Change 18.326  Interval specification of MINUTE are now supported in the
ANALCNCR       VMXGSUM, VMXGDUR, and ANALCNCR functions, if you need the
ASUMTALO       minute details.  Hardcode INTERVAL=HOUR and divides by   
VMXGDUR        3600 were replaced with _TALOINT and _TALOSECS macros    
VMXGSUM        that can be changed to MINUTE and 60 to get minutes.     
Jan 15, 2001                                                            
   Thanks to Luc Mattheus, DEXIA Bank, BELGIUM.                         
Change 18.325  Variables CSA, ECSA, SQA, and ESQA are now calculated in 
VMACRMFV       the RMF Monitor III dataset ZRBASI to track the sizes of 
Jan 15, 2001   those memory areas allocated to each ASID/JOB, and the   
               variables GEICSAAS and GEISQAAS are divided by samples.  
   Thanks to Stephen Hoar, Lloyds TSB, ENGLAND.                         
Change 18.324  Invalid data for RMGTSHTR (CICS Statistics) is because   
VMAC110        the MSEC8. format still does not support values greater  
VMACTMDB       than 24 hours.  I thought I had replaced all uses of the 
Jan 12, 2001   MSEC8. informat with &PIB.8.6 and a divide by 4096, back 
               in Change 12.030,  a few MSEC8 crept back in the IBM CICS
               and the Landmark DB2 code.  All have been replaced.      
   Thanks to Roman Jost, Gjensidige, NORWAY.                            
Change 18.323  Variable TIC_UTIL is now created in the NSPYTIC3 dataset.
Jan 11, 2001                                                            
   Thanks to Tom Neurauter, Fidelity Investments, USA.                  
Change 18.322  Support for DFSMSRMM 1.5 changes (COMPATIBLE, new fields 
EXEDGRK        were added at end, new subtype added):                   
IMACEDGR      -Dataset EDGRDEXT (DSN Record) new variables:             
VMACEDGR         RDVRSSCH='PRIMARY*VRS*SUBCHAIN'                        
Jan  9, 2001     RD2VNME ='SECONDARY*VRS*NAME*MASK'                     
                 RD2VSCH ='SECONDARY*VRS*SUBCHAIN*NAME'                 
                 RD2VXDS ='SECONDARY VRS*SUBCHAIN*START DATE'           
                 RDVRSXDS='PRIMARY*VRS*SUBCHAIN*START DATE'             
              -Dataset EDGRVEXT (VOL Record) new variables:             
                       (appears to be updated only for exported tapes). 
              -New dataset EDGRKEXT created from new type K record.     
                 RKCOUNT ='VITAL RECORD COUNT'                          
                 RKCRSID ='CREATE*SYSTEM*ID'                            
                 RKDELAY ='DAYS*DELAY*BEFORE*SELECTION'                 
                 RKDELDAT='DATE VRS*IS TO BE*DELETED*BY RMM'            
                 RKDESC  ='DESCRIPTION'                                 
                 RKDSNG  ='DATASET*NAME*MASK IS*GDG?Y/P/N?'             
                 RKLCSID ='LAST*CHANGE*SYSTEM ID'                       
                 RKLCUID ='LAST*CHANGE*USER ID'                         
                 RKLOC   ='NAMEAOF LOCATION TO BE STORED'               
                 RKLOCTYP='LOCATION*TYPE?*A/M/S/ '                      
                 RKNAME  ='VRS*NAME'                                    
                 RKNEXT  ='NAMEAOF NEXT VRS IN THE CHAIN'               
                 RKOWNER ='VITAL*RECORD*OWNER'                          
                 RKRETNC ='RETAIN*BASED ON*CYCLES?'                     
                 RKRETND ='RETAIN*BASED ON*ELAPSED DAYS?'               
                 RKRETNR ='RETAIN*BASED ON*UNREFERENCED DAYS?'          
                 RKRETNW ='RETAIN*ONLY WHILE*CATALOGED?'                
                 RKRETNX ='RETAIN*UNTIL*EXPIRED?'                       
                 RKSTNUM ='STORE KEEP NUMBER'                           
                 RKTYPE2 ='VRS*TYPE*V=VOL*D=DSET*N=NAME'                
   Thanks to Carl Kyonka, Enbridge, CANADA.                             
Change 18.321  Warning that variable RPRTCLAS was duplicated in an ID   
TRND72GO       argument was valid, but of no impact.  RPRTCLAS was added
Jan  9, 2001   to the SUMBY= by Change 18.189 but should have also been 
               removed from the ID= argument.  Now it is.               
Change 18.320  MXG 18.06-MXG 18.10, and only if VMXGSUM was called twice
BLDNTPDB       with &DDNAME as an input argument (we found it only in   
VMXGSUM        BLDNTPDB and only in the LDSK report).  Change 18.182    
Jan  9, 2001   added a call to new %VMXGENG (to determine the SAS engine
               that created the input dataset), but used DDNAME for a   
               temporary macro, and then changed its value.  This change
               eliminates the use of DDNAME inside VMXGSUM. There was no
               change made to member BLDNTPDB.                          
   Thanks to Terry Heim, ECOLAB, USA.                                   
Change 18.319  The calculation of Standard Deviation was incorrect;     
TRNDCICS       the logic from TRNDCICX was imported into TRNDCICS.      
Jan  9, 2001                                                            
Change 18.318  The SORT FIELDS= value in JCLIMSL5 should have been      
JCLIMSL5         SORT FIELDS=(1,12,A,35,8,A,29,1,A),FORMAT=BI           
Jan  9, 2001   The change was made in JCLIMSL6 but not in L5.           
   Thanks to Roman Jost, Gjensidige Gruppen, NORWAY.                    
Change 18.317  Support for z/OS R1.1 (COMPATIBLE).                      
VMAC7072       TYPE70:  New z/OS metrics for this CPU/SYSTEM:           
Jan  5, 2001              Changed only by Capacity Upgrade on Demand.   
Jan 20, 2001     SUAVAICH='SU*AVAILABLE*CHANGED?'                       
                 SMF70CPA='SU_SEC*OF THE*PHYSICAL*CEC'                  
                 SMF70LAC='IBM*4-HR*AVERAGE*HOURLY MSU'                 
               TYPE70PR: New z/OS metrics for each LPAR segment:        
                 LPARWLMG='WLM*MANAGEMENT*OF THIS*LPAR?'                
                 SMF70MSU='DEFINED*CAPACITY*LIMIT*IN MSU'               
                 SMF70NSW='PCT WHEN*LPAR WAS CAPPED*BY WLM'             
               RMFINTRV: Variables from TYPE70 now maxed into RMFINTRV: 
                 SMF70LAC='IBM*4-HR*AVERAGE*HOURLY MSU'                 
                 SMF70WLA='MAX SU*AVAILABLE*TO MVS*IMAGE'               
               Additional z/OS changes:                                 
                 New TYPE74 Subtype 7 FICON Director - await test data, 
                   will be supported ASAP, new MXG dataset(s) to be.    
                 New TYPE99 Subtype 8 LPAR CPU Management - no data.    
                   Similar to subtype 2, will decode upon request.      
                 New TYPE99 Subtype 9 Dynamic Channel Path Management.  
                   Have data, will decode upon request.                 
                 Type 78.1 documentation was removed.                   
                 Type 79.13 documentation was removed.                  
               MXG support is based on pre-GA documentation, and there  
               may be differences in the GA level of the product.       
Change 18.316  The null macro _NSHDW was incorrect and if you tried to  
VMACSHDW       use it, you got a strange "180" error about "WORK".      
Jan  4, 2001                                                            
   Thanks to Wayne A. Schumack, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota,USA.
======Changes thru 18.315 were in MXG 18.11 dated Jan  3, 2001======    
Change 18.315  Documentation of the Internal Logic of the MXG PDB.  This
DOCPDB         was presented as a 3-hour Workshop prior to CMG 2000.    
Jan  3, 2001                                                            
Change 18.314  Support for CICS TS for z/OS Version 2.1 (INCOMPAT):     
EXCICEJR       As usual, while there's some interesting new metrics that
EXCICIIR       IBM added to the CICSTRAN record, they inserted those new
EXCICSJG       fields (instead of adding them at the end of the segment)
EXCICSOG       so you MUST install this change to process 2.1 records.  
EXCICSOR      -Dataset CICSTRAN - New variables inserted:               
Jan  3, 2001    JVMRTITM='CICS JVM*RESET*ELAPSED*TIME'                  
Jan 28, 2001    KY8CPUCN='USER-TASK*KEY 8*TCB CPU*COUNT'                
                KY8CPUTM='USER-TASK*KEY 8*TCB CPU*TIME'                 
                KY8DISCN='USER-TASK*KEY 8*TCB DISPATCH*COUNT'           
                NETID   ='NETWORK*QUALIFIED*NAME*NETWORK ID'            
                OTSTID  ='OTS*TRANSACTION*ID*(TID)'                     
                PORTNUM ='TCP/IP*SERVICE*PORT*NUMBER'                   
                SOCHRIN ='SOCKET*CHARACTERS*RECEIVED'                   
                SOPSHWM ='PERSISTENT*SOCKET*HIGH-WATER-MARK'            
                SORCVCT ='SOCKET*RECEIVE*REQUEST*COUNT'                 
                SOTOTCT ='SOCKET*TOTAL*REQUEST*COUNT'                   
                WBBRWCT ='WEB BROWSE*REQUEST*COUNT'                     
                WBEXTRCT='WEB EXTRACT*REQUEST*COUNT'                    
                WBREADCT='WEB READ*REQUEST*COUNT'                       
                WBWRITCT='WEB WRITE*REQUEST*COUNT'                      
              -New CICS Statistics STIDs create new MXG datasets:       
                 STID Name   MXG DSN   Description                      
                 107  STISOG CICTCPSO  TCP/IP Sockets Global            
                 108  STISOR CICTCPIP  TCP/IP Services (Sockets)        
                 111  STIIIR CICTCPII  TCP/IP II Domain RequestModel    
                 114  STIEJR CICTCPEJ  TCP/IP Entrprse Java ObjContainer
                 117  STISJG CICTCSJG  TCP/IP JVMPOOL Statistics        
               MXG support is based on pre-GA documentation, and there  
               may be differences in the GA level of the product.       
Change 18.313  MXG 18.10 only.  Change 18.280 caused CICS/TS 1.3 records
VMAC110        to print error messages about EXCLUDED fields when there 
Jan  2, 2001   were no excluded fields, and records were deleted:       
      MXG EXPECTED MCTSSDCN=202 AND MCTSSDRL=1260.                      
      RECORD WAS DELETED, CICSTRAN DATA WAS LOST.                       
               (Disregard the "MXG EXPECTED" text, which was also wrong,
               and note that the final line of the error message showing
               MCTSSDCN=203 is the correct minimum number of fields.)   
               The test in line 6977 in VMAC110 was changed from 203 to 
               204 when it should have remained 203.  The correction is 
               to change that line back to test for LT 203:             
                 6976  ELSE IF SMFPSRVR GE 53.0 THEN DO;                
                 6977    IF MCTSSDCN LT 203 OR MCTSSDRL LT 1288 THEN DO;
               If optional fields exist in your type 110 record, this   
               error does not occur, which is why I missed it in 18.10! 
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
Change 18.312  Variable DATETIME is kept in 169 MXG datasets, but it has
BUILD005       different meanings depending on which dataset it was in, 
BUIL3005       and in the PDB.JOBS/STEPS/PRINT/SPUNJOBS datasets, it was
SPUNJOBS       not correct.  In those four datasets, while labeled as   
Jan  2, 2001   "DATETIME OF SHIFT CALCULATION", its value was the time  
               of the beginning of the shift, rather than the actual    
               DATETIME value of the job.                               
                  Originally, "DATETIME" was a temporary variable that  
                  was used as the input datetime value for your IMACSHFT
                  definition, to set the value of the character variable
                  SHIFT.  So that summarization with VMXGSUM could      
                  exploit your shift definitions, IMACSHFT changes the  
                  value returned in variable DATETIME, setting its value
                  back to the time of the start of this shift.          
                  But along the way, DATETIME was accidentally kept in  
                  some datasets, so now it must be corrected where it is
                  wrong, and documented where it is different.          
               Now, in the PDB.JOBS/STEPS/PRINT/SPUNJOBS dataset, the   
               value that is returned in variable DATETIME will be the  
               original value that was used to calculate the shift:     
                PDB.JOBS and PDB.SPUNJOBS:                              
               The MAX() is used since some timestamps may be missing,  
               and the Max/Last datetime value is the logical time of   
               the job start, step initiate, or print file print time.  
               In these summary datasets that contain variable DATETIME:
                 ASUMxxxx   CICINTRV  CICS   JOBSKED  MNTHxxxx TRNDxxxx 
               it is properly labeled 'START OF INTERVAL' and contains  
               that correct value.  In some of those datasets. variable 
               STARTIME exists and is equal to DATETIME, and where it   
               exists, STARTIME is better as it is self-describing!     
               and is correct, as IMACSHFT is not invoked in VMACEREP.  
               In the many OPCxxxxx datasets, DATETIME='EVENT DATETIME',
               and is correct, as IMACSHFT is not used here, either.    
   Thanks to Cendrine Pezier, ABS Technologies, FRANCE.                 
Change 18.311  Support for DB2 Space Manager 2.1 (INCOMPATIBLE) from SE 
FORMATS        (Software Engineering). The "current" date/time fields at
VMACSPMG       the start of the record were removed, shifting the real  
Jan  2, 2001   date/time fields to the left.  No error message occurs,  
               but variable SPMGTIME is missing.  FORMATs were updated  
               to print "Blank:TYPE1" instead of " :TYPE1" (cosmetic).  
               And variables FARINDRF,NEARINDR,PCTACTIV and PCTDROP are 
               set missing if they contain all FFx.                     
   Thanks to Anke Mineur, DVG, GERMANY.                                 
Change 18.310  Documentation.  Example invocation of the ITSV macros    
DOCITSV        that are needed to add a new MXG variable into the ITSV  
Jan  2, 2001   PDB (in case you need something not yet in ITSV).        
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS ITSV, USA.                               
Change 18.309  The WorldSecure SMTP Relay object printed UNEXPECTED OBJ 
VMACNTSM       message; the NRNAMES=NRNAMES-1; statement for that object
Jan  2, 2001   should have been deleted.                                
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
Change 18.308  Support for APAR OW45788 for NPM corrects the lengths of 
VMAC28         several LXETxxxx variables in the X.25 Session dataset   
Dec 26, 2000   NPMEVX25 that were originally mis-documented by IBM.     
Change 18.307  Variable MSU4HRAV was correct for a uni-processor, but   
VMXGRMFI       was wrong in magnitude for multi-processors; NRCPUS(II)  
Dec 26, 2000   was needed in the numerator of MSU4HRAV calculation.     
               Variable CECSUSEC is now kept, and the absence of //SPIN 
               DD statement no longer causes a failure.                 
   Thanks to Al Sherkow, I/S Management Strategies Ltd, USA.            
Change 18.306  The Scheduling Environment name, SMF30PFL, and durations 
BUILD005       SMF30HQT/JQT/RQT/SQT, are added to the PDB.JOBS dataset  
BUIL3005       (JES2 or JES3, BUILDPDB/BUILDPD3.  Those five variables  
VMAC30         will be of long term importance in job scheduling, and so
Dec 23, 2000   are now automatically in PDB.JOBS.  The change in VMAC30 
               was cosmetic; SMF30PFL was hex zeros when not populated; 
               now those '00'x will be translated to blanks.            
   Thanks to Stephen Marksamer, The Hartford, USA.                      
Change 18.305  The text of Change 18.300, re DB2TCBTM, was revised and  
VMACDB2        the MXG equation, changed by this change, is now:        
Dec 21, 2000     DB2TCBTM=                                              
Jan 29, 2001      SUM((QWACEJST-QWACBJST),QWACSPCP,QWACTRTE);           
               This change added support for DB2 Version 7.1 (COMPAT):  
               DB2ACCT new variables:                                   
                 QBGA2H  ='ASYNC*IXLCACHE*FOR SECC GBP'                 
                 QBGA2S  ='COMPLETION*CHECKS*SUSPENDED'                 
                 QBGA2W  ='CHANGED PAGE*WRITES TO*SEC GBP '             
                 QBGAEX  ='*EXPLICIT*XI-S'                              
                 QBGAHS  ='ASYNCH*IXLCACHE*FOR PRI GBP'                 
                 QBGAGG  ='GET PAGES*FOR GBP*DEP PAGES'                 
                 QWACAWLG='WAIT TIME*FOR LOG WRITE*I/O'                 
                 QWACRBSV='ROLLBACK TO*SAVEPOINT*REQUESTS'              
                 QWAXAWFC='WAIT TIME*FOR FORCE*AT COMMIT'               
                 QWAXFCCT='WAITS FOR*FORCE*AT COMMIT'                   
                 QWAXIXLT='WAIT TIME*FOR IXLCACHE*IXLFCOMP'             
                 QXDCLGTT='DECLARE*GLOBAL*TEMP TABLE*STMTS'             
               DB2ACCTP new variables:                                  
               DB2ACCTG new variables:                                  
                 QBGA2H  ='ASYNC*IXLCACHE*FOR SECC GBP'                 
                 QBGA2S  ='COMPLETION*CHECKS*SUSPENDED'                 
                 QBGA2W  ='CHANGED PAGE*WRITES TO*SEC GBP '             
                 QBGAEX  ='*EXPLICIT*XI-S'                              
                 QBGAGG  ='GET PAGES*FOR GBP*DEP PAGES'                 
                 QBGAHS  ='ASYNCH*IXLCACHE*FOR PRI GBP'                 
               DB2STATS new variables:                                  
                 QDSTCIN2='CURRENT*TYPE 2*INACTIVE*THREADS'             
                 QDSTMIN2='MAXIMUM*TYPE 2*INACTIVE*THREADS'             
                 QDSTMQR2='MAXIMUM*TYPE 2*QUEUED*REQUESTS'              
                 QDSTNITC='CONNECTIONS*TERMINATED*MAX TYPE 1'           
                 QDSTNQR2='CURRENT*TYPE 2*QUEUED*REQUESTS'              
                 QDSTQIN2='QUEUED*RECEIVE*REQUESTS*FOR TYPE 2'          
                 QJSTBPAG='LOG-WRITE*BUFFER*PAGE INS'                   
                 QJSTLOGW='LOG WRITE*I/O*REQUESTS'                      
                 QJSTLSUS='SUSPENDS*FOR LOG WRITE'                      
                 QISEDFAL='FAIL*DUE TO*DATASPACE FULL'                  
                 QISEDFRE='FREE PAGES*IN DATASPACE*FREE CH'             
                 QISEDPGE='PAGES*IN EDM*DATASPACE'                      
                 QTRACAUT='SUCCESS*AUTH CHECKS*FOR ROUTINES'            
                 QTRACOW1='DB2 OVERWROTE*AUTHID IN*AUTH CACHE'          
                 QTRACOW2='DB2 OVERWROTE*ENTRY IN*AUTH CACHE'           
                 QXDCLGTT='DECLARE*GLOBAL*TEMP TABLE*STMTS'             
               DB2STAT2 new variables:                                  
                 QDBPSLA ='QDBPSLA*SERVICEABILITY'                      
               T102S006 new variables:                                  
                 QW0006PG QW0006FG                                      
               T102S016 new variables:                                  
               T102S017 new variables:                                  
               T102S022 new variables:                                  
                 QW0022AS QW0022CC QW0022CE QW0022FG QW0022QO QW0022RS  
                 QW0022CY QW0022F2 QW0022NP QW0022PA QW0022TT           
               T102S022 new variables:                                  
              -Additional T102Snnn subtypes will be decoded upon request
               MXG support is based on pre-GA documentation, and there  
               may be differences in the GA level of the product.       
======Changes thru 18.304 were in MXG 18.10 dated Dec 20, 2000======    
Change 18.304  First MXG 18.10 only.  Cosmetic.  Label was truncated for
ASUMCICS       variable SYSTEM and CPUTM had no label, because the equal
Dec 20, 2000   sign after CPUTM was missing.                            
======Changes thru 18.303 were in MXG 18.10 dated Dec 20, 2000======    
Change 18.303  Cosmetic, in that the statement was never executed, but  
VMXGCICI       %ELSE INTRVSEC=0; should have been %ELSE %LET INTRVSEC=0;
Dec 19, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Russell Dewar, National Australian Bank, AUSTRALIA         
Change 18.302  Support for APARs OW44845 and OW47050 adds a new report, 
ANAL103        the HTTP Server Report, from SMF 103 records!            
ANALRMFR       MXG parameter overrides:                                 
Dec 19, 2000         MXG HTTP Server Summary Report                     
                     DEFAULT is to create:                              
                     Interval of DATE and Report is HTTPSUM.            
                     To create another Interval other than Date.        
                     Create MXG HTTP Server Detail Report               
               Values have not been verified, see comments within       
               ANALRMFR for more detail of overrides.                   
               A DDNAME of PDB is now required anytime ANALRMFR is      
               invoked, whether it is a TEMPORARY SAS library           
                 //PDB      DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(5,5))             
               or a CATALOGED SAS library:                              
                //PDB       DD DSN=MXG.PDB,DISP=(,CATLG),               
                //             DCB=RECFM=FS,                            
                //             UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(5,3))             
               New member ANAL103(HTTP), documentation only, how to     
               create the associated Post-processor RMF reports.        
Change 18.301  Validated reports with FICON data records.  REPORT=CHAN, 
ANALRMFR       columns READ(MB/SEC) and WRITE(MB/SEC) values were output
Dec 19, 2000   even if they were missing.  Values were corrected to     
               match IBM RMF report. APAR OW42945 updated the Partition 
               Data Report to now include two TOTAL lines, one for all  
               CP partitions and one for all ICF partitions.            
   Thanks to Trevor Holland IBM/GSA Australia                           
Change 18.300  MXG 17.17 thru MXG 18.09 only.  Variable DB2TCBTM in data
VMACDB2        set DB2ACCT included CPU time in Stored Procedure Address
Dec 07, 2000   Spaces twice.  Both variables QWACSPCP and QWACSPTT were 
Dec 18, 2000   added by MXG Change 17.382 to the DB2TCBTM formula,      
               because I read "not recorded" in IBM DB2 V6.1 DSNWMSGS:  
      QWACSPCP  ACCOUNTING CLASS 1 IS ACTIVE.                           
               and so I concluded that both SPCP and SPTT must be added,
               and made Change 17.282 in January, 2000.  But when data  
               had large and nearly equal values in both SPCP and SPTT, 
               we queried IBM DB2 support, who investigated and replied 
               that internal documentation showed that SPTT was included
               in SPCP, and DSNWMSGS was wrong and would be corrected.  
               IBM DB2 support also confirmed that the additional CPU   
               time field for the execution of triggers under enclaves, 
               variable QWACTRTE, is also not included in EJST-BJST and 
               it must also be added to get the Total DB2 TCB CPU time  
               in DB2ACCT.  So the final (Dec 21) equation is:          
               The SPAS accounting error surfaced when one user saw the 
               daily DB2 CPU time for his AUTHID jump from 20.17 seconds
               when only EJST-BJST was charged, to 137.57 seconds when  
               SPCP=58.76 and SPTT = 58.60 were both added by MXG; the  
               user's bill increased by a factor of six!                
                  His real cost without the double accounting was 78.93,
                  so his bill should increase by a factor of only four. 
               For this one AUTHID, SPAS CPU time was significant, and  
               because the SPTT time recorded was also large, the MXG   
               double accounting was significant.  But that may not be  
               the general case; overall, SPTT seems to be quite small, 
               even when SPCP is large.  Looking at the daily totals    
               from two sites shows that including SPCP can be          
               significant, but the CPU time in SPTT was insignificant: 
                                   One site          Other site         
                     EJST-BJST      166,612         1,095,220.92        
                     QWACSPCP       205,839               389.34        
                     QWACTRTE             0                 0           
                     DB2TCBTM       372,451         1,095,610.26        
                     QWACSPTT         2,902               388.00        
               You should run a   PROC MEANS SUM DATA=PDB.DB2ACCT;      
               to determine the impact of including SPTT at your site.  
               Dec 21 update:  Today I looked at the DSNDQWAC DSECT, and
               it was right all along, as it documents that:            
               STATEMENTS ISSUED BY STORED PROCEDURE(S)                 
               AND INCLUDED IN QWACSPCP                <<=====  !!!!!   
               It's all about knowing which documentation to believe!   
               To summarize what has been true in DB2ACCT and ASUMUOW:  
                - DB2TCBTM is calculated as                             
                   QWACSPCP and QWACTRTE are added by MXG into DB2TCBTM 
                   QWACSPTT is NOT added, because it is in QWACSPCP.    
   Thank to Steve Colio, CIGNA, USA.                                    
   Thanks to Jiann-Shiun Huang, CIGNA, USA                              
   Thanks to Curt Cotner, IBM, USA.                                     
Change 18.299  Support for SMF 120 record for Websphere Application     
EXT120CC       Server Enterprise Edition OS/390 Component Broker        
EXT120CM       Version 3.02, added by APAR OW44456.                     
EXT120SA       There are four subtypes, described by IBM as:            
EXT120SI       Subtype=1: Server Activity Record:                       
FORMATS        Created for each activity that is running inside a       
IMAC120        Websphere Application Server. This record can be used to 
TYPE120        perform basic charge back accounting as well as profiling
VMAC120        of customer written applications to determine in detail  
VMXGINIT       what is happening inside the Websphere Application       
Dec 16, 2000   Server.                                                  
               MXG dataset TY120SA                                      
               Subtype=2: Container Activity Record                     
               Created for each activity that runs inside a container   
               located in a Websphere Application Server. This record   
               can be used to perform basic charge back accounting,     
               application profiling, problem determination, and        
               capacity planning. MXG Datasets TYP120CA/TYP120CC and    
               Subtype=3: Server Interval Record                        
               Created for each server instance that has interval       
               recording active during the interval. The purpose of this
               record subtype is to record activity that is running     
               inside a Websphere Application Server.  This record is   
               produced at regular intervals and is an aggregation of   
               the work that has run inside the server instance during  
               the interval.  MXG Dataset TYP120SI.                     
               Subtype=4: Container Interval Record                     
               Created for each active container located in a Websphere 
               Application Server. This interval record provides a      
               snapshot view of the activity running inside the         
               container. This record can be used to perform application
               profiling, problem determination, and capacity planning. 
               MXG Dataset TYP120CI.                                    
               And IBM APAR OW44456 requires the following doc changes: 
                  Periodically, IBM refreshes documentation on our Web  
                  site, so the changes might have been made before you  
                  read this text.  To access the latest on-line         
                  documentation, go to the product library page at:     
                  And support provides a new edition:                   
                  Document Name: WebSphere Application Server Enterprise
                  Edition for OS/390 Operations and Administration      
                  Document Number: GA22-7328-01                         
                  The new edition contains a chapter (Chapter 9) that   
                  explains how to set up and use the new SMF recording  
                  support and an appendix (Appendix A) that describes   
                  the new SMF record type 120.                          
                  To get the new edition, go to our Web site at:        
                  IBM support also requires changes to existing doc:    
                  Document Name: WebSphere Application Server Enterprise
                  Edition for OS/390 Component Broker Planning and      
                  Installation Guide                                    
                  Document Number: GA22-7325-00                         
                  See revisions in the APAR OW44456 text.               
               This support has not been tested with 120 SMF records.   
Change 18.298  Support for the z/OS License Manager's new LPAR capacity 
VMXGRMFI       measurement: "Four-Hour Running Average MSU", with MSU in
TRNDRMFI       "Million Service Units per Hour", based on the raw SU_SEC
Dec 12, 2000   of the physical platform.  New MXG variable MSU4HRAV is  
Dec 18, 2000   now created in the PDB.RMFINTRV dataset, and it is that  
Feb 10, 2001   value that z/OS will pass to the License Manager, which  
               is compared with the licensed MSU for that LPAR (which   
               you chose in your software License Certificate for that  
               LPAR).  WLM measures the MSU consumed by the LPAR every  
               five (may be changed) minutes, and if the licensed MSU is
               exceeded, WLM will cap the LPAR to that licensed MSU for 
               the next interval.                                       
               So this new License Manager can save you lots on software
               license costs, if you don't need an entire machine for an
               LPAR; you can even license only part of an engine.       
               BUT to save that money, you will need to know your peak  
               MSU4HRAV for the month, in advance, so you can purchase a
               correct size license, and you will need to track when    
               that peak MSU4HRAV consumption occurs, perhaps so you can
               time-shift work to reduce that peak MSU consumed.  Since 
               each month's charge is likely to be based on the maximum 
               peak running average during each calendar month, tracking
               closely at near-month-end may be needed!                 
               When WLM capping is invoked (because the LPAR exceeded   
               its licensed MSU4HRAV), response times may be elongated, 
               and it remains to be seen what feedback will be available
               to alert you that dynamic capping was applied, but with  
               this new variable now, you can at least estimate the size
               of each of your Systems to see how you will be able to   
               take advantage of License Manager product pricing.       
               The MSU4HRAV variable is created in PDB.RMFINTRV when    
               you run BUILDPDB/BUILDPD3, or if you run RMFINTRV or     
               invoke %VMXGRMFI in your own program.  The algorithm     
               also creates the new SPIN.SPINRMFI dataset, which holds  
               the last four hours of the previous day, and is read by  
               the next day's BUILDPDB so that continuous four-hour     
               means are calculated.  Variable CECSUSEC, the SU_SEC of  
               the physical CEC, is also created in PDB.RMFINTRV.       
               New variable MSU4HRMX in TRNDRMFI is the maximum value   
               of the MSU4HRAV during each trended interval.            
               You can add the new variables MSU4HRAV and CECSUSEC to   
               existing PDB.RMFINTRV datasets (without re-reading the   
               SMF data), by using the PDB=ADDMSU option in %VMXGRMFI to
               read each existing PDB.RMFINTRV dataset and write back a 
               replacement, enhanced PDB.RMFINTRV dataset, as shown:    
                       //PDB  DD DSN=YOUR.EXISTING.PDB,DISP=OLD         
                       //SYSIN DD *                                     
                  If you add a //SPIN DD to that example, and start your
                  re-creation from the oldest to the newest, MSU4HRAV   
                  will exist in all observations (except for the first  
                  four hours of the oldest PDB):                        
                       //WEEKOLD  EXEC MXGSAS                           
                       //PDB  DD DSN=YOUR.WEEKOLD.PDB,DISP=OLD          
                       //SPIN DD DSN=YOUR.SPIN,DISP=OLD                 
                       //SYSIN DD *                                     
                         ... one step per week ...                      
                       //WEEKNEW  EXEC MXGSAS                           
                       //PDB  DD DSN=YOUR.WEEKNEW.PDB,DISP=OLD          
                       //SPIN DD DSN=YOUR.SPIN,DISP=OLD                 
                       //SYSIN DD *                                     
                  If you use the first example, without SPIN, the first 
                  four hour's observations in each output PDB.RMFINTRV  
                  dataset will have missing value for the new variables.
