MXG ANNUAL  VERSION 36.36 is  dated Jan  4, 2019, thru Change 36.255.   
        MXG VERSION 36.12 was dated Dec 25, 2018, thru Change 36.246.   
        MXG VERSION 36.11 was dated Dec  3, 2018, thru Change 36.236.   
        MXG VERSION 36.10 was dated Nov 21, 2018, thru Change 36.229.   
        MXG VERSION 36.09 was dated Oct 18, 2018, thru Change 36.197.   
        MXG VERSION 36.08 was dated Sep 10, 2018, thru Change 36.170.   
        MXG Version 36.07 was dated Aug  8, 2018, thru Change 36.149.   
        MXG Version 36.06 was dated Jul  9, 2018, thru Change 36.128.   
        MXG Version 36.05 was dated Jun 13, 2018, thru Change 36.119..  
        MXG Version 36.04 was dated May  8, 2018, thru Change 36.091.   
        MXG Version 36.03 was dated Apr  2, 2018, thru Change 36.064.   
        MXG Version 36.02 was dated Mar  5, 2018, thru Change 36.050.   
First   MXG Version 36.01 was dated Feb  6, 2018, thru Change 36.026.   
Annual  MXG Version 35.36 was dated Jan  8, 2018, thru Change 35.309.   
        The Last MXG Newsletter SIXTY-NINE was dated Jan  3, 2018.      
Instructions for ftp download can be requested by using this form:                          
Your download instructions will be sent via return email.               
Contents of member CHANGES:                                             
I.    Current MXG Software Version 36.36 is available upon request.     
II.   SAS Version requirement information.                              
III.  WPS Version requirement information.                              
IV.   MXG Version Required for Hardware, Operating System Release, etc. 
V.    Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 36.36.                  
VI.   Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
VII.  Changes Log                                                       
  Member NEWSLTRS contains Technical Notes, especially APARs of interest
  and is updated with new notes frequently.  All Newsletters are online 
  at in the "Newsletters" frame, although there are  
  no new NEWSLTRS updates; they are now found in CHANGESS as TECHNOTEs. 
  Member CHANGES contains the changes made in the current MXG version.  
  Member CHANGESS contains all changes that have ever been made to MXG. 
  All MXG changes are also online at, in "Changes".  
I.  MXG ANNUAL VERSION 36.36 DATED Jan  4, 2019, THRU CHANGE 36.255.    
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 36.36, DATED Jan  4, 2019 THRU 36.255.     
New Product Support                                                     
  TYPEDB2  36.254  Support for Fast Traversal Index adds variables.     
  TYPE72GO 36.253  MOBILE Service Units CPU Time not in CPUTM variable. 
                   Incorrect, see Change 37.120.                        
  TYPE102  36.251  Support to populate T102S126 for DB2 102 IFCID 126.  
  TYPE119  36.250  New variables added to TYP11952 subtype 52 dataset.  
  DOCVLONG 36.247  Utility to create DOCVER with all info on one line.  
  VMXGSUM  36.249  OBS=0 protection adds non-zero SYSCC Error test.     
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 36.12, DATED Dec 25, 2018 THRU 36.246.     
  TYPERMFV 36.241  CPC_CECNAME added, ASITRT/TET corrected, MSU ACT.    
New Product Support                                                     
  TYPEMGCR 36.240  Support for MegaCryption MEGACR34, subtype 3 and 4.  
  TYPEBETA 36.246  BETA 93 Version 6.2.0 updates subtypes 0/22/25/50/59 
ERROR Correction                                                        
  TYPEIMS  36.238  MXG 36.11 IMS 14.1 invalid offset ABEND IMS56FA.     
  TYPEVMXA 36.237  MXG 36.11 old z/VM 6.3 DATA LOSS ABEND MTRSYS 1.04.  
  VMXGALOC 36.243  Protection for READONLY=YES with FIRSTRUN=NO         
  BLDSMPDB 36.242  Protection for AUTOALOC=YES and FIRSTRUN=YES         
  VMXGSUM  36.245  VMXGSUM with user's INCODE GT 32756 chars, ABEND.    
  TYPE110  36.244  CICS Variable D2GDB2ID added to CICDB2GL BY list.    
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 36.11, DATED Dec  3, 2018 THRU 36.236.     
New Product Support                                                     
  TYPE110  36.235  Support for IBM CICS/TS 5.5 SMF 110 CICSTRAN INCOMPAT
        Yes, you need MXG 36.11 for CICS/TS 5.5 because fields were     
        inserted into SMF 110 CICSTRAN records and using old MXG will   
        have trashed values due to the misalignment, but MXG could run  
        and only print error messages, which might be false positives,  
        or could execute with no errors nor log messages, especially if 
        you have a tailored IMACEXCL, but your CICSTRAN dataset will    
        still be invalid.                                               
  TYPETMO2 36.236  Support for ASG-TMON CICS for z/OS V4.2 - NO CHANGES.
  TYPEMVCI 36.234  Support for BMC's MainView for CICS(v69) COMPATIBLE. 
ERROR Correction                                                        
  TYPEPOEX 36.231  Protection for truncated POEX File Segment records.  
  TYPE119  36.230  ZERT SMF 119 Subtypes 11 and 12 minor corrections.   
  ANAL9914 36.232  SMF99 ST 14 Processor Topology Report Enhanced.      
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 36.10, DATED Nov 21, 2018 THRU 36.229.     
ERROR Correction                                                        
  TYPEVMXA 36.221  MONWRITE DEFECT caused large values, LCUPPNUM issue. 
  TYPE110  36.220  Variable WTOTIOTM could exceed ELAPSTM               
  TYPE72GO 36.215  Variable MSUSOFT, Software MSU frequently missing.   
  TYPE102  36.212  Protection for IFCID 376 invalid offsets STOPOVER.   
  TYPE74   36.211  TYPE749 variables added and corrected.               
  TYPERMFV 36.201  MXG 36.09, z/OS 2.2 only, ASIxxx text misaligned.    
  TYPERMFV 36.201  WPS failed ERROR: format '$ CPUPHYAD' invalid        
  TYPEVMXA 36.198  z/VM VXBYUSR High CPU, records not on same second.   
New Product Support                                                     
  TYPE21   36.218  Support for APARs OA52915 and OA52940, 4 byte counter
  TYPEBE97 36.217  Support for new BE97 subtype 6 and subtype 22 update 
  TYPE7072 36.208  Support for APAR OA56011 for TYPE70 OSPROTECT.       
  TYPE122A 36.207  Support for zExplorer SMF 122 Subtype 2.             
  TYPEBETA 36.199  Beta 93 Subtype 51 and subtype 22 updates.           
  GRAFMSU  36.204  Plots/Tabulate of MSU 4HR usage and capacity.        
  ANALRMFR 36.203  CPU report with INTERVAL=HOUR was incorrect.         
  TECHNOTE 36.209  APARs of interest for z/OS.                          
  ASUMCICR 36.226  Major revision to CICS RESPONSE TIME SLA reports.    
  TYPESTC  36.222  Numerous STC formats were updated with new values.   
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 36.09, DATED Oct 18, 2018 THRU 36.197.     
ERROR Correction                                                        
  TYPE42   36.194  Another 42 Subtype 5 LENSR=376 invalid value ABEND.  
  TYPEXAM  36.195  zVPS MTRSYS Serious Error ABEND, undoc SEGLEN=336.   
  TYPEPOEX 36.183  Power Exchange USER SMF STOPOVER if File Length zero 
  TYPE74   36.191  Type 74 Subtype 8 R748Sxxx Sync I/O misaligned.      
  TYPEXAM  36.181  Support for zVPS/XAM USEDIAG segment (INCOMPAT).     
  TYPE89   36.178  New Target Resource Group TYPE89R2 incomplete/wrong. 
  READDB2  36.172  READB2(IFCIDS=0-999) failed at highest IFCID 367.    
  UTILBLDP 36.176  MXG 36.08, Extraneous % with EXPDBOUT= 180 ABEND.    
New Products Support                                                    
  TYPE30   36.188  Support for SMF 30 USERKEY RAX Bit 4 CSA RAXFLAGS.   
                   APAR OA53355 added SMF30_RAXFLAGS, MXG in 35.09      
                   This change decodes each bit.                        
  TYPEIMST 36.192  Support for IMS Version 15 IMS56FA (COMPATIBLE).     
  ANAL9914 36.171  Support for z/14 Clusters IBM Processor Topology rpt.
  TYPERMFV 36.196  Support for new z/OS 2.3 variables (COMPATIBLE)      
  TYPECMFV 36.173  Support for Mainview MVS History Records new datasets
  TYPEZCOS 36.174  Support Auto Soft Capping (ZCOS) Version 4.2 INCOMPAT
  UTILEXCL 36.179  Support for USER CICS fields USER3/USER3 and ATOUSER.
  TYPETMS5 36.193  Estimated bytes after IDRC added variables.          
  TYPE84   36.184  JES 2 JMF Subtype 21 INPUT EXCEEDED ABEND.           
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 36.08, DATED SEP 10, 2018 THRU 36.170.     
ERROR Correction                                                        
New Products Support                                                    
  TYPECIMS 36.167  Support for BMC Energizer for IMS Connect for IMF.   
  TYPE30   36.150  Support for APAR OA54589, OSPROTECT, TRUSTED.        
  TYPECIMS 36.162  Support for multiple IMS SYSTEMS, using JFCB DSNAME. 
  TYPEVMXA 36.155  Support for z/VM LINUX LNXAPPL Process & Summary data
  TYPE106  36.152  New SMF 106 variables decoded and formatted.         
  TYPE42   36.151  New variables from Jul 30, 2018 SMF Manual.          
  TYPE62   36.151  New variables from Jul 30, 2018 SMF Manual.          
  ANAL89   36.165  Analysis of SMF 89 data, including MSU from CPU time.
  TYPECIMS 36.163  IMS56FA obs for CPI-C had incorrect INPQUETM.        
  GRAFWLM  36.153  New HIGHTOLOW parm to reverse IMPORTANCE order.      
==Major CHANGES added in MXG 36.07, dated Aug  8, 2018 thru 36.149.     
New Products Support                                                    
  TYPERSDA 36.143  Support for RSD Folders Version 6.0 AUDIT (INCOMPAT).
  TYPEPOEX 36.135  Support for PowerExchange Version 10.                
  TYPEWSF  36.132  Support for EOS Version 160 (INCOMPATIBLE).          
  COMPINTV 36.144  Compare RMF/SMF/CICS/DB2 Interval CPU Time captured. 
  READDB2  36.140  New SORT102=NO option can suppress T102Snnn sorts.   
  RMFINTRV 36.136  MXGABNDRMFI option will ABEND if OTHER Work found.   
ERROR Correction                                                        
  TYPE102  36.138  Dataset T102S018 was misaligned.                     
  TYPERHEL 36.137  Invalid data for variable MICROCODE.                 
  TYPE120  36.134  WebSphere SMF 120 subtypes 5/6 only first was output.
  ASUM113  36.133  Variable LPARBUSY was not calculated for z14.        
  TYPESMF  36.131  MXGREADSMF=LOGGER didn't invoke CICSIFUE exit.       
Technical Notes                                                         
  MXGNOTE  36.141  zHPF Channel Utilization                             
  SASNOTE  36.129  SAS Not 61906 SAS 9.4 TS1M3 High CPU fixed in M4/M5. 
==Major CHANGES added in MXG 36.06, dated Jul  9, 2018 thru 36.128.     
ABEND Circumvention                                                     
  TYPE42   36.124  SMF 42 ABEND, more invalid values found, protected.  
                   APAR OA54663 corrects IBM Invalid values.            
New Products Support                                                    
  TYPEBVIR 36.120  Support for BVIR V412 History HSM Compression data.  
  TYPE119  36.127  Support for ZERT SMF type 119 Subtype 12             
ERROR Correction:                                                       
  READDB2  36.121  READDB2(IFCIDS=ALL) did not create DB2STATS dataset. 
==Major CHANGES added in MXG 36.05, dated Jun 13, 2018 thru 36.119.     
New Products Support                                                    
  TYPESRDF 36.112  Support for SRDF Symmetric Remote Data Facility VV.RR
  TYPE80A  36.108  Support for RACF TOKENs REQTCRE and ADMINCII'        
  TYPE102  36.102  Support for DB2 V11 APARS PI71903/PI84045/PI82755.   
  TYPE101  36.101  Support for NDM-CDI OP record.                       
  JCLCPORT 36.111  Sample JCL to move WPS datasets to SAS.              
  TYPENMON 36.109  Significant CPU reduction processing NMON data.      
  TYPERHEL 36.109  Significant CPU reduction processing RHEL data.      
  ASUMUOW  36.107  Using ROLLUPS is useless with ASUMUOW, suppress DB2. 
ERROR Correction:                                                       
  ASMRMFV  36.110  SOC7 ABEND reading non-Extended Format VSAM dataset. 
  TYPEDB2  36.114  DB2ACCTR dataset has been misaligned, NRQLAC GT 1.   
  TYPEDB2  36.113  Incorrect test for QPAC_PIPE_WAIT/COUNT in DB2ACCTP. 
                   THIS HAS NOT BEEN TESTED WITH DB2 V12 NRQLAC GT 1.   
  TYPE42   36.106  TYPE42DS Encryption variables were not kept.         
  TYPESYSX 36.105  TYPESYSL renamed to TYPESYSX to avoid conflict.      
  TYPEACF2 36.100  ACF2 6.2 Change 36.076 didn't correct STOPOVER.      
  READDB2  36.092  ACCTSORT=NO was not working, data ended up in WORK.  
==Major CHANGES added in MXG 36.04, dated May  8, 2018 thru 36.091.     
New Products Support                                                    
  TYPE122A 36.066  Support for IBM Devel z Systems IDZ SMF 122 record.  
  TYPE119  36.079  Support for SMF 119 subtypes 24, 38, 39, 40, and 45. 
  TYPEACF2 36.075  ACF2 INVALID SMF RECORD, ACSMFREL=0, should be 6.2.  
  TYPEIAM  36.071  INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED IAM 9.2 Length Changed.     
  TYPE7072 36.073  Support for z14 ZR1, new SMF70MAXPU variable COMPAT. 
  ANALID   36.081  Support for four-digit SMF Record type reporting.    
  TYPEDCOL 36.086  z/OS 2.3 DCOLLECT Encryption Variables added DCOLDSET
  TYPE99   36.072  New EWLM & SERV variables added to TYPE99_6 dataset. 
  CONFIG   36.067  MXG default CAPSOUT option for z/OS now NOCAPSOUT.   
ERROR Correction:                                                       
  TYPESTC  36.084  Dataset STCVSM11 Change 34.237 variables corrected.  
  TYPEDB2  36.082  DB2 BPHITRAT corrected.                              
  CONFIG   36.078  OPTION SORTBLKREC corrects DFSORT OC4 in SAS 9.4 M3. 
  TYPE110  36.077  CICDS Dispatcher Statistics DSGTWT corrected.        
  TYPEBETA 36.074  Variables BETALOG reversed, subtype 51 doesn't match.
==Major CHANGES added in MXG 36.03, dated Apr  2, 2018 thru 36.064.     
New Products Support                                                    
  TYPEQACS 36.051  AS/400 Ver 7.3, INCOMPAT LRECL, undoc fields.        
  TYPE74   36.057  z/OS RMF 2.3 Enhancements, APARs, new SMF manual.    
  TYPEXBM  36.060  Support for BMC Extended Buffer Mgr XBM User SMF     
     All updates in the Jan, 2018, SMF Manual are included in 36.03.    
  TYPE74   36.056  DEVNR5HEX displays 5-hex-nybble zWrite DEVICE NR.    
  SMFINTRV 36.053  SMF Interval INTBTIME/INTETIME all DATETIME25.6      
ERROR Correction:                                                       
  TYPEVMXA 36.062  VXBYUSR deaccum corrected for new _MT1 variables.    
  TYPEXAM  36.061  Invalid SYTNLPS value in SYTCUP prevented output.    
  UTILBLDP 36.059  CHAR OPERAND FOUND if USERADD=ID was requested.      
  TYPE82   36.055  New TYPE8231 was misaligned, trunc 0203 protected.   
  BLDSMPDB 36.054  &PDBPATH was not initialized, when MTD requested.    
  ANALDB2R 36.058  36.02 Only, missing %END corrected.                  
==Major CHANGES added in MXG 36.02, dated Mar  5, 2018 thru 36.050.     
New Products Support                                                    
  TYPEIMS  36.040  Support for unpopulated IMS 56FA with APAR UI50912.  
  TYPEXCOM 36.047  Support for XCOM Version 36.02 (COMPATIBLE).         
  TYPENDM  36.046  Support for NDM-CDI Version 5.2, corrects NDMCPU plus
  TYPERHEL 36.043  Initial support for NMON Red Hat Linux RHEL monitor. 
  TYPE82   36.036  Support for new SMF 82 subtype 82 JOB-Level Crypto.  
ERROR Correction:                                                       
  TYPE119  36.038  "INVALID SMF 119 TYPE 81" corrected, not invalid.    
  TYPEDB2  36.037  Var QWHSACE missing from DB2STSBP sort, ABEND        
  ANALCAPD 36.042  ERROR: FOUND "IF" when the CEC= option was used.     
  TYPE7072 36.035  Incorrect LPAR/ZIP SHAR/SHAC if last engine was IFL. 
  MOBWORK  36.045  Enhanced Mobile Work 4 Hour MSU reporting datasets.  
  TYPEIMS  36.044  Variable IMSVERS, the value in your _IMSVERS is kept.
  TYPE70PR 36.039  TYPE70PR variable LPARZIPS, online zips, added.      
==Major CHANGES added in MXG 36.01, dated Feb  6, 2018 thru 36.026.     
New Products Support                                                    
  TYPE120  36.022  Support for Liberty SMF 120 ST 100 (COMPAT). 
  TYPEVMXA 36.025  Support for zVM64 Level 40061701/1702 (INCOMPATIBLE).
                   36.01 is required for these levels, Broken CR errors.
  TYPETPMX 36.024  Support for ThruPutManager Release 18.02 TMT7113.    
  TYPE70TR 36.003  New 70 Tenant Resource Group TRG updated/validated   
  TYPE72TR 36.003  New 72 Tenant Resource Group TRG updated/validated   
  TYPE89   36.003  New 89 Tenant Resource Group TRG updated/validated   
  UTILBPV  36.007  Program to examine the BPV cylinder value for EAV.   
  TYPE110  36.008  CICS/TS 5.3 CPU variables in Statistics CICM dataset.
  TYPEPOEX 36.002  PowerExchange updated, trashed CPU values, open prob.
ERROR Correction:                                                       
  TYPE42   36.023  Yet another STOPOVER ABEND, due to Invalid LENSR=232.
  TYPE0    36.009  INVALID TYPE 0 LENGTH=70 is valid, wrongly deleted.  
  TYPE30   36.012  The created GMTOFF30 could be .01 seconds plus/minus.
  PDBAUDIT 36.011  %PDBAUDIT(LIBNAMES="Not All" fails with syntax error.
  TYPE73   35.010  TYPE73 dataset, variable CHFXRATE slightly wrong.    
  TYPE119  36.008  Variable TTAPLDAT in dataset TYP11902 misaligned.    
  TYPE119  36.018  STOPOVER ABEND: SMF 119 Subtype 81, at IBM now.      
  TYPE115  36.005  QWHSDURN different in subtype 231, new vars, cleanup.
  TYPETCP  36.001  TYPETCP (archaic 118) APISTART date was on GMT.      
  TYPEBETA 36.015  ERROR when TYPEBETA and TYPE70 used together.        
    Please read CHANGESS for the complete list of major enhancements.   
  See member NEWSLTRS or the Newsletters frame at for
  current MXG Technical Notes.                                          
  All of these enhancements are described in the Change Log, below.     
II.   SAS Version requirement information:                              
   SAS Versions                                                         
     The current version nomenclature is SAS 9.4 TS1M5 (9.4M5), "M5",   
     or "SAS 9.4 (TS04.01M5P09132017)" if the OPTION VERSIONLONG is     
     Only on z/OS, SAS 9.4 "M5" requires MXG 35.36+ because it adds the 
     NOERRORSTOP option to protect all MXG PROC SQLs from the M5 defect 
     described in SAS Note 61672.  But SAS apparently does not plan for 
     a defect correction since the MXG Circumvention solves for MXG and 
     the text of 61672 simply describes the circumvention needed because
     MXG's use of OPTIONS OBS=0 without NOERRORSTOP exposed the defect. 
     See Change 35.309 for more details on using NOERRORSTOP for your   
     own PROC SQLs.                                                     
     SAS V9.4 M5 is RECOMMENDED, but MXG executes without error         
     using SAS Version 9.4 M0-M2 or M4-M5 or SAS Version 9.3 M0-M2.     
     SAS V9.4 M5 is REQUIRED with z/OS 2.3 with Eight-Byte USERIDs      
                for Interactive TSO (DMS) SAS Sessions. SAS Note 61339. 
     SAS V9.4 M3 is NOT RECOMMENDED.  See Change 36.129 SAS Note 61906  
                that reports 40% Increase in CPU time with M3.          
     SAS V9.4 (ALL) and SAS V9.3 (ALL) are at LEVEL A SAS Support.      
     SAS V9.3   SAS 9.3 TS1M2 was RECOMMENDED. SAS 9.3 TS1M1 works ok.  
                But SAS 9.3 at TS1M0, the HOT FIX for SAS Note SN-43828,
                see CHANGE 29.169, IS REQUIRED:                         
                  The %MACRO compiler error is in processing %LET       
                  statements. While only two MXG members failed         
                  repeatedly in MXG QA tests on z/OS, there were random 
                  %LET errors in ASCII QA tests, so ANY use of %LET     
                  statement on ANY platform are vulnerable to this      
                  error, as the %MACRO compiler is SAS portable code,   
                  used on all platforms.  So this is NOT just an MXG    
                  error, but impacts ALL SAS programs.                  
                SAS9.3 is LEVEL A support from SAS.                     
     SAS V9.2   Was recommended, prior to 9.3, and was error-free with  
                MXG 26.03 SAS Hot Fix for SAS Note 37166 is required to 
                use a VIEW with the MXG EXITCICS/CICSFIUE CICS/DB2      
                Decompression Infile Exit.  but SAS V9.2 does execute on
                that platform.                                          
                9.2 is LEVEL B Support from SAS, as of Sep 30, 2013.    
     SAS V9.1.3 on z/OS 1.10 requires SAS Hot Fix for SN-35332 and is at
                Support level C by SAS Institute, Sep 30, 2013.         
                SAS V9.1.3 is NOT supported by SAS on Windows SEVEN.    
                with SAS 8.2.                                           
                SAS 8.2 is Level C Support from SAS as of Dec 31, 2011. 
      JCL in MXGSAS94 or MXGSAS93 can be used, or MXGNAMES can be used  
      As documented in Change 27.356, for SAS V9.2 or later):           
      The standard SAS JCL Procedure can be used for MXG with SAS V9.2+ 
           // EXEC SAS,CONFIG='MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIMXG)'                  
      or you can continue to use the MXGSAS94 JCL Procedure example.    
      MXG 26.03 thru MXG 36.11 will execute under the previously listed 
      SAS Versions on all supported platforms                           
      Unrelated to the above SAS Note/Hot Fix, ODS users will want to   
      use MXG 29.06+, because SAS V9.3 did expose incompatibilities in  
      MXG code for ODS reporting, that were fixed in MXG Version 29.06. 
      See Changes 29.159 and 29.169.                                    
      And, only for z/OS 1.10 with SAS V9.1.3 with ANY version of MXG,  
      the SAS Hot Fix for SN-35332 is REQUIRED (to be completely safe). 
        Without this Hot Fix, "LIBREF XXXXXXXX IS NOT ASSIGNED" errors  
        can occur even though //XXXXXXXX DD is a valid SAS Data Library.
        This error ONLY occurs with z/OS 1.10 and SAS V9.1.3; it does   
        NOT occur with SAS V9.2, nor with z/OS 1.9.  It can be          
        circumvented by adding a LIBNAME statement that specifies the   
        ENGINE name. See the Technical Note in Newsletters for SN-35332.
        Note that SAS V9.1.3 is now at "Level B" Support from SAS.      
      Old MXG code may continue to execute with SAS V8.2, but V8 is now 
      "Level C" support from SAS Institute, and there are known errors  
      in V8.2 that are only fixed in SAS V9.  I no longer QA with V8.2; 
      While many MXG programs (accidentally) will still execute under   
      V8.2, I cannot guarantee that all of MXG executes error free.     
      PLEASE INSTALL V9.2/V9.3/V9.4, TO AVOID FIXED PROBLEMS!           
         If you are absolutely stuck on V8, you need to copy MXG member 
         V8GETOBS into USERID.SOURCLIB and rename to VGETOBS.           
      MXG Software has not executed under SAS V6 in many years.         
      The "PDB" libraries (i.e., SAS data libraries) must be created by 
      SAS V8 or later, but any of those data libraries can be read or   
      updated by the SAS Versions that MXG Supports, above.             
      For SAS Version V9.3:                                             
        SAS 93 TS1M1 is RECOMMENDED; for TS1M0, SAS Hot Fix in SAS Note 
        SN43828 is REQUIRED.  See text of Change 29.159.                
        With SAS 93 TS1M1, (or TS1M0 with that Hot Fix) MXG Versions    
        26.03 or later execute under SAS V9.3 on all platforms.         
        SAS Data Libraries created by SAS V8.2, V9.1.3, V9.2, V9.3 and  
        SAS V9.4 are interchangeable and can be read/written by any of  
        those versions, provided they are on the same platform.         
          BUT: on ASCII, the 32-bit and 64-bit SAS versions are NOT the 
          same "platform" and attempting to read/use the FORMAT catalog 
          created on one of those "platforms" on the other "platform"   
          will error out to remind you of that difference!              
        SAS V9.4 did change some V9.3 ODS processing defaults and syntax
        that might cause errors with MXG 29.05 or earlier; MXG 29.06,   
        Change 29.160 documents the major revisions made in MXG to fully
        support ODS, and MXG 29.06 is STRONGLY recommended for ODS with 
        SAS V9.3 or SAS V9.4.                                           
      For (Archaic) SAS Version V9.2 (TS1M0):                           
        Big Picture: SAS Version V9.2 is COMPATIBLE with MXG Software.  
        On z/OS, SAS changed the DSNAMES for some of the SAS libraries, 
        so you do need to use the new MXGSAS92 JCL Procedure for MXG,   
        but it still uses the CONFIGV9 configuration file.              
        However, NEW, and documented in Change 27.356, with SAS V9.2+:  
          The standard SAS JCL Procedure can be used for MXG:           
             // EXEC SAS,CONFIG='MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIMXG)'                
          instead of using the MXGSAS92 JCL Procedure example.          
        SAS Data Libraries are compatible for V8.2, V9.1.3, V9.2, V9.3, 
        and V9.4. "PDBs" can be read/written interchangeably between    
        these SAS versions.                                             
        MXG Versions 26.03+ do execute with SAS V9.2 with NO WARNINGS   
        and with NO ERRORS reported.                                    
          Pre-MXG 26.03, SAS Hot Fix F9BA07 was required to suppress a  
          new SAS V9.2 WARNING, that on z/OS, set CC=4 (condition/return
          code). That warning is harmless (to MXG code) and all MXG     
          created SAS datasets were correct, even with that warning.    
          The ONLY exposure was ONLY on z/OS, and ONLY if condition code
          tests are used in your MXG jobstreams.                        
        SAS Version 9.2 requires z/OS 1.7 or later, both officially as  
        documented by SAS Institute, and actually as V9.2 fails with 0C4
        under z/OS 1.4.                                                 
      For SAS V9.1.3 on z/OS with Service Pack 4:                       
        On z/OS 1.10, Hot Fix SN-35332 is REQUIRED.                     
        CONFIGV9 now specifies V9SEQ instead of V6SEQ.  As V6SEQ does   
        not support long length character variables, it can't be used.  
       SAS V9.1.3 with current Service Pack 4 is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.  
       For (back-level!) SAS V9.1 or V9.1.2 on z/OS:                    
        SN-013514 is REQUIRED to be able to read datasets that were     
          created by V6SEQ (tape) engine.                               
        SN-012437 is REQUIRED to prevent creation of corrupt/unreadable 
          datasets with tape engines V7SEQ, V8SEQ, or V9SEQ.            
        Both fixes ARE included in SAS V9.1.3, but V9.1 or 9.1.2 is NOT 
          SAFE without those two hot fixes, and if you do NOT have those
          two fixes on 9.1 or 9.1.2, you MUST set V6SEQ in CONFIGV9.    
        With MXG 23.02 or later, V9SEQ is the default sequential engine 
        specified in CONFIGV9, but if you are back at SAS V9.1 or V9.1.2
        you MUST install the two hot fixes listed above.                
       For SAS Version 8.2, HotFix Bundle 82BX08 (or later) was required
         as an absolute minimum level when that SAS Version was last    
         supported by MXG Software.  PLEASE INSTALL SAS V9.x ASAP.      
       Sequential Engine Status:                                        
          V9SEQ was fixed in V9.1.3; it has been default in CONFIGV9.   
          V8SEQ was always safe under SAS V8.2, but it wasted CPU time  
            by always compressing when writing in tape format.          
          V6SEQ, if used under V9.1.2, requires SN-013514, but V6SEQ    
                 should no longer be used, as it does not support long  
                 length variables.                                      
      MXG QA tests are executed with V9.4, on z/OS, on Windows TEN and  
      Linux on 64-bit hardware, but MXG users execute MXG on MANY       
      (ALL??) SAS platforms, including AIX, Linux, and other 'nix'      
      variants, on many different hardware platforms, and since they all
      work we don't need to list them. If SAS executes so does MXG.     
      Prior QA tests have been run with all SAS releases available at   
      that time on Linux RH8 on Intel, on Solaris v2.8 on a Model V880, 
      and on HP-UX v11.11 model rp5470, confirming full compatibility.  
      MXG should execute under ALL SUPPORTED SAS VERSIONS on EVERY SAS  
      platform without errors! Each new MXG version is also tested with 
      the SAS ITSV/ITRM product by the ITRM developers.                 
III.  WPS Version requirement information:                              
      WPS Version 3.02 ( is required Change 34.266.  
         and other errors with 3.00 or 3.01 have been corrected in the  
         current WPS version.                                           
      WPS Version 3.01.1 maintenance level 731 required for PDB to tape 
      WPS Version 3.01 (also shows 3.1.1) is required for AUTOEZOS.     
      WPS Version 3.01  is required for MOBILWRK, PICTURE fails in 2.5. 
      WPS Version 3.01  executed MXG 32.03 BUILDPDB with no errors.     
      WPS Version 3.0   requires MXG 31.09 (see Change 31.251).         
      WPS Version 2.4   required MXG 27.09 (see Change 27.239).         
      WPS Version 2.3.5 required MXG 27.05.                             
      See NEWSLETTERS for WPS Support Statement.                        
      WPS prints this message ERROR: COULD NOT CREATE DATA SET "PDB.ID" 
      when the LIBNAME PDB does not exist; there would also have been a 
      prior log message  NOTE: Library PDB does not exist   as the clue.
IV.   MXG Version Required for Hardware, Operating System Release, etc. 
   MXG is usually NOT sensitive to z/OS Hardware changes, but:          
     was supported in MXG 35.11, but ASUM113 variable LPARBUSY was      
     missing until corrected in MXG 36.07.  The new SMF70MAXPU variable 
     was added in MXG 36.04.                                            
     The z/13 with 61+ LPARs requires MXG 32.05 IF NON-SMT MODE.        
     The z/EC12 with 85+ engines required MXG 30.07.                    
     Support for 255 engines was added in MXG 31.04.                    
   However, for the z13 processor on z/OS, the new SMT-MODE RMF 70 was  
   read the SMT-format RMF records (which are written if you have zIIP  
   engines AND have enabled the new PROCVIEW CORE option for            
   Multi-Threading, even if only one thread is enabled).                
   The new zEDC compression hardware requires MXG 33.07 to support the  
   new metrics.                                                         
   For z/VM, MXG REQUIRES MXG 33.02 to support the z/13 changes.        