               Definitions and description of the algorithm:            
               "MSU" is Millions of Service Units per Hour, and it is   
               calculated from the raw (un-weighted) Service Unit Per   
               Second value (MXG's SU_SEC variable from TYPE72).  The   
               equation to calculate the hourly MSU capacity is:        
                 MSU= 3600*SU_SEC*NRCPUS/1000000 =  336 MSU (per hr)    
                  (e.g.: 10 engine, SU_SEC=9334.8828, a z900 2064-110)  
                - But SU_SEC value in PDB.RMFINTRV and TYPE72 data is an
                  LPAR value, and is based on the number of CPU engines 
                  that you gave to that LPAR for this system; increasing
                  the number of engines decreases the SU_SEC value, due 
                  to the Multi-Processor effect that causes the recorded
                  CPU time to increase with the number of engines:      
                    Spin loops for access to serialized storage is seen 
                    as CPU time, and the recorded CPU time increases as 
                    the number of engines increases, so to get constant 
                    Service Units, we must multiply by a smaller factor.
                     An example of the 9021-711 family's MP Factors     
                     CPUs    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10      
                     Pct:  100  95  92  88  85  81  79  77  75  72      
                  So instead of using the SU_SEC value for each LPAR,   
                  which varies with the number of engines in each LPAR, 
                  the MSU capacity measurement in z/OS is based on the  
                  new CECSUSEC variable, which is the SU_SEC for all    
                  engines, the "SU_SEC" of the physical "box" or "CEC"  
                       CEC, was Central Electronics Complex,            
                       CPC, now Central Processing Complex,             
                  and CECSUSEC is constant from LPAR to LPAR in a box.  
               CECSUSEC did not exist in the RMF records, and it has now
               been added in z/OS as SMF70CPA, but MXG creates it now so
               we can calculate MSU capacity even before you're at z/OS.
               a. The original (18.11) algorithm to calculate CECSUSEC  
                  and MSU from pre-z/OS records (replaced, below):      
                  In OS/390 RMF TYPE72 records, we only have the SU_SEC 
                  of this LPAR, but we could calculate the CECSUSEC from
                  the LPAR SU_SEC and the "table of MP factors",        
                  above, given the engines in the LPAR and in the box:  
                     MP(n) is the MP factor for n engines, above, and   
                     PARTNCPU=engines in the physical CEC, and          
                     NRCPUS  =engines in this LPAR.                     
                     A numerical example:                               
                       An LPAR with an SU_SEC = 1000                    
                       with NRCPU = 2 (2 engines for this LPAR), and    
                       on a 6-way CEC (PARTNCPU=6) would have a         
                          CECSUSEC = 1000 *(81)/(95) =  CECSUSEC = 852  
                       At 100% busy that 2-CPU LPAR has MSU capacity of:
                        MSU = 3600sec*852SU_sec*2engines/1000000=6.1 MSU
               b. The present (18.18) algorithm to get IBM MSU capacity 
                  (pre-z/OS) using table lookup of IBM published values:
                  The original code worked fine for that one set of MP  
                  factors, but the factors vary with CPU families, and  
                  IBM does not publish a table of MP factors;  instead  
                  IBM publishs the MSU capacity of each CPU, and with   
                  the help of Alan Sherkow, the new $MG070CP format is  
                  created as a look-up table that returns the capacity  
                  in MSU and the CECSUSEC, given the CPUTYPE, CPUVERSN, 
                  and (for 2064's) the CPCMODEL.                        
                  Alan also noted that the MSU capacity calculated from 
                  CECSUSEC does not exactly match IBM's MSU table value,
                  even though we thought it should; differences of up to
                  10% were observed on some particular machines.        
               c. When you're running under z/OS with License Manager,  
                  the needed fields are added by IBM to the type 70 RMF 
                  record and are kept in PDB.RMFINTRV dataset:          
                 MXG Variable   z/OS Variable   Description             
                  CECSUSEC        SMF70CPA        SU_SEC of n-way CPC   
                  MSU4HRAV        SMF70LAC        4-hour Average MSU    
                  MSUINTRV          n/a           Interval MSU count    
                    temp          SMF70WLA        Defined MSU Capacity  
               While IBM will provide the SMF70LAC field in z/OS, MXG   
               now calculates MSU4HRAV from RMF Interval records, going 
               back four hours, and uses the actual interval durations  
               so it supports different interval sizes.  The last four  
               hours of each system is written out to SPIN.SPINRMFI so  
               they can be re-introduced tomorrow so that the four-hour 
               is continuous in RMFINTRV.  (If you're using ADDMSU with 
               a large PDB.RMFINTRV, default array sizes of 9999 permit 
               three month's worth of 15 minute intervals.)             
               This is new territory, and we'll know a lot more about   
               MSU4HRAV when the License Manager product is released,   
               but at least now you can begin to measure your LPARs in  
               these IBM units that will certainly be important in the  
               future of capacity measurement.                          
               Please do not confuse the License Manager measurements   
               with Usage Based Pricing, because they are not related.  
               Under the License Manager, it will be the size of the    
               LPAR that you define that sets the price you pay for     
               Software that runs in that LPAR, and it is the total     
               work in that LPAR (and not the usage of any software     
               product) that is measured and compared with the LPARs    
               defined capacity in MSU.  There is no measurement of     
               product's software usage under License Manager, and it   
               is all work in the LPAR that will be capped if the       
               MSU4HRAV/SMF70LAC exceeds the SMF70WLA capacity.         
Change 18.297  Cosmetic.  The test IF NUMTRANS GT 0 for the calculation 
ASUMCICX       of SQRTARG is redundant so it was removed.               
Dec  8, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Ian Mackay, Royal Bank of Scotland, SCOTLAND.              
Change 18.296  Variable SYSTEM and CPUTM are kept/summed respectively   
ASUMCICS       from input CICSTRAN/MONITASK data into the PDB.CICS      
Dec  8, 2000   summary dataset.  CPUTM=TASCPUTM+CPURLSTM in CICSTRAN.   
   Thanks to Aubrey Tang, Westpac Banking Corporation, AUSTRALIA.       
Change 18.295  Support for APAR OWxxxxx which adds a flag bit to type 79
VMAC79         subtype 2.                                               
Dec  8, 2000                                                            
Change 18.294  QBGLGG now decoded and kept, although the counters in the
VMACDB2        QBGL section are suspect and under investigation.        
Dec  7, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 18.293  SPINCNT=SPINCNT+1; changed to SPINCNT=SUM(SPINCNT,1); so 
IMACUOW        that SPINCNT would actually be retained and incremented  
Dec  7, 2000   and the SPIN library actually used.                      
Change 18.292A Support for MQ Series V5.2 SMF 115/116.                  
EXTY1152      -INCOMPATIBLE because subtype is now a two-byte binary at 
EXTY1161       @19, having been corrected by IBM from the non-standard  
EXTY116Q       one-byte @19 (and that VMACSMF had catered for, and now  
FORMATS        had to be revised to cover both old and new 115/116 SMF).
VMAC115       -Reading new records with old MXG versions will create    
VMAC116        zero observations from the new records.                  
VMACSMF       -Type 115 Subtype 1, dataset MQMLOG has 7 new variables:  
Dec  8, 2000     QJSTTHRW                                               
Dec 18, 2000  -Type 115 Subtype 2, new Q5ST DB2 manager statistics adds 
               70 new variables to existing dataset MQMMSGDM:           
                WRITSCUW WRITSMXW WRITTCUW WRITTMXW                     
              -Type 115 Subtype 2, new QEST Coupling Facility statistics
               segment, MXG creates new MQMCFMGR dataset, one obs for   
               each structure (if QESTSTR structure name is non-blank:  
               IBM writes an array of 64 possible structures but MXG    
               outputs only the entries with data).  MXG also calculates
               the average duration of IXLLSTE and IXLLSTM calls in new 
               new variables QESTAVGE and QESTAVBM.                     
                  Updates to elements in the CF can be made one at a    
                  time with IXLLSTE, or requests to update multiple     
                  elements, a group of changes that have to be made     
                  together, are done with IXLLSTM.                      
               The other IBM variables created in MQMCFMGR dataset:     
              -Type 116: FORMAT MG116TY updated for '7:RRS BATCH' type  
               of attachment type.                                      
              -Type 116 subtype 0 creates old MQMACCT Message Manager   
               accounting; this was the only data set created from SMF  
               116 record prior to Version 5.2.                         
              -Type 116 subtype 1 creates new MQMACCTQ Queue Level      
               Accounting dataset with WTIDxxxx and WTASxxxx variables. 
               This is the important, task-level, dataset, with elapsed 
               and CPU times per verb for commit and back out requests, 
               and has task identification, including Job, User ID,     
               Transaction Name if applicable, and Channel Name (TCP/IP 
               address or APPC LU).                                     
              -Type 116 subtype 1 or subtype 2 creates new MQMQUEUE     
               Queue Detail with WTIDxxxx and WQxxxx variables.  This   
               data set has an observation for each QUEUE used by the   
               task, including number/elapsed/CPU times for MQOPEN,     
               MQCLOSE,MQPUT,MQPUT1,MQGET,MQINP and MQSET calls, and    
               the WTIDxxxx task identifiers.                           
Change 18.292  Cosmetic. Comment corrected and labels for Mount Wait    
ASUMTMNT       bucket variables MNTBKTn changed from 'PCT JOBS' to      
Dec  6, 2000   the more accurate 'PCT MOUNTS*MOUNT WAIT*LESS THAN....'. 
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 18.291  Cosmetic.  Labels added for DOMTRESP/DOMTWAIT/DOMTRTYP/  
VMAC103        DOMTRNUM variables in VMAC108, and dataset labels in the 
VMAC108        VMAC103 are now "HTTP Web Sphere Server" instead of the  
Dec  6, 2000   Lotus Domino no-longer-used name.                        
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
Change 18.290  TMON for MVS 2.0 NQ records were not correct; Landmark   
VMACTMV2       inserted data between 1.3 and 2.0, but no one noticed!   
Dec  5, 2000   Both record formats are now supported, and new variables 
               are now created in dataset TMONNQ.                       
   Thanks to Lindsay Robertson, GMAC Insurance, USA.                    
Change 18.289  Using IMACJBCK exit for DB2ACCT selection saves CPU time!
IMACJBCK       The IMACJBCK exit (or MACJBCK= macro) is invoked in every
VMACDB2H       SMF record that contains JOB name.  For the DB2 SMF 101  
Dec  5, 2000   Account records, using it instead of the EXDB2ACC/ACB/ACP
               exit member to delete unwanted records can save lots of  
               CPU time, because it is invoked earlier in the processing
               code, after the QWHS (Standard) and QWHC (Correlation)   
               Headers have been input, and before INPUTing all of the  
               other variables in all of the segments in the rest of the
               accounting record, and then invoking the EXDB2ACx exit.  
               These QWHSxxxx and QWHCxxxx variables exist when IMACJBCK
               exit is taken, and can be used to delete SMF 101 records 
               early, fully decoding only the selected records and then 
               taking EXDB2ACx exit before output into DB2ACCT/ACCTB/P: 
                  SMFTIME ='TIME WHEN*SMF RECORD*WAS WRITTEN'           
                  QWHSSTCK='STORE CLOCK*VALUE FOR*HEADER'               
                  QWHSSSID='SUBSYSTEM NAME'                             
                  QWHCAID ='AUTHORIZATION ID '                          
                  QWHCCV  ='CORRELATION ID '                            
                  QWHCCN  ='CONNECTION NAME '                           
                  QWHCPLAN='PLAN NAME '                                 
                  QWHCOPID='ORIGINAL OPERATOR ID'                       
                  QWHSRELN='RELEASE INDICATOR'                          
                  JOB     ='JOB NAME*OR*TSO USER'                       
                  QWHCEUTX='END USERS*TRANSACTION*NAME'                 
                  QWHCEUID='END USERS*USERID*AT WORKSTATION'            
                  QWHCEUWN='END USERS*WORKSTATION*NAME'                 
                  QWHCATYP='CONNECTING*SYSTEM TYPE*CODE'                
                     Numeric values and their meaning:                  
                      2='2:DB2 CALL ATTACH'                             
                      3='3:DL/I BATCH'                                  
                      4='4:CICS ATTACH'                                 
                      5='5:IMS ATTACH BMP'                              
                      6='6:IMS ATTACH MPP'                              
                      7='7:DISTRIBUTED UOW'                             
                      8='8:REMOTE UOW'                                  
                      9='9:IMS CONTROL REGION'                          
                     0AX='AX:IMS TRANSACTION BMP'                       
                     0BX='BX:UTILITY JOBS'                              
               In your logic in IMACJBCK, you must DELETE unwanted SMF  
               records, so you must use NOT logic to select wanted:     
                //SYSIN DD *                                            
                %LET MACJBCK= %QUOTE(                                   
                 IF ID=101 THEN DO;                                     
                   IF QWHSSIID NE 'DB2SYS1' THEN DELETE;                
               This change is minor: it moved the %INCLUDE of IMACJBCK  
               in member VMACDB2H to the end of the Correlation Header, 
               so all QWHCxxxx variables exist when at IMACJBCK.  Added 
               are QWHCATYP/NETSNAME and new-in-6.1 QWHCEUID/EUTX/EUWN. 
               (There was no change to IMACJBCK; it just listed here so 
               you'll find this change when searching for that string!).
               Savings:  Reading 4.3GB of SMF 101 records to create all 
               these obs on an SU_SEC=2700 engine took 1426 CPU seconds.
                  Data Set   Observations    MegaBytes                  
                  DB2ACCT     1,842,166       1500                      
                  DB2ACCTG    1,289,146        800                      
                  DB2ACCTB    3,915,350       1430                      
                  DB2ACCTP    2,700,571        920                      
                   Total Output               4650                      
               Deleting all obs in the _EDB2ACx exit took 1257 secs. The
               delta of 1426-1257 = 169 seconds is the CPU cost for SAS 
               write out the 4.5 GB of output, about 27 MB/CPU second.  
               Using MACJBCK to delete all obs took 318 CPU seconds, so 
               the delta of 1257-318 = 939 seconds (deleting in _E exit)
               is the CPU cost for SAS to execute the INPUT statements  
               for the 4.3 GB of SMF or about 4.6MB/CPU second.         
               The 318 seconds is the CPU cost just to read in all 4.3GB
               of SMF, because the Headers are actually at the physical 
               end of each SMF record, so SAS reads SMF records at about
               13.8 MB/CPU second.                                      
                 Case Study:                                            
                             Read 4.3GB  Execute   Write 4.5GB          
                             SMF Data    Input     SAS Output  Total    
               Output all:   318 secs    939 secs  169 secs    1426 secs
               Output half:                                             
                _EDB1ACx     318         939        85         1342     
                IMACJBCK     318         470        85          873     
               Using IMACJBCK to select half of the obs saves 470 secs. 
               With this much possible saving, we will enhance ANALDB2R 
               in the near future so that any selection we can do in the
               IMACJBCK exit will be done there if you use PDB=SMF for  
               your DB2PM-like reports, but you can exploit this exit   
               right now using the above example.                       
   Thanks to Ron Alterman, Charles Schwab & Co., Inc, USA.              
Change 18.288  The JCL in the TESTOTHR step of JCLTEST8 did not have the
JCLTEST8       //TMDCIN DD DUMMY and //TMDVTIN // DD DUMMY statements.  
Dec  4, 2000   Member TESTOTHR had been updated to test the new support 
               and JCLTEST6 was updated,  but JCLTEST8 was overlooked.  
   Thanks to Peter Herden, TUI (Touristik Union) Hannover, GERMANY      
Change 18.287  Assembly error IEC293I FIRST DCB IN CLOSE NOT ACCESSIBLE 
ASMIMSL6       because   CLOSE (R3)  must be  CLOSE ((R3)) in line 1333.
Dec  1, 2000   Many MXG users have seen this error when they assembled  
               that program, but being ASM experts, they fixed it and   
               never told me about it!  Since R3 is an address in reg 3 
               the parens tell the ASM that R3 is not a ddname!         
   Thanks to Alan Green, Zurich Financial Services, ENGLAND.            
   Thanks to Trevor Ede, EDS, NEW ZEALAND.                              
Change 18.286  The four new duration variables for initiator delays:    
VMAC30           SMF30JQT /*JOB*PREPARATION*TIME*/                      
Nov 30, 2000     SMF30RQT /*INELIGIBLE*FOR*EXECUTION*TIME*/             
                 SMF30HQT /*JOB*HOLD*TIME*/                             
                 SMF30SQT /*ELIGIBLE*FOR*EXECUTION*TIME*/               
               were multiplied by 1.024, but should have been multiplied
               by 1024, as they are in 1024-microsecond units.          
               May 22, 2004:  APAR OA07041 corrected SMF30SQT.          
   Thanks to Steve Simon, ALLTEL, USA.                                  
Change 18.285  Cosmetic.  Label for QWACARNG was corrected to be        
Nov 30, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Allan J. Winston, MBNA, USA.                               
Change 18.284  JES 3 only.  The WEEKBLD/WEEKBLDT/MONTHBLD members all   
WEEKBL3        referenced dataset NJEPURGE which is JES2 only.  These   
WEEKBL3T       three members can be used for JES3 sites; the only change
MONTHBL3       is that DJEPURGE instead of NJEPURGE is processed, and   
Nov 29, 2000   the TYPE25 (also JES3-only) processing is added.         
   Thanks to Robert Sample, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, USA.          
Change 18.283  IMS 6.1 only; variable MSGSZOUT is a constant and wrong  
TYPEIMSB       value in IMSTRAN dataset; the PUT  "SUBQ6 $EBCDIC12." was
Nov 29, 2000   corrected to "SUBQ6 $EBCDIC4." to prevent the overlay.   
               My apologies to Pete Gain who's correct fix I typoed!    
   Thanks to Alan Green, Zurich Financial Services, ENGLAND.            
Change 18.282  Invalid length ILKA record subtype 20 is protected now,  
VMACILKA       but the record is still invalid.  The length of data in  
Nov 29, 2000   SMFACDLN is 11,640, but the record is only 4092 bytes,   
               and the number of subpools expected is 256, but there is 
               room only for the first 98 subpool segments.  This change
               detects the bad record, prints a message on the log, and 
               outputs only the found subpool segments, while awaiting  
               a correction from the vendor.  Only ILKAST20 dataset is  
               affected by this error.                                  
   Thanks to Frank d'Hoine, Nationale Bank van Belgie, BELGIUM          
Change 18.281  Three logic errors in VMXGUOW were corrected:            
VMXGUOW       -IRESPTM was being summed from all MRO transactions, due  
Nov 24, 2000   to the mis-location of the code that sets IRESPTM to the 
               single internal response time of the "TOR" transaction   
               (i.e.: now, IRESPTM is the response of the transaction   
               used for TRANNAME and TERMID).                           
              -Counters were being summed as:  HOLDX=HOLDX+X; but that  
               results in a missing value in the PDB.ASUMUOW output data
               set if any counter was missing for any observation in the
               input.  Instead, the more robust   HOLDX=SUM(HOLDX,X);   
               statement is used in VMXGUOW, so that only if all values 
               of a variable is missing in all input observations will  
               that variable have missing value in PDB.ASUMUOW output.  
              -The INCODE= segments (intended to allow tailoring things 
               like normalize CPU times across different processors, or 
               to add new variables) was mis-located after the code that
               added the new variables, so new variables were missing.  
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 18.280  Cosmetic, only affected MXG processing under ASCII SAS.  
VMAC110        The variables RTYPE and RRTYPE should have been INPUT as 
Nov 24, 2000   $EBCDIC1. instead of $CHAR1., so that they were converted
               into ASCII characters for printing and MG110RT format.   
               See Change 18.313.                                       
Change 18.279  NPM Type 28 Subtype 'DC'x (VTAM CSM Buffer Pool data) had
Nov 24, 2000   mis-read the documentation.  The four fields input at the
Nov 27, 2000   end of the sub-subtype VCSVDTYP=1 record (VCSMAXFS thru  
               VCSCUREC) exist in the VCSDTYPE=2 record, where they are 
               properly input.  The four lines in the VCSVDTYP=1 INPUT  
               statement were replaced by  +4  (to skip over the four   
               undocumented bytes at the end of the 176 byte segment).  
               Nov 27: Variable NRTDTYPE now kept with other NRT vars.  
   Thanks to Bruno Peeters, Dexia Bank Belgium, BELGIUM.                
Change 18.278 -Summarization of CICS Statistics into CICINTRV for "EOD" 
ADOCCICI       (sum all "INT" and "End-of-Day" shutdown records into one
VMXGCICI       total observation for each execution of a CICS region)   
Nov 23, 2000   did not work properly: INTERVAL=EOD was never defined in 
               VMXGSUM/VMXGDUR, causing missing COLLTIME and STARTIME,  
               and multiple executions were lumped together.  Since EOD 
               is defined only for CICS "EOD" in CICINTRV (set by adding
                MACRO _CICINTV  EOD %  in your IMACKEEP or IMACCICS),   
               VMXGCICI was revised if EOD was requested and now passes 
               INTERVAL=MYTIME, and MYTIME= DATETIME=COLLTIME;, values. 
               The end result is that you get one observation for each  
               APPLID COLLTIME, where COLLTIME=CICSSTCK, logically the  
               the READTIME of each CICS region execution.              
                  Note that if you dump your SMF data at midnight, and  
                  stop/start the CICS regions daily at, say 4am,        
                  requesting EOD will create two observations in todays 
                  PDB.CICINTRV, one with yesterday's CICSSTCK time,     
                  for the interval from midnight until 4am, and one with
                  today's CICSSTCK, summarizing the interval from 4am   
                  until midnight, and neither observation would have the
                  total resources for each execution.                   
              -Additional enhancements were also made. The PDB.CICINTRV 
               dataset is now created with the variables in alphabetic  
               order (with SYSPLEX SYSTEM SMFPSSPN COLLTIME etc. first) 
               by inserting a LABEL statement in the ORDER= argument of 
               the final VMXGSUM invocation.                            
              -Two variables that had been summed are now maxed from the
               SMD data:   MAX=SMDHWMPS SMDIFREE                        
              -Two variables that had been summed are now maxed from the
               SMT data:   MAX=SMTHWMPS SMTNTASK                        
              -One variables that had been overlooked is now summed in  
               the XMC data:   SUM=XMCPWQ                               
              -These variables that had been overlooked are now summed  
               in the XMR data:                                         
                             XMRFATX  XMRITOV  XMRIWAIT XMRRC           
              -Member ADOCCICI now documents which variables from which 
               Statistics datasets are SUM, MIN, MAX, and MEANed, and   
               how interval datasets are sorted.  All except the MEANed 
               variables are defendable: for some datasets with multiple
               records per interval (LSRPOOL, FCR), I calculate average 
               values that are of dubious value, so disregard them if   
               they are useless.  Sometimes, averages are useful for    
               trending, and in all these cases, you still can go back  
               to the original detail to examine specifics.             
   Thanks to Normand Poitras, ISM, Canada.                              
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 18.277  Cosmetic.  Labels for R744SSTA, R744STAC, and R744STRC   
VMAC74         were corrected from the original documentation and now   
Nov 20, 2000   match the SMF manual's description.                      
   Thanks to Raimo Korhonen, CompMeas Consulting Oy, FINLAND            
Change 18.276  CICS TS 1.3 SAP Journal Format SMF records were output in
VMAC110        dataset CICSJOUR instead of CICSSAP.  The MXG test       
Nov 16, 2000     IF JCRUTRID='SA' AND JCRLL GE 250 THEN DO;             
               was false because JCRLL is not created for the GLRHTYPE=2
               sub-subtype journal format record.  Instead of testing   
               JCRLL, the variable LENUDAT is used to verify that there 
               are at least 250 bytes of journal data left to read:     
                 IF JCRUTRID='SA' AND LENUDAT GE 250 THEN DO;           
               and also the test for 00D1 was similarly changed to:     
                 ELSE IF JCRUTRID='00D1'X AND LENUDAT EQ 50 THEN DO;    
   Thanks to L. Theodorides, Alte-Leipziger, GERMANY.                   
Change 18.275  Support for Vital Signs VisionNet VSAM file.             
TYPEVITA       Work in progress; only the subtype '38'x has been decoded
Nov 16, 2000   and code is not yet fully structured. But it works.      
   Thanks to Craig Collins, State of Wisconsin IT Services, USA.        
Change 18.274  JES3 only.  A short SMF type 6 record (90 bytes) had a   
VMAC6          short "I/O Data Section", with SMF6LN1=30, which MXG had 
Nov 16, 2000   not ever seen before.  Normally, SMF6LN1=52 because all  
               thirteen fields existed, and MXG read them all.  This    
               record ended with field SMF6DFE='01C9'x, which itself is 
               also not expected.  Now, MXG tests for SMF6LN1=52 before 
               inputting SMF6DFE and the four subsequent fields.        
   Thanks to Robert Sample, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, USA.          
Change 18.273  MXG 18.09 only. NPM APAR OW37743 inserted a four byte    
VMAC28         field in the CSL segment in the NPMSUBTY='A0'x ODLC SMF  
Nov 16, 2000   type 28 record, and MXG attempted to support that APAR in
               Change 18.254, using IBM documentation only and no test  
               data, but now I find out IBM fibbed.  MXG coded to test  
               the bit that IBM said would be on when the new field was 
               present, but data now shows the bit is on in records that
               don't have the field (and without the APAR!), causing an 
               uses the LENAOF segment length to determine if the field 
               is or is not inserted in your record.  The original code:
                 IF LCSLCON6='1.......'B THEN INPUT LCSLT3S &PIB.4. @;  
                 IF LENAOF GE 192 THEN DO;                              
               was replaced by these statements:                        
                 IF LENAOF GE 192 THEN DO;                              
                   IF LENAOF GE 196 THEN INPUT LCSLT3S &PIB.4. @;       
   Thanks to Richard Rich, California Stephen P. Teal Data Center, USA. 
Change 18.272  This example that analyzes allocation time components    
ANALALOC       (including HSM recall) had "", but that was     
Nov 13, 2000   changed to "" to be consisted with other ANALs.   
   Thanks to Forrest Nielson, State of Utah, USA.                       
Change 18.271  Variable STC14VSZ now is formatted MGBYTES. (so that     
VMACSTC        it prints pretty!).                                      
Nov  8, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 18.270  The SARRU33 records from CA-VIEW for subtype 33 (DELETE  
VMACSARR       REPORT) reserved field before SV33LNES should be +2 and  
Nov  8, 2000   not +1.  This caused subsequent fields in the dataset    
               to be incorrect.                                         
   Thanks to Craig Raridon, RadioShack, USA.                            
Change 18.269  ASTEX records were not read under ASCII SAS; the test for
VMACDMON       DMONREC='F1'x, 'F2'x, and 'F3'x must be changed to '1',  
Nov  8, 2000   '2', and '3' respectively, as DMONREC was INPUT with     
               $EBCDIC1, it became an ASCII character value under ASCII 
   Thanks to Neil Ervin, Charles Schwab, USA.                           
Change 18.268  DSA size variables (SMSDSALI,SMDSATO,SMSHWMDS,SMSHWMDT,  
VMXGCICI       others) were incorrectly summarized into CICINTRV.       
Nov  5, 2000   Some size variables were summed when they should not be. 
Nov 12, 2000   These SMSDSANM count variables are summed in CICINTRV:   
                    SMSSV    SMSTSOS  SMSUCSS ,                         
               and these SMSDSANM size variables are maxed in CICINTRV: 
                    SMSEDSAT SMSHWMDT SMSHWMED SMSNPAGP                 
               Sizes (current, hwm, total, cushion) of each specific    
               were correct in the CICSMDSA detail dataset, and it      
               must be used for analysis by SMSDSANM (DSA name).        
               Also, ANALCISH produced correct values.                  
   Thanks to William Sherriff, IBM Global Services, USA.                
Change 18.267  Variables SMF14CDL, SMF14CDS, SMF14UDL, and SMF14UDS are 
VMAC1415       now formatted with MGBYTES, and they contain byte counts.
Nov  4, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 18.266  Support for NETVIEW "Hardware Monitor" type 37 SMF record
VMAC37         APAR OW45728 added new variable BRFRIBID, the            
Nov  3, 2000   Ring Number (for token-ring LAN) or the bus number (for a
               CSMA or token-bus LAN) to dataset TYPE37.                
Change 18.265  Corrections based on source code scanning.               
VMAC90A       -Variable NEWFWKLD was not in keep in VMAC90A.            
VMACTMDC      -Variable CNSRRBA was not created nor kept in VMACTMDC.   
VMACOMVT      -Variables ON29UNK1-OM29UNK5 were removed from KEEP list  
VMACPMTR       as they are now known, input, with correct names.        
Nov  3, 2000  -Dataset OMVTTCPC was incorrect, because "NEW" string had 
               been left in columns 1-3, but now have been removed.     
              -There was no %%INCLUDE SOURCLIB(IMACZDAT) in VMACPMTR,   
               so variable ZDATE was never created in dataset PERFMETR. 
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, TXU Gas, USA.                                
 We took real vacation in Chena Hot Springs, near Fairbanks, Alaska.  No
 email for six days, saw the aurora three nights, made 9,000 ham radio  
 contacts (at KL7RA, with six other hams, during the annual 48-hour CQ  
 World Wide DX contest: made 8,600 contacts during the first 24 hours,  
 and then aurora hit Saturday night, and we made only 400 more QSO's in 
 the last 24 hours of the contest!).                                    
======Changes thru 18.264 were in MXG 18.09 dated Oct 24, 2000======    
Change 18.264  Changes to this SAS/Graph report example for RMFINTRV and
GRAFWORK       TRNDRMFI Workload reporting now exploits HTML and SAS V8.
GRAFSAMP       -PDBOUT added, allows you to write the output graphics   
Oct 23, 2000    catalog to a different location than the input PDB.     
                This is important if you are using SAS/CONNECT to read  
                the input data from a mainframe PDB but want to store   
                the output on your PC or LAN.  The default is "PDB".    
               -New parameter HTMLPATH= (default is null) should point  
                to a directory where all of the JPG files and HTML code 
                created by GRAFWORK will be stored.                     
               -Member GRAFSAMP is a sample execution of GRAFWORK based 
                on a mainframe PDB as input using SAS/CONNECT with an   
                output PDB on a LAN and HTML being generated.           
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 18.263  Changes to this SAS/Graph report example for RMFINTRV and
GRAFRMFI       TRNDRMFI reporting has been enhanced to exploit HTML and 
Oct 23, 2000   SAS V8, and to remove the now-obsolete VMXGGOPT macro.   
               -DEVICE= operand now directly used the GOPTIONS statement
                rather than using VMXGGOPT.                             
               -New parameter HTMLPATH= (default is null) should point  
                to a directory where all of the JPG files and HTML code 
                created by GRAFRMFI will be stored.  At the conclusion  
                of GRAFRMFI, point your browser at the RMFIFRAM.HTML    
                dataset in the HTMLPATH= directory to view the generated
                WEB pages.                                              
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 18.262  Changes to this SAS/Graph report example for tape usage  
GRAFTAPE       has been enhanced for usability, and new options that    
Oct 23, 2000   exploit ODS and SAS Version 8 for HTML output.  This     
               example uses data from MXG's Tape Mount Monitor and from 
               STK's HSC and LSM records, expecting these datasets in   
               your TREND library: TAPEMNTS TRNDTALO TRNDHSC TRNDLMS.   
               -New parameter HTMLPATH= (default is null) should point  
                to a directory where all of the JPG files and HTML code 
                created by GRAFTAPE will be stored.                     
               -DEVICE=JPEG provides a good choice of devices to make   
                your output more accessible and useable.                
               -DISPLAY=NODISPLAY now has no effect, since with SAS V8, 
                no output is produced if this option is in effect.      
               -GOUTTYPE=INDEPENDENT was removed to eliminate a warning 
                that had no meaning, and NOLIST added to all executions 
                of PROC DATASETS.                                       
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 18.261  TYPE74 data for PAV Volumes had percentages over 100% for
Oct 21, 2000   did not average those values across the number of UCBs   
               that were used during that interval.  But now, to match  
               the IBM RMF report philosophy, all of the duration-based 
               device percentages are now divided by NREXPOSR to give   
               the average percentage.  Note that only the percentage   
               values are divided by NREXPOSR; the duration variables   
               are unchanged, so in a 15 minute you could record true   
               DEVACTTM=39:58, DEVCONTM=21:33, DEVPNDTM=15:45 (with     
               DLYDEVTM=04:53 and DLYOTHTM=10:52).                      
               This table maps the MXG variable names for the TYPE74    
               measures of duration, milliseconds per SIO, and percent  
               of the interval duration to their IBM DASD Report tag:   
                  IBM   MXG      Duration    Per-SSCH    Percentage     
                  ----  ACT      DEVACTTM      dne       PCTDVACT       
                  CONN  CON      DEVCONTM    AVGCONMS    PCTDVCON       
                  DISC  DIS      DEVDISTM    AVGDISMS    PCTDVDIS       
                  IOSQ  IOQ      DEVIOQTM    AVGIOQMS      dne          
                  PEND  PND      DEVPNDTM    AVGPNDMS    PCTDVPND       
                  CUB   CUB      DLYCUBTM    AVGPNCUB    PCTPNCUB       
                  DB    DEV      DLYDEVTM    AVGPNDEV    PCTPNDEV       
                  DPB   DIR      DLYDIRTM    AVGPNDIR    PCTPNDIR       
                  ---   OTH      DLYOTHTM      dne       PCTPNOTH       
                  RESP  RSP        dne       AVGRSPMS      dne          
                  USE   USE        dne         dne       PCTDVUSE       
                     where   dne = "does not exist" = is not created.   
               Schematically, these fields are related:                 
               MXG creates the "Other" Pending time because the sum of  
               individual pends (CUB + DEV + DIR) is less than the total
               device PND time.  IBM does not directly report that other
               component of pending time (although RMF shows it if you  
               compare DPB+CUB+DB DLYs with PEND).  This PCTPNOTH has   
               usually zero, but now with PAV volumes, it has been seen 
               to be quite significant in this DURATM=900 sec interval: 
                   One PAV Volume.  NREXPOSR=4.  DURATM=900 seconds.    
                     CUB   DEV   DIR   OTH                              
               The "Other" Pend time of 652 seconds is significant, and 
               according to none other than Dr H.P. Artis, for PAV, that
               Other Pend, PCTPNOTH, includes the response time of the  
               subsystem to receive, verify, and acknowledge the first  
               CCW of the channel program.  PEND time ends when the     
               subsystem (i.e., the logical volume) acknowledges the    
               first CCW.  (Included in Other Pend is the percent of    
               time when I/O was pended due to conflicting Data Extents 
               for a track range, that is, overlapping writes and reads 
               waiting for a Data Extent area that is already being     
                 This Other Pend is the I/O delay to shared users of the
                 same dataset due to PAV parallelism, but without PAV,  
                 that contending job could have had a much larger delay:
                 in the old days with MIM, the job would have run into  
                 a DSENQ event, been put in hold and still be waiting in
                 the JES2 Held Job Queue until the enqued dataset was   
                 freed by the first job, or now, with no limit on number
                 of batch initiators, the job is waiting in the DSENQTM 
                 duration, initiated and holding an initiator, awaiting 
                 allocation, held due to DSNAME ENQ due to DISP=OLD.    
               Note also that the Connect duration of 1293 seconds is   
               greater than the interval duration; PAV drops the point  
               of exclusive control to the track range in the data      
               extent for writes, and any number of simultaneous reads  
               can be concurrent even for one track as long as there is 
               not a write active for that track.  I had trouble with   
               this until I realized that PAV must be behind cache so   
               parallel I/O to the channel occurs, and even for a cache 
               miss, the back end can have a 6:1 raid scheme which would
               also permit six parallel I/Os between cache and raid.    
               Note that EMC's PAV's do not have any miss-parallelism,  
               due to their choice of a raid-1 back end.                
                   A recent MXG-L posting reported an ADABAS volume with
                   an average of 37 UCB's assigned, showing PAV might be
                   a real salvation for that old database system!       
   Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.                   
Change 18.260  REPORT=DEVC, columns %DEV RESV, %ANY ALLOC and %MT PEND  
ANALRMFR       have no values. AVG NUMBER ALLOC value is incorrect.     
Oct 21, 2000   Line 4036                                                
               Change IF DEVCLASS NE 20X OR DEVCLASS NE 80X             
               To     IF DEVCLASS NE 20X AND DEVCLASS NE 80X            
               Line 4056                                                
               Change IF DEVCLASS EQ 20X THEN PUT @1 STORGRUP @128" " @;
               To     IF DEVCLASS EQ 20X THEN PUT @1 STORGRUP @;        
Change 18.259  Under SAS V8, you cannot re-define MACRO _BLD005 using   
BUILDPDB       %LET MACKEEP= to add PROC SORT and DATA steps before the 
Oct 21, 2000   include of BUILD005, although it worked under V6. Instead
               you can redefine MACRO _EPDBOUT (or use member EXPDBOUT) 
               to insert you code, and that is actually the exit that   
               should be used.  In this case, the user wanted to sort   
               and create a PDB.TYPE30_5 dataset of today's records.    
               I will pursue the V8 problem with SAS when time permits. 
   Thanks to Simon Briggs, Allied Irish Bank, IRELAND.                  
Change 18.258  Variable CPCMODEL was added to dataset TYPE70PR by Change
VMAC7072       17.138, and is now also added to dataset TYPE70.         
Oct 18, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, Karstat AG, GERMANY.                 
   Thanks to Harmuth Beckmann, Karstat AG, GERMANY                      
Change 18.257  Tivoli NPM Type 28 Subtype 14X NRT record caused either a
Oct 14, 2000   Only NRPDTYPE=2 records (IBM Router) had been received,  
               so MXG forced this error to validate the Cisco NRPDTYPE=1
               record, which turn out to be validly supported by MXG if 
               the DO group writing this message is deleted and the test
               IF NRTDTYPE=2 THEN DO; is replaced with                  
               IF NRTDTYPE IN (1,2) THEN DO;   /*IBM/CISCO */           
   Thanks to Sandra Mischianti, Nicus Software, USA.                    
   Thanks to Ken Patterson, Chemical Abstracts Service, USA.            
Change 18.256  The MG073CD format for SMF73CPD (Channel Path Type) now  
FORMATS        decodes bits: 10X:OSA EXPRESS and 11X:OSA EXPRESS DIRECT 
Oct 14, 2000   for those types of channels.                             
   Thanks to Bob Falla, Clarica, CANADA.                                
Change 18.255  A semi-colon was missing after _ETY30TD invocation, so if
VMAC30         you tailored _ETY30TD and did not end your tailoring with
Oct 14, 2000   a semi-colon, ERROR 79-322 EXPECTING SEMICOLON occurred. 
   Thanks to Lawrence Jermyn, Fidelity Investments, USA.                
Change 18.254  Support for NPM APAR OW37743 (INCOMPAT) SMF 28 for 3746  
VMAC28         devices if NPM is collecting TIC3 (ODLC) link resources. 
Oct 12, 2000   A four byte field, LCSLT3S='ACTIVE PU*COUNT*PER TIC3',   
               was inserted into the CSL segment, trashing some fields  
               in MXG dataset NPMLANOD dataset.  The APAR text notes    
               that TIC3 data can be created by an NPM NETCOLL command  
               naming a generic resource, such as ODLCLNLK or ALLLINES, 
               which will match any ODLC (TIC3) link resource cause the 
               TIC3 data to be captured and sent to NPM.                
   Thanks to John Wilmot, Midland Bank, ENGLAND.                        
Change 18.253  The IBM sample report had two columns labeled STG THLD   
ANAL88         which we replicated, but the second column is STG FULL,  
Oct 11, 2000   and we've corrected our Logger replica report.           
   Thanks to Tom Elbert, Fortis, USA.                                   
Change 18.252  Support for APAR OW44456 which creates the new SMF 120   
               record from the Component Broker element of WebSphere    
IMAC120        Application Server Enterprise (EE) Edition.  WebSphere   
VMAC120        Application Server Standard Edition (SE), Advanced       
TYPE120        Edition (AE), and Enterprise Edition (EE) is an IBM      
TYPS120        product suite that runs on NT, AIX, Solaris, OS/390 and  
VMXGINIT       more.  The SE version includes JAVA and the WebSphere    
Oct 10, 2000   Application Server, but the EE version adds the Component
               Broker element, and APAR OW44456 provides SMF type 120   
               records to record measurement of the Component Broker    
               that runs on OS/390.                                     
               Note: none of these members exist; no doc yet.           
Change 18.251  Even after Change 17.348, this SAS/GRAPH example failed  
GRAFLPAR       if you didn't have SAS/GRAPH.  The Graph-only SYMBOL1,   
Oct 10, 2000   etc., statements were protected by the %IF .. %DO group, 
               but the following four lines were not deleted.           
   Thanks to John Allgire, Group Health, USA.                           
VMAC110        is an MXG error.  The STILEN is 280, but MXG had miscoded
Oct 18, 2000   STILEN-STILEN-272; where it now has STILEN=STILEN-280;.  
               The error caused zero observations in CICCFS6D dataset.  
               STID=126 is new CFDT Coupling Facility statistics.       
              -Two new data fields were added to STID=127 record for    
               the CICFS7D CFDT Server Table Access dataset.            
   Thanks to Bernard Cadet, Michelin, FRANCE.                           
Change 18.249  Variables IMSGTEXT and OMSGTEXT, the first forty bytes of
IHDRIMS        the message text, are decoded from the IMS 01 and 03 log 
VMACIMS        records.  They have been useful in fraud investigation!  
Oct  5, 2000   In addition, new exit IHDRIMS has been added, after the  
               IMS record has been read, but before decoding, so that   
               unwanted IMS records can be deleted.                     
   Thanks to Frank Baird, Oklahoma Department of Human Services, USA.   
Change 18.248  Unused Change number.                                    
Change 18.247  Support for Neon System's Shadow Server V4.5 SMF record  
EXSHDW01       creates three datasets:                                  
EXSHDW02        dddddd   dataset   description                          
EXSHDW06        SHDW01   SHADOW01  SHADOW END CONNECTION                
IMACSHDW        SHDW02   SHADOW02  SHADOW INTERVAL                      
TYPESHDW        SHDW06   SHADOW06  CLIENT REQUEST                       
TYPSSHDW       The SHADOW01 observations may be end of Session, SM01RCTY
VMACSHDW       ='S', or if the Logging feature is enabled, you will also
VMXGINIT       get Interim Interval (='I') and Final Interval (='F').   
Oct  4, 2000   Only subtype=1 data has been validated.                  
   Thanks to Jim Gilbert, Sabre, USA.                                   
Change 18.246  DB2 Report PMAUD03 failed (Uninit error for IF, NE, THEN)
ANALDB2R       because the semicolon was missing from this line:        
Oct  3, 2000       @90 'ORIGINAL AUTHID: ' QW0087OP;                    
   Thanks to Bill Hamilton, Scottish Widows, SCOTLAND.                  
Change 18.245  Support for new NTSMF Objects:                           
EXNTADSM         dddddd  dataset   Object                               
EXNTCFSE         NTADSM  ADSMCLNT  ADSM Client Performance              
EXNTMQQU         NTCFSE  COLDFUSE  ColdFusion Server                    
EXNTWSCT         NTMQQU  MQQUEUES  MQSeries Queues                      
EXNTWSQU         NTWSCT  WRLDMSCT  WorldSecure/Mail Message Count       
EXNTWSSM         NTWSQU  WRLDMSQU  WorldSecure/Mail Message Queue       
IMACNTSM         NTWSSM  WRLDSMTP  WorldSecure SMTP Relay.              
VMACNTSM       The ColdFusion object still has errors in their data that
VMXGINIT       Demand Technology is working to resolve.  All except the 
Oct  1, 2000   ADSM object's records have been tested.                  
              -In addition, the "Full Image" object is now supported, as
               it's counters are the same as the "Image" object with the
               only difference being the instance name.  In the Full    
               Image object the name includes the full file path name of
               the loaded modules, while Image has only the filename.   
               Oct 24: The new ADSM object had no test records, so its  
                       INPUT statement had not been executed.  Compiling
                       under SAS V8 did not detect an MXG coding error  
                       (there were no comments around the label text in 
                       the ADSM INPUT statement), but SAS V6 did detect 
                       an error at compile, but only accidentally: both 
                       versions of SAS saw each word in the comment as a
                       variable to be input, but under V6, "variable"   
                       TRANSFERRED was MORE THAN 8 CHARACTERS long.     
                       CHARACTERS!  This MXG coding error would have    
                       been eventually detected, when test records were 
                       read, but by using both V6 and V8 in the MXG QA, 
                       yet another, later, change has been avoided!     
Change 18.244  Candle's Omegamon for VTAM TCP record documentation was  
VMACOMVT       incorrect; revised DSECT was received and the code for   
Oct  1, 2000   TCPA and TCPB datasets now matches the data records.     
Change 18.243  While writing my CMG Workshop Paper on BUILDPDB, I was   
MXGSAS         stunned to find REGION=4096K on the EXEC PGM= statement  
Sep 28, 2000   in the MXGSAS JCL Procedure that I distribute!  That     
               should have been removed long ago.  You should specify   
               either REGION=0 or REGION=64M on your JOB card.          
Change 18.242  MXG 18.05-18.08 only.  CICSTRAN variable PROGRAMB was not
VMACCIMS       kept because it was spelled as ROGRAMB in the KEEP= list 
VMACEDGS       fortunately PROGRAM is the same as PROGRAMB, so the name 
VMACSRMH       is still there, and this was not reported, but instead   
VMACLDMS       was detected by Freddie continued source analysis. Other:
VMACRSDF      -VMACIISL - Include of IMACZDAT added to create ZDATE.    
VMACIISL      -VMACEDGS - MDNDS removed from KEEP= list                 
Sep 28, 2000  -VMACSRMH - _KSRMNNU changed to _KSRMHNU                  
Oct 23, 2000  -VMACLDMS - corrected to PCDJJNAM,PCDJPSTN,PCDJCOND,      
                          PCDDRLNG,DIRSVERS,DIRSCTL1 which were missing 
                          the last character in KEEP= list, and LPCABR  
                          changed to LPCAGR.                            
              -VMACRSDF - RSDUNKN1-RSDUNKN4 instead of 2-5.             
              Oct 23:     %%INCLUDE for IMACZDAT.                       
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, TXU Utilities, USA.                          
Change 18.241  Macro _LNTTN32 was not defined, creating dataset _LNTTN32
VMACNTSM       instead of TN3270SV.  Insert, before MACRO _WNTTN32:     
Sep 28, 2000    MACRO _LNTTN32 &PNTTN32..TN3270SV %                     
   Thanks to Greg Jackson, National Life of Vermont, USA.               
Change 18.240  For SAS user SMF record, new format $MGSASPR maps the    
FORMATS        variable SASPROC (Procedure Name) to the new variable    
VMACSASU       SASPROD (SAS Product Name that owns that Procedure).     
Sep 27, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Raff Rushton, Kaiser Permanente, USA.                      
Change 18.239  Cosmetic.  Freddie's post-QA analysis of every line of   
VMAC90A        MXG source code continues to get better!  This iteration 
VMAC28         identified variables in the KEEP= list in MXG source     
UTILXREF       members that were never referenced:                      
UTILXRF2      -In VMAC90A, variables NEWWKLD and MCPNAME in the KEEP=   
Sep 26, 2000   list should be spelled NEWFWKLD and MPCNAME.  This does  
               not cause an error, but those variables did not exist in 
               the output dataset because of the spelling error; only if
               you went looking for those fields would you have noticed 
               the did not exist.                                       
              -And when he ran under SAS Version 6, he got VMAC28 NOTE: 
               A LENGTH OF 40, but that note did not appear under my SAS
               Version 8 QA run, because V8 permits 256 byte Labels!    
               I have always limited my LABELS to 40 positions, only so 
               that you didn't get that TRUNCATED message on your log.  
                 In fact, it is only by searching the SAS Log as part of
                 my own Post-QA analysis for the string TRUNCATED that I
                 find and correct these long labels in MXG source.      
               But now that the message goes away in SAS V8, should I   
               still keep LABELS to only 40 characters?  I say YES:     
                - For sites still running under SAS V6, eliminating any 
                  unneeded or non-impacting message might save me a tech
                  support call/email, and will save new users confusion 
                  and wasted time.                                      
                - Since PROC PRINT SPLIT='*' is the MXG way to print the
                  label as column heading, if I were to increase label  
                  length, it could mess up our nicely arranged reports. 
                  Besides, you can always use your own LABEL statement  
                  with your PROC PRINT if you want a wordier heading.   
                - MXG ADOCxxxx and DOCVER members only have room for 40.
                - Forty has been enough to describe the first 112,498   
                  variables I've created in MXG.                        
               So I have modified my UTILXREF/UTILXRF2 programs to      
               detect any labels longer than 40 bytes as part of the    
               MXG QA stream, and shorten them before you see them.     
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, TXU Utilities, USA.                          
======Changes thru 18.238 were in MXG 18.08 dated Sep 25, 2000======    
Change 18.238  The new logic fails when the SPIN.SPINUOW dataset exists,
ASUMUOW        because a VIEW cannot be used when the input and output  
VMXGUOW        datasets are the same.  Remove  /VIEW=_TMPSPIN  from the 
Sep 25, 2000   DATA _TMPSPIN; statement.                                
Sep 26, 2000   Members IMACKEEP and IMACUOW were removed from %INCLUDE  
Nov 17, 2000   in member ASUMUOW, and IMACUOW was added to the existing 
               INCLUDE of IMACKEEP in member VMXGUOW, so that MACKEEP is
               only invoked once.                                       
               Sep 26:  If ASUMUOW were executed in a separate step, and
               not in the step that built CICSTRAN, the program fails   
               with CHAR/NUM conflicts, because macro _LCICTRN did not  
               exist.  Now, new logic validates the existence of that   
               macro, and defines it with the MXG default if not found. 
               Nov 17: Under SAS V8, the error message was:             
               Bottom line:  Scratch and Reallocate the SPIN Library.   
   Thanks to Hank Oerlemans, Western Australia Police Service, AUSTRALIA
Change 18.237  The TYPS102A member was expected by the test job TESSIBM3
TYPS102A       but that member did not exist.                           
Sep 22, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, Karstat AG, GERMANY.                 
   Thanks to Harmuth Beckmann, Karstat AG, GERMANY                      
Change 18.236  Support for Landmark TMON for VTAM creates datasets:     
EXTMVTAA        dddddd  dataset                                         
EXTMVTAE        TMVTAA     TMVTAA                                       
EXTMVTAS        TMVTAE     TMVTAE                                       
EXTMVTIB        TMVTAS     TMVTAS                                       
EXTMVTIN        TMVTIB     TMVTINB                                      
EXTMVTSE        TMVTIN     TMVTIN                                       
EXTMVTSI        TMVTSE     TMVTSE                                       
EXTMVTSS        TMVTSI     TMVTSI                                       
EXTMVTTN        TMVTSS     TMVTSS                                       
EXTMVTVR        TMVTTN     TMVTTN                                       
IMACTMVT        TMVTVR     TMVTVR                                       
TYPETMVT       Records AA, IN, SI, TN, and VR have been tested; the     
TYPSTMVT       TN records were discovered to have some fields that are  
VMACTMVT       accumulated, the _STMVTTN macro will deaccumulate TMVTTN 
VMXGINIT       dataset, and _STMVTTN is added to the TYPETMVT member so 
Sep 21, 2000   that dataset TMVTTN is always deaccumulated; using the   
               TYPSTMVT member is recommended, since the TYPSxxxx member
               invokes the _Sdddddd sort macros, which is where the MXG 
               DIF() logic for deaccumulation is invoked.               
   Thanks to Siobhan Hansen, Merrill Lynch, USA.                        
Change 18.235  Summarization and trending of STC datasets.              
ASUMSTC         Input dataset(s)             Summarized dataset         
TRNDSTC          PDB.STCLMU                     PDB.ASUMLSM             
Sep 21, 2000     PDB.STCENTER, PDB.STCEJECT     PDB.ASUMENEJ            
                 PDB.STCHSC                     PDB.ASUMHSC             
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 18.234  This analysis uses SYNCSORT SMF records to identify jobs 
ANALUAFF       that used tape-to-tape sort steps, but that did not use  
Sep 21, 2000   UNIT=AFF=SORTIN on the //SORTOUT dd statement, causing   
               the job to use an extra tape drive.                      
   Thanks to Al Holz, Merck, USA.                                       
Change 18.233  Both VMXGDUR and VMXGSUM now have new argument SYNC59 to 
VMXGDUR        add one minute to DATETIME for Interval calculations, so 
VMXGSUM        that sites which write at :59 minutes can have the start 
Sep 21, 2000   of the interval be one minute later.                     
   Thanks to Ian Davies, Canadian Utilities Ltd, CANADA.                
Change 18.232  NETSPY 'I' record with NSPYENTL=124 caused STOPOVER ABEND
VMACNSPY       because MXG expected NSPYENTL=170.  The INPUT statement  
Sep 20, 2000   is interrupted after variable OPTSEGSZ and the remaining 
               fields are only INPUT if NSPYENTL GE 170.                
   Thanks to Mark Bailey, HM Land Registry, ENGLAND.                    
Change 18.231  Support for Landmarks The Monitor for DBCTL creates four 
ADOCTMDC       new datasets from the 'CN', 'CT', and 'CX' records.      
EXTMDCCN       These new datasets are created:                          
EXTMDCCV         dddddd   DATASET   Description                         
EXTMDCCT         TMDCCN   TMDCCN    Interval Statistics from CN record. 
EXTMDCCX         TMDCCV   TMDCCV    VSAM Intervals from CN record       
IHDRTMDC         TMDCCT   TMDCCT    PSB/Thread Detail from CT record.   
IMACTMDC         TMDCCX   TMDCCX    Exception record                    
TYPETMDC       See member ADOCTMDC for notes on some data values.       
TYPSTMDC       These TMON records can be dumped in compressed format,   
VMACTMDC       and MXG member EXITMON6 is the code and instructions to  
VMXGINIT       install the TMON INFILE exit so MXG will read compressed 
EXITMON6       TMON records directly; comments and examples in EXITMON6 
Sep 19, 2000   were revised and updated for all TMON products.          
   Thanks to ???, ???, EUROPE                                           
   Thanks to Daniel Strgarsek, SAS EMEA, GERMANY.                       
Change 18.230  Cosmetic.  The LABEL for variables PGPEXCP and PGPIOTM   
VMAC7072       are now  *BY THIS*PERFGRP/SRVCLASS instead of the old    
Sep 19, 2000   PERF GROUP PERIOD.   These variables exist in both TYPE72
               and TYPE72GO datasets, so their contents were clarified. 
   Thanks to Joe Martin, Amdahl, USA.                                   
Change 18.229  Support for Omegamon for VTAM V500 (COMPAT) adds new     
EXOMVTCA       TCP/IP measurements in four new MXG datasets:            
EXOMVTCB         dddddd  Dataset   Description                          
EXOMVTCC         OMVTCP  OMVTTCP   TCP/IP Address Space                 
EXOMVTCP         OMVTCA  OMVTTCPA  TCP/IP Application                   
IMACOMVT         OMVTCB  OMVTTCPB  TCP/IP Buffer Pool                   
VMACOMVT         OMVTCC  OMVTTCPC  TCP/IP Connection                    
VMXGINIT       Only the first three datasets have been tested with data.
Sep 19, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Eric Barnes, Prudential, ENGLAND.                          
   Thanks to Norman Hollander, Candle, USA.                             
   Thanks to Dave Crandall, Farmers Insurance, USA.                     
Change 18.228  Add logic to MXGCPU report for number ICF's and CP's     
ANALRMFR       within the Partition data report.                        
Sep 18, 2000   Error PDB not assigned, when parameters are PDB=SMF,     
               REPORT=IOQU, and  PDBOUT=PDBO was corrected.             
               Change _STY78 to _STY78CF;                               
               Add  _STY78CU; _STY78IO;                                 
               Error Physical file does not exist. When parameters are  
               Change all _N72 to _N7072.                               
               Change all VMAC72 to VMAC7072.                           
               Change all _CDE72 to _CDE7072.                           
               Change all _VAR72 to _VAR7072.                           
Change 18.227  Support for EDA, Enterprise Data Access, SMF user record.
EXEDALOF       Two datasets are created from the four subtypes:         
EXEDALON        dddddd  Dataset  Subtype    Description                 
TYPEEDA        The EDALOGON dataset seems useless, since it has only the
TYPSEDA        SMFTIME of the start, which becomes MXG variable EDASTIME
VMACEDA        in the EDALOGOF dataset.  Sorted by EDASTIME, EDALOGOF   
VMXGINIT       has the 2:LOGOFF event record first, which has the total 
Sep 18, 2000   CPU Time and EXCP count, and then each of the individual 
               5:END QUERY event records follow that LOGOFF record.  The
               CPU time in the 5:END QUERY records is already contained 
               in the 2:LOGOFF even record.                             
   Thanks to Glen Yee, California Health & Human Services, USA.         
Change 18.226  Variable JOB was blank if QMDACORR was blank, for DB2    
VMACDB2        attachment QWHCATYP IN (1,2,0Bx) (TSO, CALL ATTACH, and  
Sep 15, 2000   UTILITY JOBS).  For those QWHCATYP values, MXG now tests 
                 IF QMDACORR GT ' ' THEN JOB=QMDACORR;                  
               so JOB won't be overwritten if QMDACORR is blank.        
   Thanks to Diane Parker, Bergen Brunswig, USA.                        
   Thanks to Warren E. Waid, JC Penny, USA.                             
Change 18.225  Change 17.303 was wrong.  The DBORG='00'x segment does   
VMACCIMS       not contain SQL information, and should not have been    
Sep 15, 2000   output to CIMSDB2.  That segment (with DBDNAME='ALLDBS') 
               is the I/O activity for DLI buffers during Syncpoint     
               processing and is now output back into CIMSDBDS (as it   
               was before Change 17.303), and its I/O counts are summed 
               into the CIMSTRAN observation for that transaction.  It  
               is called IOWAITS because only IOWAITS code generates    
               statistics during this processing.                       
   Thanks to Thomas Heitlinger, FIDUCIA IT AG, GERMANY.                 
Change 18.224  The DCOLLECT _Sdddddd and _Sxxxx SORT macros are updated 
VMACDCOL       as PROC SORT NODUP and the _Bdddddd BY list will remove  
Sep 12, 2000   duplicate observations in the input DCOLLECT data.       
Change 18.223  MXG 18.02-18.07 GOAL MODE only.  Report 2 printed too    
UTILRMFI       much because test for RPRTCLAS=Y should have been='Y',   
Sep 12, 2000   and reports were revised to use PDB.SMFINTRV/PDB.STEPS   
               or TYPE30_V/TYPE30_V instead of interval and Job Term,   
               and the comments were clarified.                         
   Thanks to Bob Falla, The Mutual Group, CANADA.                       
Change 18.222  Support for AS/400 Collection Services records, which is 
EXQAPCON       a separate product, different from the AS/400 Performance
EXQAPDIS       Monitor that is still available (free) and supported by  
EXQAPJOB       MXG's TYPEQAPM code.  This new product captures only a   
EXQAPPOO       small subset of the data in the Performance Monitor.     
IMACQACS       This new TYPEQACS support creates these datasets:        
TYPEQACS         DDDDDD  INFILE/DATASET   Description            LRECL  
TYPSQACS         QAPCON    QACSCONF       CS Configuration data     16  
VMACQACS         QAPDIS    QACSDISK       CS Disk Storage data     352  
VMXGINIT         QAPJOB    QACSJOBS       CS Job data              544  
Sep 14, 2000     QAPPOO    QACSPOOL       CS Main Storage data      78  
Aug 21, 2008   (QACSYS/QACSYSM/EXQCSSYS reference/member removed 2008.) 
               The AS/400 CS data is completely dependent on the correct
               LRECL having been specified when the data was uploaded   
               to MVS, or in the FILENAME statement on ASCII systems.   
               Member VMACQACS documents the correct LRECL sizes.       
   Thanks to Joe Faska, Depository Trust, USA.                          
   Thanks to Colin Bowen, CSC, SOUTH AFRICA.                            
   Thanks to Stuard R. Burnett, Reynolds Metal Company, USA.            
Change 18.221  Cosmetic.  A single byte value, 10995116167810048 was    
FORMATS        skipped in the MGBYTES format and would not have been    
Sep 12, 2000   formatted; the range for TB was increased to include.    
   Thanks to Danny Ball, CNF, USA.                                      
Change 18.220  SAS V8.0 (TSM0 and TSM1), but not SAS V8.1.  SAS/GRAPH   
DOC            "missing values" warning message in SAS V6 became a real 
Sep  9, 2000   _ERROR_ condition in SAS V8.0, causing either CC=12, or a
               USER 999 ABEND (because MXG sets option ERRORABEND so    
               that any true error causes an ABEND instead of just a    
               condition code), if any graph has missing values for one 
               variable!  This has been corrected in SAS V8.1; only a   
               WARNING message is printed on the log, as it should have 
               been.  If you are still at SAS V8.0, you can specify     
               OPTIONS NOERRORABEND; for the steps that use SAS/GRAPH,  
               and the USER 999 will be avoided, although the condition 
               code will still be non-zero.                             
   Thanks to Caron Knox, Willis Group Services, ENGLAND.                
VMAC102        THE SASEB ENGINE when you execute BUILDPDB or TYPE102    
Sep  8, 2000   under SAS V8, but point your output to a pre-existing    
               V6-built SAS data library (i.e., your "PDB").  You should
               build V8-format data libraries when executing under V8;  
               you must allocate new physical OS data sets and write to 
               them: you CANNOT use PROC DELETE to clear a V6 library   
               and then write to it with V8 to create a V8-built data   
               library, since the SAS Directory is still V6-built.      
               See SAS Technical Note 11 in Newsletter THIRTY-SEVEN.    
               However, if you intentionally must keep your PDB in the  
               V6-format, executing under SAS V8, you can circumvent    
               the above error by using    %LET SASCHRLN=100;  as your  
               first //SYSIN statement.                                 
   Thanks to Caron Knox, Willis Group Services, ENGLAND.                
Change 18.218  Report macro failed if PDB=SMF and PDBOUT=PDB was used.  
ANAL94         The internal logic was revised so that macro &PDB was not
Sep  7, 2000   reset.                                                   
   Thanks to Steve Gossage, Cummins Engines, USA.                       
======Changes thru 18.217 were in MXG 18.07 dated Aug 31, 2000======    
Change 18.217  First MXG 18.07 only.  First day's tape (dated Aug 30).  
BUILDPDB       Member BUILDPDB was missing the _S21 invocation, causing 
Aug 31, 2000   dataset PDB.TAPES to have not been built.                
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
======Changes thru 18.216 were in MXG 18.07 dated Aug 30, 2000======    
Change 18.216  Erroneous "BAD HFS" segment messages were produced from  
VMACTCP        SMF 118 errors with legitimate data; COL-LENGTH should   
Aug 30, 2000   have been LENGTH-COL, and LT LENGTH-1 should have been   
               LE LENGTH-1.                                             
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
Change 18.215  Each INFILE statement was enhanced with END=ENDOFTAN     
VMACTAND       so that the end of input file is flagged, as this can    
Aug 30, 2000   be used to simplify duplicate data checking in ITSV.     