    Availability dates for the IBM products and MXG version required for
    error-free processing of that product's data records:               
                                       Availability     MXG Version     
      Product Name                     Date              Required       
      MVS/ESA 4.1                      Oct 26, 1990         8.8         
      MVS/ESA 4.2                      Mar 29, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.2.2                    Aug 15, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.3                      Mar 23, 1993        10.10        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - compatibility    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - Goal Mode        May  3, 1995        13.01        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.0                    Jun 15, 1995        13.05        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.2                    Oct 19, 1995        13.09        
      OS/390  1.1.0                    Feb 22, 1996        14.01        
      OS/390  1.2.0                    Sep 30, 1996        14.05        
      OS/390  1.3.0 Compatibility Mode Mar 28, 1997        14.14        
      OS/390  1.3.0 WLM Goal Mode      Mar 28, 1997        15.02        
      OS/390  2.4.0                    Sep 28, 1997        15.06        
      OS/390  2.5.0                    Feb 24, 1998        15.06        
      OS/390  2.6.0                    Sep 24, 1998        16.04        
      OS/390  2.7.0                    Mar 26, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.7.0 APAR OW41318       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.8.0                    Aug 24, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.8.0 FICON/SHARK        Aug 24, 1999        17.08        
      OS/390  2.8.0 APAR OW41317       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.9.0                    Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390 2.10.0                    Sep 15, 2000        18.06        
      OS/390  PAV                      Oct 24, 2000        18.09        
      z/OS 1.1                         Mar 30, 2001        18.11        
      z/OS 1.1 on 2064s                Mar 30, 2001        19.01        
      z/OS 1.1 with correct MSU        Mar 30, 2001        19.02        
      z/OS 1.2                         Oct 31, 2001        19.04        
      z/OS 1.1,1.2 APARs to 78         Oct 31, 2001        19.05        
      z/OS 1.2+ APAR OW52227           Apr 26, 2002        20.02        
      z/OS 1.3+ APAR OW52227           Apr 26, 2002        20.02        
      z/OS 1.2 JESNR Z2 MODE           Apr 26, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.3 JESNR Z2 MODE           Apr 26, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.4 Tolerate                Sep 27, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.4 Support                 Sep 27, 2002        20.06        
      z/OS 1.4 Over 16 CPUs/LPARs      May 29, 2003        21.02        
      z/OS 1.4 DFSMS/rmm, RACF         Aug 29, 2003        21.04        
      z/OS 1.5                         Mar 31, 2004        21.21        
      z/OS IRD ASUM70PR/ASUMCEC        Sep 22, 2003       *24.10        
      z/OS IRD TYPE70PR                Mar 11, 2004       *24.10        
      z/OS IRD TYPE70,RMFINTRV         Mar 22, 2002       *24.10        
      z/OS 1.6 - No IFAs               Sep 30, 2004       *22.09        
      z/OS 1.6 - With IFAs             Sep 30, 2004       *22.11        
      z/OS 1.7 (COMPATIBLE CHANGES)    Sep 30, 2005       *24.10        
      z/OS 1.7 (SPLIT70 CORRECTION)    Sep 30, 2005       *24.10        
      z/OS IFA data in RMF 79s         Sep 30, 2005        23.10        
      z/OS 1.8 - ASMTAPEE assembly     Sep 30, 2005       *25.03        
      z/OS 1.8 - SMF 119 INCOMPAT      Sep 30, 2005       *25.06        
      z/OS More than 32 LPARs          Jan 30, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS SPLIT RMF 70 records        Jan 30, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS Dupe SYSTEMs in a SYSPLEX   Jan 30, 2006       *24.02        
      z/OS IRD errors corrected        May 15, 2006        24.03        
      z/OS ASUMCEC errors corrected    May 15, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS ASUM70LP errors corrected   Jun 13, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS zIIP Processor Support      Jun 22, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS Dedicated zIIP Support      Mar  8, 2008       *26.01        
      z/OS Dedicated zAAP Support      Mar  8, 2008        26.01        
      z/OS 1.8 (COMPATIBLE CHANGES)    Sep 20, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS 1.9 (INCOMPAT, 54 CPs)      Sep 27, 2007        25.10        
      z/OS 1.9 MXGTMNT at ML-39 reASM  Sep 27, 2007        25.10        
      z/OS new z10 variables           Mar  5, 2008        26.01        
      z/OS 1.8 With HiperDispatch      Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.9 With HiperDispatch      Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.10 (INCOMPAT, MXG code)   Sep 15, 2008        26.07        
      z/OS 1.10 With HiperDispatch     Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.10 RMF III, SMF 119       Jul 20, 2009        27.05        
      z/OS 1.11                        Sep  2, 2009        27.08        
      z/OS 1.11 New 30 variables       Apr 14, 2010       *28.02        
      z/OS 1.12                        Aug 17, 2010       *28.05        
      z/OS 1.12 SMF 85 Subtype 79      Aug 17, 2010       *29.03        
      z/OS 1.12 VMGUEST option         Aug 17, 2010       *29.06        
      z/OS 1.13                        Sep 30, 2011        29.03        
      z/OS 1.13 - MXGTMNT only         Dec 15, 2011        29.08        
      z/OS 1.13 SMF 119 ST 6 INCOMPAT  Feb  7, 2012        30.01        
      z/OS 2.1  - Most Records support Jul 23, 2013        30.05        
      z/OS 2.1  - ID=0 ERROR MESSAGE   Jul 23, 2013        31.07        
      z/OS 2.1  - ID=85 INCOMPAT       Jul 23, 2013        32.03        
      z/OS 2.1  - ID=70 SMF70CPA       Jul 23, 2013        32.03        
      z/OS 2.1  - INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED ERROR SMF 74    33.10        
      z/OS 2.2  COMPATIBLE CH 33.189   Aug 19, 2015        33.08        
      z/OS 2.2 MXGTMNT ABEND S0E0-28   Sep 15, 2015        33.09        
               REQUIRES ASMTAPE ML-55  Sep 15, 2015        33.09        
      z/OS 2.2 OAM SMF 85 ABEND 33.067 Apr  5, 2016        34.02        
      z/OS 2.2 SPLIT 73, ABEND 33.068  Apr  5, 2016        34.02        
      z/OS 2.2 JES2 8-char JOBCLASS    Oct  7, 2016        34.07        
      z/OS 2.2 NEW SMF 124 IOS Spvr    Oct  7, 2016        34.07        
      z/OS 2.3 Many new variables      Sep 24, 2017 35.166 35.09*       
      z/OS 2.3 RMF III Support         Sep 24, 2017 35.190 35.09*       
      z/OS 2.3 type 2 st 2 STOPOVER    Sep 24, 2017 35.190 35.09*       
      z/OS 2.3 type 90 st 38 STOPOVER  Sep 24, 2017 35.199 35.09*       
      z990 CPUs - CPUTYPE '2084'x      Aug 25, 2003        21.04        
      z890 CPUs - CPUTYPE '2086'x      Jun 24, 2004        22.07        
      z9   CPUs - CPUTYPE '2094'x      Jul 20, 2005       *24.24        
      z9EC CPUs - CPUTYPE '2094'x:                                      
             with 64-bit z/OS - no change required        *24.24        
             with 32-bit z/OS only:    Aug 26, 2006        24.06        
      z9BC CPUs - CPUTYPE '2096'x:                                      
             with 64-bit z/OS - no change required         24.01        
             with 32-bit z/OS only:    Jul 27, 2006       *24.24        
      z10  CPUs - CPUTYPE '2097'x      Dec  7, 2008        25.11        
      z10  HiperDispatch/Parked Time   Mar  3, 2008       *26.10        
      z196 (INCOMPAT IF GT 64 ENG)     Aug 17, 2010        28.05        
      zEC12                            Nov 14, 2012        30.07        
      z13   non-SMT Mode               May 27, 2014        32.05        
      z13   SMT Mode Change 33.217     Sep 15, 2015       *33.09        
      z13   SMT Mode NRZIPCPU 34.106   May 10, 2016        34.03        
      z13   SMT MT=2 CPUZIPTM TYPE70   Mar 21, 2016        35.03        
      z14   SMF 113 INCOMPAT, ABEND    Oct  2, 2017        35.11        
      z14   113 LPARBUSY missing value Aug  8, 2018        36.07        
      z14 ZR1 New SMF70MAXPU variable  May  8, 2018        36.04        
      CICS/CTG V9 Transaction Gateway  ??  ??  2013        31.31        
      CICS/ESA 3.2                     Jun 28, 1991         9.9         
      CICS/ESA 3.3                     Mar 28, 1992        10.01        
      CICS/ESA 4.1                     Oct 27, 1994        13.09        
      CICS/ESA 5.1 aka CICS/TS V1R1    Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-Transaction Server V1R1     Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-TS V1R1 with APAR UN98309   Sep 15, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R2  CICS/TS 1.2        Oct 27, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R3  CICS/TS 1.3        Mar 15, 1999        17.04        
      CICS-TS V2R1  CICS/TS 2.1        Mar 15, 2001        18.11        
      CICS-TS V2R2  CICS/TS 2.2        Feb  9, 2002        19.19        
       CICSTRAN subtype 1 support only                    *19.19        
       CICSTRAN subtype 2 completed                       *19.08        
      CICS-TS V2R3  CICS?TS 2.3        Dec 19, 2003                     
       Using UTILEXCL to create IMACEXCL:                  21.04        
       Reading un-Excluded CICS with TYPE110, no IMACEXCL:*22.04        
      CICS-TS V2R3  CICS/TS 2.3        Aug 13, 2004        22.04        
      CICS-TS V3R1  CICS/TS 3.1        Jan 18, 2005        22.22        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 3.1     Mar 15, 2005                     
       Using UTILEXCL to create IMACEXCL:                  22.13        
       Reading un-Excluded CICS with TYPE110, no IMACEXCL: 22.22        
      CICS-TS V3R2  CICS/TS 3.2        Dec  6, 2007        25.11        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 3.2     Jun 29, 2007        25.03        
      CICS-TS/3.2 Compressed Records   Nov  3, 2007        25.11        
      CICS-TS/4.1 (CICSTRAN INCOMPAT)  Mar 13, 2009        27.01        
      CICS-TS/4.1 (STATISTICS ST=2)    Sep 18, 2009        27.08        
      CICS-TS/4.2 CICSTRAN/STATISTICS  Jun 24, 2011        29.03        
      CICS-TS/4.2 CICSRDS MNSEGCL=5    Jun 24, 2011       *29.05        
      CICS-TS/4.2 INVALID STID=116     Jan 31, 2012       *30.01        
      CICS-TS/5.1 (INCOMPATIBLE)       Dec 14, 2012       *30.08        
      CICS-TS/5.1 for valid TASZIP/ELG Jan 21, 2013       *30.30        
      CICS-TS/5.1 MNSEGCL=5 INCOMPAT   Jun 17, 2013       *31.03        
      CICS-TS/5.2 COMPATIBLE CICSTRAN  Jun 13, 2014       *31.03        
      CICS-TS/5.2 INCOMPAT Statistics  Jun 13, 2014       *32.03        
      CICS-TS/5.3 INCOMPAT CICSTRAN    Apr 29, 2015        33.04        
      CICS-TS/5.3 RESOURCE SEGCL=5     Sep 31, 2015        33.09        
      CICS-TS/5.3 CICSTRAN INCOMPATIBL Oct 29, 2015        33.11        
      CICS-TS/5.3 GA date              Dec 11, 2015        33.33        
      CICS-TS/5.3 MNSEGCL=5 INPUT ERR  Mar 21, 2016        34.02        
      CICS-TS/5.4 OPEN BETA  Aug       Aug 11, 2016        34.06        
      CICS-TS/5.4 OPEN BETA  Nov       Nov 11, 2016        34.09        
      CICS-TS/5.4 GA                   Jun 17, 2017        35.03        
      DB2 2.3.0                        Oct 28, 1991        10.01        
      DB2 3.1.0                        Dec 17, 1993        13.02        
      DB2 4.1.0 Tolerate               Nov  7, 1995        13.07        
      DB2 4.1.0 Full support           Sep 11, 1996        14.07        
      DB2 5.1.0 Tolerate               Jun 27, 1997        14.14        
      DB2 5.1.0 Full support           Jun 27, 1997        15.02        
      DB2 6.1.0 initial support        Mar 15, 1999        16.09        
      DB2 6.1.0 all buffer pools       Mar 15, 1999        18.01        
      DB2 6.1.0 parallel DB2           Mar 15, 1999        19.19        
      DB2 7.1.0 parallel DB2           Mar 31, 2001        19.19        
      DB2 7.1.0 corrections            Mar 31, 2001        20.06        
      DB2 8.1 Tolerate, no packages    Mar 31, 2004        20.20        
      DB2 8.1 New Data Packages wrong  Mar 31, 2004        21.08        
      DB2 8.1 Support with Packages    Mar 31, 2004       *23.09        
      DB2 8.1 with all zIIP Variables  Sep 30, 2006        24.08        
      DB2 8.1 +PK47659                 Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      DB2 9.1 See Change 25.265.       Dec  7, 2007        25.11        
      DB2 9.1 Full Support +PK/56356   Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      DB2 10.1 Tolerate                Oct  1, 2010        28.06        
      DB2 10.1 New vars + Compressed   Nov  1, 2010       *28.07        
      DB2 10.1 Invalid Header pre APAR Jan 12, 2011       *28.28        
      DB2 10.1 IFCID=225 INCOMPAT      Sep 23, 2011       *29.07        
      DB2 10.1 QWHCCV for QWHCATYP=8   Oct  3, 2011       *30.07        
      DB2 10.1 DBID/OBID decode        Jan 21, 2013       *30.30        
      DB2 10.1 QLSTxxxx vars corrected Jun 21, 2013       *31.04        
               (ONLY IMPACTS DB2STATS)                                  
      DB2 11.1 TOLERATE DB2 V11.1      Jun 21, 2013        30.30        
      DB2 11.1 DB2STATS QLST CORRECT   Jun 21, 2013        31.04        
      DB2 11.1 SUPPORT NEW VARIABLES   Jun 21, 2013        31.08        
      DB2 11.1 IRLM NEW SEGMENT        Jun 21, 2013        32.10        
      DB2 12.1 COMPATIBLE              Oct  5, 2016        34.08        
      DB2 12.1 NETEZZA CORRECTIONS     Oct  5, 2016        34.08        
      DB2 12.1 QLAC INSERTS DB2ACCT    May 15, 2017        35.05*       
      DFSMS/MVS 1.1                    Mar 13, 1993        11.11        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.2                    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.3                    Dec 29, 1995        13.09        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4                    Sep 28, 1997        15.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4 HSM                Sep 23, 1998        16.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.5                    ??? ??, 1999        16.04        
      DFSORT SMF V1R5                  Mar  1, 2006        24.02        
      MQM 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4          Apr 25, 1996        14.02        
      MQ Series 1.2.0                  May 26, 1998        16.02        
      MQ Series 2.1.0                  Oct  2, 1999        17.07        
      MQ Series 5.2                    Dec 16, 2000        18.10        
      MQ Series 5.3                    Dec 16, 2002        21.05        
      MQ Series 6.0                    Feb 14, 2006        23.23        
      Websphere MQ Series 7.0          ??? ??, 2009       *28.06        
      Websphere MQ Series 7.1          MAR 12, 2011        29.03        
      Websphere MQ Series 8.0          Jun 24, 2011        29.05        
      Websphere MQ Series 9.1          Mar 20, 2017        35.03        
      NETVIEW 3.1 type 37              ??? ??, 1996        14.03        
      NPM 2.0                          Dec 17, 1993        12.03        
      NPM 2.2                          Aug 29, 1994        12.05        
      NPM 2.3                          ??? ??, 1996        15.08        
      NPM 2.4                          Nov 18, 1998        17.01        
      NPM 2.5                          Feb ??, 2000        18.02        
      NPM 2.6                          Nov ??, 2001        19.06        
      RMDS 2.1, 2.2                    Dec 12, 1995        12.12        
      RMDS 2.3                         Jan 31, 2002        19.11        
      TCP/IP 3.1                       Jun 12, 1995        12.12        
      TCP/IP 3.4                       Sep 22, 1998        16.04        
      WebSphere 5.0 APAR PQ7463        Aug 19, 2003        21.04        
      WebSphere 6.0                    Feb 18, 2006        23.23        
      WebSphere 7.0                    Oct  7, 2010        28.06        
      WebSphere 8.0                    Jul 17, 2011        29.05        
      DOS/VSE POWER V6.3.0             Dec 19, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.0                      Dec 23, 1992        10.04        
      VM/ESA  2.1                      Jun 27, 1993        12.02        
      VM/ESA  2.2                      Nov 22, 1994        12.06        
      VM/ESA  2.3                      Jun  1, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.4                      Mar  1, 2001        19.03        
      z/VM    3.1                      Mar  1, 2001        19.03        
      z/VM    3.1 DATABYTE=0           May  2, 2002        20.02        
      z/VM    4.2 ??                   May  2, 2002        20.02        
      z/VM    4.4                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      z/VM    5.1                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      z/VM    5.2                      Jan 22, 2006        24.01        
      z/VM    5.3 TOLERATE             Jun  7, 2007        25.05        
      z/VM    5.3 NEW VARIABLES        Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      z/VM    5.4 (COMPATIBLE)         Sep 12, 2008       *27.01        
      z/VM    6.1 (NO CHANGES)         Jul  7, 2008        27.01        
      z/VM    6.2                      Dec  2, 2011        29.04        
      z/VM    6.3 INCOMPATIBLE         Jul 23, 2013        31.05        
      z/VM    6.3 z/13                 Jan 23, 2016        33.33        
      z/VM    6.4 SYTLCK Incompat      Apr 26, 2016        34.04        
      IMS log 4.1                      Jul  4, 1994        12.02        
      IMS log 5.1                      Jun  9, 1996        14.05        
      IMS log 6.1                      ???  ?, 199?        20.03        
      IMS log 7.1                      ???  ?, 200?        20.03        
      IMS log 8.1                      May 21, 2003        21.02        
      IMS log 9.1                      Mar 96, 2004       *26.01        
      IMS log 10.1                     Mar 06, 2007       *26.01        
      IMS log 11.1                     Apr  1, 2010       *28.02        
      IMS log 12.1                     Jan 23, 2012       *29.29        
      IMS log 13.1 (NOT 56FA)          May 25, 2013        31.03        
      IMS log 13.1 (56FA RECORD)       May 27, 2014        32.05        
      IMS log 14.1 COMPATIBLE          Dec 19, 2015        35.07        
      IMS log 15.1 NO CHANGES          Mar  1, 2018        35.07        
      AS400 3.7.0                      Nov  1, 1996        15.01        
      AS400 4.1.0                      Dec 30, 1996        15.08        
      AS400 4.2.0                      Apr 27, 1998        16.02        
      AS400 4.4.0                      Sep 27, 1999        17.07        
      AS400 4.5.0                      Jul 27, 2000        18.07        
      AS400 5.2.0 - Most records       Jul 23, 2003        21.03        
      AS400 5.2.0 - QAPMMIOP           Jul 23, 2003        22.04        
      AS400 5.3.0                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      AS400 5.4.0                      Aug 26, 2006        24.06        
      AS400 6.1.0                      Jun 29, 2008        26.05        
    Note: Asterisk by the version number means the Version number       
          was changed (to the MXG version required), after an earlier   
          MXG version was listed as supporting this product release,    
          usually because an APAR modified the product's data records.  
          Or a coding error in MXG could be the reason for the change!  
    Availability dates for non-IBM products and MXG version required:   
                                                        MXG Version     
      Product Name                                       Required       
      Demand Technology                                                 
       NTSMF Version 1 Beta                                14.11        
       NTSMF Version 2.0                                   15.05        
       NTSMF Version 2.1                                   15.06        
       NTSMF Version 2.2                                   16.04        
       NTSMF Version 2.3                                   17.10        
       NTSMF 2.4.4                     Aug  9, 2002        20.04        
       NTSMF 2.4.5   INCOMPAT          Apr  1, 2003        21.02        
       NTSMF 2.4.7                     Sep 30, 2004        22.08        
       NTSMF 3.1.4                     Mar 15, 2009        27.01        
       NTSMF 4.0                       Mar 15, 2011        29.03        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 2                       13.06        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.0                     16.02        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.1                     20.04        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 4.0                     22.10        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 5.0                     30.02        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.2 -                      12.12        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.3 -                      15.01        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 2.0 -                      15.06        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.1 -                      20.04        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.2 - 20.335, 21.134       21.04        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.3 including CICS/TS 3.1  22.08        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.2 (almost all)           25.11        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.2 (almost all)           27.01        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.3 (for CICS/TS 4.1,4.2)  29.07        
       TMON/CICS 3.4 (for CICS/TS 5.1)               30.30-32.12        
        (Do not use 32.13,32.32,33.01,33.02,33.03 for 3.4)              
       TMON/CICS 3.4 (for CICS/TS 5.1 - Change 33.099)     33.04        
       TMON/CICS 4.0 (for CICS/TS 5.2 - Change 33.195)    *33.09        
       TMON/CICS 4.1 (for CICS/TS 5.3 - Change 34.257      34.08        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.3  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.5  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 2.0  -                      15.09        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 3.0  -                      19.19        
       TMON/MVS Version 4.4                                32.04        
       Omegamon for CICS V200 User SMF                     12.05        
       Omegamon for CICS V300 User SMF                     13.06        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 User SMF                     16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 type 110 segments            16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V500 User SMF                     18.01        
       Omegamon for IMS V110 (ITRF)                        12.12        
       Omegamon for IMS V300 (ITRF)                        14.04        
       Omegamon for IMS V550/V560 (ITRF)                   25.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V300                               13.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V400                               13.06        
       Omegamon for DB2 Version 2.1/2.2                    13.05        
       Omegamon for VTAM V160                              12.04A       
       Omegamon for VTAM V400                              15.15        
       Omegamon for VTAM V500                              18.08        
       Omegamon for SMS V100/V110                          12.03        
       ACF2 6.2 was 16.04 but ABEND, ACSMFREL=0 May 2018   36.05        
       ASTEX 2.1                                           14.04        
       IDMS 18                                             32.05        
       IDMS 19 (INCOMPAT after PTF R084146 Change 34.164)  33.05        
       NETSPY 4.7                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.0                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.2                                          16.05        
       NETSPY 5.3                                          18.03        
       NETSPY 6.0                                          20.10 20.305 
       NETSPY 7.0                                          20.10 20.305 
       SAR/VIEW R11                                        23.07 23.196 
      BMC, was Boole & Babbage                                          
       APPTUNE V11R2 SMF 102                               33.11 33.264 
       IMF 3.1 (for IMS 5.1)                               12.12        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1 only)                          15.09        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 5.1 and 6.1+)                      16.04        
       IMF 3.3 (for IMS 7.1 and 8.1)                      *22.08        
       IMF 4.1 (for IMS 9.1)                              *26.02        
       IMF 4.4 (for IMS 9.1)                              *31.08        
       IMF 4.5 (for IMS 11.1)  (No change since 4.4)       31.08        
       IMF 4.6 a/k/a Mainview IMS                         *31.08        
       IMF 5.1 a/k/a Mainview IMS                         *34.01        
       IMF 5.2 a/k/a Mainview IMS                          34.01        
       IMF 5.3 a/k/a Mainview IMS                          35.03        
       Mainview for MQ Version 4.4                         29.03        
       Mainview for MQ Version 5.1                         30.02        
       Mainview for MQ Version 5.2                         33.01        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.5 (CICS/TS 5.1)         30.30        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.4 (CICS/TS 4.2)         30.04        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.1                       26.26        
       Mainview Auto Operator data file                    28.28        
       Mainview for DB2 THRDHIST file                      20.20        
       Mainview for TCP/IP                                 20.20        
       Mainview for IP                                     34.??        
       Mainview for Batch Optimizer                        19.19        
       LMS 3.1                                             12.12A       
      Oracle V9, V10                                       24.06        
       2.1                                                 33.05        
       1.4                                                 33.08        
       APAF 4.1, 4.3                                       16.08        
      Velocity Software                                                 
       XAMAP 3.4                                           22.10        
       XAMAP 3406                                          24.03        
       XAMAP 3.7                                           27.10        
       XAMAP 4.1   Now Renamed to ZVPS 4.1                 29.07        
       XVPS  4.2                                           31.06        
       ZVPS  5.4                                          *33.07        
V.    Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 36.11.                  
 1. Incompatibilities introduced in MXG 36.36:                          
  a- Changes in MXG architecture made between 36.36 and prior versions  
     that can introduce known incompatibilities.                        
 2. Installation and re-installation procedures are described in detail 
    in member INSTALL (which also lists common Error/Warning messages a 
    new user might encounter), and sample JCL is in member JCLINSTT for 
    SAS Version 9.                                                      
    MXG Definitions with regard to MXG Software Changes:                
    COMPATIBLE   A change in a data record which did not alter either   
    COMPAT       the location or the format of all of the previously-   
                 kept MXG variables is COMPATIBLE, and you can continue 
                 to run the old version of MXG software, which will read
                 the new records without error, but none of any new data
                 fields or any new record subtypes will be created/kept 
                 until you install the MXG Version with this change.    
    INCOMPAT     A change in a data record that causes the current MXG  
                 version to fail, visibly or invisibly, with or without 
                 error conditions or messages, and the output datasets  
                 may contain wrong values and incomplete observations,  
                 and/or observations may have been lost.                
                 You MUST install the new MXG Version with this change  
                 to process data records that have been INCOMPATIBLY    
                 changed by their vendor.                               
    TOLERATE     In other words, the old MXG Version TOLERATES the new  
                 data records, if they are COMPATIBLY changed.          
    EXPLOIT      Once you use the new MXG Version to read the changed   
                 records, all of the new fields, subtypes, etc, that are
                 described in this change will be created in the MXG    
                 datasets, so the new MXG Version EXPLOITS the new data,
                 and you have full support of the new data records.     
      An MXG Version never "expires" nor "goes out of Support".  When   
      you put in a new product/subsystem/Release/APAR that incompatibly 
      changed its records then you must install the current MXG Version 
      or at least be using the minimum level of MXG that is currently   
      documented in the preceding list in section IV.                   
     COSMETIC     Some Changes will start with COSMETIC.  This indicates
                  that that change only alters a displayed value or may 
                  be a spelling error in a label, but it is "cosmetic"  
                  in that it ONLY affected the display, and the output  
                  data sets created are NOT impacted by this change.    
VI.   Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
    MXG Documentation is now described in member DOCUMENT.              
    See also member INDEX, but it may be overwhelming.                  
VII.  Changes Log                                                       
--------------------------Changes Log---------------------------------  
 You MUST read each Change description to determine if a Change will    
 impact your site.  All changes have been made in this MXG Library.     
 Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of     
 MXG Software that is contained in that library.                        
 The CHANGES selection on our homepage at            
 is always the most current information on MXG Software status,         
 and is frequently updated.                                             
 Important changes are also posted to the MXG-L ListServer, which is    
 also described by a selection on the homepage.  Please subscribe.      
 The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be  
 different than described in the change text (which might have printed  
 only the critical part of the correction that need be made by users).  
 Scan each source member named in any impacting change for any comments 
 at the beginning of the member for additional documentation, since the 
 documentation of new datasets, variables, validation status, and notes,
 are often found in comments in the source members.                     
Alphabetical list of important changes in MXG 36.36 after MXG 35.36:    
  Member   Change    Description                                        
  ANAL89   36.165  Analysis of SMF 89 data, including MSU from CPU time.
  ANAL9914 36.171  Support for z/14 Clusters in IBM Processor Topology. 
  ANAL9914 36.232  SMF99 ST 14 Processor Topology Report Enhanced.      
  ANALCAPD 36.042  ERROR: FOUND "IF" when the CEC= option was used.     
  ANALID   36.081  Support for four-digit SMF Record type reporting.    
  ANALRMFR 36.203  CPU report with INTERVAL=HOUR was incorrect.         
  ASCIIDSN 36.020  ASCII version of JCLDAYDS with SAS FTP for TMC/DCOL. 
  ASMRMFV  36.110  SOC7 ABEND reading non-Extended Format VSAM dataset. 
  ASUM113  36.133  Variable LPARBUSY was not calculated for z14.        
  ASUMCICR 36.226  Major revision to CICS RESPONSE TIME SLA reports.    
  ASUMCICR 36.226  Major revision to CICS RESPONSE TIME SLA reports.    
  ASUMUOW  36.107  Using ROLLUPS is useless with ASUMUOW, suppress DB2. 
  BLDSMPDB 36.242  Protection for AUTOALOC=YES and FIRSTRUN=YES         
  CONFIG   36.067  MXG default CAPSOUT option for z/OS now NOCAPSOUT.   
  CONFIG   36.078  OPTION SORTBLKREC corrects DFSORT OC4 in SAS 9.4 M3. 
  DOCUMENT 36.013  APAR OA27291 OC4 USEZOSV1R9RULE(NO) z/OS 1.10+       
  DOCVLONG 36.247  Utility to create DOCVER with all info on one line.  
  GRAFMSU  36.204  Plots/Tabulate of MSU 4HR usage and capacity.        
  GRAFWLM  36.153  New HIGHTOLOW parm to reverse IMPORTANCE order.      
  JCLCPORT 36.111  Sample JCL to move WPS datasets to SAS.              
  MOBWORK  36.045  Enhanced Mobile Work 4 Hour MSU reporting datasets.  
  MXGNOTE  36.141  zHPF Channel Utilization                             
  PDBAUDIT 36.011  %PDBAUDIT(LIBNAMES="Not All" fails with syntax error.
  READDB2  36.092  ACCTSORT=NO was not working, data ended up in WORK.  
  READDB2  36.121  READDB2(IFCIDS=ALL) did not create DB2STATS dataset. 
  READDB2  36.140  New SORT102=NO option can suppress T102Snnn sorts.   
  READDB2  36.172  IFCIDS=0-999 failed, only 367 are defined, now warns.
  RMFINTRV 36.136  MXGABNDRMFI option will ABEND if OTHER Work found.   
  SASNOTE  36.129  SAS Not 61906 SAS 9.4 TS1M3 High CPU fixed in M4/M5. 
  TECHNOTE 36.209  APARs of interest for z/OS.                          
  TYPE0    36.009  INVALID TYPE 0 LENGTH=70 is valid, wrongly deleted.  
  TYPE101  36.101  Support for NDM-CDI OP record.                       
  TYPE102  36.102  Support for DB2 V11 APARS PI71903/PI84045/PI82755.   
  TYPE102  36.138  Dataset T102S018 was misaligned.                     
  TYPE102  36.212  Protection for IFCID 376 invalid offsets STOPOVER.   
  TYPE102  36.251  Support to populate T102S126 for DB2 102 IFCID 126.  
  TYPE106  36.152  New SMF 106 variables decoded and formatted.         
  TYPE110  36.008  CICS/TS 5.3 CPU variables in Statistics CICM dataset.
  TYPE110  36.077  CICDS Dispatcher Statistics DSGTWT corrected.        
  TYPE110  36.220  Variable WTOTIOTM could exceed ELAPSTM               
  TYPE110  36.235  Support for IBM CICS/TS 5.5 SMF 110 CICSTRAN INCOMPAT
  TYPE110  36.244  CICS Variable D2GDB2ID added to CICDB2GL BY list.    
  TYPE115  36.005  QWHSDURN different in subtype 231, new vars, cleanup.
  TYPE119  36.008  Variable TTAPLDAT in dataset TYP11902 misaligned.    
  TYPE119  36.018  STOPOVER ABEND: SMF 119 Subtype 81, at IBM now.      
  TYPE119  36.038  "INVALID SMF 119 TYPE 81" corrected, not invalid.    
  TYPE119  36.079  Support for SMF 119 subtypes 24, 38, 39, 40, and 45. 
  TYPE119  36.127  Support for ZERT SMF type 119 Subtype 12             
  TYPE119  36.230  ZERT SMF 119 Subtypes 11 and 12 minor corrections.   
  TYPE119  36.250  New variables added to TYP11952 subtype 52 dataset.  
  TYPE120  36.022  Support for Liberty SMF 120 ST 100 (COMPAT). 
  TYPE120  36.134  WebSphere SMF 120 subtypes 5/6 only first was output.
  TYPE122A 36.066  Support for IBM Devel z Systems IDZ SMF 122 record.  
  TYPE122A 36.207  Support for zExplorer SMF 122 Subtype 2.             
  TYPE21   36.218  Support for APARs OA52915 and OA52940, 4 byte counter
  TYPE30   36.012  The created GMTOFF30 could be .01 seconds plus/minus.
  TYPE30   36.150  Support for APAR OA54589, OSPROTECT, TRUSTED.        
  TYPE30   36.175  Support for SMF 30 User Key CSA RAXFLAGS OA53355.    
  TYPE42   36.023  Another invalid LENSR=232, STOPOVER ABEND OA54668.   
  TYPE42   36.106  TYPE42DS Encryption variables were not kept.         
  TYPE42   36.124  SMF 42 ABEND, more invalid values protected.         
  TYPE42   36.151  New variables from Jul 30, 2018 SMF Manual.          
  TYPE62   36.151  New variables from Jul 30, 2018 SMF Manual.          
  TYPE7072 36.035  Incorrect LPAR/ZIP SHAR/SHAC if last engine was IFL. 
  TYPE7072 36.073  Support for z14 ZR1, new SMF70MAXPU variable COMPAT. 
  TYPE7072 36.208  Support for APAR OA56011 for TYPE70 OSPROTECT.       
  TYPE70PR 36.039  TYPE70PR variable LPARZIPS, online zips, added.      
  TYPE70TR 36.003  New 70 Tenant Resource Group TRG updated/validated   
  TYPE72GO 36.215  Variable MSUSOFT, Software MSU frequently missing.   
  TYPE72GO 36.253  MOBILE Service Units CPU Time not in CPUTM variable. 
  TYPE72TR 36.003  New 72 Tenant Resource Group TRG updated/validated   
  TYPE73   35.010  TYPE73 dataset, variable CHFXRATE slightly wrong.    
  TYPE74   36.211  TYPE749 variables added and corrected.               
  TYPE80A  36.108  Support for RACF TOKENs REQTCRE and ADMINCII'        
  TYPE82   36.036  Support for new SMF 82 subtype 82 JOB-Level Crypto.  
  TYPE89   36.003  New 89 Tenant Resource Group TRG updated/validated   
  TYPE99   36.072  New EWLM & SERV variables added to TYPE99_6 dataset. 
  TYPEACF2 36.075  ACF2 INVALID SMF RECORD, ACSMFREL=0, should be 6.2.  
  TYPEACF2 36.100  ACF2 6.2 Change 36.076 didn't correct STOPOVER.      
  TYPEBE97 36.217  Support for new BE97 subtype 6 and subtype 22 update 
  TYPEBETA 36.015  ERROR when TYPEBETA and TYPE70 used together.        
  TYPEBETA 36.074  Variables BETALOG reversed, subtype 51 doesn't match.
  TYPEBETA 36.199  Beta 93 Subtype 51 and subtype 22 updates.           
  TYPEBETA 36.246  BETA 93 Version 6.2.0 updates subtypes 0/22/25/50/59 
  TYPEBVIR 36.120  Support for BVIR V412 History HSM Compression data.  
  TYPECIMS 36.162  Support for multiple IMS SYSTEMS, using JFCB DSNAME. 
  TYPECIMS 36.163  IMS56FA obs for CPI-C had incorrect INPQUETM.        
  TYPECIMS 36.167  Support for BMC Energizer for IMS Connect for IMF.   
  TYPECMFV 36.173  Support for Mainview MVS History Records new datasets
  TYPEDB2  36.037  Var QWHSACE missing from DB2STSBP sort, ABEND        
  TYPEDB2  36.082  DB2 BPHITRAT corrected.                              
  TYPEDB2  36.113  Incorrect test for QPAC_PIPE_WAIT/COUNT in DB2ACCTP. 
  TYPEDB2  36.114  DB2ACCTR dataset has been misaligned, NRQLAC GT 1.   
  TYPEDCOL 36.086  z/OS 2.3 DCOLLECT Encryption Variables added DCOLDSET
  TYPEIAM  36.071  INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED IAM 9.2 Length Changed.     
  TYPEIMS  36.040  Support for unpopulated IMS 56FA with APAR UI50912.  
  TYPEIMS  36.044  Variable IMSVERS, the value in your _IMSVERS is kept.
  TYPEIMS  36.238  MXG 36.11 protection for IMS 14.1 IMS56FA offset.    
  TYPEMGCR 36.240  Support for MegaCryption MEGACR34, subtype 3 and 4.  
  TYPEMVCI 36.234  Support for BMC's MainView for CICS(v69) COMPATIBLE. 
  TYPENDM  36.046  Support for NDM-CDI Version 5.2, corrects NDMCPU plus
  TYPENMON 36.109  Significant CPU reduction processing NMON data.      
  TYPEPOEX 36.002  PowerExchange updated, trashed CPU values, open prob.
  TYPEPOEX 36.135  Support for PowerExchange Version 10.                
  TYPEPOEX 36.231  Protection for truncated POEX File Segment records.  
  TYPERHEL 36.043  Initial support for NMON Red Hat Linux RHEL monitor. 
  TYPERHEL 36.109  Significant CPU reduction processing RHEL data.      
  TYPERHEL 36.137  Invalid data for variable MICROCODE.                 
  TYPERMFV 36.201  MXG 36.09, z/OS 2.2 only, ASIxxx text misaligned.    
  TYPERMFV 36.201  WPS failed ERROR: format '$ CPUPHYAD' invalid        
  TYPERMFV 36.241  CPC_CECNAME added, ASITRT/TET corrected, MSU ACT.    
  TYPERSDA 36.143  Support for RSD Folders Version 6.0 AUDIT (INCOMPAT).
  TYPESMF  36.131  MXGREADSMF=LOGGER didn't invoke CICSIFUE exit.       
  TYPESRDF 36.112  Support for SRDF Symmetric Remote Data Facility VV.RR
  TYPESTC  36.084  Dataset STCVSM11 Change 34.237 variables corrected.  
  TYPESTC  36.222  Numerous STC formats were updated with new values.   
  TYPESYSX 36.105  TYPESYSL renamed to TYPESYSX to avoid conflict.      
  TYPETAND 36.118  Support for Tandem TMF Transaction DATA, TANDTMF.    
  TYPETCP  36.001  TYPETCP (archaic 118) APISTART date was on GMT.      
  TYPETMO2 36.236  Support for ASG-TMON CICS for z/OS V4.2 - NO CHANGES.
  TYPETPMX 36.024  Support for ThruPutManager Release 18.02 TMT7113.    
  TYPEVMXA 36.025  Support for zVM64 Level 40061702 (INCOMPATIBLE).     
  TYPEVMXA 36.155  Support for z/VM LINUX LNXAPPL Process & Summary data
  TYPEVMXA 36.198  z/VM VXBYUSR High CPU, records not on same second.   
  TYPEVMXA 36.221  MONWRITE DEFECT caused large values, LCUPPNUM issue. 
  TYPEWSF  36.132  Support for EOS Version 160 (INCOMPATIBLE).          
  TYPEXCOM 36.047  Support for XCOM Version 36.02 (COMPATIBLE).         
  TYPEZCOS 36.174  Support for AutoSoftCapping ZCOS Version 4.2 INCOMPAT
  UTILBLDP 36.176  MXG 36.08, Extraneous % with EXPDBOUT= 180 ABEND.    
  UTILBPV  36.007  Program to examine the BPV cylinder value for EAV.   
  UTILEXCL 36.220  Variable WTOTIOTM could exceed ELAPSTM.              
  VMXGALOC 36.243  Protection for READONLY=YES with FIRSTRUN=NO         
  VMXGSUM  36.245  VMXGSUM with user's INCODE GT 32756 chars, ABEND.    
  VMXGSUM  36.249  OBS=0 protection adds non-zero SYSCC Error test.     
  See member CHANGESS for all changes ever made to MXG Software, or     
  the CHANGES frames at                             
Inverse chronological list of all Changes:                              
====== CHANGES THRU 36.255 WERE IN MXG 36.36 DATED Jan  4, 2019=========
Change 36.255  T102S083 was incorrectly input to the report twice. One  
ANALDB2R       report line with the correct AUTH CHG type was printed,  
Jan  4, 2019   a report line with type that is blank in PMAUD02 report. 
   Thanks to Henry Boone, GEICO, USA.                                   
Change 36.254  Support for Fast Traversal Index adds these variables to 
VMACDB2        DB2STATS dataset:                                        
Jan  4, 2019      QISTTRAVMIN='FTB*THRESHOLD'                           
                  QISTFTBCAN='INDEXES*THAT*MEET*TRAVERSE OK'            
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 36.253  MOBILE Service Units on CP (GP) and SP (zIIP) engines are
VMAC7072       in TYPE72GO and TYPE72TR datasets, in variables R723MSUCP
Jan  3, 2019   and R723MSUSP, but their CPU times were not created, and 
May 28, 2019   the GP CPU time is NOT included in CPUTM.  New variables 
               CPUMOBILECP and CPUMOBILESP are created, but the CP CPU  
               time is still not added into CPUTM at this time.  Instead
               CPUTM_ALL=SUM(CPUTM,CPUMOBILCP) is created so the values 
               can be examined and validated; if you have MOBILE work,  
               please contact to discuss how this new   
               new data can be best presented.                          
               May 28: See Change 37.120; CPUTM_ALL=CPUTM, text wrong.  
   Thanks to Kare Martin Torsvik, EVRY,                                 
Change 36.252 -Cosmetic cleanup of blank variable labels and spellings: 
Many           VMACNDM: NDMOPSEQ                                        
Jan  3, 2019   VMAC119: DM_LSVLANID,UC_LTEDATE GMTOFFTM                 
               VMAC74 and VMAC79: DEVNR5HEX                             
               VMAC78:  IOPDSTX                                         
               VMAC89:  SMF89NUM was changed to SMF89_NUM               
               VMACWSF: ACCSTAT, AUDOBJRN                               
               VMACBETA: BETASSI                                        
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS ITRM, USA.                               
Change 36.251  Support for DB2 102 IFCID 126, but all fields are (S) for
VMAC102        "serviceability" with no descriptions, and a 4095 byte   
Jan  3, 2019   field that is mixed binary and character, but no info.   
               The R1O is 41 and R1L is 4096 so 4137 bytes are described
               and read, but records have 4448 bytes, 311 undocumented. 
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 36.250  New variables added to TYP11952 Subtype 52 dataset:      
VMAC119         SMF119ML_IP_CONCOUNT=CONNECTION*COUNT'                  
    Thanks to Randy Shumate, RELX Group, USA                            
Change 36.249  OBS=0 protection adds test of non-zero SYSCC Error code  
VMXGSUM        to confirms a prior SAS error had set OBS=0, which can   
Jan  1, 2019   cause VMXGSUM to fail, depending on the arguments used,  
               so VMXGSUM can be gracefully stopped with MXGERRORs that 
               no dataset was output and to look on the log for ERROR   
               and correct it.                                          
Change 36.248  CICS variables TASELGTM CPUTONTM CPUTONCN are added to   
ASUMCICS       the PDB.ASUMUOW dataset from CICSTRAN, and CICS variables
VMXGUOW        added to PDB.CICS created from PDB.ASUMUOW by ASUMCICX,  
Dec 31, 2018   or created from CICSTRAN.CICSTRAN by ASUMCICS, but read  
               the comments in ASUMCICS that suggest ASUMCICX is better.