   Thanks to Peter Christie, IT Performance Consulting, USA.            
VMAC6156       because the '04'x Catalog Segment in the Catalog Record  
Aug 30, 2000   that is appended to the SMF record without documentation,
               now has Low and High Key field lengths of 112 bytes when 
               previously that field was only 64 bytes long.  The IBM   
               development programmer who "owns" these catalog records  
               that are output in the type 61, 65, and 66 records has   
               refused to make their documentation available ("its OCO")
               even for this Vendor, so I have to stumble into changes  
               in field lengths in the data in the field.  The logic to 
               read those varying length fields was revised to protect  
               for whatever length is now found.                        
   Thanks to John Doan, TotalSystem, USA.                               
Change 18.213  Support for BMC MainView for MQ Series History File V2.1.
EXBBMQCH       Two new subtypes, 'E4' and 'E5' are now supported and new
EXBBMQLM       data was added to the existing 'E1' Queue Manager record.
IMACBBMQ        DDDDDD   Dataset    Description                         
Aug 29, 2000   These data sets have been created and sorted, but only   
Sep  5, 2000   just examined; the interval DURATION does not exist in   
               these records, and I can't tell if the values are exact  
               or whether they are accumulated until I look at more     
               data, but the datasets and variables look good.          
               Sep 5: CHLLRTRY and CHLSEQHI are now stored in length 8, 
               because their default hex value of '3B9AC9FF'x=999999999 
               became '3B9AC900'x internally when stored in length 4.   
   Thanks to Martyn Jones, ABN AMRO, THE NETHERLANDS.                   
Change 18.212  Cosmetic.  Spelling in comments of asterisk are now all  
DOC            the same; variants asteric, asterics, and asterisk were  
Aug 29, 2000   corrected in many places.  And occurrences of occurance  
Sep  5, 2000   and occurence were corrected, too!                       
   Thanks to Bruce Green, MIB, USA.                                     
Change 18.211  This "BUILDPDB" utility now knows about the inconsistent 
UTILBLDP       spelling of the SMF "MACRO _IDxxxx" in 17 MXG members.   
Aug 29, 2000   While most of the SMF ID macro names are _IDxxxx, these  
               products have non-standard macro names, typically _xxxxID
               and they are now properly generated if you request these 
               products be added to the BUILDPDB code built by UTILBLDP:
                ARB, DLM, DMON, HBUF, HURN, IPAC, M204, NSPY, PDSM, RMDS
                ROSC, RTE, SYNC, TSOM, VVDS, WYLA, WYLB, X37.           
   Thanks to Ian Davies, ATCO I-Tek, CANADA.                            
Change 18.210  Documentation.  Support for Netview 1.3 SMF records      
VMAC37         type 37, 38, and 39 has been in MXG since before 16.16,  
VMAC38         but there was no MXG note to that effect.  No changes    
VMAC39         were made by this change.                                
Aug 29, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK-COBURG, GERMANY                        
Change 18.209  Cosmetic.  The "LAST RECORD IN GROUP" message was not    
VMACSMF        written if the last record was not a subtype 3 record,   
Aug 29, 2000   as when reading only part of an SMF file.                
Change 18.208  Y2K Error.  MainView for CICS Statistics SMF type 110    
IMACICBB       special subtype 0B02x records cause year 2020 in 2000:   
VMAC110       -in the IBM Statistic Header COLLTIME/STARTIME variables, 
Aug 28, 2000     because the BMC type 110 subtype 2 record for CICS 4.1 
                 did not update the SMFMNMFL Maintenance Level field.   
                 That field was updated for IBM type 110 subtype 2 by   
                 PN69653, which changed the date format from YY to YYYY.
                 With the MFL still zero, MXG assumed the old YY format 
                 and generated the wrong dates.  As it's too late for   
                 BMC to fix their error, MXG now tests the ORIGSUBT to  
                 recognize 4.1 BMC records with the YYYY date format.   
                 Logic in VMAC110 was enhanced to protect BMC.          
              -in the unique datetime variable in all CICSBBxx datasets,
               the BMC documentation showed binary (PIB) for their new  
               YYYY,MO,DD dates, but now with data records, those fields
               turn out to be unsigned-packed (PK) format, so member    
               IMACICBB was corrected.                                  
   Thanks to Hartmut Peter, R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG, GERMANY.    
Change 18.207  Documentation for MXG Support for BMC MainView products. 
DOC            Member    Infile    Product/Description                  
Aug 28, 2000   ASMMNVW    n/a      INFILE Exit for Compressed BMC data  
               TYPEBBMQ  BBMQVSAM  MainView for MQ                      
               TYPECMFV  CMFVSAM   MainView for OS/390, MMR, CMF-VSAM.  
               TYPECMF   SMF       MV for OS/390, CMF User SMF record.  
               TYPECIMS  IMSLOG    MainView for IMS                     
               TYPEMVCI  CMRDETL   MainView for CICS CMRDETL/CMRFILE.   
               IMACICBB  SMF       MV for CICS Type 110-2 Stat records. 
               TYPEDB2   SMF       MainView for DB2 (no unique records).
Change 18.206  Three TMON V2 Segments did not have the offset variable  
VMACTMO2       in their INPUT statement, causing misalignment.  The     
Aug 27, 2000   offset variables that were added to their INPUT:         
               TRDSAOFF,TREXPOFF, and TRXMCOFF, for datasets MONIDSA,   
               MONIEXP, and MONIXMC.                                    
   Thanks to Alex Benny Nielsen, TeleDanmark IT, DENMARK.               
Change 18.205A The xxxxCMFV members were named for "CMF-VSAM", because  
VMACCMFV       member xxxxCMF already existed (for the CMF user SMF     
Aug 27, 2000   record), and the records came with the BMC CMF product.  
Change 18.205  However, the records that xxxxCMFV processes are actually
               created by the MMR component of the "New CMF" product,   
               but as the records are common to both the "CMF" and the  
               "MMR" products, they exist even if you have only "MMR"   
               (for example, if you use RMF instead of the "old CMF"    
               part of the "New CMF" product).                          
               Five datetime variables in ZNTS format are now decoded   
                (PIB6.2 seconds since 1JAN1980, IB2. minutes GMT offset,
                and add 63115200 seconds for the 1960-1980 delta).      
               The corrected variables are                              
   Thanks to Bill Blair, BMC, USA.                                      
Change 18.204  Major rewrite of ASUMUOW to add variables, make it       
ADOCUOW        simpler for you to add or delete variables, add the      
ASUMUOW        possibility of MQ series data, and allow you to break    
JCLUOWV        the processing of DB2 and CICS data into separate jobs   
VMXGUOW        to increase parallelism and decrease run times.          
Aug 26, 2000                                                            
Sep 25, 2000   In larger installations, the processing of CICS and DB2  
               data can be extremely time and resource consuming. In a  
               large shop, over 120 million CICS transactions/day are   
               processed and over 3 million DB2 accounting records in   
               3 separate runs per day.  Each of these creates 5-6      
               3490 volumes of CICS transaction data and 1-2 of DB2     
               data. The total processing time often exceeds 18 hours   
               per day.  In the event of an ABEND, recovery time is     
               very painful.                                            
               Consider the flow of the processing.  TYPE110 reads the  
               SMF data and creates the CICSTRAN dataset.  This must    
               be sorted and then read by ASUMUOW.  That means that 5-6 
               cartridges of data are read and written by TYPE110, read 
               and written by SORT, and read by ASUMUOW.  If we assume  
               6 cartridges for each, then there are 5 full passes of   
               the data (a total of 30 cartridges!)                     
               Now revise the flow so that a VIEW is used to pass the   
               data directly from TYPE110 into the SORT.  Two full      
               passes of the data (writing it from TYPE110 and reading  
               it in the SORT) are eliminated.  At 10 minutes per tape  
               this adds up to about 2 hours of processing time in each 
               of the three cycles of CICS data per day!                
               Member JCLSUOW is a set of JCL containing three jobs.    
               Job TYPE110V executes TYPE110 to read only the CICS      
               transaction data and sort it into the correct sequence   
               for ASUMUOW keeping only those variables needed by       
               ASUMUOW.  TYPEDB2V process all of the DB2 data and uses  
               a VIEW to pass the DB2ACCT data into the SORT for        
               ASUMUOW. All other DB2 data uses the normal sorts and    
               processing for DB2.  ASUMUOWV uses the output of the     
               first two jobs as input to ASUMUOW.                      
               ASUMUOW now contains some substitution style macros      
               for keeping lists of variables and datasets and uses a   
               new macro VMXGUOW to dynamically build the code to       
               perform the summarization so that adding and deleting    
               variables is much simpler (you don't have to invent new  
               variables names for all of the counters!)                
               Substitution MACROS in ASUMUOW:                          
               _LASSPIN  - SPIN.SPINUOW  - OUTPUT SPIN DATASET          
               _PRESPIN  - SPIN.SPINUOW  - INPUT SPIN DATASET           
               _SUUOW    - &PSUUOW..ASUMUOW - FINAL OUTPUT              
               _WSUUOW   -                    NOT USED                  
               _KSUUOW   -                    NOT USED                  
               _SSUUOW                        NOT USED                  
               _NOBS     - %%VMXGOPTR(OPTNAME=OBS,NEWVALUE=0);RUN;      
                            Controls number of observations             
                            Must be overridden in member IMACUOW        
                            (by completing comment statements)          
                            to create observations in PDB.ASUMUOW.      
                            Resets number of observations               
                            Must be overridden in member IMACUOW        
                            (by completing comment statements)          
                            to create observations in PDB.ASUMUOW.      
               _TRANUOW   logic to determine which transaction name     
                          is the real transaction name                  
               _SPINUOW  - 7                  How many spins            
               _LASCICS &TEMP01..TEMPCICS - intermediate CICSTRAN       
               _LASDB2A &TEMO02..TEMPDB2A - intermediate DB2ACCT        
               _LASMQ   WORK.TEMPMQM      - intermediate MQMACCT        
               _INMQ    _NULL_            - input MQMACCT dataset       
               _KUOWCIC list of variables to be kept and accumulated    
                        from CICSTRAN                                   
               _KUOWDB2 list of variables to be kept and accumulated    
                        from DB2ACCT                                    
               _KUOWMQ  list of variables to be kept and accumulated    
                        from MQMACCT                                    
               _SUOWCIC the sort of the CICSTRAN dataset                
               _SUOWDB2 the sort of the DB2ACCT  dataset                
               _SUOWMQ  the sort of the MQMACCT  dataset                
               _SUOSPN  building of the intermediate SPIN dataset       
               VMXGUOW parameters:                                      
                 INCODE=                   A stub of code executed      
                                           during INPUT processing      
                 INCICS=                   A stub of code executed      
                                           when a CICS record is found  
                 INDB2 =                   A stub of code executed      
                                           when a DB2  record is found  
                 INMQ  =                   A stub of code executed      
                                           when an MQ  record is found  
                 INSPIN=                   A stub of code executed      
                                           when a SPIN record is found  
                 OUTCODE=                  A stub of code executed      
                                           during OUTPUT processing     
                                           Currently calculates         
                                           CLASS3 DB2 times and counts  
                                           and SQL counts               
                 CICSVARS=_KUOWCIC         variables kept and counted   
                                           for CICS                     
                 DB2VARS=_KUOWDB2         variables kept and counted    
                                           for DB2                      
                 MQVARS=_KUOWMQ           variables kept and counted    
                                           for MQ Series                
                 If all you do with ASUMUOW is a %INCLUDE, you will     
                 not need to make any changes.                          
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 18.203  RMF Paging Activity Report: corrected values for LPA and 
Aug 25, 2000                                                            
Change 18.202  Some DB2 statistics variables, new in DB2 6.1, were input
VMACDB2        but were not deaccumulated, so their values were wrong.  
Aug 25, 2000   This change does not affect the DB2ACCT dataset, which   
Sep  5, 2000   contains interval values (i.e., valid); it is only the   
               statistics records that have accumulated values that must
               be deaccumulated in MXG logic.                           
              -Group Buffer Pool variables in DB2GBPST/DB2STATS/DB2STAT1
               datasets were not deaccumulated:                         
                 QBGLAX QBGLAY QBGLAZ QBGLCC QBGLCK QBGLCS              
                 QBGLDG QBGLDN QBGLRB QBGLRD QBGLRG QBGLUN              
               Don found this error because he knew that QBGLUN must    
               be lots less than QBGLRC.  I had INPUT and KEEPt them but
               failed to update the _SDB2PST and _SDB2ST1 macros that do
               the deaccumulation.  This cause me to examine the other  
               variables added to the statistics records, and I found:  
              -QXxxxxx variables in dataset DB2STATS/DB2STAT1 dataset   
               were only INPUT, and were neither kept nor deaccumulated:
                 QXSTLOBV QXSTTRG  QXTRGERR                             
              -Sep 5: Variables QBGBGR1 and QBGBGR2 were moved from the 
               $HEX8. to $HEX12. format list; they are 6 bytes long but 
               with the shorter $HEX8. format, they appeared to be blank
               when the first four characters were blank or nulls.      
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 18.201  The four variables that measure bytes are now formatted  
VMACTCP        with MGBYTES so the values will be more readable in the  
Aug 24, 2000   units of /KB /MB /GBytes.  The four variables are:       
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 18.200  The Workload name printed only the first two characters. 
UTILRMFI       A   LENGTH WORK $8;  statement had to be inserted after  
Aug 25, 2000   each of the INCODE= arguments.                           
   Thanks to David Ehresman, University of Louisville, USA.             
Change 18.199  The High Impact (Low UIC), Medium Impact (Medium UIC),   
VMAC71         Low Impact (High UIC), and Available Impact frame count  
Aug 25, 2000   fields for CStore and for EStore were added to TYPE71 by 
Sep  5, 2000   OS/390 R2.4, but only now, as a result of Peter's looking
Sep 12, 2000   at real numbers after seeing a presentation by Martin    
               (who had them added to type 71), and with free advice    
               from Don Deese (who first documented their cousins in RMF
               type 99), MXG now correctly decodes those twenty-four    
               memory measurements into these variables:                
                       HI   mn/mx/av              HI  mn/mx/av          
                CSFR   ME   mn/mx/av        ESFR  ME  mn/mx/av          
                       LO   mn/mx/av              LO  mn/mx/av          
                       AV   mn/mx/av              AV  mn/mx/av          
               The field values are accumulated between adjacent values;
               it is necessary to subtract MED from HI to get HI values,
               LOW from MED to get MED, and AVAIL from LOW to get the   
               LOW values.  Because the MED memory is quite small with  
               the current IBM-set UIC buckets, its average value was   
               often a small negative value; in those cases, the MED are
               set to missing, and HI-LO is used for HI values.  Fields 
               are in frames, but as the variables were never correct, I
               converted all CSFR/ESFR variables to bytes, formatted    
               them with MGBYTES, and re-labeled them as IMPACT MEMORY. 
               Martin's paper precipitated creation of additional memory
               measures, based on average values that are now created in
               MXG's TYPE71 dataset:                                    
                 CSFRSRAV    "SRM-BUFFER" in CSTORE                     
                 ESFRSRAV    "SRM-BUFFER" in ESTORE                     
                             The frames needed to support the Available 
                             Frame Queue, calculated by subtracting the 
                             new free size from the old free size.      
                 CSFRWLAV    "Free as Seen by WLM" in CSTORE            
                 ESFRWLAV    "Free as Seen by WLM" in ESTORE            
                             The free memory as seen by WLM, calculated 
                             by removing the SRM-Buffer value from the  
                             CSFRAVAV/ESFRAVAV values.                  
               But the "Impact" memory includes only the UIC-updated    
               pages.  WLM updates UICs in Expanded, but not DREF nor   
               hiperspaces, (but hiperspace size is in TYPE71).  Also,  
               fixed frames and nucleus frames are not UIC-updated (but 
               they also are in TYPE71).  Since the installed CSTORE and
               ESTORE memory is known, the missing piece of memory is   
               all of the memory owned by all of your logically swapped 
               ASIDs plus any storage isolated pages!                   
               With this change and these new variables, the CSTORE and 
               ESTORE memory is mapped by these MXG variables:          
                 Online memory                 CSTORE       ESTORE      
                 Logically Swapped             CSFRLSAV     ESFRLSAV    
                 Fixed CS, Hiper ES            CSFRFXAV     ESFRHSAV    
                 WLM-viewed Free Memory        CSFRWLAV     ESFRWLAV    
                 SRM-Buffer Memory             CSFRSRAV     ESFRSRAV    
                 Low-Impact High-UIC Memory    CSFRLOAV     ESFRLOAV    
                 Med-Impact Med-UIC Memory     CSFRMEAV     ESFRMEAV    
                 Hi-Impact Low-UIC Memory      CSFRHIAV     ESFRHIAV    
               Because we are adding averages to averages, the measures 
               are not perfect, and small negative values can still show
               up for the MN and MX values, but this provides a complete
               picture of how your CSTORE and ESTORE are being used.    
               Sep 5:  The calculation of CSFRFXAV was corrected to use 
                       FIXEDAV instead of PRVFXAV for the fixed memory. 
               These new CSFRxxxx measures above were compared with the 
               existing CSTORE72 and ESTORE72 variables in RMFINTRV and 
               TYPE72/TYPE72GO datasets; those type 72 measurements are 
               based on resident frame time, and are more accurate than 
               the averages of averages, in my opinion, and they also   
               provide memory usage by SRVCLASS/PERFGRP so you can tell 
               which tasks are occupying how much of your memory.       
               Sep 12: CSTORE and ESTORE creation was moved up in the   
               code so that CSFRLSAV and ESFRLSAV are not missing.      
   Thanks to Martin Packer, IBM, EUROPE                                 
   Thanks to Peter Webber, CIS, UK.                                     
   Thanks to Tony P. Steward, Post Office, UK.                          
Change 18.198  TYPE103 variable BYREADCA could have negative values and 
VMAC103        contained only the bytes portion of Bytes Read From Cache
Aug 23, 2000   while variable KBREADCA contained only the bytes from the
               KiloByte part of the total.  Now that IBM revised their  
               field descriptions, I can correctly sum the KB*1024 plus 
               the Bytes, and that value is stored in both variables;   
               both contain bytes and are formatted with MGBYTES format,
               and now both describe total bytes read from cache.       
               An eight byte binary field would have been better!       
   Thanks to Rex Elbert, SPRINT, USA.                                   
Change 18.197  Support for APAR II11493 changes to SMF type 50 VTAM     
FORMATS        Statistics record (INCOMPAT) adds new subtype 03 and     
VMAC50         restructures that record different from other subtypes.  
Aug 22, 2000   The new record provides statistics for TCP connections.  
   Thanks to Mark Rosen, Office Depot, USA.                             
Change 18.196  Support for APAR PN61399 (corrects TELNET SMF LOGF record
VMACTCP        'SAVF' in error instead of 'LOGF') adds 'SAVF' to the    
Aug 21, 2000   commands that MXG recognizes as TELNET SERVER record, so 
               even if you don't have the APAR installed, MXG protects. 
Change 18.195  Cosmetic.  Comments in EXPDBSTP containing the old macro 
EXPDBSTP       names (prior to MXG 16.04 changes) were revised to show  
Aug 16, 2000   the current macro name, _LDBSTEP, in the example.        
   Thanks to Patrick Julien, France Telecom, FRANCE.                    
Change 18.194  Error: INVALID DATA FOR GDESIS because the input should  
VMACQAPM       have &PD.3. instead of &PD.4., but this field indicates  
Aug 16, 2000   the data is from Collection Services and not QAPM.       
   Thanks to Joe Faska, Depository Trust, USA.                          
Change 18.193  Support for new NTSMF object "SESSION", previously named 
VMACNTSM       "TERMINAL SERVICES SESSION and with seven new fields:    
               and removes two:                                         
                 TOTRANER  TOTAL*TRANSPORT*ERRORS                       
                 OUTRANER  OUTPUT*TRANSPORT*ERRORS                      
                 INTRANER  INPUT*TRANSPORT*ERRORS                       
               and one unnamed counter is thought to be HANDLES, so the 
               new record has a total of 80 data fields.  It is still   
               output to the TERMSESS dataset.                          
   Thanks to Luc Gariepy, Regie des Rentes du Quebec, CANADA.           
Change 18.192  MXG 18.05-18.06 only INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED RECORD. The
VMAC16         +6 before ICEOTBKF should have been +2.                  
Aug 16, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Shabida Khan, Royal Bank, CANADA.                          
Change 18.191  PSBNAME, added by Change 18.083A was blank because it was
VMACCIMS       inserted in the wrong KEEP= list.  It should have been   
Aug 16, 2000   immediately before  _KIMFTRX  instead of  _KIMFPGM so it 
               is kept in CIMSTEMP instead of CIMSPROG.                 
   Thanks to Tammy Wellstood, Clarica, USA.                             
Change 18.190  Year 2000 support for BMC CICS Manager data segments in  
IMACICBB       type 110 records was incorrect, causing year to be 2020  
Aug 15, 2000   instead of 2000.  Change 15.179 had never been           
               tested with Y2K data, and its change was incorrect for   
               each of its six datetime variables.                      
   Thanks to ???, ???, EUROPE.                                          
Change 18.189  If you had the same name for both a Service Class and a  
TRND72GO       Reporting Class, TRND72GO lumped them together.  Adding  
Aug 12, 2000   variable RPRTCLAS at the end of the SUMBY= now separates.
   Thanks to Mike Schwencer, Banner Health, USA.                        
Change 18.188  CICS type 110 Journal (Subtype 0) with GLRHTYPE=2 caused 
VMAC110        an INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED RECORD error.  The statement 
Aug 11, 2000   IF CLUPRLE GT 0 THEN INPUT +CLUPRLE @; should not have   
               been there, and has been deleted (those bytes are read by
               the included exit member and the double read were wrong).
    Thanks to Shoab Kamran, U.S. Postal Service, USA.                   
Change 18.187  Support for APAR OW43854 adds new fields to SMF type 62  
VMAC62         VSAM OPEN and especially to the SMF type 64 VSAM CLOSE   
VMAC64         record, finally adding the OPENTIME of the VSAM file, so 
Aug  9, 2000   it is no longer necessary to merge 62 and 64 just to get 
               the OPENTM duration of a VSAM file!  New ACB bits are    
               also decoded; these variables are added to TYPE64:       
                 OPENTM  ='DURATION*THIS FILE*WAS OPEN'                 
                 ACBBWO  ='ELIGIBLE*FOR BACKUP*WHILE*OPEN?'             
                 ACBCCT  ='CONTROL*CHARACTER*TYPE?'                     
                 ACBJES  ='OUTPUT*AND*JES*?'                            
                 ACBNLEX ='NO LSR*EXCLUSIVE*CONTROL?'                   
                 ACBRLS  ='RLS*PROCESSING?'                             
                 ACBSNP  ='SNP*OPTION?'                                 
              -TYPE62 was also enhanced: the OPENTIME variable was added
               and all four ACBMACRx bytes were added, so all of the MXG
               ACBxxxxx variables in TYPE64 now also exist in TYPE62.   
              -The new data fields were added compatibly, using either  
               previously reserved fields or added at the end.          
               Dec 2005 note: APARs OW45393 and OA03866 reference the   
               "new" OPENTIME field, but they were already supported and
               no additional code changes were needed for those APARs.  
Change 18.186  An extra observation in PDB.STEPS can result if a step   
BUILD005       with multiple TYPE30_4 records (MULTIDD='Y') has some of 
BUIL3005       the records in today's SMF file and the rest are at the  
Aug  9, 2000   start of tomorrow's SMF file, i.e., when MULTIDD='Y' step
               records are "spun" today and re-introduced tomorrow.     
               Fortunately, that extra observation has zeroes in all of 
               the resource variables, so there is no real impact, but  
               it should not have been created, and is confusing, with  
               STEP=0, MULTIDD=' ' instead of MULTIDD='Y', and SYSTEM is
               blank.  The spun MULTIDD records (SPIN30_4) are combined 
               with today's new MULTIDD records (TYPE30_4) into GOOD30_4
               which is then sorted for its SET with GOOD30_5 to create 
               STEP number, but that sort of GOOD30_4, did not ensure   
               that the real MULTIDD=' ' step record was always first.  
               If any spun records with MULTIDD='Y' were physically     
               before the real MULTIDD=' ' step record, they created the
               extra STEP=0 observation!                                
               The original BY list of READTIME JOB JESNR SORTTIME (with
               SORTTIME=INITTIME of the step) was expanded to now be by 
               as this forces the real step record to be first, and also
               sequences the MULTIDD='Y' in the order they were written,
               by that addition of DESCENDING EXTRADD to the BY list.   
               Variable RDRTM was removed for the TYPE30_4 keep list, as
               it exists only in the TYPE30_1 and TYPE30_5 datasets.    
   Thanks to Mat Elbersen, Rabobank, THE NETHERLANDS.                   
Change 18.185  NETVIEW SMF 39 record with invalid ROUTE segment caused  
Aug  9, 2000   like it was overlaid starting in the SCS section with the
               LSESCOSA filed, thru the APPN and ROUTE segments.  MXG   
               added test to INPUT only if there is enough data left in 
               the record, while investigating the cause of the record. 
   Thanks to Bruno Peeters, Dexia Bank, BELGIUM.                        
Change 18.184  Datasets TYPE7 and TYPE23 are now automatically created  
BUIL3001       in your PDB library by BUILDPDB/BUILDPD3 programs.  The  
BUIL3606       PDB.TYPE7 dataset will have observations only if there   
BUILD001       was a loss of SMF records.  The PDB.TYPE23 dataset has   
BUILD002       one observation per SMF interval with the activity to the
BUILD606       SMF datasets, and is useful in tracking down the cause of
BUILDPDB       any TYPE7 SMF Data Lost events.  Both are very small.    
BUILDPD3       Note: if you tailored BUILDPDB to add either of these two
Aug  9, 2000   datasets, you must back out your tailoring in the members
               EXPDBINC, EXPDBVAR, EXPDBCDE, and EXPDBOUT.              
Change 18.183  The EREP Symptom Record was output to EREPSIM instead of 
VMACEREP       to EREPSYM; the _EERPSIM in line 2680 should have been   
Aug  9, 2000   _EERPSYM.                                                
   Thanks to Peter Webber, CIS, ENGLAND.                                
Change 18.182  VMXGSUM enhancements - 4 major changes:                  
VMXGSUM       -Small differences in results could be seen if INHERIT is 
VMXGENG        used with V8 to set the lengths of variables and bypass  
VMXGINIT       the second data step. VMXGSUM was modified to only use   
Aug  9, 2000   the inherit option when the data step can be bypassed    
Aug 26, 2000   (when no OUTCODE= or NORMx= operands are specified.)     
              -If TEMP01 or TEMP02 was used and they were sequential    
               format datasets, the MXGSUM1 and MXGSUM2 datasets were   
               left in place. Since this can cause subsequent uses      
               of VMXGSUM to run longer and a PROC DATASETS will fail   
               on a sequential format dataset, macro %VMXGENG now exists
               to detect the ENGINE for a LIBNAME and to set the global 
               macro variable &MXGENG to contain the ENGINE name, so    
               that either a PROC DATASETS or LIBNAME DDNAME CLEAR;     
               LIBNAME DDNAME ENGINE; will be done to appropriately     
               reset the work files.                                    
              -If KEEPALL=YES is used, more WORK space may be required  
               because there was no KEEP= list on the MXGSUM1 dataset.  
               So now a KEEP= list (the UNION of all parameters sorted  
               with duplicates removed) is created, and this is a better
               than KEEPALL=NO or KEEPIN=xxxx since it avoids all of the
               resources needed to determine what variables exist.      
              -Significant savings can be had by avoiding the physical  
               I/O involved in the first data step.  This is now done by
               using a VIEW on MXGSUM1, but since a VIEW will not work  
               on a sequential format SAS dataset, the new logic detects
               that a sequential engine is being used and instead uses  
               a data step within the INCODE instead of a VIEW.         
               In a test of ASUMDB2A with 1743212 OBS in input DB2ACCT  
               dataset the following results were attained:             
                                CPU              EXCP     WORK TRACKS   
                  Current     16.75 minutes    124805         117630    
                  New         11.82            100178          59442    
              -The new %VMXGENG macro can be used to detect the engine  
               for a LIBNAME/DDNAME, using this syntax:                 
               The name of the SAS engine is returned in the global     
               macro variable &MXGENG.                                  
   Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.                   
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 18.181  Variable CLASS3WT was incorrect in ASUMUOW if there was  
Aug  9, 2000   The count rather than duration variable was in the SUM.  
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 18.180  Variable DEVTYPE now supports TRTCH values of E8x,E9x for
VMACTMS5       3590 and 3590E devices, although you must manually update
Aug  8, 2000   the TRTCH value in TMS.                                  
   Thanks to Renzo Serena, ENEL, ITALY.                                 
Change 18.179  Variable QLACMDWT, elapsed time waiting because the max  
VMACDB2        number of DBATS has been exceeded, is now input and kept 
Aug  8, 2000   in DB2ACCT dataset.                                      
   Thanks to Phil Downes, ABN AMRO Bank, THE NETHERLANDS.               
Change 18.178  DB2 Version 6.1 only, IFCID 106. The end of comment was  
VMAC102        missing in line 11081.                                   
Aug  4, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK Coburg, GERMANY.                       
======Changes thru 18.177 were in MXG 18.06 dated Jul 28, 2000======    
Change 18.177  Report example that uses ANALCNCR and PROC TABULATE and  
ANALHTML       produces reports in HTML format using ODS.               
Jul 28, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 18.176  Doc only.  Support for APAR OW45168's minor changes to   
VMAC94         SMF Type 94 were already in place in MXG.                
Jul 28, 2000                                                            
Change 18.175  MXG 18.05 only.  INVALID DATA FOR PHMSDATE because three 
VMACIDMS       debugging lines were incorrectly left.  Delete the three 
Jul 28, 2000   lines (1223-1226) starting IF PHMRTYPE=18 THEN ....      
   Thanks to Wim Desmecht, DOLMEN, BELGIUM.                             
Change 18.174  Documentation only.  Comments in both members still had  
ASMIMSL5       LRECL=132 for the IMSSUM,INQUEUE, and OUTQUEUE DD names, 
ASMIMSL6       but the correct LRECLs (which are ok in the JCLIMSLx's)  
Jul 28, 2000   are 136 for V5 and 144 for V6.  If you used our old JCL  
               with incorrect LRECL value, you got IEC141I 013-20 ABEND.
   Thanks to Brian Sanger, Zurich Financial Services, ENGLAND.          
Change 18.173  Support for OS/400 Release 4.5.0 (INCOMPAT LRECLs and    
VMACQAPM       data was inserted in the QAPMETH record).  If you don't  
Jul 27, 2000   use the QAPMETH record, you can change the LRECLs as     
Sep 19, 2000   indicated for QAPMBUS, QAPMJOBS, and QAPMSYS, and the    
               previous MXG Version will work with 4.5 records.         
              -QAPMBUS has an undocumented single byte character field  
               added, changing it's LRECL from 111 to 112.  New variable
               BUCHAR created, was always 'S' in my sample records.     
              -QAPMETH had six fields with undocumented length changes. 
               The suffixes MEXR, MM14, MTR, and MDCN increased from 3  
               to 6 bytes, and MBRV and MBTR increased from 6 to 8.     
               The LRECL is now 257 for QAPMETH.                        