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 36.247  A utility program to create a copy of the DOCVER file    
DOCVLONG       with all info on a single line for each MXG variable. MXG
Dec 27, 2018   variable names can be the 32 character max SAS allows, so
               DOCVER descriptions are split if the name is 9 or more.  
               This program creates 94-byte records for each variable.  
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
====== CHANGES THRU 36.246 ARE IN MXG 36.12 DATED Dec 25, 2018==========
Change 36.246  BETA 93 Version 6.2.0 updates for subtype 0/22/25/50/59. 
VMACBETA       Versions 4.x.x and earlier may not be supported, contact 
Dec 21, 2018   MXG Support if you are still at that BETA93 level.       
               Contact Support if you have other 6.2.0 subtypes so they 
               can be validated and supported.                          
   Thanks to Robert Gilbert, BNP Paribas Fortis, FRANCE.                
Change 36.245  MXG 36.05-36.11, VMXGSUM fails if user option INCODE text
VMXGSUM        exceeds 32756.  Change 36.109 added detection of "BY" in 
Dec 19, 2018   your VMXGSUM INCODE= argument, but 32K is the limit that 
               is permitted by the %INDEX function. Now, INCODE string  
               is compressed of blanks to mitigate that length issue and
               the test for BY is only executed if resultant length is  
               LT 32755. MXGWARN messages are written to the log at 30K 
               length, suggesting the use of INCODE1= option if needed. 
               Note that the counts of INCODE length can be different   
               between z/OS and ASCII.                                  
   Thanks to Bill Davis, TransAmerica, USA.                             
Change 36.244  CICS Variable D2GDB2ID is added to the BY List for the   
VMAC110        NODUP PROC SORT of dataset CICDB2GL, which may be needed 
Dec 17, 2018   for NODUP protection.                                    
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 36.243  If you specified READONLY=YES (which suppresses the aging
VMXGALOC       of old directories) and a directory did not exist, it was
Dec 15, 2018   created but not populated. This could cause dataset not  
               found errors but suppressing that creation could cause   
               LIBNAME statements to fail. Now, VMXGALOC detects all of 
               these conditions and only allocates the LIBNAMES that are
               found and does not create new ones with READONLY=YES and 
Change 36.242  Using BLDSMPDB with AUTOALOC=YES does two things. First, 
BLDSMPDB       it allocates all of the directories needed to satisfy the
Dec 15, 2018   parameters you specified - 5 weeks, 1 month, 7 days, etc.
               Then at the end of the daily processing it makes a 0 OBS 
               copy of all of the datasets contained in the PDB. But if 
               you ran (incorrectly) with FIRSTRUN=YES a second time,   
               all of those datasets were set to 0 OBS by this process  
               (intended to prevent DATASET NOT FOUND errors when       
               running a weekly or a monthly process). Now, with        
               FIRSTRUN=YES, it first looks to see if there are any     
               datasets in the libref and if there are any datasets     
               present, it's assumed you did not really mean it, it     
               prints a warning message, and bypasses the 0 OBS copy.   
Change 36.241 -Variables CPC_CECNAME GEIIMDL GEIMODEL kept in several   
ADOCRMFV       more ZRBxxx datasets where they are likely to be useful. 
ASMRMFV       -The original MXG01 record written at CLOSE is now split  
EXZRBAS2       into an MXG01 written at VSAM OPEN, so the CPC_CECNAME   
IMACRMFV       could be captured for all RMF III datasets (it's kept    
VMACRMFV       kept where it makes sense). and an MXG02 record written  
Dec 18, 2018   at CLOSE with those statistics.                          
Dec 23, 2018  -Datasets ZRBAS1 and new ZRBAS2 decode the MXG01 and MXG02
              -ZRBASI variables ASITRT/ASITET are 1024 microsecond units
               but weren't multiplied by 1024.  ASIDCTIA_S is 128 usec  
               but wasn't multiplied by 128.                            
               created to complete the CPU Schematic in ZRBASI:         
                      0.083        0.048          37.692                
                  ASIPHTMA=37.740  ASITRT/ASITET=29.696                 
              -In dataset ZRBLCPLPAR, the CPC Capacity report, the value
               under MSU ACT is the variable ZRBLCPCPUMSUHR, but that is
               the interval MSU extended to an hour by MSU*3600/DURATM  
               so it is NOT the 4HR MSU value.                          
              -Incremental improvements and some fixes.                 
              -Positioning for a future new filtering feature.          
              -FROMTIME= and TOTIME= now support optional seconds for   
               time values in ASMRMFV.  The time format used depends on 
               the number of digits coded as follows:                   
                # Digits          Time Result                           
               --------          ----------------------------           
                    0             RMFV057I NULL VALUE message           
                    1             000M00                                
                    2             00MM00                                
                    3             0HMM00                                
                    4             HHMM00                                
                    5             0HMMSS                                
                    6             HHMMSS                                
                  > 6             RMFV004E ERROR message                
                Example          Full Equivalent      Time              
               ---------------   ---------------    --------            
               FROMTIME=1        FROMTIME=000100    00:01:00            
               FROMTIME=12       FROMTIME=001200    00:12:00            
               FROMTIME=123      FROMTIME=012300    01:23:00            
               FROMTIME=1234     FROMTIME=123400    12:34:00            
               FROMTIME=12345    FROMTIME=012345    01:23:45            
               FROMTIME=123456   FROMTIME=123456    12:34:56            
              -Seconds are NOT supported in Relative Time values such as
               FROMTIME=*-nnS because this time offset unit from the    
               current time is too small to be of practical use when    
               building a PDB.  The minimum Relative Time is 1 minute.  
              -Origin message RMFV009I for each RMF III data set        
               processed will now include the CPCNAME (aka CECNAME) for 
               z/OS Release 3.3 and up.  If the LPAR is running under   
               z/VM then the CPCNAME will display as VMGUEST.  For lower
               z/OS releases the CPCNAME shows as N/A as RMF III does   
               not track this information at lower levels.              
              -New information only message RMFV057I KEYWORD VALUE IS   
               NULL issued when an ASMRMFV keyword has no value         
               assigned.  For example, FROMDATE= .  Before this change  
               the keyword would be ignored with no user notice.        
              -Warning message RMFV085W is now issued when a filter or  
               or parameter requires a specific RMF III table, but the  
               table has not been selected.                             
               Avoid this message by specifying all desired RMF III     
               tables first before any other parameters that need them. 
               For example, ASIJOBNAME=MYJOB11 requires the ASI table.  
              -Improved display format when a single character error is 
               detected showing both EBCDIC and hexadecimal values for  
               the character.                                           
              -Initialization message RMFV001I now shows the size in    
               bytes of the step level program used to invoke ASMRMFV   
               (usually ASMRMFV itself).                                
              -New message RMFV091I is issued when the IBM modules      
               ERBR3DEC (RMF III Decompression) or IGGCSI00 (Catalog    
               Search Interface) are loaded into the user region.       
               Warning message RMFV091W is issued if the module cannot  
               be identified as an IBM module.  In this case this could 
               be a duplicate naming problem with a third party product.
              -MXG table MXG01 has been split into two tables for each  
               RMF III data set processed.  MXG01 contains VSAM data set
               Open statistics and MXG02 contains VSAM data set Close   
               Statistics.  These both appear in the ASMRMFV log in     
               Detail and Summary reports.                              
              -Former message RMFV075W is now message RMFV090W.         
               RMFV075* is now used for table id mismatch errors.       
               ASMRMFV errors corrected:                                
              -Error message RMFV005E could be incorrect when more than 
               one ASMRMFV parameter appeared in one SYSIN record.      
              -Messages RMFV012I and RMFV013I could show incorrect GMT  
               offset values for the last sample range and last selected
              -Space message RMFV031I always showed an EF (Extended     
               Function) VSAM type even for non-EF VSAM data sets.      
              -Message RMFV035* showed an incorrect reason in ASMRMFV   
               Summary report when an SPG table Internal Error was      
              -Except for the DSIG3 table any RMF III table id mismatch 
               errors now result in an Abend U0998 Reason Code 2.  A    
               table id mismatch is a serious non-recoverable data      
               error.  A DSIG3 error can be recovered by processing the 
               next RMF III data set but is still very undesirable.     
              -Each ASMRMFV parameter now has a PLACEMENT section in    
               documentation to explain where in the input stream it    
               should appear.                                           
              -Numerous documentation updates in:                       
               Section  4 "RMF III Table Selection Parameters"          
               Section  5 "Input Data Selection Parameters"             
               Section  6 "Report Control Parameters"                   
               Section  7 "Output Data Control Parameters"              
               Section  8 "Error Handling Parameters"                   
               Section 12 "Messages"                                    
               Section 26 "ASMRMFV and MXG PDB Data Relationships"      
Change 36.240  Support for MegaCryption new MEGACR34 dataset with new   
EXMGCR34       subtype 3 and 4 replacing old records but keeping all of 
IMACMGCR       the original fields and adding these new variables:      
VMXGINIT         MGCRALGO='ALGORITHM*USED'                              
Dec  8, 2018     MGCDSSUF='ADRDSSU*DUMP*RESTORE*COPYDUMP'               
   Thanks to Jennifer D. Ayers, West Virginia State Goverment, USA.     
Change 36.239  Enhanced to display all used parameters, only on the     
VMXG2DTE       first execution in a SAS session.  On subsequent execute 
Dec  7, 2018   DDIN DDOUT PDB DATASET and INITIT are displayed only if  
Dec 23, 2018   they are different and others only if present.           
   Thanks to Tom MacCabe, Dominion Energy, USA                          
Change 36.238  IMS 14.1 IMS56FA INPUT EXCEEDED RECORD ABEND due to an   
VMACIMS        invalid offset value of 2500 in DLRRXTOF/TPCEXTOF in a   
Dec  7, 2018   record that has only 572 bytes.  Previous 14.1 56FA data 
Dec 23, 2018   didn't populate that offset to that new TPCX segment, but
               the 64-byte segment was present but not input.  Since the
               segment contains nothing of value, rather than protecting
               for an invalid offset, the code for the TPCX segment is  
               bypassed awaiting data from a site that wants the TPCX   
               data.  This is not worth a PMR at this time.             
              -You can use this logic in your IMS job's SYSIN safely    
               since this segment is at the end of the IMS LOG record:  
                   //SYSIN DD *                                         
                     MACRO STOPOVER MISSOVER %                          
                     %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPSIMST);                       
               but you should remove that MACRO statement when you      
               update MXG.                                              
              -New message if 56FA record IMSVERSN value is not equal to
               your site's _IMSVERS old-style macro value that you set  
               in the job's SYSIN - see TYPEIMST/TYPSIMST JCL examples. 
               But _IMSVERS is NOT USED in the 56FA records; it is used 
               only in old IMS log records hex 07 08 0A 31 35 36 40 59. 
               Dec 23, 2018:  Variable TPCXLEN re-kept in IMS56FA always
               a missing value until IBM populates the segment.         
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 36.237  z/VM 6.3 MONWRITE record ABEND at HCPCPEID='30061701:    
VMACVMXA       PROBABLE DATA LOSS MESSAGE exposed incorrect new SKIP    
Dec  6, 2018   logic for 6.4 that failed with 6.3 in MTRSYS, 1.04..     
               SKIP logic revised to protect old versions.              
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
====== CHANGES THRU 36.236 ARE IN MXG 36.11 DATED Dec  3, 2018==========
Change 36.236  Support for ASG-TMON CICS for z/OS V4.2, is there now, as
TYPETMO2       there were no changes to the performance records.        
Nov 28, 2018                                                            
Change 36.235  Support for IBM CICS SMF 110 CICS/TS 5.5 INCOMPATIBLE,   
VMAC110        as is ALWAYS the case for CICS because they insert       
UTILEXCL       fields in existing records.  You can use the VMAC110     
Nov 30, 2018   with this Change (36.235), if you have records, with no  
               excluded fields and no optional segments, but if you     
               have either (the existence of a tailored IMACEXCL member 
               in your "USERID.SOURCLIB" tailoring proves you do), you  
               will need to use UTILEXCL from this Change to create a   
               new IMACEXCL that knows about these new variables that   
               were INSERTED in Subtype 1 records:                      
                  WBURIOTM='URI*WEBB OPEN*WAIT*TIME'                    
                  WBURIOCN='URI*WEBB OPEN*WAIT*COUNT'                   
                  WBURIRTM='URI*WEBB RECV*WAIT*TIME'                    
                  WBURIRCN='URI*WEBB RECV*WAIT*COUNT'                   
                  WBURISTM='URI*WEBB SEND*WAIT*TIME'                    
                  WBIRISCN='URI*WEBB SEND*WAIT*COUNT'                   
        Yes, you need MXG 36.11 for CICS/TS 5.5 because fields were     
        inserted into SMF 110 CICSTRAN records and using old MXG will   
        have trashed values due to the misalignment, but MXG could run  
        and only print error messages, which might be false positives,  
        or could execute with no errors nor log messages, especially if 
        you have a tailored IMACEXCL, but your CICSTRAN dataset will    
        still be invalid.                                               
Change 36.234  Support for BMC's MainView for CICS(v69) with support for
VMACMVCI       CICS/TS 5.5 COMPATIBLY added these variables to DMRDETL: 
Nov 30, 2018      T6E72XCT='72 EXTENSIONS'                              
                  T6EUROPT='URI*WEB OPEN*WAIT TIME'                     
                  T6EUROPF='URI*WEB OPEN*WAIT FLAG'                     
                  T6EUROPC='URI*WEB OPEN*WAIT COUNT'                    
                  T6EURRPT='URI*WEB RECV*WAIT TIME'                     
                  T6EURRPF='URI*WEB RECV*WAIT FLAG'                     
                  T6EURRPC='URI*WEB RECV*WAIT COUNT'                    
                  T6EURSPT='URI*WEB SEND*WAIT TIME'                     
                  T6EURSPF='URI*WEB SEND*WAIT FLAG'                     
                  T6EURSPC='URI*WEB SEND*WAIT COUNT'                    
                  T6EWSIVT='URI*INVOKE*SERVICE**WAIT TIME'              
                  T6EWSIVF='URI*INVOKE*SERVICE**WAIT FLAG'              
                  T6EWSIVC='URI*INVOKE*SERVICE**WAIT COUNT'             
Change 36.233  Change 36.211 changed the KB definition to 1000 based on 
VMAC74         an IBM document that is now confirmed as misleading and  
Nov 27, 2018   the multiplier of 1024 is restored for these variables:  
                 R7491BPC    R7491BPS    R749DCTBYTR R749FPGBYTR        
                 R749FPGBYTS R749FPGCOBS R749FPGDCBS R749ICTBYTR        
                 R749PCIBYTR R749PCIBYTT R749PCIDMAR R749PCIDMAW        
              -APAR OA55984 corrects high zEDC execution time and SSQ   
               values when a time stamp wrapped.                        
Change 36.232  The SMF 99 Subtype 14 Processor Topology Report provided 
ANAL9914       by RAY back in Change 33.139 has a new version by Jim    
Nov 29, 2018   and the report program is now a %MACRO ANAL9914 so you   
               can select CECTYPE and SYSTEM and REPORT with            
                 %ANAL9914(CECTYPE=Z14,SYSTEM=SYS1 SYS2,REPORT=JIM);    
               REPORT=JIM uses PROC SGPANEL (SAS only) for prettiness!  
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
   Thanks to Raymond J. Smith, OPTUM, USA.                              
Change 36.231  Truncated POEX record caused INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED now
VMACPOEX       the short record is detected and reported on the log. the
Nov 26, 2018   record had POEXNUM=35 File Segments expected, but the    
               record only had room for 15.                             
   Thanks to Jack Hyde, UHC, USA.                                       
Change 36.230 -SMF 119 ZERT subtype 12 dataset TYP11912IPOSEC was out of
VMAC119        alignment for these last 4 variables: ENCAPMODE/AUTHPROTO
Nov 26, 2018   were incorrectly input as $CHAR2.                        
                 S119SS_IPS_ENCAPMODE S119SS_IPS_AUTHPROTO              
                 S119SS_IPS_AUTHALG   S119SS_IPS_ENCALG                 
              -MXG ZERT subtype 11 dataset TYP11911's GMTOFFTM create is
               valid with current records, but 2017 records had missing 
               values that caused incorrect values, because SAETIME was 
               often missing and on a different time zone.              
   Thanks to Luis Mendoza, Black Knight, USA                            
====== CHANGES THRU 36.229 ARE IN MXG 36.10 DATED Nov 21, 2018==========
Change 36.229  If you specified a dataset name in ASCII and did not     
UTILBLDP       change the value of ECHO= to NO, a syntax error was      
Nov 21, 2018   generated when the created code was read back in to be   
               displayed. If you used a filename (preferred) there was  
               no error.                                                
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 36.228  The MXGWARN:MISSING TYPE70/TYPE70PR could be printed for 
VMAC7072       ICF-only LPARs, because MXGCIN was set to 'VM' in very   
VMXG70PR       old logic, prior to SMF70CIN being provided by IBM.      
Nov 29, 2018   Now, MXGCIN is always set to SMF70CIN in VMAC7072, and   
               the ICF LPARs with SMF70STN non-blank are skipped in     
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 36.227  New IHDRCTLT "Header" Exit created for record selection, 
IHDRCTLT       and macro variable &MACCTTH created for instream use.    
VMACCTLT       Missing value messages for dates eliminated.             
Nov 16, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Randal Schlueter, FirstData, USA.                          
Change 36.226  Major revision to CICS RESPONSE TIME SLA MEMBER.         
Nov 20, 2018                                                            
Change 36.225  Documentation only. Examples clarified.                  
Nov 16, 2018                                                            
Change 36.224  Documentation only. Examples added to select specific    
UTILBLDP       subtypes of records to be added to PDB, Example 2 was.   
Nov 16, 2018   missing quotes.                                          
Change 36.223 -PMACC02 could generate an UNITIALIZED variable message   
ANALDB2R       for PACKTYPE.                                            
Nov 19, 2018  -Variable QB3TDIO was misspelled in PMSTA02 causing       
               another unitialized message.                             
Change 36.222  Numerous STC formats were updated with new values for    
FORMATS        HSC 7.3.  Calculation of MSZ with CTP test, and new      
VMACSTC        $MGSTCRR format added, so please update FORMATS.         
Nov 21, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, HPE, USA.                                    
Change 36.221  MONWRITE defect, LCUPPNUM was NOT changed and an interval
VMACVMXA       was skipped when the number of IFL engines was changed   
Nov 15, 2018   from 5 to 3.  MXG's attempt to detect wrap was invoked   
               causing large values in LCUCACTM LCUCLPTM LCXCMTIT.      
               The logic was revised to detect and delete the defective 
               interval in VXSYTCUP.  A PRM will be raised with IBM.    
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 36.220 -Variable WTOTIOTM could exceed ELAPSTM because WTWEIOTM, 
UTILEXCL       is included in RMISIOTM, and -SUM(WTDISPTM,WTSYIOTM);    
VMAC110        are overlapped with the sum of all of the other waits.   
Nov  20, 2018 -The WTOTIOTM created in UTILEXCL (when you have EXCLUDED 
               fields) did not include these wait variables:            
                 TDELWTTM TDILWTTM                                      
               but only one, DSCHMDTM, is populated.                    
              -This is the new code for WTOTIOTM                        
               IF (WTOTIOTM GT SUM(WTDISPTM,WTSYIOTM)) AND              
                  (WTOTIOTM-SUM(WTDISPTM,WTSYIOTM)) GT 0 THEN           
   Thanks to Jim Franklin, DXC Technology, USA.                         
Change 36.219  Misspelling of miscellaneous corrected in 15 of 876 uses,
Many           and many other spelling errors have been corrected.      
Nov  13, 2018                                                           
   Thanks to Michael R. Novak, USPS, USA.                               
Change 36.218  Support for APARs OA52915 and OA52950 for SMF 21 counts  
VMAC21         to use the 4-byte 3590 counters instead of the original  
Nov  13, 2018  3-byte 3490 counters is already in place since the 4-byte
               counters were added.  A minor non-impacting change to    
               the test that sets the 3-byte counters with FFFFFFx to a 
               missing value was made.                                  
Change 36.218  Reserved Change Number.                                  
Change 36.217 -Support for new subtype 6 BETA97 record, which creates   
FORMATS        two new datasets:                                        
EXTYB976            DDDDDD  Dataset    Description                      
EXTYB97S            TYB976  BETA9706   BETA97 ST 06                     
IMACBE97            TYB97S  BETA9706D  BETA97 ST 06 DATASET             
VMACBE97      -Support for the Relocate data in subtype 22 BETA972REL   
VMXGINIT       now decodes the expiration date fields to SAS dates and  
Nov  9, 2018   the B97RELTY values are decoded..                        
   Thanks to Andreas Menne, Finanz Informatik, GERMANY.                 
Change 36.216 -ASMRMFV IDERR subroutine upgraded to display MINTIME     
ASMRMFV        interval when a RMF III table id mismatch occurs as      
Nov  8, 2018   RMFV075E messages.                                       
              -Extraneous ')' in message RMFV008I when processing a GDG 
               for RMFBSAM.                                             
              -NOSHOWZERO option not showing any table detail lines     
               except for MXG00.                                        
   Thanks to Randall Schleuter, First Data Corporation                  
Change 36.215  Variable MSUSOFT, the interval Software MSU in TYPE72GO  
VMAC7072       for each Service/Reporting Class, can often be a missing 
Nov  7, 2018   value due to incorrect logic used to populate the        
               CECSUSYSTEM and CECSUVALUE arrays from the preceding type
               70 to provide SMF70CPA for the MSU calculation. If there 
               is no preceding 70 from this system, "new" variable      
               R723CPA is used so MSUSOFT will always be populated. And,
               if it is really the 4 Hour Average value you want, member
               ASUM4HRS will create that value for any variable in any  
   Thanks to Thomas Heitlinger, FIDUCIAGAD, GERMANY.                    
Change 36.214  If OPTIONS OBS=0 has been set by SAS due to an error,    
VMXGSUM        VMXGSUM produced unclear messages and zero obs created.  
Nov  7, 2018   Now, OBS=0 is detected and VMXGSUM shut down with error  
               message that is clear.                                   
   Thanks to Glen Bowman, Wakefern, USA.                                
Change 36.213  Cosmetic.  Non-impacting NOTE: _UN98309 UNINITIALIZED is 
VMAC110        removed.                                                 
Nov  7, 2018                                                            
Change 36.212  Protect for DB2 Trace IFCID 376 invalid offset STOPOVER. 
VMAC102        One record with two offsets (SC_OFF and SQL_OFF) that    
Nov  6, 2018   were larger than the record LENGTH caused the error.     
               Offset lengths are now compared to LENGTH and if larger, 
               log messages are printed.                                
                QW0376SC_OFF=48392 LENGTH=5210 IFCID376 SC ERROR        
                QW0376SQL_OFF=27283 LENGTH=5210 IFCID 376 SQL ERROR     
               These offsets, added in DB2 V11, are after VERSION but   
               Version Length is ZERO in all records, and the first     
               eight bytes of VERSION are nulls, so possibly the        
               offsets are in those first eight bytes, so I've added    
               variable VERSION1ST to display their value.              
               A PMR will be raised with IBM DB2 Support.               
   Thanks to Glen Bowman, Wakefern, USA.                                
Change 36.211 -These AVG and STD values were not created in TYPE749:    
               and these variables are now uncommented and kept         
                 R749FSQE R749FSQQ R7491DIS R7491DOS R7491IIS R7491IOS*/
               This link
                SSLTBW 2.1.0/com/ibm.zos.v2r1.erbb200/erbb200205.htm    
               with PCIE Function Activity overview calculations show   
               that the "MegaBytes" and "KiloBytes" are 1000 and not the
               1024 per KiloByte that IBM uses in other 74 subtypes, so 
               the 1024s in subtype 9 code are changed to 1000.         
              -Nov 28: Change 36.233 reverted back to 1024 as IBM has   
               confirmed the KB are 1024 and not 1000.                  
              -R749FPGBPRT is now the in-use buffer percent of memory.  
              -R749BPC is relabeled AVERAGE*IN-USE*BUFFER*SIZE in bytes.
              -R749PCIUTIL was incorrectly calculated.                  
   Thanks to Heimir Hauksson, Barclays, ENGLAND                         
   Anthony T. Sofia, IBM, USA.                                          
Change 36.210  The _N119 "Null Macro" missed TYP11924 and TYP11945 so   
VMAC119        they were created when not wanted when _N119 was used.   
Oct 31, 2018                                                            
Change 36.209  Documentation of APARs of interest for z/OS:             
Oct 31, 2018    APAR OA52694; impacted only the TOTAL STORAGE and the   
                STORAGE SHARED in RMF Report, 1000 times too large.     
              -APAR OA53459 SMF TYPE 65 IS MISSING THE HLQ FOR THE      
                ISSUED on z/OS 2.2, not on 2.1.  2.3 not mentioned.     
                RMM (MXG TYPEDGR) and SMF 21 statistics, too high.      
               -OA54992 SMSVSAM SMF TYPE 42 SUBTYPE 15 RECORDS MAY      
                SETS. Occurs with a data set is assigned to a dataclass 
                with above the bar usage set to yes, but the data set is
                not actually using above the bar buffers, which happens 
                if RLSABOVETHEBARMAXPOOLSIZE is not set or if the change
                was made and the data set hasn't gone through a CLOSE to
                refresh the information.  LOCAL FIX: Ensure data sets   
                assigned to data class with above the bar usage are     
                using above the bar buffers.                            
               -APAR OA56000 SMF RECORD LENGTH FOR SMF TYPE 98 HFTS     
                RECORDS EXCEEDS THE MAX ALLOWABLE X'7FF4' (32,756).     
                Subtype 1 are defined as x'8000' (32,768) and these     
                records have caused CA SMF DIRECTOR product to fail and 
                reject these records as invalid.                        
               -APAR PI96628 MQ V9: SMF116 RECORDS CONTAIN INVALID      
                VALUES IN FIELD WTASMSTC, time spent in IXLLSTM call,   
                and WTASSSTC for CICS and CHINIT connections accessing  
                shared queues.                                          
               -APAR PH99111 WMQ V9.0 SMF116 LATENCY RECORD FIELDS SET  
                TO ZERO FOR SOME QUEUES. Fields MAXLATNT MINLATNT and   
                TOTLATNT are zeroed after migrate to Version 9.0, for   
                some queues.                                            
               -APAR OA55594 SMF78 SUBTYPE 3 SUPERVPAV VALUES NOT       
                REPORTED DUE TO R783DST BIT 7 FLAG NOT BEING SET        
                R783XIND, causing I/O Queueing Activity Report to be    
                missing the Alias Management Groups and/or the Logical  
                Control Units section is missing the Alias Management   
                Group field.  Happens when the first device on a        
                SuperPAV XPAV Control Units is offline.  LOCAL FIX:     
                Vary the first device on all SuperPAV XPAV Control      
                Units online.                                           
                OR WRITE. APAR IS OPEN.                                 
Change 36.208  Support for APAR OA56011 which added these two variables 
VMAC7072       to the TYPE70 dataset:                                   
Change 36.207  Support for SMF 122 Subtype 2 zExplorer IBM Dependency   
EXTY122B       Based Build, DBB, Release 1.0.3, which records usage of  
IMAC122A       the DBB toolkit by z/OS users, creates new dataset.      
VMAC122A         DDDDDD   DATASET   DESCRIPTION                         
Oct 30, 2018     TY122B   TYPE122B  ZEXPLORE DBB DEPEND BASED BUILD     
Change 36.206  When the input DD is tape or sequential, VMXGSUM and     
VMXGSUM        VGETOBS cannot reasonably detect the presence or absence 
Oct 28, 2018   of datasets and have always tried to process them but if 
               DSNFERR was on failed with a dataset not found error.    
               But, if DSNFERR was set to NODSNFERR it then tried to    
               process and if the dataset did not exist could generate  
               UNINITIALIZED variable messages and a 0 OBS output. Now  
               if VGETOBS detects a sequential LIBNAME and NODSNFERR    
               MXGNOTEs are produced to let you know what may happen.   
Change 36.205 -IBM updated the RMF III SVP table and altered the Service
ASMRMFV        Class, Report Class, and Resource Group Information      
Oct 26, 2018   Sections.                                                
              -The SVP version level was raised from X'03' to X'04.     
              -Either or both version levels may exist in z/OS 2.3      
               systems depending on the software currency of z/OS.      
              -ASMRMFV has been changed to input these Sections using   
               actual rather than documented lengths.                   
              -The SVP, ASI, ENC, and RCD RMF III tables are all        
               affected when the SVP version level is X'04'.            
              -MXG Changes 36.191 and 36.201 support new MXG variables  
               for the new data in the VMACRMFV member.                 
              -ZEROCPU and ZERODVT parameters were not recognized due   
               to a length specification error in the parameter table.  
Change 36.204  Plots and or TABULATE of MSU capacity GRAFMSU Reports.   
GRAFMSU        For General purpose CPUs:                                
Nov 16, 2018      CPC Capacity                                       .  
                  LPAR Rolling 4 hr Avg Usage                           
                  LPAR Hourly Usage                                     
                  LPAR Defined Capacity                                 
                  LPAR Capacity based on % SHARE                        
                  LPAR Capacity based on # CPUs                         
               For IIP and IFA/CBP CPUs:                                
                  CPC Capacity                                       .  
                  LPAR Rolling 4hr Avg MSU (Estimated)                  
                  LPAR Hourly Usage                                     
                  LPAR Capacity based on % SHARE                        
                  LPAR Capacity based on # CPUs                         
               See doc in the member for examples of usage and see      
               change 36.156 for examples of wrapping in ODS statements 
               to create HTML or PDF output.                            
Change 36.203  CPU report with INTERVAL=HOUR actually was produced at   
ANALRMFR       number of CPUs*intervals so a CEC with 4 CPUs on a 15    
Oct 26, 2018   minute interval showed up with 4 hour intervals. DURATM  
               is now set to the INTERVAL= specified.                   
Change 36.202  Used primarily inside of other macros to detect the      
VGETOBS        existence and other information about SAS datasets. But, 
Oct 25, 2018   if you happened to pass incomplete text, like .ASUMCELP  
               (where it should have been DDNAME.ASUMCELP) you could get
               strange errors and an ABEND, due to the period. Now, both
               sides are validated, or if only one is, WORK is used as  
               the DDNAME with the DATASET to become WORK.ASUMCELP.     
Change 36.201 -MXG 36.09, z/OS 2.2, only, text classification variables 
Oct 26, 2018   could be misaligned. Introduced in Change 36.196.        
              -Some WPS 4.0 iterations failed with                      
                 ERROR: The format name '$ CPUPHYAD' invalid            
               because WPS didn't like the blank in FMTNAME ' CPUPHYAD' 
               Removing the blank didn't impact SAS but it healed WPS.  
   Thanks to Rodger Foreman, Black Knight, USA                          
Change 36.200  Logic rearranged to put error checking at the top, some  
VMXG2DTE       additional error checking added and abort changed to a   
Oct 24, 2018   soft landing with error messages.                        
   Thanks to Tom MacCabe, Dominion Energy, USA                          
Change 36.199 -Beta 93 Subtype 51 variables now output in BETA51 dataset
FORMATS        that are also input in BE97 BETA9751D dataset:           
VMACBETA         BETALCMD='LINE*COMMAND'                                
Oct 30, 2018     BETARPOS='POINTER*TO*VALUE*AREA'                       
              -BETA 97 subtype 22 variable B97RELTY in dataset BETA9722 
               has new values decoded by updated FORMAT MGBETET.        
              -New BETA 97 subtype 6 will create new datasets when test 
               records are available.                                   
   Thanks to Andreas Menne, Finanz Informatik, GERMANY.                 
Change 36.198  z/VM VXBYUSR High CPU, MRHDRTOD isn't the same second any
VMACVMXA       more in VXUSEACT and VXUSEINT datasets, which caused that
Oct 22, 2018   merge to create multiple obs, which caused deaccumulated 
               VMDTTIME/VMDVTIME to be very large for those intervals.  
               MXG used MRHDRTOD=FLOOR(MRHRTOD); to truncate to whole   
               seconds for the merge, as the value was always :00, but  
               now, the start of the write of the USER records is often 
               near the end of the 00: second (e.g. 0.999919 microsec)  
               and the write extends into the :01 second, and sometime  
               the ACT record is at :00 and INT is at :01, mismatched.  
               is used to force the minute intervals to always be :00 in
               the PDB.VXBYUSE MONWRITE dataset.                        
               The MRHDRTOD one minute interval datetime value that is  
               used to merge VXUSEACT and VXUSEINT datasets to create   
               VXBYUSR previously happened to always be on the same     
               second, so using MRHDRTOD=FLOOR(MRHDRTOD) to truncate    
               that microsecond value to seconds, the merge matched     
               observations correctly.                                  
               However, the newer data shows that there can be a pair of
               records with the USEACT record at :00 seconds and the    
               paired USEINT record at :01 seconds, causing that merge  
               pair to create multiple observations.                    
               What has happened? The older data shows the start of the 
               write of the USEACT/USEINT pairs began at 0.885 seconds  
               after the pop and the write completed after writing all  
               of them in 478 microsec, in that one second, but the     
               newer data shows the write didn't start until 0.999 secs 
               and the 406 microseconds write time ended in the next    
               second causing ACT at :00 and INT at :01.  Some of the   
               new values don't even start write until the :01 second.  
               Sept Data:                                               
               03:36:30.885294     Minute 36 Second 30 First  USEACT    
                                5  microsec                             
               03:36:30.885299     Minute 36 Second 30 Paired USEINT    
                              471  microseconds  (write 78 pairs)       
               03:36:30.885770     Minute 36 Second 30 Last   USEACT    
                                2  microseconds                         
               03:36:30.885772     Minute 36 Second 30 Paired USEINT    
               ==>  78 pair written in 478 microseconds  for Minute 36. 
              But new data has pairs with different seconds values:     
               Oct Data:                                                
               09:36:00.999919     Minute 36 Second 00 First  USEACT    
                                3  microseconds                         
               09:36:00.999922     Minute 36 Second 00 Paired USEINT    
                               76  microseconds (write 21 pairs)        
               09:36:00.999998     Minute 36 Second 00 First  USEACT    
                                2  microseconds                         
               09:36:01.000000     Minute 36 Second 01 Paired USEINT    
                              324  microseconds (write 65 pairs)        
               09:36:01.000324     Minute 36 Second 01 First  USEACT    
                               1   microseconds                         
               09:36:01.000325     Minute 36 Second 01 Paired USEINT    
               ==>  86 pair written in 406 microsec for minute 36.      
   Thanks to Graham Harris, RBS, ENGLAND.                               
====== CHANGES THRU 36.197 ARE IN MXG 36.09 DATED Oct 18, 2018==========
Change 36.197   Support for new TRAD/TRG count variables in TYPE89,     
VMAC89          in z/OS 2.4.                                            
Oct 17, 2018    ICN 1662.                                               
Change 36.196  Support for new z/OS 2.3 RMF III variables (COMPATIBLE)  
Oct 15, 2018   and ZRBSVPC. The new variables are listed in DOCVER36.   
               -ZRBASI, existing variables now correctly populated:     
Change 36.195  zVPS MTRSYS segment with undocumented SEGLEN=336 caused  
VMACXAM        Serious Error messages and missing output data.          
Oct 15, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Patricia Hansen, ADP, USA.                                 
Change 36.194  Yet another invalid LENSR value TYPE42 Subtype 5 ABEND,  
VMAC42         value LENSR=376 added to Change 36.124.                  
Oct 15, 2018                                                            
Change 36.193  Estimated bytes after IDRC compression added to TMS as   
TYPETMS5       TAPEBYTC and to DSNBRECD as DSNBYTEC. Just like the      
Oct 11, 2018   TAPEBYTE and DSNBYTE variables (estimates based on       
               BLKSIZE*BLKCNT) these are best guess estimates.          
Change 36.192  Support for IMS Version 15 (COMPATIBLE) dataset IMS56FA. 
VMACIMS        New string TPCPTHRSESSN contains the pair of TPCPTHRS and
Oct 11, 2018   TPCPESSN for up to six External Subsystems, TPCXLEN has  
               the length of the TPCX, still 60 reserved bytes.         
   Thanks to Robert Taylor, Wisconsin Dept of Administration, USA.      
Change 36.191  New Type 74 Subtype 8 dataset TYPE748S SYNC I/O variables
VMAC74         R748SCWT R748SNBW R748SNWO R748SNWS R748SNWT were INPUT  
Oct 11, 2018   and FORMATted and LENGTHed and LABELed incorrectly.      
   Thanks to Steve Olenik, IBM, USA.                                    
Change 36.190  A reference line showing the memory allocated to each    
GRAFWRKX       LPAR was added to the memory graph. The scale on the Y   
Oct 11, 2018   axis is 0 to the MAX memory for any LPAR in the data.    
Change 36.189  Variable SM113CPT added to the SMF 113 report to show    
ANAL113        the engine type.                                         
Oct  9, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 36.188  Support for new Bit 4 of SMF30_RAXFLAGS and creation of  
BUILD005       these new bit-level variables with explanation in label  
Oct 16, 2018     SMF30_RAXFLAG2='RAX2*USERKEY*CADS*USAGE?'              
               that are added to TYPE30_4/TYPE30_5/TYPE30_6/TYPE30_V    
               and PDB.STEPS for BUILDPDB (JES2) and BUILDPD3 (JES3).   
               (Variable RAXFLAGS was added in MXG 35.09.)              