              -QAPMJOBS has two undocumented 8-byte fields added at the 
               end of the record, variables JBUNDOC1/JBUNDOC2.  The     
               LRECL for QAPMJOBS is now 835.                           
              -QAPMSYS has five undocumented 4-byte fields added at the 
               end of the record, variables; the QAPMSYS LRECL is 3288. 
               Sep 19, 2000:  The undocumented variables are now named, 
               but I still have no description of their contents:       
               SYSTEM: SCIFUS SCIFTE SYHFTH SYSDBC SYSSWC               
               BUS: BUTYPE                                              
   Thanks to Stuart R. Burnett, Reynolds Metal Corporation, USA.        
Change 18.172  Support for APAR PQ32435 OS/390 IHS WEBSERVER SMF 103    
VMAC103        adds variables JOB and ASID to the TYPE1032 dataset.     
Jul 27, 2000   The APAR also describes changes in values put into the   
               "EntityName" and "EntityAddress" fields, and documents   
               when the interval value is not the expected interval:    
               - The initial write on startup has an interval of zero.  
               - The termination write on shutdown or restart has an    
                 interval of the time since last write.                 
               - The initial write on restart has an interval of the    
                 time since the restart termination write.              
Change 18.171  MXG's protection logic for TCP SMF 118 records with bad  
VMACTCP        HFS Filename offsets or lengths was still incomplete and 
Jul 27, 2000   permitted INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED errors.  Logic was    
               revised and the first two bad records are printed on the 
               SAS log.  This supercedes Change 18.144.                 
   Thanks to Francis Berckman, Astra Zeneca, USA.                       
Change 18.170  MXG 18.04-18.05 only.  Variables ONLINE,CMBINVLD,PARTIAL,
VMAC74         BASE, and VARY were always blank.  The five lines setting
TYPE74         those variables blank were not removed after the logic to
Jul 26, 2000   set those variables was moved up thirty lines.           
Jul 28, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Diane Parker, Bergen Brunswig, USA.                        
   Thanks to Peter Webber, CIS, ENGLAND.                                
Change 18.169  Variable PERFINDX was incorrect in TRND72GO because the  
TRND72GO       variables R723CVAL and R723CPCT should have been in the  
Jul 26, 2000   ID= list, and not in the SUM= list.                      
   Thanks to Pat Perreca, Bear Stearns & Co., USA.                      
Change 18.168  Documentation.  The SAS option USER=XYZ can be used to   
DOCMXG         send "//WORK" datasets instead to the "//XYZ" DDname.    
Jul 25, 2000   However, for MXG to recognize the USER=option, it needs  
Oct 11, 2002   to be set before MXG initialization has executed:        
                 OS/390:  put USER=XYZ on the EXEC statement:           
                          //STEPNAME  EXEC  MXGSAS,OPTIONS='USER=XYZ'   
                 ASCII:   put USER=XYZ in the AUTOEXEC.SAS file:        
                          LIBNAME XYZ 'C:\XYZ';                         
                          OPTIONS USER=XYZ;                             
               If you must put the USER= option in your //SYSIN stream, 
               then you must insert a %VMXGINIT; statement after it:    
                  //SYSIN DD *                                          
                  OPTIONS USER=XYZ;                                     
               which will re-invoke the MXG initialization using your   
               USER= value (printing a second "WELCOME TO MXG" message).
               If the USER= value is put in //SYSIN without the VMXGINIT
               MXG will not see your USER= option.  If you have USER= on
               the // EXEC, and you also have USER= and VMXGINIT in your
               //SYSIN, the USER= in SYSIN will be used because of the  
               second MXG initialization.                               
               Putting USER= on the //EXEC statement is preferred, as it
               does not require the extra cost of the second VMXGINIT.  
               An alternative for re-directing datasets in the //SYSIN  
               is to use the %LET Wdddddd=XYZ; syntax for the "work"    
               copy of the unsorted dataset (or use %LET Pdddddd=XYZ;   
               for the sorted, "PDB" copy).  The "dddddd" value for each
               MXG dataset is documented in the IMACxxxx member for the 
               product that creates the dataset.                        
               Oct 11: text was revised for clarity.                    
   Thanks to Mike Delaney, Pershing, USA.                               
Change 18.167  New variables QBGBGR1N and QBGBGR2N are input as numeric 
VMACDB2        variables.  The original variables QBGBGR1 and QBGBGR2   
Jul 25, 2000   were input as characters (because I didn't realize what  
               they were), and worse, while input as $EBCDIC6, they were
               truncated to a kept length of only $4 because they were  
               in the $HEX8 format item list!  Now the character vars   
               are kept as full length (by moving to $HEX12 format), and
               numeric counterparts now exist in DB2GBPAT dataset for   
               Global Buffer Pools counts of current or pending         
               directory entries.                                       
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 18.166  The new R744Cxxx variables in the TYPE74ST Structure data
VMAC74         set were wrong if there were more than one segment, due  
Jul 25, 2000   to a typo: the 26 lines with SUM(R744Caaa,R744Caaa) were 
               changed to                   SUM(R744Caaa,R744Xaaa).  The
               RLS and OSAM structures have 20+ and 60+ segments each,  
               but DB2 group buffer pools have only one segment so their
               counts were always correct.                              
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 18.165  New format MGBYTEN converts bytes to KB/MB/GB/TB/PB like 
FORMATS        existing format MGBYTES, but MGBYTEN handles negative    
Jul 25, 2000   and positive byte values (to track increase/decrease in  
               DASD memory) so it must be 6 characters wide to have room
               for the minus sign, so it had to be a different name than
               the 5-character-wide MGBYTES format.                     
   Thanks to Tan York Sin, Singapore Exchange Limited, SINGAPORE.       
Change 18.164  Support for Release 321 INCOMPATIBLY changed time stamp  
VMACBETA       formats for BETABT and BETASTRT.  More testing may be    
Jul 25, 2000   required if other fields were changed, as only the one   
               subtype=1 record was received for validation.            
   Thanks to ???, ???, EUROPE.                                          
Change 18.163  Statement IORATE=0; was removed.  The devices with no    
ANALCACH       cache records needed to have cache-related fields zero,  
Jul 25, 2000   but not the IORATE.                                      
Change 18.162  Support for DFSMS/rmm TYPEEDGS/TYPEEDGB was still wrong. 
Jul 25, 2000   The "D" and "V" dataset/volume records did change in 1.5 
Sep  5, 2000   but the old-format 1.4 records still exist in the catalog
               dataset.  And the handling of variable length name fields
               that worked in 16.16 was somehow lost.  In any event, the
               change has been tested with TYPEEDGB reading a catalog   
               with both formats of both records, and works correctly,  
               using the MD/MVRECLEV variable to identify record format.
               There are some 1.4 records that have '40'X in their name 
               length fields, and have enough record length to contain  
               a DSN, but they do not contain real DS names; however,   
               they also do not cause any error.                        
               Sep 5: Variable MVRETDAT was not kept.                   
   Thanks to Richard Fortenberry, Mitsubishi Motor Sales, USA.          
Taught classes in Amsterdam and London.                                 
Change 18.161  Y2K support was incorrect, but nobody noticed!  Inserted 
VMACAXC        IF IDTE LT 1900000 THEN IDTE=IDTE+1900000; and changed   
Jul  7, 2000   each IDTE,5.),JULIAN5. to IDTE,7.),JULIAN7.              
   Thanks to Stephen Bell, Informatik Kooperation, GERMANY.             
Change 18.160  The %INCLUDE of member IMACKEEP was missing from a number
DOC            of MXG TYPExxxx and TYPSxxxx members, which prevented use
Jul  7, 2000   of the new-in-16.04 architecture for instream tailoring. 
               Most are archaic or not mainstream. Members updated were:
                 TYPxVMXA TYPxXAM  TYPxZARA TYPxZRB  TYPEIMSD           
   Thanks to Bart Decat, KBC Belgium, BELGIUM.                          
ANALDB2R       occurs with SAS Version 8.1, because the length of their 
BUIL3001       &SYSVER Version macro was shortened from four to three.  
BUIL3005       There is no execution impact, fortunately, except that   
BUILD001       the warning now sets a step Condition Code/Return Code of
BUILD005       four instead of zero, and wastes your time in diagnosis! 
BUILDPDB       In Version 8.1, SAS changed the length of their &SYSVER  
READDB2        macro from four digits (6.06,6.07,6.08,6.09,8.00) to only
VMXGFOR        three digits (8.1), but MXG used %SUBSTR(&SYSVER,1,4):   
VMXGINIT          to differentiate 6.07 from 6.08, so that options that 
VMXGSUM           were new in 6.08 would be bypassed under 6.07.  While 
Jul  6, 2000      the %SUBSTR fails, because the option now exists in   
                  SAS releases, there is no execution error.  And the   
                  only purpose was to suppress unneeded SAS messages!   
               To eliminate this exposure in future SAS Version names,  
               all MXG references to &SYSVER were revised.  Now, all    
               tests for SAS Version use the MXG-created macro variable 
               &SASVER, which is set by VMXGINIT from &SYSVER to the SAS
               Version number (6, 7, 8, etc.).  All of the old 4th-digit
               of &SYSVER tests are no longer required:                 
                  The tests that set OPTIONS CODEPASS=2 were removed    
                  completely, as that option no longer exists and is no 
                  longer set, and tests around OPTIONS DKROCOND= were   
                  also removed, as that option is now present in all    
                  executable SAS versions.                              
   Thanks to Pat Curren, SuperValu Inc, USA.                            
Change 18.158  The NTSMF Trending macro variables PTRNTIN and PTRNTLD   
VMXGINIT       were not defined in VMXGINIT.  Three labels in VMACNTSM  
VMACNTSM       longer than 40 characters, that were not caught by the   
Jul  6, 2000   SAS compiler when VMACNTSM ran, but were caught when the 
               data set was copied.                                     
   Thanks to Howard Glasetter, Weyerhaeuser, USA.                       
Change 18.157  The example REPORT command in the ADOCMWUX member did not
ADOCMWUX       create the file that was expected by VMACMWUX, so that   
VMACMWUX       command was revised to include the new variables that are
Jul  6, 2000   expected.  Four variables, TFRSTSEC,TPRMPSEC,TTHNKUSE,   
               and TPRMPUSE are set missing because I cannot find them  
               in the current list of MeasureWare fields for HPUX.      
   Thanks to Roman Gudz, Penske, USA.                                   
   Thanks to Bart Decat, KBC Belgium, BELGIUM.                          
Change 18.156  Variable SMF74CNF was not kept, but not initialized, as  
VMAC74         it was INPUT into DEVIND, which was not kept.  Now it is.
Jun 30, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA.                          
Change 18.155  MXG 18.05 only.  Variables S42DSMXR,S42DSMXS were never  
VMAC42         input, having been misspelled as DXMXR and DSMXS in the  
Jun 30, 2000   INPUT statement.                                         
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
======Changes thru 18.154 were in MXG 18.05 dated Jul  1, 2000======    
Change 18.154  ANAL4GB member reports on VSAM files approaching 4GB in  
ANAL4GB        size, but included Extended VSAM files, which show over  
Jun 30, 2000   100% utilized space, so IF SMF64EF='Y' THEN DELETE; was  
               added so those datasets will not be reported.            
   Thanks to Alfred Holz, Merck & Co., USA.                             
Change 18.153  Corrections found during QA runs.                        
VMAC108       -VMAC108.  The KEEP list for TYPE108T and TYPE108P did not
VMAC74         keep the variables DOMSPN and DOMSYN, and DOMDBNAM should
WEEKBLD        not have been in _BTY108T.                               
WEEKBLDT      -VMAC74. Two variables R745DCID; the "Real CU ID" variable
MONTHBLD       was changed to R745DCIR.                                 
VMACMIM        was revised to match the VMAC7072 definition, and is now 
VMACTMV2          SYSPLEX SYSTEM STARTIME SRVCLASS                      
VMACSOLV                 R723SCSN R723SCSR SMFTIME                      
VMXGCICI      -VMACEDGS. Variable MDPDSN repeated in KEEP and LABEL.    
Jun 30, 2000  -VMACMIM.  Variable DURATM repeated in KEEP list.         
              -VMACTMV2. Variable WGMSOSCE repeated in KEEP list.       
              -VMACSOLV. Variable SOLVFLAG had two formats.             
              -VMXGCICI. Variable STARTIME repeated in FORMAT.          
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA                           
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA                    
Change 18.152  New _S110ST and _CICSTAT macros are defined in VMAC110 so
VMAC110        that you can control where the CICS Statistics datasets  
Jun 29, 2000   are written.  With TYPE110 or BUILDPDB, CICS statistics  
Aug 29, 2000   datasets are created in the "WORK" DD; BUILDPDB reads 'em
               to create the PDB.CICINTRV summary dataset, but those    
               individual CICS Statistics datasets are not copied or    
               sorted; they just die at end of step in the //WORK file. 
               This enhancement lets you control where they written, if 
               you want to keep any or all of them.                     
               1. You can write them to the 'CICSSTAT' library, sending 
                  all of the CICS statistics datasets (unsorted) to that
                  DD as the SMF records are read.  You would use this:  
                  after your //SYSIN DD statement:                      
                     %LET CICSTAT=CICSSTAT;                             
                  The _CICSTAT macro invocation uses the value of the   
                  &CICSTAT macro variable as the destination library for
                  the &WCICddd and &PCICddd CICS statistics data sets.  
                  If you  %LET CICSTAT=PDB; before the _CICSTAT invoke, 
                  CICS stats would be written unsorted to the PDB DD.   
               2. Alternatively, by default, BUILDPDB builds all CICS   
                  Statistics datasets in the //WORK file, and then reads
                  them to create the PDB.CICINTRV dataset, but then the 
                  CICS Statistics datasets are left in the //WORK DD,   
                  which is temporary and goes away at step end.  You can
                  thus use the member EXPDBOUT to select/sort any of the
                  CICS Statistics datasets into your PDB.  You can use  
                  individual dataset "_Sdddddd" macros for each dataset 
                  that you want to output, or you can use this new      
                  "_S110ST" macro, which will sort only the Statistics  
                  CICS datasets.  (The old _S110 macro can't be         
                  used in EXPDBOUT, because it invokes two _Sdddddd sort
                  macros, _SCICEXC and _SCICSYS, which were already     
                  invoked by BUILDPDB logic.)  Just adding   _S110ST in 
                  your EXPDBOUT member will sort all CICS statistics    
                  data to the PDB library.  You can also invoke the     
                  _CICSTAT macro in member EXPDBOUT after resetting the 
                  default DD name, can could then sort all of the CICS  
                  statistics datasets into the "MYDD" library, using:   
                     %LET CICSTAT=MYDD;                                 
                  Note: _S110ST did not exist until MXG 18.07, when the 
                  change was revised.                                   
   Thanks to Glenn Bowman, Wakefern, USA.                               
Change 18.151  INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED with NETSPY 5.2 subtype "I" and 
VMACNSPY       MXG 18.03-18.04.  In 5.2, the "I" subtype was for TELNET 
Jun 29, 2000   sessions, but NETSPY 5.3 deleted the TELNET data, and    
               reused subtype "I" record for TCP/IP data.  MXG 18.03 now
               supports the TCP/IP data, but Change 18.069 did not test 
               for and delete that now-defunct 5.2 "I" record.  The code
               test after IF NSPYREC='I' THEN DO; was revised to insert 
               IF NSPYENTL LE 70 THEN DELETE; since the 5.2 "I" record  
               segment length was 70.                                   
   Thanks to Rita Bertolo, Canadian Pacific Railroad, CANADA.           
Change 18.150  Negative values for RANDOM PAGES fields in reports.  The 
ANALDB2R       calculation of variable RANDOMP was incorrectly located, 
Jun 29, 2000   and was moved to after MEAN=QB&B.TCBA/NUMINTVL;          
   Thanks to Gary L. Keers, Indianapolis Power & Light, USA.            
Change 18.149  New analysis: Who is filling your active SMF VSAM file?  
ANALSMJB       This program reads the active VSAM SMF file (or any SMF  
Jun 29, 2000   file) and counts how many type 14, 15, 30, 42, and 64 SMF
               records in that SMF file were created by each JOB, so    
               that your operators can use this report to cancel a      
               runaway job.  (The program stops reading SMF records when
               it sees a timestamp after the start of this program, so  
               that SAS does not have to read over all the unused CIs   
               in your VSAM SMF file).                                  
Change 18.148  Documentation only.  Change 17.060 showed example syntax 
VMXGINIT       of %VMXGINIT(MXGWORK=XYZ); to redirect datasets from the 
Jun 29, 2000   //WORK default to the "XYZ" libref, but VMXGINIT changes 
               (VOPTIONS table, resetting MXGWORK based on SASSWORK and 
               USERWORK) cause that old syntax to no longer work. If you
               should ever need to redirect work, now the correct syntax
               is to use  OPTIONS USER=XYZ;   See also Change 18.168    
   Thanks to MP Welch, SPRINT, USA.                                     
Change 18.147A-SAS V8 no longer requires the MEMSIZE parameter in the   
CONFIGV8       CONFIG member, and in some cases it has caused memory    
Jun 29, 2000   ABENDs that were eliminated by removing MEMSIZE, so I    
               have removed it from CONFIGV8 member.  Using REGION=0M   
               on your JOB card is recommended, but you should be aware 
               that installation exits IEALIMIT and/or IEFUSI can limit 
               the virtual storage that be allocated.                   
              -I had to reinstate the S=72 and S2=72 options in CONFIGV8
               member.  It was removed (Change 17.392) to protect from  
               potential problems if your SOURCLIB was RECFM=VB, but its
               absence caused errors if you had numbered lines in your  
               MXG Tailoring Library (USERID.SOURCLIB), including 180   
               syntax ABENDs, and APPARENT MACRO &WORDI UNRESOLVED.     
               Unnumbering your lines eliminated the error, but so does 
               putting back the S=72 and S2=72 in the CONFIGV8 member,  
               and you don't have to touch your numbered lines.         
   Thanks to John Mattson, Espon, USA.                                  
Change 18.147  The data step previously in the _STYMEMx sort macros were
VMACMEMO       replaced with PROC SORT and the _BTYMEMx macros now have 
Jun 29, 2000   the correct BY list variables.                           
   Thanks to Fred Kuhstoss, Norfolk Southern Corp, USA.                 
Change 18.146  Variables S42DSMXR and S42DSMXS were added to TYPE42DS   
VMAC42         when they were discovered in the SMF manual.             
Jun 29, 2000                                                            
Change 18.145 -New TRNDNTLD trends NT DISK Space Utilization using the  
BLDNTPDB       NTSMF dataset LOGLDISK.                                  
NTINTRV       -Hardcode dataset names in BLDNTPDB text were replaced    
TRNDNTLD       with their _Ldddddd symbolic macro name, and NTINTRV was 
VMXGINV        changed to use the symbolic, and to %INCLUDE the member  
Jun 28, 2000   IMACKEEP so the BLDNTPDB builds a fully compatible code  
               member that accepts IMACKEEP/MACKEEP= tailoring.         
               If TRENDing is invoked by BLDNTPDB, both TRNDNTSM and the
               new TRNDNTLD are invoked.                                
   Thanks to Greg Jackson, National Life of Vermont, USA.               
   Thanks to Howard Glasetter, Weyerhaeuser Company, USA.               
Change 18.144  Protection for bad length/offset for TCP HFS filename    
VMACTCP        segments was over slightly in error; some records with   
Jun 26, 2000   valid HFS lengths of zero were flagged as in error.  The 
               test for IF 0 LT FTPHFS01 LT LENGTH-1 THEN DO;  line 440 
               and      IF 0 LT FTPHFS02 LT LENGTH-1 THEN DO;  line 472 
               were changed IF 0 LT FTPHFS01 LE LENGTH-1 THEN DO;   440 
               and          IF 0 LT FTPHFS02 LE LENGTH-1 THEN DO;   472 
               so only bad segments with non-zero length are detected.  
   Thanks to Sal Fazzino, First American, USA.                          
Change 18.143 -Support for new NTSMF Objects in Windows 2000 Server:    
EXNTBENG        "dddddd"  "dataset"  vars  description                  
EXNTDHCP        NTBENG    BEENGINE   131   BE Engine                    
EXNTDNS         NTDHCP    DHCP        14   DHCP Server                  
EXNTFIRC        NTDNS     DNS         62   DNS                          
EXNTFIRS        NTFIRC    FILREPCO    24   FileReplicaConn              
EXNTNTPC        NTFIRS    FILREPSE    91   FileReplicaSet               
EXNTNTPS        NTNTPC    NNTPCMND    44   NNTP Commands                
EXNTNTDS        NTNTPS    NNTPSERV    40   NNTP Server                  
EXNTNTSH        NTNTDS    NTDS       140   NTDS                         
EXNTWMSS        NTNTSH    NETSHIEL    40   NetShield                    
EXNTWMUS        NTWMSS    WINMEDSS     3   Windows Media Station Service
IMACNTSM        NTWMUS    WINMEDUS    24   Windows Media Unicast Service
VMACNTSM      -And the NTSMF 2.2.2 change that puts back into the SYSTEM
VMXGINIT       object the variables PCTCPUTM PCTUSRTM PCTPRVTM that     
Jun 27, 2000   Microsoft had previously removed from SYSTEM.            
              -And the NTCONFIG file was corrected; the CPUSPEDn/FAMILYn
               MANUFACn/CPUNUMn fields were RETAINed from each 0,0, but 
               were not initialized, and so could contain data in the   
               N+1 fields when the value of NRCPUS was only N.          
   Thanks to Hansueli Vogt, Credit-Suisse, SWITZERLAND.                 
Change 18.142  CMA SPOOL record, subtype 6, variable SMFT06PC, added by 
VMACCMA        Change 18.056, was incorrectly decoded, as a two-byte    
Jun 26, 2000   reserved field precedes that field.  The DSECT shows a   
               two byte reserved field after SMFT06PC, but it is not    
               input (to preserve compatibility).                       
   Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, Karstat AG, GERMANY.                 
   Thanks to Harmuth Beckmann, Karstat AG, GERMANY                      
Change 18.141  Variable DVGSBCNT, the Transfer Byte Count, has always   
VMACFTP        been wrong; it should have been input as &PD.8., but it  
Jun 26, 2000   was documented as binary instead of packed decimal.      
Jul 25, 2000   In addition, variable DVGSCFAC should have been &PIB.1.1 
               but was previously only &PIB.1.                          
   Thanks to John Sheridan, Aer Lingus, IRELAND.                        
   Thanks to Theo Peelen, RABOBANK, THE NETHERLANDS.                    
Change 18.140  Variables CIOPCT, HITPCT, and RDHITPCT were not being    
ASUM42DS       recalculated after the summation; the were revised into  
Jun 26, 2000   NORM= operands to be properly recalculated as percents.  
   Thanks to Raff Rushton, Kaiser Permanente, USA.                      
Change 18.139  IMS Log Version 5.1 cause zero observations in IMSTRAN   
TYPEIMSB       in STEP4 of JCLIMSL5, because IF _IMSVERS LE 5 THEN DO;  
Jun 22, 2000   should have been IF _IMSVERS LE 5.1 THEN DO; in three    
               places in member TYPEIMSB.                               
   Thanks to Pete Gain, SAS UK, ENGLAND.                                
Change 18.138  Additional, optional variables are now decoded from the  
IMAC6ESS       ESS segment in the type 6 record.  Comments in IMAC6ESS  
VMAC6          describe how to enable the creation of these variables,  
Jun 21, 2000   and how to add them to TYPE6, or to PDB.PRINT.  The full 
               list of TYPE6/PDB.PRINT variables that are decoded from  
               the ESS/IEFDOKEY optional fields are these:              
                  ADDRESS1='FIRST  LINE*OF ADDRESS'                     
                  ADDRESS2='SECOND LINE*OF ADDRESS'                     
                  ADDRESS3='THIRD  LINE*OF ADDRESS'                     
                  ADDRESS4='FOURTH LINE*OF ADDRESS'                     
                  DEPT    ='DEPARTMENT'                                 
                  ESSFCB  ='FCB*IN*ESS'                                 
                  ESSMODFT='MODIFY TRC*IN*ESS'                          
                  ESSPRTY ='PRTY*IN*ESS'                                
                  ESSWRITR='WRITER*NAME*IN ESS'                         
                  GROUPID ='GROUP ID'                                   
                  NAME    ='NAME'                                       
                  ROOM6   ='ROOM6'                                      
                  TITLE   ='TITLE'                                      
   Thanks to Todd Wright, CSC, AUSTRALIA.                               
Change 18.137  Variable CUTSHEET='Y' in dataset TYPE6 and PDB.PRINT was 
VMAC6          incorrectly decoded; the wrong bit was tested.  It should
Jun 21, 2000   have been  IF OPTBIT='..1.....'B THEN vice '.1......'B.  
   Thanks to Peter Robinson, IGM-GSA, AUSTRALIA.                        
Change 18.136  The RECTYPE=5 Deleted Data Space Release records were put
VMACICE        in ICEBRGDR instead of ICEBRGDE, because the statement in
Jun 21, 2000   the RECTYPE=5 DO group should have been _EICEDEL instead 
               of _EICEDRV (i.e., the comments were correct).           
   Thanks to Nick Johns, J. Sainsbury, ENGLAND.                         
Change 18.135  WEEKBLD and MONTHBLD still had the wrong BY list for the 
MONTHBLD       TYPE30MU dataset (but WEEKBLDT was correct!).  All were  
WEEKBLD        changed to match variables in the _STY30MU sort macro    
Jun 12, 2000   that is used in BUILDPDB:                                
                PRODQUAL PRODID SMFTIME                                 
   Thanks to Michael Creech, ALLTEL, USA.                               
   Thanks to Ed Billowitz, Medical College of Virginia Hospital, USA.   
Change 18.134  Support for OS/390 R2.10 (INCOMPATIBLE).                 
VMACEXC1      -TYPE30 DD segment has new 8-byte SMF30XBS field for large
VMAC1415       tape block size that requires revised VMACEXC1 to read.  
VMAC16         Processing V2.10 data with old MXG will cause INVALID    
VMAC30         DEVICE DATA error messages, with trashed DDname, because 
VMAC7072       of this INCOMPATIBLE change to SMF type 30.              
VMAC71           Note: A common symptom of using an MXG version without 
VMAC73                 this change to read OS/390 R2.10 or later SMF is 
VMAC74                 ***ERROR.VMACEXC2.2 INVALID DEVICE DATA message  
VMAC78                    that has TEMPLSEG=30 in that message text.    
VMAC79                 This note was added Jun 20, 2001.                
Jun 10, 2000  -TYPE1415 has new 8-byte BLKSIZE field for large tape     
                blocksize, and the CCSID Information added in 2.7 is    
               now decoded into new variables SMF14CFG/USR/TPE/LBL.     
              -TYPE16 had only cosmetic changes.                        
              -TYPE30 new variables added to 30_4, 30_5, 30_V, 30_6     
               datasets: SMF30ASP SMF30CCP SMF30CPR SMF30CSP SMF30JPN   
                         SMF30SME SMF30SPR                              
              -TYPE70 new variable SMF70DSA                             
              -TYPE70PR new variables SMF70ACS SMF70BDA SMF70CSF        
               SMF70ESF SMF70MAS SMF70MIS SMF70NSA SMF70NSI SMF70ONT    
               SMF70SPN SMF70STN                                        
              -TYPE71 new variables ESAMEMOD SMF71AFB SMF71AHI SMF71AVI 
               SMF71HRS SMF71HWS SMF71MFB SMF71MHI SMF71MVI SMF71VRS    
               SMF71VWS SMF71XFB SMF71XHI SMF71XVI                      
              -TYPE72GO new variables R723PRCP R723PRST                 
              -TYPE73 new variable SMF73SFL                             
              -TYPE74 new variable TIMFACNO                             
              -TYPE74PA new variable R742PIOT                           
              -TYPE74CA new variables R745DCID R745LFRE R745LKBF        
               R745LKBR R745RBYF R745RBYS R745RRID R745VBYW R745VFLG    
               R745VNTR R745VNUM R745VSER                               
              -TYPE74?? new subtype 7, two or three datasets, but need  
               test data to decide on structure of datasets created.    
               Code is in place for Global/Switch/Port sections.        
              -TYPE78IO new variables R783CUBM R783DPBM R783MCDF        
               R783MCMN R783MCMX R783PTM                                
              -TYPE791 new variables R791RLG2 R791RCL                   
              -TYPE792 new variables R792FXAB                           
              -TYPE79E R79EEPTM R79EDPBM R79ECUBM R79EMCDF R79EMCMN     
Change 18.133  Variable CPUTM, the total CPU Time for billing Oracle use
ADOCORAC       is modified based on Oracle technical feedback.  For the 
VMACORAC       Batch/TSO connections (CONNID='BATCH' OR CONNID='TSO'):  
               and for all other connections,                           
               Further discussion of Oracle data is in member ADOCORAC. 
   Thanks to Yvonne McDonough, USDA, USA.                               
   Thanks to Leslie Arndt, USDA, USA.                                   
Change 18.132  VMXGSUM failed if you used both AUTONAME=YES and NORMx   
VMXGSUM        operands.  AUTONAME is a new feature in SAS Version 8,   
Jun  8, 2000   and when specified with PROC MEANS/SUMMARY, new variable 
               names are longer than 8-bytes and are suffixed with the  
               statistics (VARIABLE_SUM instead of VARIABLE).  With this
               change, AUTONAME can be used with VMXGSUM.  Why use the  
               AUTONAME option?  If you wanted to sum PDB.JOBS to get   
               the min/max/mean/sum/std of CPUTM/SELAPSTM/IOTMTOTL, the 
               VMXGSUM invocation without AUTONAME would be:            
                   SUM=CPUTM SELAPSTM IOTMTOTL,                         
                   MIN=MINCPU MINELAP MINIOTM,                          
                   MAX=MAXCPU MAXELAP MAXIOTM,                          
                   MEAN=MEANCPU MEANELAP MEANIOTM,                      
                   STD=STDCPU STDELAP STDIOTM,                          
               But with AUTONAME specified, only this is required:      
                   SUM=CPUTM SELAPSTM IOTMTOTL,                         
                   MIN=CPUTM SELAPSTM IOTMTOTL,                         
                   MAX=CPUTM SELAPSTM IOTMTOTL,                         
                   MEAN=CPUTM SELAPSTM IOTMTOTL,                        
                   STD=CPUTM SELAPSTM IOTMTOTL                          
               The major difference using AUTONAME=YES is that you no   
               longer need to equate the new variables in the INCODE=   
               operand as they are built automatically using the        
               variable name suffixed by the statistic.  This can also  
               result in the bypassing of a data step or two depending  
               on the invocation; in this example, two data steps are   
               bypassed and all that is left is a PROC SORT and a PROC  
               MEANS, but you are then left with long variable names!   
Change 18.131  Amdahl processors can create type 70 RMF records with    
ASUM70PR       PR/SM segment with LPARNAME='Inactive',LPARNUM=0, and    
Jun  7, 2000   LPARCPUS=0, but LPARNUM=0 was previously used to identify
               the LPARNAME='PHYSICAL' obs.  These records have missing 
               values for durations, so there was no error in           
               PDB.ASUM70PR numeric values, but variable LP0NAME had    
               'Inactive' (yes, in mixed case) instead of PHYSICAL.  The
               change is to delete these observations as ASUM70PR reads 
               them, but they will still exist in the TYPE70PR dataset, 
               as they are really there in the type 70 SMF record.      
Change 18.130  Tailoring in EXDB2STS to create variables in DB2STATS did
EXDB2STS       not work, because the exit was not included properly.    
VMACDB2       -In VMACDB2, the OUTPUT _LDB2STS ; statement was replaced 
Jun  2, 2000   with  _EDB2STS    to invoke the EXDB2STS exit, and       
              -In EXDB2STS, the  _WDB2STS must be OUTPUT _LDB2STS.      
               The DB2STATS data set is different because it is created 
               not during the SMF processing, but in subsequent data    
               steps (after de-accumulation of DB2STAT0 and DB2STAT1,   
               which are then merged to create DB2STATS).  As a result, 
               the EXdddddd member outputs to the final destination     
               "_Ldddddd" macro instead of the "_Wdddddd" work file.    
               Additionally, any variable that is created in EXDB2STS   
               exit member will be kept in DB2STATS, and thus there is  
               no need to update the _KDB2STS macro, as it is never     
               referenced (but now a comment in VMACDB2 explains!).     
   Thanks to Mr. Chiarle, Gruppo Miroglio Tessile, ITALY.               
Change 18.129  IBM Websphere SMF type 103 subtype 2 record contained    
VMAC103        an undocumented 4-byte reserved field between CONNSNLA   
Jun  2, 2000   and RTDNSMAX caused the subsequent min/max/avg response  
Jun  7, 2000   fields to be incorrect.  The field was not in the -03    
               manual but was added in SC31-8690-04.  In addition, the  
               -03 had the 7 ERRORnnn fields ahead of the 4 ERRLVnnn,   
               but the -04 manual has the ERRLVnnn first, so MXG was    
               revised to match the revised documentation.  Some thread 
               wait variables are now "IBM internal", but MXG still     
               inputs that field into the original variable names.      
   Thanks to Rex Elbert, SPRINT, USA.                                   
Change 18.128  DFSMS/rmm dataset EDGSVREC had blank data set names in   
VMACEDGS       the volume record, because the data was located +62 from 
Jun  1, 2000   where MXG expected, but since the record level value in  
               the record is still 01, I don't know if this record was  
               always this way, or was changed between versions.        
               New variables were added by SMS 1.5 to both the EDGSVREC 
               and EDGSDREC datasets that are supported by this change. 
   Thanks to Pat Osborne, DND/DGISDS/DIOM, CANADA.                      
Change 18.127  Comments only, but message TMNT010E RC=0028 is written by
ASMTAPES       MXGTMNT when there is an SMF buffer shortage (or all SMF 
May 31, 2000   datasets are full).  The RC in MXGTMNT's TMNT010E is the 
               return code from the SMFWTM macro (documented in the SMF 
               Manual, GC28-1783-09) and thus this message appears on   
               your SYSLOG when MXGTMNT tried to write a mount or an    
               allocation record, but found it couldn't.  The list of   
               all SMFWTM return codes was added in comments.           
   Thanks to Herb Strazinski, US Bank, USA.                             
Change 18.126  The string LABEL='NTACSR: was misspelled once as NTACRS, 
VMACNTSM       and was repeated incorrectly five times that are changed 
May 31, 2000   to NTDIST, NTIACC, NTIACS, NTIATC, and NTIATS.  These    
               typos caused BLDNTPDB to see duplicates in &MXGDSNS.     
               Also _KNTACSR was misspelled once as _KNTACRS.           
   Thanks to Greg Jackson, National Life of Vermont, USA.               
Change 18.125  Extra observations were created in TYPE746B (HFS Global  
VMAC74         buffers) and R746GBF/R746GBNF were negative, because the 
May 30, 2000   DO R746GSBN=1 TO SMF746FN should have been TO SMF746BN.  
               Also, variable R746GSB, R746GSBF, and R746GSBP are now   
               formatted MGBYTES.                                       
   Thanks to Alan Deepe, Perot Systems, ENGLAND.                        
Change 18.124  BUILDPD3 fails "BY VARIABLES NOT SORTED WORK.TYPE25" when
BUIL3005       two jobs with the same READTIME and JOB are executed with
May 29, 2000   the second JESNR first.  MXG's heuristic algorithm merges
Jun  1, 2000   TYPE30_1 with TYPE25 to add JESNR into the TYPE25 dataset
               (because IBM still has not added JESNR to the TYPE25),   
               but previously, the output dataset was in order by JESNR.
               This unexpected out-of-sequence execution is corrected   
               by adding PROC SORT DATA=TYPE25; BY READTIME JOB JESNR;  
               to ensure the TYPE25 is now in the expected order.  This 
               is the first instance I have seen that confirms that the 
               two jobs can be read-in in the same .01 second READTIME, 
               but MXG addition of JESNR in BUILDPDB/BUILDPD3 was done  
               knowing that someday the reader would be fast enough to  
               create two jobs of same job name with same READTIME.     
   Thanks to Ron Lundy, Navistar, USA.                                  
Change 18.123  Support for 3494 Peer-to-Peer (Gemini) adds an Enhanced  
FORMATS        Statistic segment with dozens of new variables, added by 
VMAC94         APARs OW42071 and OW42073.  Code has not yet been tested 
May 25, 2000   as records are not yet available.                        
   Thanks to Greg Kent, IBM Global Services, USA.                       
Change 18.122  Summarization of TYPETCPT to track the number of users   
ASUMTCPT       concurrently logged on, using TYPETCP/TYPSTCP to first   
May 24, 2000   create the TYPETCPT dataset.                             
   Thanks to Charlie Sticher, University of Georgia, USA.               
Change 18.121  Bad offset for second HFS filename caused INPUT EXCEEDED 
VMACTCP        error; the record is wrong and being investigated, but   
May 24, 2000   logic was now added to prevent reading off the record,   
               while we open a problem with IBM.                        
   Thanks to Michael Creech, Alltel, USA.                               
Change 18.120  MXG 17.17-18.02 only.  Revision to text of Change 18.071.
RMFINTRV       That change (in MXG 18.03 and later) is now required for 
VMAC7072       OS/390 R2.7 or R2.8 if APAR OW41317 is installed (and 2.9
May 24, 2000   which includes the APAR).  That APAR added multi-system  
May 30, 2000   enclave fields that were incorrectly read by MXG.  While 
               R2.9 generates error messages, R2.7 and R2.8 do not; both
               create bad values (negative, asterisk, etc) in TYPE72GO  
               observations for periods two and higher.                 
                  RMFINTRV sums the TYPE72GO data, so data in RMFINTRV  
                  will also be bad without this change; this is just an 
                  alert, as nothing in RMFINTRV was changed.            
               This change is really just to update the text of 18.071, 
               as that change only mentioned Release 2.9.  A cosmetic   
               change (LENSCS test from GE 448 to GE 460) that has no   
               execution impact was made in VMAC7072.                   
   Thanks to Jane Huong, Cigna, USA.                                    
   Thanks to Steve Colio, Cigna, USA.                                   
Change 18.119  Support for Domino Server R5.0.3 new subtype 2 & 6       
EXTY1082       type 108 records now create two new datasets:            
EXTY1086         Dataset   Description                                  
IMAC108          TYPE1082  Domino Server User Activity                  
VMAC108                     (IP address of user, Notes User Name, Type  
VMXGINIT                     of connection, CPU time, Bytes Read/Written
May 23, 2000                 an interval record).                       
May 31, 2000     TYPE1086  Domino Server Database Activity              
                            (Database name, index ops, replicates, docs 
                             added, docs deleted)                       
               In addition, the _Sdddddd sort macros for all TYPE108x   
               datasets were revised for duplicate SMF record removal.  
               These new data are a good start to tracking Domino Server
               activity to users and causers, but it is still incomplete
               and provides only resource measurements, with no counts  
               of user activity other than bytes, and no intersect of   
               which databases were used by which users when!  The good 
               news is that IBM is listening and we will continue to see
               enhancements in the SMF 108 records as Domino Server is  
               finally a mainstream product for mainframes!             
               The type 108 SMF record's product has had these names:   
                  Domino Server R5.0.3                                  
                  Lotus Domino Server R5.0.2                            
                  Domino Server R5.0/R5.0.1                             
                  Lotus Domino R5                                       
                  Lotus Notes Domino Server                             
               The MXG-L Archives contain several discussions of Domino 
               Server: IBM Redbooks SG24-2083 (Install, Customization,  
               Admin) and SG24-5149 (Performance Tuning and Capacity    
               Planning) have both been recommended, especially the USS 
               customization and installation in SG24-2083.             
               See Change 18.092 for the type 103 SMF record.           
   Thanks to Stella Lim, United Air Lines, USA.                         
Change 18.118  Support for Type 42 RLS Subtype 19 has been revised and  
EXTY42X2       validated; two datasets are now created:                 
IMAC42           Dataset   Description                                  
VMAC42           TYPE42X1  VSAMRLS Local Buff Mgr SYSPLEX Totals        
VMXGINIT         TYPR42X2  VSAMRLS Local Buff Mgr SYSTEM Details        
May 18, 2000   However, these two datasets have lots of data, and in    
               keeping the IBM field name as part of the prefix of each 
               variable name for the 16 buffer pool with six measures   
               per buffer pool got messy, but here is the table of the  
               variable name prefixes for the Buffer Pool measurements: 
                IBM      Buffer Pool Megabytes    Buffer Pool Extents   
                Array    LOW     HIGH    CURR     LOW     HIGH    CURR  
                There are sixteen variables for each of these prefixes  
                and their suffixes are 01-09,0A-0G, so SMFJOF01 is the  
                Low Size (in Megabytes - note that MXG Labels & Formats 
                for the Megabyte variables have been converted from the 
                min/max/current count of buffers to the size of that    
                buffer pool in bytes, and is formatted to print KB/MB/GB
                with the MGBYTES format) of the 2K buffer pool,  and    
                SMFJOL0G is the current number of extents in the 32K    
                buffer pool.  Labels identify the pool size.            
                This is valid data, but may be enhanced as the data is  
                viewed and used.                                        
                APAR OW44739 (May 30, 2000) acknowledges that the SMF   
                manual for V2R5 and V2R6 subtype 19 documentation was   
                wrong and that the V2R7 and later are correct.          
   Thanks to Edward McCarthy, IBM GSA, AUSTRALIA.                       
Change 18.117  Tailoring failed because IMACKEEP was not included in the
TYPEMWUX       TYPEMWUX member.                                         
May 18, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Bart Decat, KBC Belgium, BELGIUM.                          
Change 18.116  Two occurrences of AND SV30ALN GE 1 THEN  must be changed
VMACSARR       to AND SV31ALN GE 1 THEN and to AND SV32ALN GE THEN as is
May 18, 2000   obvious from the other variables in those statements.    
   Thanks to Ian Mackay, RBS, UK.                                       
Change 18.115  Assembly of ASMTAPES under OS/390 R2.8 or 2.9 with ASM H:
May 17, 2000   to IBM error (APAR OW39924, macro STCKCONV has blank line
               at sequence number 10075000 - remove or commend out blank
               line.  Or use the High Level Assembler instead of ASM H, 
               which tolerates the blank and is IBM's recommended ASM   
   Thanks to Scott Wigg, USBank, USA.                                   
Change 18.114  Variable UOWTIME was kept LENGTH 4 in dataset MONITASK,  
VMACTMO2       which would cause a problem only if you were to merge the
May 17, 2000   MONITASK and DB2ACCT datasets; UOWTIME is INPUT from the 
               first six bytes of UOWID; it is only a token for matching
               DB2ACCT to MONITASK/CICSTRAN, but it needs to be kept as 
               LENGTH 8, as it is everywhere else in MXG except this one
               member.  (It was also not formatted as DATETIME21.2, but 
               rarely is the time value of UOWTIME useful; the truncated
               value wraps every few weeks and from some originations is
               completely off from current time, but that's ok for a    
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, Texas Utilities, USA.                        
Change 18.113  The SELDSN macro did not list ASUMCEC after ASUM70PR,    
JCLMNTH        but MONTHBLD expected to create MONTH.ASUMCEC.  Added    
May 17, 2000   ASUMCEC to the list of datasets.                         
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, Texas Utilities, USA.                        
Change 18.112  Variable NSPYTIPL is now formatted DATETIME21.2 and kept 
VMACNSPY       as LENGTH 8 instead of the default 4 (which can truncate 
May 17, 2000   a datetime variable by as much as 255 seconds).          
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, Texas Utilities, USA.                        
Change 18.111  RMF variable MVSLEVEL from RMF 70 is now kept in the     
VMXGRMFI       RMFINTRV dataset.                                        
May 16, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Marc Matthys, Hudson Williams, BELGIUM.                    
Change 18.110 -NTSMF object SNA ADAPTER SNADLC* has an Instance Field   
EXNTCOTI       that is now decoded when it is present.                  
EXNTTN32      -Support for COM Transaction Integrator object in the new 
IMACNTSM       COMTRNIG dataset.                                        
VMACNTSM      -Support for TN3270 Server object in the new TN3270SV     
VMXGINIT       dataset.                                                 
May 15, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Tom Aaslet, SMT, DENMARK.                                  
   Thanks to Richard P. Clarke, Freemans PLC, ENGLAND.                  
======Changes thru 18.109 were in MXG 18.04 dated May 15, 2000======    
Change 18.109  Comments only were changed in MONTHBLD (that it expects  
MONTHBLD       that your Weekly PDB is built on Monday morning), and new
MONTHBLS       member MONTHBLS expects that your Weekly PDB is built on 
May 15, 2000   Saturday instead.  The actual weekly job doesn't care    
               when it is run; it simply combines the last seven dailies
               to create a Weekly PDB thru that morning's daily PDB, but
               the MONTHBLx has to know what is your first day of week. 
   Thanks to Larry Heath, Shaw, Inc, USA.                               
Change 18.108  Variable SVCCIO inserted between SVCCKERN and SVCCSEM4.  
VMACSVCC       However, 75% of Peregrine's elapsed times are zeroes, and
May 13, 2000   many records that should be there aren't! Open problem.  
Change 18.107  Variable NOAMIDBK is now INPUT as &PIB.2 (instead of 4), 
VMACNOAM       variable NOAMCOLN=INPUT(NOAMCOLL,&PIB.4.) is the numeric 
May 15, 2000   value of NOAMCOLL, which is now input as $CHAR4. with    
               $HEX8. format, and the non-Y2-compliant 0yymmddF NOAMMIGD
               "Object Migration Date" is now protected with a 1960     
   Thanks to Peter Skov Sorensen, Jyske Bank, DENMARK                   
Change 18.106  Inconsistent macro names were used in BLDNTPDB and in the
BLDNTPDB       TRNDNTIN trending for NTSMF.  The Macro _LASUMNT in the  
May 13, 2000   BLDNTPDB member was changed to _LSUNTIN to be consistent 
               with the TRNDNTIN naming conventions.                    
   Thanks to Greg Jackson, National Life of Vermont, USA.               
Change 18.105 -Workload Activity Report was updated for APAR OW41317:   
ANALRMFR       three enclave fields (AVG ENC/REM ENC/MS ENC) added in   
May 13, 2000   the TRANSACTIONS column.                                 
              -Workload Activity Report was updated for APAR OW41317:   
               goal mode, REPORT=WLMGL,RPTOPT=WGPER, the PERIOD         
               summarization and calculations were revised to remove    
               SYSTEM from all BY statements.                           
              -Device Activity Report was updated for APAR OW31701:     
               Add column MX to DASD ACTIVITY REPORT to show the        
               number of UCBs that were active for PAV devices.         
              -Channel Activity Report was updated for APAR OW35586:    
               columns for Ficon data transfer rates and Bus Utilization
               were added.                                              
Change 18.104  SAS data libraries built in tape format with OS/390 SAS  
CONFIGV8       V8.0 TS MO, TS M1, and V8.1 cannot be safely used.  You  
JCLQAJOB       may get errors when you write or read; or worse, datasets
JCLUXRE6       created from tape datasets can have trashed labels.      
MONTHBLD       See "SAS Technical Notes" in Newsletter THIRTY-SEVEN for 
MXGSASV8       a technical discussion of the errors (also on homepage). 
VMXGINIT       Instead of using the V8SEQ engine, until these errors are
WEEKBLD        corrected by SAS Institute, you must change the default  
WEEKBLDT       tape engine so that the V6SEQ engine is used, by either: 
May 13, 2000   - adding  SEQENGINE=V6SEQ   to your CONFIG member, or    
               - using MXGs revised CONFIGV8 member with that option, or
               - adding  OPTIONS SEQENGINE=V6SEQ;  in every job's SYSIN 
                 input stream, or                                       
               - adding  ,OPTIONS='SEQENGINE=V6SEQ' to each // EXEC SAS 
                 or // EXEC MXGSAS JCL statement for each job.          
               Also, MXG members WEEKBLDT and MONTHBLD, which create    
               tape format datasets on temp DASD, will fail, as they    
               contain  LIBNAME TAPETEMP TAPE ; statements that force   
               the V8SEQ engine even when SEQENGINE=V6SEQ is set, so    
               "TAPE" in those LIBNAME statements was replaced with a   
               new macro variable &TAPENGN, set to V6SEQ by VMXGINIT.   
               And there now exists member MXGSASV8, a JCL Procedure    
               example to use for SAS Version 8, as I discovered that   
               SAS member BATCHXA in the SAS CNTL library is now named  
               BATCH, and the MXGSASV8 example now uses member CONFIGV8 
               (instead of CONFIG) for execution under SAS V8.          
                 (Confused? CONFIG08 was for SAS 6.08, not SAS V8)      
               SAS Institute opened SAS Note 002651 and found that the  
               LABEL error applies to all platforms where TAPE engine is
               supported, so they are aggressively attacking the error. 
               July 26 update: SAS ZAP Z8002651 now exists for SAS V8.0 
               and V8.1, and the error is corrected in SAS V8.2.        
               With that zap, you can change the CONFIGV8 to V8SEQ, but 
               since I can't detect if that ZAP is installed.           
   Thanks to Dan Riggs, Wachovia, USA.                                  
   Thanks to Ron Adkins, Wachovia, USA.                                 
   Thanks to Alan Lankin, Towers Perrin, USA.                           
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
   Thanks to MP Welch, SPRINT, USA                                      
Change 18.103  IMS log processing, MXG 18.03 only, IMS 6.1 only (whew!):
May 12, 2000     %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(VMACIMSA,IMACKEEP);                  
               should have been added by change 18.086. Our testing was 
               with IMS Version 5, so we missed this error, as even with
               that note, the 18.03 IMS Support processes V5 just fine. 
   Thanks to Pete Young, University of Toronto, CANADA.                 
Change 18.102  SMF 108 records from the early release 5.0 cause error   
VMAC108        INVALID DO LOOP CONTROL because the DO loop on SM108PTN  
May 12, 2000   did not test first that SM108PTN was non-missing.        
   Thanks to Coen Wessels, UNICBLE, SWITZERLAND.                        
Change 18.101  INVALID DATA FOR REQSTART resulted when the date field   
VMACIPAC       contains packed decimal value of zero for both the time  
May 11, 2000   and date parts ('0000000C0000000C'x).  Inserting the     
               "double question-mark modifier" in the INPUT statement   
               suppresses the note and hex dump of the SMF record. This 
               subtype (for KSDS VSAM) should not have been created by  
               IPAC, since that feature is not enabled at this site.    
               So MXG now protects the zero date in this useless record.
   Thanks to Jim Petersen, Homeside Lending, Inc, USA.                  
Change 18.100  Variable FILDATEX was not protected for invalid Julian   
VMACZARA       date values of 1998000, but now those expiration dates   
May 11, 2000   will be set to MXG's "infinite" date of '31DEC2099'D.    
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 18.099  Dataset ASUMCEC is now automatically built in the Monthly
MONTHBLD       and Weekly PDB libraries. Since it is built by %INCLUDE  
WEEKBLD        of ASUM70PR member, and MXG already expected the ASUM70PR
WEEKBLDT       dataset to exist, adding ASUMCEC to the WEEK/MONTH PDBs  
May 11, 2000   should be transparent.                                   
   Thanks to Normand Poitras, ISM, Canada.                              
Change 18.098  Variable FTPDATFM added to LENGTH $1 statement, as it    
VMACTCP        is decoded by $MGTCPFM and its length must be forced in  
May 10, 2000   the LENGTH statement.                                    
   Thanks to Lindsay Oxenham, IBM Global Services, AUSTRALIA.           
Change 18.097  Summarization example for DB2STATB, the DB2 Statistics   
ASUMDBSB       Buffer Pool data, which is not yet provided by ANALDB2R  
May  2, 2000   Statistics Detail report.  This is a first pass effort.  
   Thanks to Chad Heck, BEPC, USA.                                      
Change 18.096  Execution under ASCII only.  Some hex variables were read
VMAC74         with $EBCDIC instead of $CHAR, causing possible incorrect
Apr 30, 2000   values in internal variables TEMPIOML/SMF74PRF/DASDRCFG/ 
               SMF74CNX/RF8FLAG/DSG2 and kept variables TYPEIOML,       
               but only if the raw SMF data was read with MXG under SAS 
               on an ASCII platform. Fortunately, most of these are new 
               variables, and the old ones were rarely used.            
              -I misread APAR OW31701 and used the wrong hex field to   
               set variable NRALEXCH (number of aliases changed?).      
               and overlooked bit 2 of SMF74CNX, now variable PAVBASE.  
Change 18.095  The HFS Dataset Names for FTP Client and Server are now  
VMACTCP        created as variables FTPHFSD1/FTPHFSD2 in the TYPETCPF   
Apr 30, 2000   and TYPETCPC datasets.  While the theoretical length of  
               an HFS dsname could be 1024 bytes, only the first 200    
               bytes (the maximum length of a character variable under  
               SAS V6) are kept.  However, if you actually have dsnames 
               longer than 200, this could easily be changed, and when  
               the entire world is on V8 with compression, variable     
               lengths can be 32000 with no wasted space!               
   Thanks to Steve Clark, California Federal Bank, USA.                 
Change 18.094  Building the daily MVS PDB on tape is not recommended, as
VMXGCICI       there will be lots of rewinds (and possible dismounts and
VMXGRMFI       remounts).  If you want to put your daily PDB on tape, it
Apr 30, 2000   is far better to create it on temporary DASD and then use
Feb 27, 2003   PROC COPY IN=PDB OUT=PDBTAPE MEMTYPE=DATA; to copy all of
               the PDB datasets to the tape in one write after creation.
               MXG has always intended that the BUILPDB could write to  
               //PDB when it points to tape, so code was revised so that
               you could make the below changes and put //PDB to tape:  
               To write all the PDB datasets directly to //PDB on tape: 
                    //SYSIN DD *                                        
                     %LET PCICTRN=WORK;                                 
                     %LET PDB2ACC=WORK;                                 
                     %LET PCICACC=WORK;                                 
                     %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(BUILDPDB);                       
                     PROC COPY IN=WORK OUT=PDB;                         
                      SELECT DB2ACCT CICSTRAN CICSACCT;                 
               DB2ACCT and CICSACCT are normally written to //PDB during
               the SMF-processing step, but you cannot have two datasets
               open simultaneously in a sequential data library, so they
               will be written initially to //WORK and copied to //PDB. 
               The CICSTRAN dataset is normally written to //CICSTRAN as
               a separate sequential data library, but in this example, 
               CICSTRAN will be written to //WORK and then copied to the
               //PDB. Of course, if you don't want to keep CICSTRAN and 
               DB2ACCT you can eliminate the PROC COPY. (CICSACCT always
               has zero observations, and is not likely used anymore.)  
               If you have large CICSTRAN and DB2ACCT datasets, you may 
               prefer to write them to separate tape datasets and have  
               the rest of the PDB datasets written to //PDB, taking    
               much less //WORK space and eliminating double handling:  
                    // EXEC MXGSASV9                                    
                    //DB2ACCT  DD DSN=DB2ACCT,DISP=(,CATLG),UNIT=TAPE   
                    //SYSIN DD *                                        
                     %LET PCICTRN=CICSTRAN;                             
                     %LET PDB2ACC=DB2ACCT;                              
                     %LET PCICACC=WORK;                                 
                     %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(BUILDPDB);                       
               And if you want to include ASUMCACH, you must use this   
               code; ASUMCACH normally reads PDB.TYPE74 and PDB.TYPE74CA
               and outputs to PDB.ASUMCACH:                             
                     DATA TYPE74;   SET PDB.TYPE74;                     
                     DATA TYPE74CA; SET PDB.TYPE74CA;                   
               The actual MXG changes made in CHANGE 19.084 were these: 
              -In VMXGCICI, protection for archaic CICEOD/REQ/RRT/USSRV 
               datasets had input and output from the PDB ddname; now a 
               temporary file is created and used for the four inputs.  
              -In VMXGRMFI, the TYPE72 and TYPE72GO datasets were read  
               concurrently from the PDB ddname; a temporary copy is    
               made of the TYPE72 dataset (which eventually will have   
               zero observations always when the world is goal mode!).  
               Read Change 18.104 before using SAS V8 tape datasets.    
               The text of this change was revised in Feb 2003.         
Change 18.093  Support for Roger Software Development, RSD FOLDERS 4.0. 
EXRSDFBA       Two datasets are created                                 
EXRSDFOL         dddddd   dataset   description                         
TYPSRSDF       Most fields documented in DSECTS ACCIO and ACCIOAP are   
VMACRSDF       now decoded, but there still are a few unknown fields    
VMXGINIT       in the record, but they seem to contain zeroes.          
Apr 29, 2000                                                            
May 13, 2000   Note that member TYPEWSF supports RSD's EOS/WSF product. 
   Thanks to Chairat Tiajanpan, KrungThai Bank, Thailand.               
Change 18.092  The _ETY1032 statement, which OUTPUTs SMF 103 subtype 2, 
VMAC103        was in the wrong place (too early in the INPUT logic),   
Apr 27, 2000   causing many TYPE1032 variables to have missing values.  
               The type 103 SMF record's product has had these names:   
                  Websphere Application Server for OS/390               
                  HTTP Server Version 5.2                               
                  Lotus Domino GO Webserver                             
                  ICSS (Lotus Domino GO)                                
                  IICS V2 R2                                            
               See Change 18.119 for the type 108 SMF record.           
   Thanks to Steve Clark, California Federal Bank, USA.                 
Change 18.091  A set of sample reports for some basic TCP/IP analysis   
ANALTCP        from IBM type 118 records (MXG Member TYPETCP) for the   
Apr 27, 2000   analysis of FTP and Telnet usage.                        
   Thanks to Steve Clark, California Federal Bank, USA.                 
Change 18.090  Cosmetic, to avoid confusion.  VMXGSUM's WARNING message 
VMXGSUM        that a dataset did not exist had a confusing reference to
Apr 27, 2000   KEEPALL=NO that was removed.  The message now states that
               it is normal for the first TRENDing run; but otherwise   
               the warning that an input dataset did not exist is valid.
   Thanks to Normand Poitras, ISM, CANADA.                              
Change 18.089  The last period for any BY group when intervals are      
ANALCNCR       synchronized may not have been synchronized, because the 
Apr 26, 2000   RUNTIME variable was not forced to be a discrete interval
               time value.  Adding  RUNTIME=CEIL(RUNTIME/&TIMER)*&TIMER;
               and DO up to LASTINTV in &TIMER chunks fixed the error.  
   Thanks to Anthony P. Lobley, EDS, ENGLAND.                           
Change 18.088  Using VMXGRMFI with TREND= specified and PDB= blank to   
VMXGRMFI       invoke only for TRENDing failed with messages:           
               Local macro definitions mis-located inside the PDB loop  
               were relocated, and KEEPALL=YES was added to the VMXGSUM 
               invocation in its TRENDing section.                      
   Thanks to Normand Poitras, ISM, CANADA.                              
Change 18.087  Support for MainView for CICS 5.3.01 (INCOMPATIBLE).  The
VMACMVCI       CMRDATE format was changed to YYYYMMDD, and a PTF added  
Apr 26, 2000   variables STRTTIME, ENDTIME, and SYSTEM to the CMRDETL   
               transaction dataset.  Nine new file count variables were 
               added in the CMRFILE dataset.                            
   Thanks to Steve Smith, BMC, USA.                                     
======Changes thru 18.086 were in MXG 18.03 dated Apr 17, 2000======    
Change 18.086  Revised TYPEIMSB member for IMS log processing completes 
TYPEIMSB       MXG 18.03 revisions, correcting earlier TYPEIMSB members 
Apr 17, 2000   (post 17.17) that created dates of Jan 1, 2000 instead of
               the correct date.   MXG 18.03 dated Apr 17, 2000 has now 
               corrected all reported IMS 5.1 log errors, and thus the  
               IMS Log processing now requires that release of MXG.     
Change 18.085  Revisions to Sterling's Solve Management Services V3.7   
VMACSOLV       support.  New subcategory '50'x is undocumented, and MXG 
Apr 15, 2000   code will be revised to create separate datasets for each
               subcategory.  The original MXG code was only for the '06'
               USERCPU segment, which is now the only subcategory that  
               is output in TYPESOLV, pending receipt of documentation  
               and additional test data.                                
               Apr 29: SOLVLAST changed from TODSTAMP8. to SMFSTAMP8.   
   Thanks to Silas J. White, FDIC, USA.                                 
   Thanks to Ian Davies, Workers' Compensation Board of Alberta, CANADA.
Change 18.084  Variable VERSION is now XPTRVERS, because it conflicted  
VMACXPTR       with pre-existing character variable VERSION, and it is  
Apr 14, 2000   now labeled 'XPTR*REPORT*VERSION'. The KEEP= list for    
May 12, 2000   XPTR50 and XPTR52 were missing SYSTEM/SUBSYSTEM/SMFTIME  
May 15, 2000   causing _SXPTR50/_SXPTR52 to fail.  I protected the Y2K  
               non-Ready records for 2000, expecting only new dates, but
               the RPRTTIME date in XPTR52 have 98 and 99, which MXG    
               interpreted as 2098/2099.  Apparently, the RPRTTIME date 
               is when the report (format?) was put out to this X/PTR   
               Report repository, and so now both 19xx and 20xx dates   
               are protected.  LOC_7ATA is respelled as LOC_DATA.       
               May 12: SRC_FLG logic revised.                           
               May 15: SRC_FLG '... .100'B now '.....100'B.             
   Thanks to Mike Shapland, PKS Information Services, Inc, USA.         
Change 18.083A IMF variable PROGRAMB (@149) was originally documented   
VMACCIMS       "BMP Program name", when it was added to the IMF record  
Apr 14, 2000   by IMF Release 1.3 years ago, because variable PROGRAM   
May 22, 2000   was already input (@53), and so MXG used the logic       
                 "IF PROGRAMB GT ' ' THEN BMP='Y';"                     
               to identify BMPs.  However, BMC Technical Support has    
               informed me to instead use variable PROGTYPE (@78), so   
                  IF PROGTYPE='B' THEN BMP='Y';                         
               is now the revised change in VMACCIMS to identify BMPs.  
               BMC Technical Support also told me that the field I named
               PROGRAM has always actually contained the PSBNAME, and   
               the field I named PROGRAMB contains the actual program   
               name.  This has not been noticed; first, MPPs must have  
               PSBNAME and PROGRAM name the same, second, for BMPs and  
               other transaction types that can have different names,   
               most sites use the same name, and third, IMS analysis is 
               usually more interested in transaction name than program.
               But now that I know the truth, VMACCIMS was changed:     
                 - variable PROGRAMB is still input @149 but re-labeled 
                   to make no reference to "BMP".                       
                 - variable PROGRAM is now input @149 instead of @53.   
                 - new variable PSBNAME is now input @53 and kept in the
                   CIMSTRAN dataset from the 'FA'x IMF records.         