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
Change 36.187  WPS does not honor OPTIONS NOXWAIT so there may be times 
BLDSMPDB       when it is necessary to respond to a message.            
Oct  5, 2018                                                            
Change 36.186  Labels for variables RECORDS, INSERTS, RETRVALS, UPDATES 
VMAC16         and DELETES are now consistent for these three records.  
Oct  4, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Warren Cravey, FMR, USA.                                   
Change 36.185  For want of an & PDB= was not honored but always looked  
GRAFCIMP       for the data in PDB.                                     
Oct  4, 2018                                                            
Change 36.184  JES 2 JMF subtype 21 INPUT RECORD EXCEEDED LENGTH because
VMAC84         triplets were misaligned and this was the first instance 
Oct  3, 2018   of that subtype to test.                                 
Oct 11, 2018  -Value of JMFINTRV is 60+ hours, JMFDELTA is 90 minutes,  
               so the two percentage calculations use JMFDELTA.         
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
   Thanks to Joe Faska, DTCC, USA.                                      
Change 36.183 -Power Exchange USER SMF record STOPOVER if the File Name 
VMACPOEX       had zero length.  Invalid record detected and printed on 
Oct  3, 2018   log and skipped, while vendor investigates.              
Oct 18, 2018  -Invalid new triplet record with no SECT segment deleted, 
Nov 20, 2018   and a record with truncated General Section is deleted.  
              -The GMT offset depends on POEXENDT; if it's missing the  
               offset can't be calculated.  Pending a vendor correction,
               MXG Retains the GMTOFFEX and uses that value instead,    
               which could cause missing values for STRT/ENDT.          
               Nov 20:  The Informatica fix number for this problem is  
               PWX-7566 and it will be in code base PWX V10.2.0 Hotfix2 
               currently scheduled for Q1 of 2019.                      
   Thanks to Scott Wiig, US Bank, USA.                                  
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 36.182  MXG 36.07-36.08.  Possible syntax error in a SYSFUNC due 
MONTHBLD       to Change 36.145, which changed a QCMPRES to a SYSFUNC   
MONTHBL3       (changed only to protect possible user typing errors)    
MONTHBL3       but should have used QSYSFUNC, because SYSFUNC saw the   
MONTHDSK       commas as operands and failed. The member from 36.06 all 
MONTHASC       the way to 32.05 can be used.  Fortunately, MONTHBLD is  
PRODTEST       normally tailored into the "USERID.SOURCLIB" so the ERROR
PRODTESW       only impacts new users of the MONTHPDB in 36.07-36.08.   
Oct  3, 2018  -Dec 31: MONTHBL3 was missing a semicolon, found in QA.   
Dec 31, 2018                                                            
Change 36.181  Support for zVPS USEDIAG segment adds variables DIAGNBR  
VMACXAM        and DIAGVALUE to datasets XMUSVCPU and XAMUSR.           
Oct  2, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Patricia Hansen, ADP, USA.                                 
Change 36.180 -UTILBLDP with RMFINTRV=NO and BUILDPDB=YES did not create
UTILBLDP       PDB.TYPE70 nor the other PDB.TYPE7x datasets.  The "NO"  
Oct  4, 2018   should have suppressed only the %INCLUDE of RMFINTRV in  
               MACRO _INTRMF, but it also suppressed the seven _S7xxxxx 
               data set sort macros.  RMFINTRV=YES is automatic with    
               BUILDPDB=YES, and now RMFINTRV=NO and BUILDPDB=YES will  
               create the 70s but not create PDB.RMFINTRV.  If you want 
               to build PDB.RMFINTRV and the ASUM70PR datasets from only
               the 70 and 72 SMF records, see EXAMPLE 3A/3B in UTILBLDP.
   Thanks to Ralph Gifford, AIG, USA.                                   
Change 36.179  Support for USER CICS fields USER3/USER3 and ATOUSER.    
Sep 28, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Richard Baker, ATO, AUSTRALIA.                             
Change 36.178  Target Resource Group dataset TYPE89R2 was incomplete and
VMAC89         fields were misaligned.                                  
Sep 28, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Greg Goshia, Ohio Farmers Insurance, USA.                  
Change 36.177  Reserved Change Number.                                  
Change 36.176  Extraneous % in UTILBLDP could cause 180 ERROR and ABEND.
UTILBLDP       Line 665 had a stray percent sign, MXG 36.08 only.       
Sep 20, 2018   The EXPDBOUT= argument exposes the error.                
   Thanks to Tom MacCabe, Dominion Energy, USA                          
Change 36.175  Support for SMF 30 User Key CSA Audit Enhancements adds  
VMAC30         new SMF30_RAXFLAGS to TYPE30_1, TYPE30_V, TYPE30_4 and   
Sep 28, 2018   the TYPE30_5 datasets.  Change 35.212 (MXG 35.09+) Sep   
Feb 28, 2018   2017 made the code change but the change text was still  
Sep 20, 2018   a "Reserved Change" until Feb 28, 2018, but had the old  
               35.212 Change Number, so it was only in CHANGESS member. 
               The IBM Record Change was made by APAR OA53355, but will 
               only be needed thru z/OS 2.3, as User Key Common Storage 
               usage support ends there.                                
               This is Health Check ZOSMIGV22R3_NEXT_VSM_USERKEYCOMM.   
               These APARs required no additional code changes:         
                OA53434 Corrects IBM macros SMF30RPS,SMF30SDS lengths   
                        not field lengths so it has no impact on MXG.   
                OA53289 Corrects value of SMF30HVR from zero to valid.  
                OA45767 APAR that added the extra triplet caused OA53434
                See Change 36.188 which added new bit-level variables.  
Change 36.174  Support for Auto Soft Capping (ZCOS) Version 4.2 added   
VMACZCOS       these variables, INCOMPATIBLY, due to a new field that   
Sep 21, 2018   was inserted prior to a triplet.                         
                 Dataset ZCOS01:                                        
                   ZCOS01PC4HA='TOTAL*CATEGORYA*R4H OF LPARS'           
                   ZCOS01PC4HB='TOTAL*CATEGORYB*R4H OF LPARS'           
                   ZCOS01PC4HM='TOTAL*MOBILE*R4H OF LPARS'              
                 Dataset ZCOS02:                                        
                   ZCOSPR4HA='4H CATEGORYA MSU AVERAGE'                 
                   ZCOSPR4HB='4H CATEGORYB MSU AVERAGE'                 
                   ZCOSPR4HM='4H MOBILE MSU AVERAGE'                    
                   ZCOSPS4H ='4H TOTAL MSU AVERAGE AT SMF IV TIME'      
                   ZCOSPS4HM='4H MOBILE MSU AVERAGE AT SMF IV TIME'     
                 Dataset ZCOS04GP:                                      
                   ZCOSCMPF='CMP*FLYING*MSU MGT?'                       
                 Dataset ZCOS04CP:                                      
                 Dataset ZCOS04LP:                                      
Change 36.173 -Support for Mainview MVS History Records.  The new BMC   
EXCMFV02       MD73 utility creates these 28 new RTIN records, which    
EXCMFV09       create these 44 new datasets with CMRDETL information.   
EXCMFV0F        DDDDDD    Dataset   Description                         
EXCMFV16        CMFV10    CMFV10    Address Space          10   ADRE    
EXCMFV17        CMFV16    CMFV16    Lock                   16   LKRE    
EXCMFV18        CMFV17    CMFV17    VSAN RLS Activity      17   RLRE    
EXCMFV20        CMFV18    CMFV18    VSAM RLS LRU           18   RURE    
EXCMFV21        CMFV181   CMFV181   DEVICE                 83   DLRE    
EXCMFV2E        CMFV20    CMFV20    COUPLING FACILITY                   
EXCMFV34        CMFV21    CMFV21    System Summary         21   SLRE    
EXCMFV46        CMFV2E    CMFV2E    Data Set               23   DSRE    
EXCMFV47        CMFV34    CMFV34    Unix Process           34   UPRE    
EXCMFV48        CMFV46    CMFV46    PROCESS                             
EXCMFV49        CMFV47    CMFV47    WLM Extended Period    47   MXRE    
EXCMFV50        CMFV48    CMFV48    WLM Addr Space/Enclave 48   MTRE    
EXCMFV51        CMFV49    CMFV49    WLM Enclave Classify   49   MCRE    
EXCMFV52        CMFV50    CMFV50    XCF Path               50   XPRE    
EXCMFVES        CMFV51    CMFV51    XCF System             51   XSRE    
EXCMFV54        CMFV52    CMFV52    XCF Source/Destination 52   XDRE    
EXCMFV70        CMFVES    CMFVES    ES CRITERIA            53   ----    
EXCMFV71        CMFV54    CMFV54    WLM Server             54   MWRE    
EXCMFV72        CMFV70    CMFV70    System Summary         70   SBRE    
EXCMFV73        CMFV71    CMFV71    Device                 71   DBRE    
EXCMFV74        CMFV72    CMFV72    Address Space          72   ABRE    
EXCMFV80        CMFV73    CMFV73    WLM                    73   WBRE    
EXCMFV81        CMFV74    CMFV74    LPAR                   74   LBRE    
EXCMFV82        CMFV80    CMFV80    ZFS Aggregate          80   ZSRE    
EXCMFVC0        CMFV81    CMFV81    ZFS Cache              81   ZCRE    
EXCMFVC1        CMFV82    CMFV82    PCIE Activity          82   PCRE    
EXCMFVC2        CMFVC0    CMFVC0    PROCESS                C0   PRRE    
EXCMFVC4        CMFVC1    CMFVC1    THREAD                 C1   THRE    
EXCMFVCE        CMFVCC    CMFVCC    PROCESS/TTY            CC   P1RE    
EXCMFVD4        CMFVD2    CMFVD2    HFS GLOBAL             D2   HGRE    
EXCMFW18        CMFVD4    CMFVD4    HFS BUFFERS            D4   HBRE    
IHDRCMFV        CMFVFD    CMFVFD    SCM                    FD   FDRE    
IMACCMFV        CMFWC0    CMFVC0    PROCESS                18-1 DLRE    
VMXGINIT      -The three files contain these RTIN values:               
Oct  30, 2018    SHRT only contains 70x 71x 72x 73x 74x                 
                 LONG only contains 0Cx 10x 18x 21x                     
                 NORM contains all except 0Cx 10 11 12 13 14 15         
                 and contains C0 C1 C2 C4 CC CD CE CF D0 D1 D2 D3 D4.   
                -RTIN 18 appears both in LONG (1) and NORM (0), so the  
                 CMFV18 and CMFW18 DDDDDDs create CMFV18 and CMFV181.   
              -These RTINs were supported, no longer documented:        
                25 26 27 28 29 33 41 42 43 45 53 96 97                  
              -These RTINs are not yet supported, await DSECTs:         
                11 12 13 15 1E 2A 2B 2C 2D                              
              -Truncated RTIN '47'x with ENTL=1204 vs 1536 protected.   
   Thanks to Michael Oujesky, DTCC, USA.                                
Change 36.172  READDB2(IFCIDS=0-999) failed when it got past IFCID 367, 
READDB2        the current high IFCID. That syntax requires contiguous  
Sep 13, 2018   values, so if you specify a value GT 367 the upper limit 
               is reset to 367 and a note is printed on the log. If you 
               really want to create ALL of the IFCIDS use IFCIDS=ALL.  
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 36.171  Support for z/14 Clusters added to IBM Processor Topology
ANAL9914       Report.                                                  
Sep 13, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Raymond J. Smith, OPTUM, USA.                              
====== CHANGES THRU 36.170 ARE IN MXG 36.08 DATED SEP 10, 2018==========
Change 36.170  For sites with 8-byte values for SMF70STN or SYSNAME or  
SAGANAL        with 4-byte values that don't match SYSTEM, or MXGWARNs  
Sep  9, 2018   about TYPE70 or TYPE70PR data missing, you will need to  
Nov 11, 2018  use the output of this PROC FREQ report                   
               to update the new SELSTN macro variable to set the SYSTEM
               from the corresponding SMF70STN value:                   
                %LET SELSTN=                                            
                    IF      STN(_I_) EQ 'DHECPROD' THEN STN(_I_)='DHEC';
                    ELSE IF STN(_I_) EQ 'DHECTEST' THEN STN(_I_)='DHCT';
                    ELSE IF STN(_I_) EQ 'PROD' THEN     STN(_I_)='SYS1';
                    ELSE IF STN(_I_) EQ 'TEST' THEN     STN(_I_)='SYST';
                    ELSE PUTLOG _N_= _I_= STN(_I_)= SYSTEM=;            
   Thanks to Henry Jenkins, South Carolina State Government, USA.       
Change 36.169  Change 36.077 checked for the word BY in the first 2     
VMXGSUM        bytes of INCODE but there is no reason the BY would have 
Sep  8, 2018   to be in the first two bytes, so logic was revised to    
               find any " BY " text in the INCODE.  If the first text   
               in the INCODE= was a %INCLUDE, it failed because the     
               percent sign needed to be protected with %SUPERQ().      
Change 36.168  Dataset BVIR20 variables MAX/AVE AHCT/BHCT were incorrect
VMACBVIR       as the +46 after DEVINTDL is their input location and    
Sep  8, 2018   removed.                                                 
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 36.167  Support for BMC Energizer for IMS Connect which populates
VMACCIMS       TRNOTxxx variables in CIMSTRAN dataset, but TRNOTCON was 
Sep  7, 2018   not converted to local, and new CONNECT*SERVICE*DURATION 
               in new CONNECTM variable.                                
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 36.166  Dataset PDB.TYPE70 skips LCPUADDR/CPUID 64 and higher and
VMAC7072       does NOT include any of those engine's CPU time, UP time,
Sep  9, 2018   nor NRCPUS count, causing CPUACTTM for CPs to be less    
               than the CPUTM in TYPE72GO Service Classes, which causes 
               log messages NEGATIVE UNCAPTURED CPU TIME in RMFINTRV.   
              -This error can occur with as few as 33 total engines; as 
               in this case, with 13 CPs and 19 zIIPs, IBM skipped every
               other LCPUADDR so the last ZIP was '3F'x, and when a 14th
               CP was added, it became '40'X and exposed the MXG error. 
              -ONLY PDB.TYPE70/PDB.RMFINTRV are impacted; PDB.TYPE70PR  
               and PDB.ASUMCELP/ASUMCEC/ASUM70PR/ASUM70LP datasets that 
               are created from TYPE70PR capture all engines' data.     
              -This MXG error was introduced in 2013 in 31.04 support   
               for 255 engines; previously separate variables for every 
               engine, 0 thru 63 were created and kept; but new dataset 
               TYPE70EN was created with all engines details so new vars
               were not needed to be kept, but they were still created  
               for the summary into TYPE70, but the old logic to update 
               the IFATYPE array still stopped at engine 63.            
               You can use this program to read your PDB.TYPE70PR data  
               to see if you are exposed, and the CPU TIME lost, if any:
               DATA CPUMISSED;                                          
                SET PDB.TYPE70PR;                                       
                IF LCPUPDTM GT 0 AND SMF70CIN IN ('CP' 'IIP');          
                KEEP SMF70CIN SYSTEM LCPUPDTM RANGE;                    
                IF LCPUADDR LT 64 THEN RANGE='INCLUDED-LT 64    ';      
                IF LCPUADDR GE 64 THEN RANGE='NOT INCLUDED-GT 64';      
                PROC FREQ;                                              
                WEIGHT LCPUPDTM;                                        
               to see how much CPU was included or lost in PDB.TYPE70.  
              -Normally, CPs LCPUADDR start at zero, followed by zips,  
               so the impact is more likely for zip metrics, but  when  
               CPs are added dynamically, they get the next LCPUADDR.   
               Only PDB.TYPE70 and PDB.RMFINTRV datasets are impacted.  
               and only resources summed from individual engines; the   
               4HR Average MSU SMF70LAC and similar "interval variables"
               are not impacted by this error.                          
               Neither the PDB.TYPE70PR nor the four ASUM70PR datasets  
               PDB.ASUMCELP,ASUMCEC,ASUM70PR,ASUM70LP are impacted.     
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 36.165  Analysis of SMF 89 data, including conversion of CPU time
ANAL89         into MSU values, with several reports.                   
Sep 10, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Edward Cornish, Verisk, USA.                               
Change 36.164  Variable SMF82KVL is added to TYPE8207 with number of    
VMAC82         nibbles in SMF82KV field.  ICN 1652.                     
Aug 30, 2018                                                            
Change 36.163  IMS56FA observations for CPI-C PROGTYPHX='10'X do not    
VMACIMS        have an ARRVTIME so their INPQUETM can't be known, but   
Sep  7, 2018   MXG incorrectly calculated wrong values.  Now INPQUETM   
               is missing when ARRVTIME is unknown.                     
Change 36.162  Variable SYSTEM does not exist in IMS Log Records but MXG
IHDRIMS        can set it from SYSPARM() on the // EXEC JCL statement,  
VMACIMS        but that applies to the entire IMS log that was read.    
VMXGINIT       Now, to process multiple IMS system's logs in one job,   
Aug 28, 2018   JFCB=IMSJFCB is added so the DSNAME in the first 44 bytes
               can be used in tailoring member IHDRIMS or instream use  
               %LET MACIMSH= in your SYSIN to set the variable SYSTEM.  
               For example, if the second node in your DSNAME is SYSTEM,
                %LET MACIMSH=  %QUOTE(  SYSTEM=SCAN(IMSJFCB,2,'.'); );  
               will populate variable SYSTEM with that value.           
              -Variable PROGTYPE='C' is now set for PROGTYHX='10'X.     
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 36.161  If OUT70GL=WORK.xxxxxxxx, ASUM70PR program failed with   
VMXG70PR       DATASET PDB.ASUM70GL NOT FOUND because the _LSU70GL      
Aug 28, 2018   token instead of macro variable &OUT70GL was used.       
   Thanks to Jutta Gleixner-Schmid, Allianz, GERMANY.                   
Change 36.160  MXG 36.07 only.  Debugging PUTLOG statements that filled 
VMACCIMS       the log were disabled.                                   
Aug 27, 2018                                                            
    Thanks to Andreas Menne, Finanz Informatik, GERMANY.                
Change 36.159  DB2STAT2 field QDBPFRAM, Frame Size, in SMF is $EBCDIC2  
VMACDB2        with text values of 4K, 1M, 2G, but MXG input QDBPFRAM   
Aug 27, 2018   as PIB2 numeric causing wrong values (62151 for 2G).     
               New QDBPFRAMCH character variable has the 4K/1M/2G text, 
               and QDBPFRAM remains numeric now with the correct bytes  
               (for calculations), printing 4K, 1024K, 2048M with the   
               MGBYTES format.                                          
   Thanks to Lori A. Masulis, FMR, USA                                  
Change 36.158   Support for APARs OA55574/OA55609/OA55610 adds new      
VMACDCOL        variables in dataset DCOLDSET:                          
Aug 25, 2018      DCDCMPTV='COMPRESSION*TYPE*VALID'?                    
                See Change 37.064 for revised change. ICN 1650.         