               The entire text of this change was revised May 22, 2000, 
               but the change to VMACCIMS that corrected BMP='Y' was    
               made by the original change contained in MXG 18.03 of    
               April 17, 2000.  Only the changes to PROGRAM/PSBNAME     
               were not available until MXG 18.05.                      
   Thanks to Betty Paterson, BMC, USA.                                  
   Thanks to Dan Sills, The Mutual Group, CANADA.                       
   Thanks to Bob Falla, The Mutual Group, CANADA.                       
======Changes thru 18.083 were in MXG 18.03 dated Apr 12, 2000======    
Change 18.083  ICF CPUs support was still imperfect. The PCTLnBY in     
ASUM70PR       both PDB.ASUM70PR and PDB.ASUMCEC was wrong (too low)    
Apr 11, 2000   if there was an ICF in the box, and the LPnDUR in        
               PDB.ASUMCEC was DURATM instead of LPnNRPRC*DURATM.       
               Note that for ICF removal from capacity calculations,    
               you need APAR OW37565 or the current OS/390 release that 
               stores 'ICF' into SMF70CIN.  If you have systems that are
               back level, you can use EXTY70PR to force SMF70CIN='ICF' 
               for the TYPE70PR observations for the ICF LPARNAME, but  
               you also must set SMF70CIN='ICF' for the PHYSICAL entry  
               for that LPAR by its LCPUADDR:                           
                 IF SYSTEM='CMC1' AND  (LPARNAME='CFP2' OR              
                                  (LPARNAME='PHYSICAL' AND LCPUADDR=2)) 
                   THEN SMF70CIN='ICF';                                 
   Thanks to Richard S. Ralston, Whirlpool, USA.                        
Change 18.082  First MXG 18.03 only.  Sort macro for TYPE64X had a      
VMAC64         missing underscore before the _WTY64X in the PROC SORT.  
Apr 11, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
======Changes thru 18.081 were in MXG 18.03 dated Apr 11, 2000======    
Change 18.081  Very minor.  Protection for a 16th IFCID destination     
VMACDB2        eliminates the VMACDB2 NOTE: YOUR DATA HAD NRQWSC=16.    
Apr 11, 2000                                                            
Change 18.080  Revisions to correct tape drive counts for SPINing tape  
ASUMTALO       allocations, and additional exits have been added so that
Apr 11, 2000   selection by SYSTEM and changes to bucket definitions can
Apr 12, 2000   be made without EDITing the ASUMTALO member (by using    
               %LET MACKEEP=  to redefine the exit macros:              
                 _ESUTAL1 allows for the insertion of code to select    
                          which SYSTEMs data is summarized.             
                 _ESUTAL2 allows for overriding the buckets built by    
                          ASUMTALO's invocation of ANALCNCR.            
                 _ESUTAL3 allows for adding to the renames of buckets   
                          if more than 8 bucket are present (supports   
                          new buckets added in _ESUMTAL2)               
   Thanks to Anthony Lobeley, EDS, ENGLAND.                             
Change 18.079  These two summary members require KEEPALL=NO to override 
ASUMCICS       the VMXGSUM new default of KEEPALL=YES, Change 18.065.   
ASUMCICX       These members will read either IBM or Landmark CICS data,
Apr 10, 2000   but only one set of variables was kept; with KEEPALL=NO, 
               VMXGSUM constructs a KEEP= with only needed variables,   
               but KEEEPALL=YES passes the hardcode SUM= list, which    
               caused variable not found condition.  I will revise the  
               members in a cleaner fashion in a later release, but by  
               restoring KEEPALL=NO for these two VMXGSUM invocations,  
               it constructs the correct KEEP= list, and all is well!   
Change 18.078  The change in order of sort variables by Change 18.001   
MONTHBLD       was not propagated into WEEKBLD, WEEKBLDT or MONTHBLD,   
WEEKBLD        causing NOT SORTED errors TYPE30MU, TYPE30OM, and TYPE89 
Apr 10, 2000   datasets.  The BY lists were corrected and now match the 
Apr 24, 2000   BUILDPDB sort order, but NOT SORTED errors will still    
Apr 27, 2001   occur if you build weekly/monthly from daily/weeklys that
Aug  7, 2001   were created with different sort orders.                 
               To get that failing weekly/monthly job to finish, you    
               only need to add the NOTSORTED option to the end of the  
               BY list in your WEEKBLD/WEEKBLDT/MONTHBLD:               
                 in WEEKBLD:   add NOTSORTED to the BY statement after  
                               each SET statement  BY .... NOTSORTED ;  
                 in WEEKBLDT:  add NOTSORTED to the MACRO _BYLIST ... % 
                  & MONTHBLD   after each   MACRO _DSET TYPExxxx %      
                 Explanation:  The BY statement with multiple datasets  
                               in a SET statement creates an output     
                               dataset that is sorted, so that a SORT in
                               a report programs can be bypassed by SAS 
                               to save time and resources, but nothing  
                               else in MXG requires datasets to be in a 
                               sort order, so adding option NOTSORTED   
                               will create the output dataset (which is 
                               partially sorted!) without the error.    
               Install a new MXG version on the first logical day of    
               your week (e.g.: my week is MON to SUN PDBs, or Tue-Mon  
               daily runs, so I move my new version into production on  
               Monday afternoon, before the Tuesday morning's BUILDPDB, 
               so that all of the new week's dailies will be created by 
               the same MXG version) to minimize sort change issues.    
   Thanks to David Ehresman, University of Louisville, USA.             
   Thanks to Alan Lankin, Towers Perrin, USA.                           
   Thanks to Scott Snyder, First Data, USA.                             
Change 18.077  A final PROC SORT was added to put PDB.CICINTRV back in  
VMXGCICI       the correct order for the WEEKLY merge.  The final step  
Apr  9, 2000   logic can recalculate STARTIME, so the added sort was:   
                 PROC SORT DATA=CICINTRW OUT=&OUTDATA;                  
                 BY SYSTEM APPLID SMFPSSPN STARTIME;                    
   Thanks to Michael L. Knych, International Paper, USA.                
Change 18.076  NETSPY report NSPYPRT exposed that MXG NETSPY datasets   
VMACNSPY       needed revisions in some of its response calculations.   
Apr  9, 2000  -Julian discovered and tested with TARGETS=HOST:          
               NETRSPNO and NETRSPN6 appear to be the number of         
               instances where a 'definite response' has occurred, as a 
               result of either (1) FORCEDR in the NetSpy INITPRM, or   
               (2) the application running in DR-mode anyway.  Therefore
               they represent the number of times network response time 
               has been measured, and can correctly be used to calculate
               average network response time (by division by CRSPNET and
               CRSPNET6).  They can only be used to calculate %responses
               on target if TARGETS=USER is in force.  With TARGETS=HOST
               the value of NETRSPNO and NETRSPN6 should be irrelevant. 
              -The revision of TRANSNO +1 or -1 relates to the number of
               inputs to the number of transactions terminated at the   
               host, which is redundant with LUNRSPSS, and was removed. 
              -TARGETS=HOST/USER based on NETRSPNO LT Sum(T1-T4RSPNO)   
               is an approximation that fails with small numbers.       
               Instead, using SMFTFLG1 for NSPYLU and XDOMAIN for the   
               NSPYAPPL is a better determination.                      
   Thanks to Julian Smailes, Experian Limited (UK), ENGLAND.            
Change 18.075  Dataset TMVSWG's _STMVWG and _NTMVWG macros were not in  
VMACTMV2       the _STMV2 and _NTMV2 macro lists, and comments with the 
Apr  9, 2000   TMVSWKP instead of TMVSWG were corrected.                
   Thanks to John Jackson, Redcats (UK), ENGLAND.                       
Change 18.074  CICS Statistics dataset CICTCPIP variables SOROPENG/OPENL
VMAC110        which should be open timestamp on GMT and Local are bad; 
Apr  9, 2000   OPENG is zero, and OPENL is 'FFFFFFFFD1' which produces  
               a datetime of 17SEP2042:18:53:47.18 in every record.  And
               the GMT and Local clock values for OPEN/CLOSE are not the
               same; they are off by about .2 seconds.                  
               This change is only for documentation; when an IBM APAR  
               exists that corrects those fields, this will be updated. 
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
Change 18.073  Support for Systemware SYSOUT X/PTR, JHS, MPS, and C/QUE 
EXXPTR02       product's user SMF record.  There are 30 XPTRnn datasets 
 ...           created, but only these subtypes have been data tested:  
EXXPTR52       04,06,09,10,11,12,18,20,50,51,52.  This vendor provides  
IMACXPTR       sample SAS code that was used as a starting point, and   
TYPEXPTR       some of its variable names were used in MXG datasets, but
TYPSXPTR       that program failed when executed, had fields input from 
VMACXPTR       wrong locations, was incomplete, and not Y2K compliant,  
VMXGINIT       so the DSECTS were used to create this MXG support with  
Apr  9, 2000   its structure, formatting, exits, etc.                   
   Thanks to Mike Shapland, PKS Information Services, Inc, USA.         
Change 18.072  ObjectStart/Huron have new HU62KEYn/HU72KEYn variables so
VMACHURN       that the multiple observations from a single type 62/72  
Apr  7, 2000   (multiple Process, Accounting, Locking, etc) can be      
Apr 10, 2000   combined into a logical transaction.  HU47INTV/APL/SSNO, 
               PERN/LKN/RPN/ for 62 and 72 subtypes are all now kept.   
               Variables HUnnSSNO were changed from &PIB.4. to $CHAR4.  
               with $HEX8 so that the type 49 and 62 records can be     
               merged together by HU49SSNO and HU62UNQI to show Huron   
               resource usage by JOB/STEP.  The LABEL for HU49TCPU is   
               TCB+SRB (was TCB).                                       
   Thanks to Lindsay Oxenham, TELSTRA, AUSTRALIA                        
   Thanks to John Toohey, TELSTRA, AUSTRALIA.                           
   Thanks to Greg Meyer, Isuzu Motors, USA.                             
Change 18.071  MXG 17.17-MXG 18.02 only INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED or     
VMAC7072       INVALID DATA FOR R723CIEA in Goal Mode Type 72 Subtype 3.
Apr  7, 2000   The OS/390 R2.9 added code was wrong.  The INPUT of CXEA 
Apr 10, 2000   and CFEA should have been &RB.8. vice &RB.4., and there  
               was a missing SKIP=SKIP-24; after that input statement.  
               See Change 18.120: R2.8 with APAR OW41317 also requires  
               this change, but has no error message.  24May2000.       
   Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, Karstat AG, GERMANY.                 
   Thanks to Harmuth Beckmann, Karstat AG, GERMANY                      
Change 18.070  DB2ACCT variable JOB has been revised based on the source
ASUMDB2A       of the connection, and new variables TRAN and PLAN are   
VMACDB2        also created for possible use in matching to CICSTRAN:   
Apr  7, 2000    TRAN='    ';                                            
Apr 10, 2000    PLAN=QWHCPLAN;                                          
                IF QWHCATYP IN (1,2,0BX) THEN DO;/*TSO,CALL ATTACH*/    
                  JOB=QMDACORR;                  /*UTILITY JOBS*/       
                ELSE IF QWHCATYP IN(3,5,6,9,0AX) THEN DO;/*DLI,IMS*/    
                ELSE IF QWHCATYP =4 THEN DO;/*CICS*/                    
                  PLAN=SCAN(QWHCCV,1,' .');                             
              -Testing with the new VMXGSUM change (KEEPALL=YES) found  
               that some DB2 6.1 variables had been added to ASUMDB2A   
               but were not in the KEEP= list for dataset DB2ACCT.  The 
               old default of KEEPALL=NO had masked the omission, and   
               ASUMDB2A's spelling of two QZZ variables as QXX.         
   Thanks to Paul Weissman, Perot Systems, USA.                         
Change 18.069  Support for CA's NETSPY 5.3 (COMPATIBLE) adds nine new   
EXNSPYAD       datasets and removes one.  The NSPYTELE TELNET dataset   
EXNSPYAT       introduced in 5.2 has been completely replaced in 5.3,   
EXNSPYHP       so references to NSPYTELE and EXNSPYTE were deleted.     
EXNSPYMA       The nine new dataset created are:                        
EXNSPYMC        dddddd  Dataset  Record  Description                    
EXNSPYMR        NSPYAD  NSPYAPPD   D     APPN Directory Services        
EXNSPYRT        NSPYAT  NSPYAPPT   E     MNPS Application Recovery      
EXNSPYTC        NSPYHP  NSPYHPR    N     High Performance Routing       
EXNSPYTS        NSPYMA  NSPYMNPA   M     MNPS Application               
IMACNSPY        NSPYMC  NSPYMNPF   F     MNPS Coupling Facility Struct  
VMACNSPY        NSPYMR  NSPYMNPR   E     MNPS Application Recovery      
Apr  7, 2000    NSPYRT  NSPYVRTP   R     VTAM RTP                       
                NSPYTC  NSPYTCP    I     TCP/IP Connections             
                NSPYTS  NSPYTCPS   J     TCP/IP Stack                   
               These datasets have been added but only syntax tested, as
               no test records are yet available for validation.        
   Thanks to Roger Zimmerman, Scudder Kemper Investments, USA.          
Change 18.068  DB2ACCT variables ACCOUNT1-ACCOUNT9 were not populated   
VMACDB2        for DBAAS nor for non-Local-DB2-ACCOUNTING records.  The 
Apr  6, 2000   logic for Local-DB2 was replicated for the other two DB2 
               record types.  Note if you put your own accounting values
               in your DB2 records, you must use a 'FF'x delimiter if   
               you want those accounting fields separated into separate 
               account variables; only DB2 takes MVS accounting fields  
               and inserts a 'FF'x delimiter in its 101 records, so that
               is what MXG's VMACDB2 logic expects.  If there is only   
               on field with no 'FF' delimiter, then it will be stored  
               into variable ACCOUNT1 (and member IMACACCT sets the     
               stored length of each of the ACCOUNTn variables).        
   Thanks to Ian McKay, Royal Bank of Scotland, SCOTLAND.               
Change 18.067  Negative DD counts for OPEN/USED DB2 Dataset calculation:
ANALDB2R      -IBM APAR PQ21969 (see NEWSLTRS for APAR details) corrupts
Apr  5, 2000   QTSLWDD, "Slow DDs", which is subtracted from QTDSOPN.   
              -MXG logic error if there were more than one interval in  
               the summary.  The statement     QTDSOPN=QTDSOPN/INTRVLS; 
               was moved to follow  DSUNUSED=(QTDSOPN-QTSLWDD)/INTRVLS; 
               so total-total instead of average-total is subtracted!   
   Thanks to John McCray, Huntington National Bank, USA.                
Change 18.066  The PDB.ASUMCEC dataset requires that all SYSTEM's clocks
ASUM70PR       are on the same timezone, since the merge is by STARTIME.
EXCECTIM       This change adds new exit member EXCECTIM to allow you to
Apr  5, 2000   insert your own logic to change the time zone of STARTIME
               to a common time zone.  You could use logic like this:   
               IF      SYSTEM='CST ' THEN STARTIME=STARTIME+HMS(-5,0,0);
               to change STARTIME from local to GMT.                    
   Thanks to Richard S. Ralston, Whirlpool, USA.                        
Change 18.065  The KEEPALL=NO default of VMXGSUM can cost CPU time with 
ANALCISH       minimal benefit, especially when VMXGSUM is used multiple
ASUMCICS       times, as in ANALCISH which invokes 45 executions of the 
ASUMCICX       VMXGSUM macro if all CICS shutdown reports are requested!
ASUMDBDS       MXG enhancements to support all possible syntax in that  
ASUMHPAI       KEEPALL=NO logic (constructs KEEP= statements with only  
ASUMHPSU       needed variables, but parsing must be in macro language  
MNTHDB2S       that is more expensive that data step logic) cost too:   
TESTOTHR                          16.16       17.17      17.17          
TYPEMON8        KEEPALL=            NO          NO        YES           
TYPEMONI        CPUTM             62 sec      93 sec     43 sec         
VMACMON8        ELAPSTM           15 min      19 min     10 min         
VMACMONI        Hi Block Used     1905        1905       1921           
VMXGSUM        for ANALCISH, with no savings in the work space needed!  
Apr  4, 2000                                                            
Apr 11, 2000   I had planned to change the default to KEEPALL=YES, but  
               found that some VMXGSUM invocations require KEEPALL=NO   
               to prevent VARIABLE NOT FOUND errors:                    
                  With KEEPALL=NO, variables can be listed that don't   
                  exist in the input dataset; both IBM and TMON vars are
                  listed in the dual-input ASUMCICS program, but only   
                  one set will actually exist.  With KEEPALL=YES, all   
                  variables must exist.  And with KEEPALL=NO, you can   
                  still use ASUMDB2A to summarize DB2ACCT, even if you  
                  have removed variables that you don't need, since the 
                  KEEPALL=NO option tolerates non-existent variables.   
               By adding an explicit KEEPALL=YES in each VMXGSUM use in 
               member ANALCISH, and by adding an EXPLICIT KEEPALL=NO in 
               ASUMCICS/ASUMCICX, and by cleaning up variables in SUM=  
               lists that didn't belong there, all of MXG members in the
               18.03 library have been tested with KEEPALL=YES as the   
               default, but I decided that it was not worth the exposure
               of creating an error perfectly running programs to save a
               few seconds of CPU time, so the MXG default remains      
               But because KEEPALL=YES can be very useful in specific   
               cases, I have instead externalized KEEPALL to a Global   
               macro variable, so it can be changed from KEEPALL=NO with
                    %LET KEEPALL=YES;                                   
               in your //SYSIN before the program that invokes VMXGSUM, 
               so you can test the possible savings and any impact.     
               Note that if your program uses %VMXGSUM(KEEPALL=xxx,...),
               i.e., explicitly specifies the KEEPALL= argument in its  
               invocation, that local xxx value will always override and
               replace the Global value set with a %LET statement.      
   Thanks to Steve Colio, CIGNA, USA.                                   
Change 18.064  MXG 18.01-18.02 only.  Changes in the _Bdddddd "BY list" 
VMAC6156       macros caused VARIABLE xxxxxxxx NOT FOUND errors:        
VMAC64        -VMAC6156: VARIABLE SMF6XFNC NOT FOUND.  Macro should be: 
Apr  4, 2000  -VMAC64: VARIABLE SITUATN NOT FOUND.     Macro should be: 
                              COMPONT BEGCCHH  VOLSER EXTENTNR SMFTIME %
              -VMAC79: VARIABLE SYSPLEX NOT FOUND.  Here the KEEP= for  
                       dataset TYPE79F was incomplete; variables SYSPLEX
                       SYSNAME and STARTIME were added to its KEEP list.
              -VMACGUTS: VARIABLE JOB NOT FOUND.     Here the KEEP= for 
                       datasets GUTSSESS and GUTSINTR was incomplete;   
                       variable JOB was added to their KEEP lists.      
   Thanks to Richard S. Ralston, Whirlpool Corporation, USA.            
Change 18.063  The count of CLASS3WT events typographically included the
ANALDB2R       variable QWACAWTW, the wait duration, when it should have
Apr  4, 2000   been QWACARNW, the number of wait events, (three places).
   Thanks to Tom Benson, Amdahl U.K., ENGLAND.                          
VMXGRMFI       can be used to minimize the list of entries when you only
Apr  3, 2000   want to keep/drop a few PERFGRPs/SRVCLASSes.             
   Thanks to Normand Poitras, ISM, CANADA.                              
Change 18.061  The statement segment   AND %LENGTH(&USERADD) NE 0       
UTILBLDP       was removed, because it could have caused no USERADD=    
Apr  3, 2000   to be created when there should have been one.           
   Thanks to Dave Gibney, Washington State University, USA.             
Change 18.060  Continued IMS quirk removal; Open Transaction Manager    
ASMIMSL5       Access, OTMA, and APPC differences in LCODE=31x records  
ASMIMSL6       were revised.  While OTMA may have been only an IMS 5.1  
Apr  3, 2000   facility, I put the code in both members while we await  
               an answer from IBM.  We think OTMA is very rare in any   
               event, so this change should have no negative impacts!   
   Thanks to Pete Gain, SAS Institute, ENGLAND.                         
   Thanks to Carl Meredith, SAS Institute ITSV, USA.                    
Change 18.059 -TPF support did not work with SAS USER= or WORK= options,
IMACTPF        causing ERROR DATASET WORK.TPFTD NOT FOUND because the   
TYPSTPF        PROC COPY at the end of member TYPSTPF should have been  
VMXGINIT       removed when the _STPFxx PROC SORT macros were added.    
VMXGTPFI      -Hardcode "PDB." references were replaced with _Ldddddd   
TESTUSER       macro references in VMXGTPFI.                            
Apr  3, 2000  -VMXGINIT now defines WTPFINT and PTPFINT macro variable  
               for dataset TPFINTRV for consistency in naming.          
              -IMACTPF now documents the many TPF datasets/dddddd.      
              -VMACTPF had data set labels that were repeated/unclear.  
              -These were found by running TESTOTHR with their options. 
              -TESTUSER was also revised, with its one PROC COPY with   
               INDD=WORK being replaced with three separate PROC COPYs  
               each with INDD=&Wdddddd for the specific dataset to copy.
   Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, Karstat AG, GERMANY.                 
   Thanks to Harmuth Beckmann, Karstat AG, GERMANY                      
Change 18.058  Zero observations were processed if you did not use the  
PRINTNL        MXGSAS procedure (or used the SAS procedure without the  
Apr  1, 2000   CONFIG=MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIG) parameter specified) because 
               the MXG macro variable OPSYS was tested instead of the   
               original SAS macro variable SYSSCP.  Since nothing else  
               in CONFIG is required for PRINTNL, changing to use the   
               SAS macro variable SYSSCP eliminates the exposure so that
               PRINTNL will work with the plane vanilla SAS JCL proc.   
   Thanks to Glenn Harper, Memorial Hermann Hospital System, USA.       
Change 18.057  Variable PROCSTEP should not have been kept in TYPE30_1  
VMAC30         or TYPE30_5, as it is a step-level variable, and it was  
Apr  1, 2000   added to the KEEP= list for all TYPE30 datasets that     
               contained STEPNAME (except for TYPE30_D, because that is 
               a DD-level dataset, and adding PROCSTEP doesn't see to   
               be needed there and would only waste space (and you can  
               always use the MACRO _KTY30UD to add PROCSTEP if  you    
               really decided you needed it at the DD-level dataset.    
   Thanks to Michael Oujesky, MBNA, USA.                                
Change 18.056  Support for CMA Release 1.11 (COMPATIBLE) added two new  
VMACCMA        variables, SMFT05PL and SMFT06PC to the subtype 5 and 6  
Apr  1, 2000   SMF records.                                             
   Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, Karstat AG, GERMANY.                 
   Thanks to Harmuth Beckmann, Karstat AG, GERMANY                      
Change 18.055  OAM Release 1.5.0 changed the type 85 subtypes 74-77 and 
VMAC85         subtypes 78-79 and 88 INCOMPATIBLY by inserting 32 bytes 
Mar 31, 2000   (R85ORMN,R85OTMN) at the front of the segment, and by    
Apr 10, 2000   inserting R85LXQT in the middle of the segment.  Jobname,
               stepname/procname were added to the OAM product segment  
               and those are now kept in all OAM data sets.             
               Apr 10: corrected tests for 1.4.0 to 150.                
               Subtypes 80-86 are not supported yet because I have no   
               test data, but MXG now prints a note if one of those     
               unsupported records are found, and I'll add support if   
               you'll send me your type 85s with those subtypes!        
   Thanks to Jeff Schuster, American Century, USA.                      
Change 18.054  The two PROC SORTs should have had _WTMSTMS and _WTMSDSN 
TYPETMS5       instead of TMSRECS and DSNBREC, so that you could change 
Mar 31, 2000   the location of the WORK copy.  If you changed the ddname
               you will get "TMS MERGE ERROR" message because MXG did   
               not use your changed destination.                        
   Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, Karstat AG, GERMANY.                 
   Thanks to Harmuth Beckmann, Karstat AG, GERMANY                      
Change 18.053  The macro token _K102TX5 did not follow the _W102TX5     
VMAC102        segment in the DATA statement; an oversight, but no      
Mar 30, 2000   impact unless you wanted to change the variables kept.   
   Thanks to Jim Kovarik, AEGON USA, USA.                               
======Changes thru 18.052 were in MXG 18.02 dated Mar 29, 2000======    
Change 18.052  IMS log record 01s are now deleted if MSGFLAGS '10'x bit 
ASMIMSL5       is set (MSGFNRQU, the non-recoverable bit). Pete found   
ASMIMSL6       duplicate IMSTRAN observations for some transactions that
Mar 29, 2000   were being submitted to the IMS input queue via the IMS  
               OTMA facility from an MQ series box.  The non-recoverable
               transaction exists merely to enter the message onto the  
               queue so that it can be requeued for execution.  That    
               original (non-recoverable) 01 lacks critical identifiers 
               anyway, cannot be analyzed, and its processing is not    
               recorded in a type 7 record as a processed message, so   
               there is no loss by discarding that record.              
               The non-OTMA log records sequence all had the same DRRN: 
               01/35/08/56/31/03/35/37/7/33/56/07; the OTMA sequence was
               01/35/08/56/31/03/31/33/56/37/33/56/07 records, but the  
               03/35/31/33 had one DRRN value, while the 01/31/33 had a 
               second DRRN generated by OTMA's processing, and it was   
               the second DRRN that created the "duplicate" transaction.
               This change removed nine redundant XC  USERKEY,USERKEY   
               statements in ASMIMSL5/ASMIMSL6 to make room for the four
               new statements added to drop the unwanted records.       
   Thanks to Pete Gain, SAS Institute, ENGLAND.                         
   Thanks to Carl Meredith, SAS Institute ITSV, USA.                    
   Thanks to Pete Sadler, IBM, ENGLAND.                                 
Change 18.051  IMF Fast Past records contain INPQUETM as a PD instead of
VMACCIMS       the documented PIB format, affecting both INPQUETM and   
Mar 28, 2000   ARRVTIME. CICS transactions with ARRVTEST='0000000C'x    
               are now included in the fast path calculation for the    
               ARRVTIME, although they are not strictly queueing.       
   Thanks to Stephen Hoar, Lloyds TSB  ENGLAND.                         
Change 18.050 -IMS transactions with non-zero value for SUBQ6 time had  
ASMIMSL6       the divide by NMSGPROC incorrectly located, causing the  
JCLIMSL6       averaged resources (CPUTM, DLI, etc) to be incorrect.    
IMACIMSA       Fortunately, only one site has observed the problem.  The
TYPEIMSA       moved code had been added by Change 17.315 to cover the  
TYPEIMSB       rare case when FIRST.DTOKEN also has INIO and MTYPE='7 ' 
VMACIMSA       because then, the averaging needed for Quick reschedule  
Mar 28, 2000   transactions must be bypassed.  (That change also added  
Jun  5, 2001   IMSACCQ6, IMSSQ6TM and DLRUSSN to the list of variables  
               to be averaged.)                                         
              -Alan's changes that accommodate the 10-byte timestamps in
               IMS 6.1 were incorporated in this change, and cosmetic   
               changes (colons to long vertical bars) were cleaned up.  
              -Note: error WORK.IMSMERGE.DATA DOES NOT EXIST occurs if  
               you try to copy an archaic IMACIMS member into your new  
               IMACIMSA member in your USERID.SOURCLIB.  In general,    
               no tailoring of the IMACIMSA member is required for most 
               sites, and it is delivered with only comments.           
              -1Jun01: This change also changed the default in IMACIMSA 
               to IMSVERS 6.1 instead of 5.1, but that was not noted    
               in the original change text.                             
   Thanks to Alan Green, Zurich, ENGLAND.                               
   Thanks to Daniel Cannon, The Hartford, USA.                          
   Thanks to John Pierce, Liberty Mutual, USA.                          
   Thanks to Carl Meredith, SAS ITSV Cary, USA.                         
   Thanks to Yves Terweduwe, CIPAL, BELGIUM.                            
Change 18.049  TYPE 74 subtype 4 "Broken RMF Record" Change 18.045 was  
VMAC74         over-protective, falsely throwing away each last segment 
Mar 26, 2000   with that error message.  The test CDSILOC+SMF744CL GT   
               should have been CDSILOC+SMF744CL-1 GT LENGTH THEN DO;   
Change 18.048  Cosmetic cleanup of MXG members.  Sample PROC Prints in  
CREATEBC       ADOCxxxx members had non-text hex-values (like '00'x)    
IMACEAGL       that are now blanks, and the hex values in IMACEAGL and  
VMACEAGL       are replaced by hex literals.  Some members had          
DOC            a small circle or a tiny "3" instead of the long vertical
Mar 25, 2000   bar for flow chart documentation inside comments (members
               had been emailed from ASCII to EBCDIC with non-standard  
               conversion tables, particularly RHUMBA and/or European   
               ASCII to EBCDIC tables).  The creation of MXG EBCDIC text
               from ASCII text has not been documented previously, but  
               it uses the SAS ASCII to EBCDIC conversion, except that  
               two changes are required to the SAS ASCII to EBCDIC table
               to match OS/390 TSO ISPF EDIT's characters:              
                 Left Bracket   -  ASCII '5B'x   EBCDIC 'BA'x           
                 Right Bracket  -  ASCII '5D'x   EBCDIC 'BB'x           
                 Split Vertical -  ASCII none    EBCDIC '6A'x           
               New member CREATEBC is a ASCII SAS program that reads the
               ASCII IEBUPDTE file to creates the MXG EBCDIC IEBUPDTE   
               file.  The Variable length ASCII IEBUPDTE file is about  
               half the size of the fixed length EBCDIC 80-byte file.   
               The output of CREATEBC is a binary file that can be      
               written directly to a 3480 tape drive under ASCII, or the
               EBCDIC file can be ftp'd into an RECFM=FB,LRECL=80 MVS   
               file which can then be directly read by PGM=IEBUPDTE to  
               create the MXG PDS Source Library under OS/390.          
Change 18.047  Change 18.044 was still incomplete; variable STARTIME was
VMXGRMFI       not reset after %VMXGDUR, so changes to _DURSET were     
Mar 19, 2000   still not being applied until this (final!) revision.    
======Changes thru 18.046 were in MXG 18.02 dated Mar 16, 2000======    
Change 18.046  Variable RESPSTD was not created in this member, so it   
TRNDCICX       was inconsistent with TRNDCICS.                          
Mar 16, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Alan Deepe, Perot Systems Europe, ENGLAND.                 
Change 18.045  TYPE 74 subtype 4 "Broken Record" protection added in MXG
VMAC74         Change 17.378 did not protect when the number of segments
Mar 16, 2000   exceeded the count in the record, but now it does.       
   Thanks to Steve Lottich, University of Iowa Hospitals, USA.          
Change 18.044  MXG 18.01-First 18.02.  If you changed _DURSET, either   
VMXGRMFI       in IMACKEEP or with %LET MACKEEP= , it caused CPU TIMES  
Mar 16, 2000   DO NOT MATCH ERROR.  Relocate the IF &INTERVAL EQ DURSET 
               and following eight lines so they are after &INCODE72.   
======Changes thru 18.043 were in MXG 18.02 dated Mar 15, 2000======    
Change 18.043  Lotus Domino Server SMF type 108 variable DOMTMXSZ, the  
VMAC108        Maximum Size of NSF Bufferpool, needs to be multiplied by
Mar 15, 2000   4096, as it is the number of 4096 byte frames.           
   Thanks to B. Brewer, Humana, USA.                                    
Change 18.042 -This report fails under SAS V8 under OS/390 (but not with
ANAL30DD       Windows) with APPARENT SYMBOLIC MAXRUN error because the 
Mar 15, 2000   statement  %LET MAXRUN=%EVAL(&MAXRUN); is invalid in open
               SAS code, and should have caused a syntax error under V6 
               and under V8 under Windows, but didn't.  If there was no 
               syntax error, the report ran fine, because MAXRUN is set 
               in the following statement, but the line is now deleted. 
              -The report example had 'B3'x instead of '7C'x in seven   
               places, causing a little 3 instead of a vertical bar to  
               be printed on these example reports.                     
   Thanks to Edward J. Finnell, III, University of Alabama, USA         
Change 18.041  ITSV 2.1 and 2.2 failed with CA1-TMS records, due to     
VMACTMS5       hardcode TMS.TMS and TMS.DSNBRECD references, that are   
TYPETMS5       now replaced with _LTMSTMS and _LTMSDSN tokens, which are
Mar 15, 2000   themselves redefined in VMACTMS5 now (they were not used 
Apr 13, 2000   until now, so there is no compatibility issue) to be:    
                  MACRO _LTMSTMS  &PTMSTMS..TMS  %                      
                  MACRO _LTMSDSN  &PTMSTMS..DSNBRECD %                  
               and in member VMXGINIT, the default value of PTMSTMS and 
               PTMSDSN was changed to "TMS" for both macro variables.   
               This change makes TMS processing consistent with the MXG 
               16.04 architecture.  TMS records are initially written to
               their two _Wdddddd tokens, and then sorted and combined  
               and output to the _Ldddddd tokens.                       
               There was an additional ITSV fix required on top of this 
               MXG change for ITSV Release 2.2 and earlier (see ITSV    
               defect number S0079863), but the problem is corrected    
               in ITSV Release 2.3.                                     
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK=COBURG, GERMANY.                       
Change 18.040  Support for GUTS, Gutenberg Time Sharing, user SMF       
EXTYGUTI       records.  Two records are created, so two _ID macros are 
EXTYGUTS       defined, and either or both datasets will be populated.  
IMACGUTS         dddddd   dataset   description                         
TYPEGUTS         TYGUTI   GUTSINTR  GUTS Interactive Execution Session  
TYPSGUTS         TYGUTS   GUTSSESS  GUTS Session                        
Mar 14, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Jeffrey Ball, Information Resources Inc, USA.              
Change 18.039  Variable LOSU_SEC is now decoded from SMF30SUS, which    
VMAC30         was added in OS/390 R2.6, and provides the Service Units 
Mar 13, 2000   per second of CPU value for the SYSTEM on which his step 
Mar 28, 2000   locally executed.  Variable LOSU_SEC was added to dataset
               TYPE30_V, TYPE30_4, TYPE30_5, and TYPE30_6.              
               Additionally, variables SMF30MSI and SMF30WMI were added;
               those variables, new in OS/390 2.9, were documented in   
               MXG Change 17.385, but were not created until now.       
               March 28, 2000:                                          
               Variable SMF30SUS replaced SMF30TET, but SMF30TET has not
               had any value so nothing is lost by its removal.         
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 18.038  Further enhancements now permit USECNTRL/USEREPRT to use 
VMXGRMFI       YES  NO   COMPAT   GOAL   SYS1 SYS1... to select control 
UTILRMFI       or report groups or classes for your workload definition.
Mar 15, 2000   All RPRTCLAS='N' were replaced with RPRTCLAS NE 'Y'      
               because RPRTCLAS is either Y or blank, and defaults work.
   Thanks to Michael L. Kynch, International Paper, USA.                
Change 18.037  %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(IMACJBCK) was added to VMACTMNT        
VMACTMNT       in case that job selection member is used for TYPETMNT   
Mar 13, 2000   or TYPETALO selection.                                   
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 18.036  Support for optional CICS RMI counters is added as an    
IMACICUS       example in using IMACICUS to decode user segments, and   
Mar 13, 2000   the comments on how to use IMACICUS were updated.        
   Thanks to Bernie McGinnis, Charles Schwab, USA.                      
   Thanks to Neil Ervin, Charles Schwab, USA.                           
Change 18.035  Invalid datetime values in VTCS 2.2 VTV Timestamp in VSM 
VMACSTC        subtypes 13,14,18,19 STCxxTIM variables.  New 2.2 version
Mar 14, 2000   records have start/end variables in TODSTAMP8 format     
Mar 16, 2000   ('B3B5488A226EE1C1'x) but have '38A8D15E000580C0'x for   
               VTV timestamp.  Old 2.1 version records have all three as
               valid seconds-since-1970 values '0000000038CD028F'x, so  
               the VTV timestamp was shifted left by four bytes, with   
               new flag variables in the low four bytes.                
               Because there is no version number in the STK records,   
               MXG's heuristic to detect VTCS Version 2.2 versus 2.1    
               did not expect this shifted value, causing STCxxTIM to   
               have a date in 1931  (or 1970 if value was zero).  MXG's 
               algorithm to decode VTV STK timestamps is expanded to    
                 Value greater than  corresponds to    input with       
                    4294967295        FFFFFFFFF         missing value   
                  'B000------00'x     11Feb1998         TODSTAMP8.      
                  '3800------00'x     10Oct1999       Left 4 PIB+DEL6070
                  '0000000038--'x                     All  8 PIB+DEL6070
                 I first tried  IF X GT 0B000000000000000X  syntax, but 
                 doesn't work, and SAS Institute has accepted a bug in  
                 both V6 and V8: you cannot use a 16-digit hexadecimal  
                 constant literal value that starts with A or higher,   
                 because the leading zero that is required (so that SAS 
                 doesn't think it is a variable name) makes the string a
                 rejected 17 positions.  SAS promises a fix in a future 
                 release, but here I just used the decimal value for the
                       X GT 4E18 for TODSTAMP, or                       
                       X GT 1.2E19 for shifted, or                      
                       otherwise input as unshifted PIB8.               
                 If STK ever puts a version number in their record, this
                 heuristic will be removed.                             
               The media size variables are now formatted MGBYTES and   
               the VPOs to HEX.  See also Changes 17.195 and 17.332.    
               Mar 16: The low four bytes of VTV timestamp now create   
               STCxxSEQ, STCxxHID, STCxxVTI, and STCxxFLG for subtypes  
               13, 14, 18, and 19 thanks to STK documentation.          
Change 18.034  Support for Oracle Version 7.3.3. INCOMPATIBLE.  The SMF 
VMACORAC       record with CONNID=CICS have KERNNUM=0, but it should be 
Mar 10, 2000   KERNNUM=1 because there is a valid Kernel segment in the 
               record.  When KERNNUM=0, MXG does not read the kernel    
               segment, causing missing values for all kernel variables.
               Now, MXG detects and corrects the Oracle error and will  
               read a Kernel segment even if the count field is wrong.  
               This error has been reported to Oracle.                  
               An additional problem is being investigated: CPUTCBTM and
               CPUSRBTM fields are zero with the 7.3.3 release, and so  
               far, Oracle has no knowledge of any change, but this text
               will be updated when more is known.                      
   Thanks to Yvonne McDonough, USDA NITC, USA.                          
   Thanks to Leslie Arndt, USDA NITC, USA.                              
Change 18.033  Member ASUMTAPE was finally tested under ITSV and it too 
ASUMTAPE       contained hardcode references to PDB.xxxxxxxx that are   
Mar 10, 2000   now changed to their &PDBMXG..xxxxxxxx symbolic names.   
Change 18.032  Support for Netview NPM V2R5 changes and two MXG errors. 
EX028INK      -MXG error:  VCD segment was not input for 'DC' or 'DE'.  
EX028INL       It would have helped if IBM and documented those subtypes
EX028INM       in NPM 2.4 tables 73/74 or NPM 2.5 tables 80/81!  Change 
IMAC28        -MXG error:  VCS segment has two flavors, and the last 4  
VMAC28         variables, VCSMAXFX/CURFX/MAXEC/CUREC are now input only 
VMXGINIT       if VCSVDTYP=2; MXG code was restructured for VCS segment.
Mar 10, 2000  -IBM error: APAR OW37758 for NPM 2.4 corrected error in   
               subtype DDx record, but that APAR is not included in the 
               NPM 2.5 release: new APAR AW43578 documents the error.   
               Change 16.336's circumvention still works to protect 2.5.
              -New datasets from new subtypes:                          
                Subtype  Exit     Dataset    Description                
                 14x     028INK   NPMINNRT   Router Interval            
                 15x     028INL   NPMINNRP   Cisco Pool Interval        
                 16x     028INM   NPMINNIT   Router Interface Interval  
              -The NCD and SCD segments' logic was revised to only input
               the IP address for IP resource, and not input SLUNAME,   
               SLUPU, SLNKNAME and NPMNAME for IP resource type.        
   Thanks to Jerome Vitner, Experian Information Solutions, USA.        
   Thanks to Cendrine Pezier, ABS Technologies, FRANCE.                 
Change 18.031  Uninitialized variable messages for MROTRAN and DB2TRAN  
ASUMUOW        caused no actual problem, but they are now initialized in
Mar  9, 2000   the first DO; loop in the last DATA step.                
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, Texas Utilities, USA.                        
Change 18.030  IMS Log processing with APPC transactions caused negative
ASMIMSL5       SERVICTM and N+1 rather than N transactions per schedule.
ASMIMSL6       After label P031, after USING statement, insert:         
Mar  9, 2000      TM    QLGUFLGX,QLGUAPPC  APPC?                        
                  BO    DROPMAP            SKIP APPC REDUNDANT 31       
               This has only been tested with IMS 5.1 data.  If you have
               APPC under IMS 6.1 and have validated this change, or if 
               you find any problems under IMS 6.1, please contact MXG. 
   Thanks to Kenneth D. Jones, ISM, CANADA.                             
   Thanks to Carl Meredith, SAS Institute ITSV, USA.                    
Change 18.029  Variables were labeled, times were re-formatted and the  
VMACMIM        label (MS) was removed and fields divided by 1000 to put 
Mar  3, 2000   durations in units of TIME13.3.                          
Mar  6, 2000   Mar 6: Uninit variable messages MIMCELL-MIMVCF were in   
               first 18.01, but had no impact.  Variable MIMMPOS is now 
               labeled and variables MIMADTCR/MIMHDTCR/MIMATMCR/MIMHTMCR
               are no longer kept                                       
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute Cary, USA.                     
Change 18.028  Partition Data Report was updated for APAR OW37565, in   
ANALRMFR       the body of the Partition Report, where 'CP ' or 'ICF'   
Mar  3, 2000   will be shown for Processor TYPE.                        
Mar  7, 2000   Mar 7: VMAC75 replaced VMAC71,VMAC77 in line 938.        
Change 18.027  APAR OW41317 retrofits the OS/390 R2.9 multi-system      
VMAC7072       enclave support (which added data fields in type 72)     
Mar  3, 2000   back to OS/390 R2.7.  Change 17.385, in MXG 17.17 and    
               later already supports those fields; this change is      
               only for documentation; no change was made.              
Change 18.026  Support for APAR OW40414, which adds two four-byte fields
VMAC21         at the end of the record (i.e., compatibly) that replace 
Mar  3, 2000   the existing two-byte fields for SIOCOUNT and BLKSIZE.   
Mar  7, 2000                                                            
Change 18.025  If you did not put all SuperSession maintenance on, its  
VMACNAF        SMF record still contains CENT=39 instead of CENT=01     
Mar  3, 2000   caused MXG's circumvention algorithm to be off by one    
               day.  Remove the term (CENT-38)*86400 from each of the   
               datetime adjustments when CENT=39 and Y2K dates after    
               March 1, 2000 will be correct.                           
   Thanks to Joe Faska, Depository Trust, USA.                          
VMAC80A        in RACFTYPE=39 segment (PROGRAM NAMES, PERMIT).  The line
Mar  3, 2000   SKIP=RACFDLNN=64-3 must be SKIP=RACFDLN-RACFDLNN-3;      
Mar  9, 2000   Mar 9:  The debugging PUT statement was deleted.         
Mar 14, 2000   Mar14:  Variables KW21AU04/05 and KW21GL04/05 formatted. 
Change 18.023  SMF70CIN was reread from the same offset, and it should  
VMAC7072       have been LENGTH $3 instead of $2, since it contains CP  
Mar  3, 2000   or ICF.  This error prevented ASUM70PR from recognizing  
               and removing ICF processors from the CEC capacity.       
Change 18.022  Variable DURATM was added to those MIM datasets that     
VMACMIM        contained start and end time; it previously had been     
Mar  3, 2000   kept only in the MIMTAPE dataset, but MXG intends to     
               keep DURATM in all interval datasets.  Only the TYMIM2,  
               TYMIM4, and TYMIM6 are event datasets.  Mar 6 note:      
               Uninitialized variables messages MIMCELL-MIMVCF are      
               created but have no impact; labels were removed.         
======Changes thru 18.021 were in MXG 18.01 dated Mar  3, 2000======    
Change 18.021  APAF Release 4.6 added a new field Series Name to the    
VMACAPAF       Pool segment, causing the second and subsequent pools'   
Mar  1, 2000   data to be trashed.  Insert                              
                 IF LENPOOL GE 36 THEN INPUT APAFSENM $EBCDIC16. @;     
               add APAFSENM='SERIES*NAME' to the LABEL, and to the KEEP=
               list for dataset APAFPOOL, and then notice and correct   
               the _KAPAFLC to be _KAPAFPO for the APAFPOOL dataset.    
               The other APAF data sets appear to have been unchanged   
               by this release                                          
   Thanks to Art Cuneo, Health Care Service Corporation, USA.           
Change 18.020  Using MACRO _Ldddddd to add (COMPRESS=YES) did not work, 
VMXGDEL        but revisions to this %VMXGDEL macro now supports that   
Feb 29, 2000   syntax.  I had not provided an option for compressing of 
               a sorted dataset, but redefining the dataset's _L macro: 
                   MACRO _Ldddddd  ddname.dataset (compress=yes) %      
               is now valid for compressing individual datasets.        
               VMXGDEL now uses PROC DATASETS MT=ALL so that if you     
               made a SAS dataset to be a SAS view, both will be deleted
   Thanks to Alex Torben Nielsen, TeleDanmark EDB, DENMARK.             
   Thanks to Michael L. Kynch, International Paper, USA.                
Change 18.019  The vendor of BETA93 writes non-Y2K-Ready date values in 
VMACBETA       the BETAJOBT SMFSTAMP8 value, with 00dddF format for Y2K 
Mar  1, 2000   with no century bit turned on.  The SMFSTAMP8 input was  
               broken into Time and Date pieces, the Date is now        
               protected with MXG's DATEJUL algorithm, and BETAJOBT is  
               then reconstructed from its (protected) pieces.          
   Thanks to Frank d'Hoine Nationale Bank van Belgie, BELGIUM.          
Change 18.018  Variable JOBCLASS in datasets TYPE30xx, PDB.JOBS/STEPS   
VMAC30         may be eight blanks, or may have only the first of JES3's
Feb 29, 2000   8-character job class, because IBM changed SMF30CLS, the 
               old one-byte job class field.  Before IBM added SMF30CL8 
               in 1993, SMF30CLS was INPUT into the 1-byte MXG variable 
               JOBCLASS.  In support for IBM's 8-byte SMF30CL8 field for
               JES3, MXG increased JOBCLASS to 8-bytes, read SMF30CLS   
               into the first byte of JOBCLASS, then input SMF30CL8 into
               variable JOBCLAS8, and used this logic to prevent a blank
               JOBCLAS8 value from overriding a non-blank JOBCLASS:     
                 IF JOBCLASS LE ' ' AND JOBCLAS8 GT ' '                 
                   THEN JOBCLASS=JOBCLAS8;                              
               But now in JES2 R2.8 OS/390 records, SMF30CLS is blank   
               and SMF30CL8's first byte contains the JES2 jobclass, and
               now in JES3 R1.3 OS/390 records, that 1-byte SMF30CLS    
               field that used to be blank is not blank, so the MXG     
               logic had to be changed to match the IBM Incompatibility:
                 IF JOBCLAS8 GT ' ' THEN JOBCLASS=JOBCLAS8;             
               Variable JOBCLASS is length 8 in TYPE30xx datasets built 
               by VMAC30 code (because I can't tell if a type 30 record 
               is from JES2 or JES3), and kept as length 8 in JES3's    
               BUILDPD3's datasets, but with JES2's BUILDPDB, I can     
               keep the variable JOBCLASS in only one byte.             
   Thanks to Allan Koch, Ford Motor Company, USA.                       
   Thanks to Rich Anderson, SAS Institute Cary, USA.                    
   Thanks to Ken Hansen, Exxon, USA.                                    
Change 18.017  The UTILRMFI utility is used to examine any overlap of   
UTILRMFI       CPU time in your RMFINTRV workload definitions.  It has  
Feb 29, 2000   been updated to match the VMXGRMFI workloads, and uses   
               type 30 and type 72 records.  See its comments for usage.
Change 18.016  Variable TYPEIOML was blank in dataset TYPE70 because of 
VMAC7072       an extraneous line  IF SMF70RAN THEN  that should have   
Feb 26, 2000   been deleted.  Fortunately, TYPEIOML is always '3090' and
               is unlikely to have been used in any reports!            
   Thanks to Bill Shanks, SEMA, UK.                                     
Change 18.015 -INPUT EXCEEDED RECORD LENGTH error because the INPUT of  
VMAC38         S38CUSER should have been $EBCDIC4. instead of $EBCDIC8. 
Feb 25, 2000  -Additionally, TYPE38 failed if you tried to read the VSAM
               SMF file because OFFSMF was not added to each offset     
   Thanks to Kenneth D. Jones, ISM, CANADA.                             
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, Huk-Coburg, GERMANY.                       
Change 18.014  SAS Version 7/8 only. Option CODEPASS=2 no longer exists 
BUILD001       in SAS Version 7 or 8; it caused a warning message that  
BUIL3001       had no other impact, and CODEPASS=2 itself had no impact 
BUILDPDB       on MXG, and was only specified to suppress a V6 message  
BUILDPD3       that suggested you should try CODEPASS=2!  Now it will be
Mar  1, 2000   specified only under SAS V6 execution.                   
   Thanks to Mike Hoey, Ameren Services, USA.                           
Change 18.013  MXG 17.17 only. Running ASUMTALO under ITSV (or using the
ASUMTALO       USER= option to send all of the datasets created during  
Feb 25, 2000   ASUMTALO's execution to the same DDname) fails with error
                V6: You cannot open WORK.TYPETALO.DATA for output access
                    with member level control because WORK.TYPETALO.DATA
                    is in use by resource environment SASEDSNX          
                V8: MEMBER lock is not available for WORK.TYPETALO.DATA 
                    lock held by another user                           
               because views and datasets of the same name cannot exist 
               in the same data library.  The logic was revised and     
               temporary dataset/view names that do not conflict are now
               used, and SPINTALO is no longer a view to avoid conflict.
   Thanks to Sharon L. Nagy, Comerica, USA                              
   Thanks to Robert K. Hare, Comerica, USA                              
Change 18.012  The calculation of RESPSTD (Std Deviation of Response)   
TRND72GO       did not protect for TRANS=0 before the divide by TRANS,  
Feb 24, 2000   causing DIVIDE BY ZERO note on the log (but the dataset  
               created was still valid).  Now divide is protected.      
   Thanks to Mike Hoey, Ameren Services, USA.                           
Change 18.011  The object SNA ADAPTER SnaDlc* caused Unknown Object     
VMACNTSM       message because MXG was expecting SnaDlc1 as the string. 
Feb 24, 2000   The test was changed to SNADLC*, and the label of the    
               SNAADAPT dataset was also corrected.                     
              -Variables DATABASE and APPLETLK appear in both LENGTH $32
               and in INFORMAT 16.2 statements, but the SAS compiler did
               not flag the inconsistency.  Both were removed from the  
               numeric INFORMAT statement as they are indeed characters.
   Thanks to Richard C. Clarke, Freemans PLC, ENGLAND                   
Change 18.010  Change 17.343 to ANALDSET causes error message "dataset  
ANALDSET       _NULL_ is not in the data statement".  Change the DATA   
Feb 19, 2000   statement and insert the needed _NULL_ so it reads:      
       DATA _VAR1415 _VAR30 _VAR64 _NULL_ _SMF _CDE1415 _CDE30 _CDE64;  
   Thanks to Ed Long, Fidelity Investments, USA.                        
Change 18.009  MXG 17.17 only. Using RMFINTRV under ITSV failed, or use 
RMFINTRV       of Report PGNs or Reporting Classes to define workloads  
VMXGRMFI        (either in your IMACWORK definitions, or in your        
Feb 18, 2000     tailored %VMXGRMFI invocation your RMFINTRV member)    
Feb 25, 2000   caused the error message "CPU TIMES DO NOT MATCH" on the 
               SAS log during creation of dataset PDB.RMFINTRV.         
               That error message occurs because either:                
               - you used the new DROPPGN= or DROPSRV= operands, which  
                 didn't work correctly until this change to VMXGRMFI, or
               - you didn't use those new operands, in which case there 
                 was double accounting.                                 
               This change corrects VMXGRMFI logic for the new operands.
               and now has six operands to make tailoring easier if you 
               want to use RPGNs/Reporting Classes to define workloads: 
                 USEREPRT= Default NO, set to YES to permit Report PGN  
                           or Reporting Classes to be used.             
                 USECNTRL= Default YES, set to NO to delete all Control 
                           PGNs or Service Classes.  This is only used  
                           if you want to use only Report PGN/Classes,  
                           and you don't want to list all of them in the
                           DROPSRV= or DROPPGN= arguments.              
                 DROPSRV = List of Service Classes to drop.             
                 DROPPGN = List of Control Performance Groups to drop.  
                 DROPRSRV= List of Reporting Classes to drop.           
                 DROPRPGN= List of Report Performance Groups to drop.   
               To be able to use either Reporting Classes or Report PGNs
               to define your workloads in dataset RMFINTRV, you MUST   
               use these new arguments in your member RMFINTRV's invoke 
               of VMXGRMFI  to drop the Control PGN or Service Class    
               observations that correspond to the RPGN/Reporting Class 
               observations you want kept in your workloads, to avoid   
               double accounting and that error! You must also ensure   
               that every SUBSYS has a default Report PGN or Reporting  
               Class so that all work in the corresponding Control      
               Performance Group or Service Class is recorded in type 72
              -RMFINTRV failed when it was finally tested under ITSV    
               because it contained a hardcode OUTDATA=PDB.RMFINTRV,    
               in the actual %VMXGRMFI invocation in member RMFINTRV,   
               but ITSV expected the symbolic  &PDBRMFI..RMFINTRV so    
               that ITSV could redirect to the WORK library.  The real  
               bummer is that that OUTDATA= operand is not needed in the
               actual invocation, and was added only as a documentation 
               example and reminder of the default output dataset name! 
               Remove that operand from the %VMXGRMFI invocation, and   
               the expected symbolic value will be used.                
              -This change also corrects an unrelated problem: when no  
               PERFGRP number was needed to be specified, a blank value 
               caused VMXGRMFI to fail.  While using a bogus number like
               9999 circumvented the problem, now a blank can be used,  
               but using a null value ( // ) fails.  Use / / instead.   
   Thanks to Normand Poitras, ISM, CANADA.                              
   Thanks to Jon G. Whitcomb, Great Lakes Higher Education Corp, USA.   
Change 18.008  Variable NRSAMPLES is now kept in dataset TYPE7204; it is
VMAC7072       used to create several variables and should have been    
Feb 17, 2000   kept.                                                    
   Thanks to Frank Cortell, Credit Suisse Group, USA.                   
Change 18.007  SPIN logic was revised to correctly pick up class three  
ASUMUOW        wait times, and DB2ELAP (elapsed time in DB2) was added  
Feb 29, 2000   to the final dataset.  Previously, if a UOW was SPUN,    
               the DB2 Wait buckets and transaction counts were not put 
               in the record in the SPIN dataset.                       
   Thanks to Brandon Persinger, The Gap, USA.                           
   Thanks to Allan Winston, MBNA, USA.                                  
Change 18.006  If the QAPMCONF configuration file has a start date of   
VMACQAPM       02Sep99, records from this century will have dates in    
Feb 16, 2000   year 1900 instead of year 2000.  The QAPMCONF file must  
               match the century of the data you want to process, since 
               MXG gets AS400CC "Century" value from QAPMCONF.          
                  However, you can circumvent the missing CC=1 value    
                  in your QAPMCONF file by resetting the value of       
                  the macro variable after you have invoked _TQAPCON:   
                      %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(VMACQAPM);                      
                      %LET AS400CC=1;   /*<<= insert to set cc=1 */     
                      RUN;              /*<<= insert to set cc=1 */     
   Thanks to Kim Johnson, Bank of America, USA.                         
Change 18.005  There is an end-of-comment */ missing from the second    
TRNDSMFI       line of this trending example.                           
Feb 15, 2000                                                            
   Thanks to Carl Kyonka, Enbridge Consumers Gas Company Ltd, CANADA.   
Change 18.004  Type 79 subtype 15 IRLM Long Lock record has SMF79TRN=2  
VMAC79         but there is no product section, so STARTIME, SYSPLEX,   
Feb 17, 2000   DURATM and other product fields do not exist in TYPE79F. 
Feb 22, 2000   In addition, the second triplet is SMF79ASS rather than  
               SMF79MCS, so the input logic for triplets was revised.   
               Finally, variables are now formatted to HEX when they do 
               not contain printable characters, and R79FTRNM is now    
               kept and labeled.                                        
               Note that this type 79 subtype 15 record replaces the    
               type 74 subtype 100 dataset that MXG creates in VMAC74.  
               That subtype 100 was a test version that doesn't exist.  
   Thanks to Johannes-Matthias Laveuve, DVG, GERMANY.                   
   Thanks to Jurgen Scherwa, DVG, GERMANY.                              
Change 18.003  DB2 6.1 added Buffer Pools 100-109 (8K) and 120-129 (16K)
VMACDB2        and they cause "UNEXPECTED BUFFER POOL ID" messages to be
Feb 11, 2000   printed, because MXG did not know about .                
               Those new buffer pools are output in the detail by-pool  
               datasets DB2STATB and DB2ACCTB (although you have to have
               removed the comment block in member EXDB2ACB to cause MXG
               to create observations in DB2ACCTB), but the new pools   
               counts were not included in DB2ACCT or DB2STAT datasets. 
               In DB2ACCT/DB2STAT, MXG creates four sets of buffer pool 
               variables:  QB1xxxx for BP zero, QB2xxxx for BP one,     
               QB3xxxx for all other 4K buffers, and QB4xxxx for all 32K
               buffers.  Rather than create yet another set of summary  
               counters for the 8K and 16K buffer pools, I have added   
               the 8K and 16K buffer counts to the QB4xxxx variables    
               in DB2ACCT and DB2STAT, since you can always retrieve the
               individual buffer pool counts from DB2ACCTB/DB2STATB.    
               This change replaces the statement:                      
                 ELSE IF 80 LE QBACPID LE 80 THEN DO;                   
                 ELSE IF 80 LE QBACPID LE 89 OR 100 LE QBACPID LE 109   
                     OR 120 LE QBACPID LE 129 THEN DO;                  
               for DB2ACCT, and replaces this statement:                
                 ELSE IF 80 LE QBSTPID LE 80 THEN DO;                   
                 ELSE IF 80 LE QBSTPID LE 89 OR 100 LE QBSTPID LE 109   
                     OR 120 LE QBSTPID LE 129 THEN DO;                  
               for dataset DB2STATS.                                    
   Thanks to Joachim Mayer, Amadeus Data Processing GmbH, GERMANY.      
Change 18.002  Omegamon V500 records were deleted simply because the    
VMACOMCI       test for version number did not include V500.  Add       
Feb  7, 2000     AND FOCVER NE 'V500' and the records will be read.     
   Thanks to Peter Webber, CIS, UK.                                     
Change 18.001  The _Bdddddd BY List macro was not sufficiently robust to
VMAC1415       remove all duplicates for some datasets, so the BY list  
VMAC30         of variables has been revised so that you can PROC APPEND
VMAC42         to combine possibly duplicated data and then use the MXG 
VMAC6156       _Sdddddd sort macro (which uses the revised _Bdddddd BY  
VMAC64         list macro) to eliminate duplicates.  However. there are 
VMAC7072       four datasets that contain intrinsic duplicates; there   
VMAC74         are repeated observations for the same set of BY vars    
VMAC89         for the first four datasets listed (with asterisk) that  
VMAC115        will require further research and discussion with IBM.   
VMAC116       *MQMACCT        _BTY116  now SYSTEM MQMSSSID  QWHCAID     
VMACACC                                    QWHCCV QWHCCN   SMFTIME      
Feb 18, 2000                               APILCLPO APILCLPN APILOCAL   
                                           APIREMOT SMFTIME             
              *TYPE42DS      _BTY42DS  now SYSTEM STARTIME JOB READTIME 
                                           DSNAME DEVNR                 
              *TYPE30MU      _BTY30MU  now READTIME JOB JESNR INITTIME  
                                           SUBTYPE PRODOWNR PRODNAME    
                                           PRODQUAL PRODID SMFTIME      
                                           SRHDDN MESSAGE SMFTIME       
               MQMBUFER      _BTY115B  now SYSTEM MQMSSSID QPSTPOOL     
               TYPE30OM      _BTY30OM  now READTIME JOB JESNR SUBTYPE   
                                           STEPNR SUBSTEP OMVSOPI       
                                           OMVSOUI OMVSOSI SMFTIME      
               TYPE892       _BTY892   now SYSPLEX SYSTEM PRODOWNR      
                                           PRODNAME PRODFEAT PRODID     
                                           PRODSTFL PRODREGS SMF89IST   
               TYPE89        _BTY89    now SYSPLEX SYSTEM PRODOWNR      
                                           PRODNAME PRODQUAL PRODID     
                                           MULCUFG SMF89IST SMF89UST    
               TYPE74SY      _BTY74SY  now SYSPLEX  SYSTEM STARTIME     
                                           R742SNME R742SDIR R742STCN   
               TYPE74ME      _BTY74ME  now SYSPLEX  SYSTEM STARTIME     
                                           R742MSYS R742MGRP R742MMEM   
               TYPE72SC      _BTY72SC  now SYSPLEX  SYSTEM STARTIME     
                                           SRVCLASS R723SCSN R723SCSR   
               TYPE64        _BTY64    now SYSTEM READTIME JOB CATNAME  
                                           ENTRNAME SITUATN COMPONT     
                                           DDNAME VOLSER1-VOLSER3       
               TYPE6156      _BTY6156  now SYSTEM READTIME JOB SMF6XFNC 
                                           CATNAME ENTRNAME GENNO VERNO 
                                           VOLSER1-VOLSER5 SMFTIME      
                                           MULTIDD EXTRADD              
               TYPE1415      _BTY1415  now SYSTEM READTIME JOB OPENTIME 
                                           DDNAME DSNAME UCBSEGNR       
               TYPE1718      _BTY1718  now SYSTEM READTIME JOB DSNAME   
                                           VOLSER NEWNAME  SMFTIME      
               This is work still in progress; I need to formally open  
               a problem with IBM to discuss the duplicate records that 
               we've identified.  This note updated 1Mar00.             
   Thanks to Abakah Nori, United Parcel Service, USA.                   
LASTCHANGE: Version 18.