Change 36.157 -Variable FCVSWTTM in CICSTRAN was incorrect, containing  
VMAC110        the same value in FCXCWTTM.                              
Aug 26, 2018  -Variable SMFPSSPN, the Specific APPLID is now kept in the
               CICSTRAN dataset.                                        
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 36.156  While these ODS members do work within the limitations of
VMXGODSO       their programming, ODS is evolving so quickly and there  
VMXGODSC       are so many permutations and combinations that they are  
TECHNOTE       no longer a practical answer for most applications.      
Aug 23, 2018   Some MXG GRAFxxxx and ANAL members have ODS parameters,  
               but you may find it preferable to wrap many reports in a 
               single ODS package. For example, to run GRAFWRKX+GRAFCEC 
               and send the results to a single ODS PDF file, use:      
                  ODS LISTING CLOSE; /* always needed on zOS */         
                  OPTIONS ORIENTATION=LANDSCAPE;                        
                  ODS GRAPHICS/ WIDTH=10IN HEIGHT=7.5IN;                
                  ODS PDF FILE='D:/MYPDF.PDF' STYLE=MXGSTYLE1;          
                  ODS PDF CLOSE;                                        
              -MXGSTYLE1 was used here because the default style used by
               ODS results in bars of solid colors so close together it 
               can be difficult to tell one bit of the bar from another.
               MXGSYLE1 uses brighter colors and patterns to make it    
               simpler to tell who is on first.  MXGSTYLE1 is created   
               and stored in the FORMATS library by the FORMATS member. 
               STYLE is just one of many ODS options you may wish to    
               use which is what makes VMXGODSO/VMXGODSC obsolete.      
              -Pasted directly from the SAS site to create CSV file:    
                ods html close;                                         
                options obs=15;                                         
                ods csvall body='procprintcsvall.csv';                  
                ods markup tagset=chtml body='procprintchtml.html'      
                   (title= 'This Text Identifies Your Content.');       
                title 'Leading Grain-Producing Countries';              
                proc print data=grain_production;                       
                ods csvall close;                                       
                ods markup tagset=chtml close;                          
Change 36.155  Support for Z/VM LINUX LNXAPPL Process & summary APL data
EOAPLLXP       creates these new datasets:                              
EXAPLLXF         dddddd  dataset  description                           
VMACVMXA      -The VXAPLLXP process dataset only outputs a process that 
VMXGINIT       had non-zero TOTAL_TIME or CTOTAL_TIME; if you want all  
Aug 25, 2018   process records to be output, edit member EOAPLLXP into  
Sep 13, 2018   your tailoring library and remove the conditional test.  
              -SAMPTIME and UPTIME are not valid values, investigating. 
              -Crypto Type 12:CEX6C is now recognized and output in the 
               VXPRCAPM dataset.                                        
              -Dataset VXPRCMFC is now populated for z14, CSVN=5.       
              -Sep 13: RESID corrected to RESIDENT, comments deleted.   
   Thanks to Graham Harris, RBS, ENGLAND.                               
Change 36.154  Support for CMODHEAD=NRXENTRY CMODNAME=NRXDATA optional  
IMACAAAA       CICS SMF 110 CICSTRAN segment and new NRXENTRY variable. 
Aug 18, 2018                                                            
Change 36.153  New parameter added that can be used to reverse the      
GRAFWLM        order of data on the charts produced.  GRAFWLM has       
GRAFWRKX       always produced bar charts with the most important       
Aug 24, 2018   work at the top and the least important (discretionary)  
               at the bottom.  Now this parameter HIGHTOLOW (default    
               is YES, original order) if set to NO reverses the order. 
              -Old default YES has UNCAPTURED at top and DISCRETIONALY  
               at bottom, NO reverses that order.                       
              -Some ODS logic was corrected - changed from NE to EQ.    
              -Some statements reordered for logical ordering           
               Preceding changes were only in GRAFWLM.                  
              -Only in GRAFWRKX, the default values for width and height
               were reduced to 7.5 and 10 inches to eliminate warning   
               messages that the values were too large.                 
   Thanks to Daniel McKinzie, Zions Bank, USA.                          
Change 36.152 -New Formats created to decode SMF 106 variables          
VMAC106       -TYPE1061 dataset SMF6ASET has character and numeric value
Aug 17, 2018   that are not documented; MXG creates multiple SMF6ASETxx.
              -TYPE1062 dataset SMFCMDPM contains two binary fields that
               are decoded in SMF6A001/002 variables but seem too large 
               to be look up tables for parameters.                     
   Thanks to Joe Faska, DTCC, USA.                                      
Change 36.151  Updates from SMF Manual Jul 30, 2018.                    
FORMATS       -Format MG022ET adds values                               
VMAC42           5='5:COUPLING FACILITY CONTROL UNIT'                   
VMAC62           6='6:LOGICAL PARTITION ENTRY'                          
Aug 12, 2018     9='9:PCIE FUNCTION'                                    
              -Variables added to TYPE42SR dataset:                     
              -Variables added to TYPE62 dataset:                       
                 SMF62IND_2='CATALOG*OR CRA*RECORD?'                    
Change 36.150  Support for APAR OA54589, OSPROTECT/TRUSTED/NOTRUSTED    
BUILD005       adds these new variables to TYPE30_4 and PDB.STEPS:      
BUIL3005         SMF30CAS_OA54589_0='SMF30CAS*OA54589*BYTE 0'           
VMAC30           SMF30CAS_OA54589_1='SMF30CAS*OA54589*BYTE 1'           
Aug 12, 2018     SMF30CAS_OA54589_2='SMF30CAS*OA54589*BYTE 2'           
Aug 27, 2018     SMF30CAS_OA54589_3='SMF30CAS*OA54589*BYTE 3'           
               These variables are created from the bit tests for the   
               preceding Byte variables listed in the SMF Manual:       
====== Changes thru 36.149 are in MXG 36.07 dated Aug  8, 2018==========
Change 36.149  One site's IMF data has TRNETIME/TRNSTCKE two hours early
VMACCIMS       (STRTTIME,ENDTIME) but TRNCVTTZ (GMT Offset) is zero and 
VMXGINIT       the site has not responded with their local/GMT times, so
Aug  8, 2018   this may be a temporary circumvention, but macro variable
               IMFGMTOFF is created with value of zero and when it was  
               set  &LET IMFGMTOFF=7200; before the %INCLUDE, the times 
               were correct.  This change text will be updated when it  
               is known why these times, previously always the same time
               zone as the ARRVTIME, are now different at this site.    
Change 36.148  The combination of a PROC DATASETS with no MT= option and
ANALRMFR       with a DELETE statement with a wildcard S: caused QA job 
Aug  8, 2018   to fail with WPS because it honored the MT=ALL default to
               delete both datasets starting with S, but unexpectedly   
               also deleted the SASMACR CATALOG dataset, which caused QA
               to subsequently fail. But SAS only deleted datasets so QA
               did not fail.  Since the actual intent was to only delete
               datasets, adding MT=DATA to the PROC DATASETS corrected  
               for both SAS and WPS.  However, using MT=ALL with SAS    
               still only deleted datasets, printing this note:         
                 WORK.SASMACR cannot be deleted because it's in use.    
Change 36.147  Support for APAR OA52810 Data Set Encryption in DCOLMIGS 
FORMATS        dataset, adds new variables:                             
Aug  8, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Luc Gielis, KBC, BELGIUM                                   
Change 36.146 -If you are not running MRO or you do not see a reduction 
ASUMUOW        in the OBS count between CICSTRAN and ASUMUOW on the     
MXG NOTE       order of 2:1 or better, it may indicate that the use of  
Aug 7, 2018    MRO is not significant and it may be that running ASUMUOW
               is a waste of resources.  ASUMUOW has to sort all of the 
               CICSTRAN and DB2ACCT and MQ records to be able to merge  
               everything together and can be very resource intensive.  
              -If you have DB2 ROLLUPS that data becomes very suspicious
               since one DB2 record can represent many transactions and 
               it is best in that case to not use ASUMUOW with DB2 data 
               as documented in change 36.107.                          
              -If you find that running ASUMUOW is expensive or that you
               are not achieving any serious reduction in OBS in ASUMUOW
               dataset using ASUMUOW compared to the OBS in CICSTRAN,   
               then don't run ASUMUOW: instead, use ASUMCICS to create  
               the PDB.CICS dataset.                                    
              -All of the DB2 CPU time is captured in the CICS records; 
               only the class 3 wait times/counts are lost, but those   
               are primarily deep diagnostics, where it may be much     
               better to run ANALDB2R against the PDB.DB2ACCT dataset   
               selecting the desired transaction.                       
Change 36.145  QCMPRES is an AUTOCALL macro and we try to avoid using   
ANALDB2R       them since they have caused issues in the past. This     
MONTHASC       change replaces QCMPRES by a %SYFUNC(COMPBL) call to     
MONTHBLD       compress blanks for safety.                              
Aug  7, 2018                                                            
Change 36.144  -Compare Interval CPU time Captured RMF/SMF/CICS/DB2 with
COMPINTV        totals and plots of each system. The ancient program was
Aug  8, 2018    restructured as a macro that can either read SMF data or
                extract the data from an existing PDB.  Parameters allow
                you to limit the scope of the data being analyzed. The  
                output is a combination of PROC MEANS, TABULATEs, and   
                SGPLOTs and will show you capture ratios for RMF and SMF
                for both CPUs and ZIPs as well as the CPU times from    
                RMF, SMF, CICS, and DB2.                                
               -See the member for documentation on parameters and      
               -Some examples of usage                                  
                Read SMF and create reports on half hour intervals      
               -Get data from pdb and report on half hour intervals     
Change 36.143   Support for RSD Folders Version 6.0 Audit Records with  
FORMATS         INCOMPATIBLE updates. Only version 6.0 is supported, and
VMACRSDA        one inconsistent record format is under investigation   
Aug  5, 2018    and is not output.                                      
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 36.142   The MXGKEEP= default was incorrectly changed to NO in   
VMXGINIT        MXG 36.04, but the default MXGKEEP=NO is restored, as   
Aug  5, 2018    YES can cause errors if there are INCODE variables.     
Change 36.141   zHPF Channel Utilization                                
MXG Note        zHPF was introduced by IBM to reduce channel utilization
Jul 31, 2018    and to improve data transfer performance. At the core,  
                the difference between zHPF enabled and traditional     
                FICON channels is the schema employed to transmit       
                channel programs and data. For traditional CCWs, a      
                channel program (comprised of multiple CCWs) is         
                transmitted from the channel to the subsystem in very   
                small chunks, CCWs and data blocks. Each turn around    
                increases channel utilization and as the utilization    
                increases, the acknowledgement coming back from the     
                subsystem experience delays like Volkswagens driving in 
                a sea of semis.                                         
                What zHPF does is it packs the CCWs and data blocks into
                Transmission Control Words, i.e., TCWs. By reducing the 
                number of turnarounds required to transmit CCWs and data
                blocks, the portion of channel utilization resulting    
                from the turnarounds is reduced. Moreover, by reducing  
                the number of turnarounds required for data transfer,   
                the effective data transfer rate is increased.          
                Finally, your mileage may vary. If your I/O stream      
                primarily supports VSAM or DB2 datasets, you will see a 
                lot of difference. If you have a large fraction of      
                traditional access methods, your level of benefits may  
                be reduced.                                             
                The TYPE73 Channel Busy is the primary indicator of the 
                benefit of zHPF.                                        
   Thanks to Dr. H. Pat Artis, Performance Associates, USA.             
Change 36.140  New READDB2 parameter SORT102 with SORT102=YES default   
READDB2        can be changed to SORT102=NO to suppress the sorting of  
Jul 27, 2018   T102Sxxx trace datasets and to suppress VFMT102 execution
               that creates $MGDB2DB and $MGDB2OB formats when 105/107  
               IFCIDS are selected.  They are used by ANALDB2R to match 
               DBID/OBID in trace datasets.                             
   Thanks to Laifai Wong, Bank of America, USA.                         
Change 36.139  UTILBLDP enhancements and corrections.                   
UTILBLDP      -If you asked for DB2 trace records and specified         
Aug  7, 2018   SORTOUT=NO the T102xxxx datasets were still sorted.      
              -New parameter AUDITAFTER added with a default of NO.     
               With BUILDPDB=NO, PDBAUDIT is not executed by UTILBLDP.  
               With BUILDPDB=YES and AUDITAFTER=NO, there is no change: 
               PDBAUDIT is executed after BUILDPDB but before MXGINCL   
               and INCLAFTR programs are executed.                      
               With BUILDPDB=YES and AUDITAFTER=YES, PDBAUDIT is now    
               executed after all of the specified MXGINCL and INCLAFTR 
               members are executed.                                    
               With BUILDPDB=YES and AUDITAFTER=NEVER, PDBAUDIT is not  
              -Now if you specify SUPPRESS=ID with BUILDPDB=YES, the    
               creation of dataset ID and execution of ANALID are       
               suppressed.  Previously this caused an ABEND.            
   Thanks to Laifai Wong, Bank of America, USA.                         
Change 36.138  DB2 IFCID 18 dataset T102S018 was misaligned with wrong  
VMAC102        input lengths, for both DB2 V12 and V11.                 
Jul 27, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 36.137 -INVALID DATA for variable MICROCODE that MXG input as a  
VMACRHEL       numeric, is caused by character values '0x3c', so new    
Jul 30, 2018   MICROCODECH character variable is created and MICROCODE  
               is set to a missing value to prevent VARIABLE NOT FOUND  
              -WARNING COUNT USER IN DROP/KEEP/RENAME list was printed  
               if the MXG Default OPTIONS DKROCOND=NOWARN was changed,  
               but they shouldn't have been in the KEEP list and are now
               removed, and PROGNAME has been added to RHELUARG dataset.
              -Datasets left in WORK are now deleted.                   
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK-COBURG, GERMANY.                       
Change 36.136  If you want to ABEND when RMFINTRV workload definitions  
VMXGRMFI       fall thru to OTHER, i.e., a Service or Reporting Class   
VMXGINIT       was found that was not mapped in your WORK= definitions, 
Jul 23, 2018   you can force a user ABEND nnnn using non-zero NNNN in   
                 %LET MXGABNDRMFI=nnnn;     in your sysin.              
               The log will list the first undefined SRVCLASS value.    
   Thanks to Wayne Bell, UNIGROUP, USA.                                 
Change 36.135 -Support for PowerExchange Version 10 was redesigned as   
VMACPOEX       some variables should not have been output in some of    
Jan  9, 2018   the datasets, and a number of new variables are kept.    
Jan 22, 2018   The four CPU times POEXCPUG, CPUC, CPUD, and POEXCPUL:   
Jul 20 ,2018    POEXLIST keeps only POEXCPUG and POEXCPUL               
                POEXCLIE keeps only POEXCPUG and POEXCPUC; the variables
                         from FILE and DB2 segments are removed as they 
                         were only from the last segment.               
                POEXDB2  keeps only POEXCPUG and POEXCPUD               
                POEXFILE has no CPU times.                              
              -New CPU time variables are added to POEXLIST POEXCLIE:   
                POEXGTOF='CPU OFFLOAD*ELIGIBLE*ON*CP'                   
              -New DB2 variable added to POEXDB2 dataset:               
   Thanks to Scott Wiig, US Bank, USA.                                  
Change 36.134  WebSphere SMF 120 subtypes 5 and 6 only output the first 
VMAC120        method per bean, but there can be many.  The logic was   
Jul 20, 2018   corrected and all are now output in TYP120JC/TYP120JI.   
   Thanks to Nick Varley, SYNCSORT, USA.                                
Change 36.133  Variable LPARBUSY was not calculated for z14 processor   
ASUM113        in dataset PDB.ASUM1131.                                 
Jul 18, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 36.132  Support for EOS Version 160 (INCOMPATIBLE) Audit/Account 
VMACWSF        records.  Only the END records (subtype 4 and 20) have   
Aug  5, 2018   valid begin and end times and have their GMT times reset 
Sep 26, 2018   to local time zone.                                      
Change 36.131  Reading compressed DB2/CICS data with MXGREADSMF=LOGGER  
VMACSMF        did not invoke the EXITCICS CICSIFUE exit; the &SMFEXIT  
Jul 12, 2018   macro variable was not in the LOGGER's INFILE statement. 
              -If you have compressed CICS or DB2 records and want to   
               read the LOGGER data, you must use the CICSIFUE INFILE   
               exit (EXITCICS); the internal MXG decompression code is  
               not supported for that combination.                      
   Thanks to John Compton, World Programming, ENGLAND.                  
Change 36.130  Variable NDMUID is now populated from NDMZUID in NDMCT   
VMACNDM        and NDMFI datasets with the full 64 byte user id.        
Jul 12, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Amlyn Parry, Barclays, ENGLAND                             
   Thanks to Heimir Hauksson, Barclays, ENGLAND                         
Change 36.129  SAS Note 61906 reports SAS 9.4 TS1M3 on z/OS might       
SAS NOTE       experience poor performance in DATA steps, with CPU time 
Jul 12, 2018   increase of 40% reported.  The issue is fixed in TS1M4   
Aug  8, 2018   and later.  See    
               A hot fix was planned for TS1M3, note created Feb 28 and 
               modified Mar 8, 2018; no Hot Fix was created since M4/M5 
               corrected the poor performance.  But Aug 8, 2018 SAS Tech
               Support suggested for SAS 9.4 at TS1M3 that using        
                 // EXEC SASPROC,OPTIONS='MSYMTABMAX=20000000'          
               to increase the size of the macro symbol table from 1M to
               19M would and did eliminate the CPU time increase.       
               Subsequently, Tech Support said using 2M syntax would and
               did resolve the problem.                                 
====== Changes thru 36.128 are in MXG 36.06 dated Jul  9, 2018==========
Change 36.128  z/OS SAS 9.4 M2 Note 58492 reports reading tape data sets
Jul  4, 2018   FOR ACCESS METHOD SASV7SEQ, but that error message is not
               correct. The error is not an invalid format, but is a    
               memory allocation error. SAS 9.4 M2 added support for LBI
               (Large Block Interface), which allocates a buffer for    
               each tape data library below the 16MB line, and a large  
               number of SAS tape libraries can exhaust that memory     
               area.  Unfortunately, increasing the REGION size does NOT
               increase the below the line size.  Reducing the number of
               tape data libraries can circumvent the error, which is   
               corrected in SAS 9.4 M4, and there is a Hot Fix for M2   
               and M3.                                                  
Change 36.127  Support for ZERT SMF type 119 subtype 12 creates datasets
EXT11912       DDDDDD  Dataset       Description                        
EXT119C1       T11912  TYP11912SUM   ZERT 12 SUMMARY                    
EXT119C2       T119C1  TYP11912TLS   ZERT 12 TLS                        
EXT119C3       T119C2  TYP11912SSH   ZERT 12 SSH                        
EXT119C4       T119C3  TYP11912IPSEC ZERT 12 IPSEC                      
FORMATS        T119C4  TYP11912DN    ZERT 12 DISTINGUISHED NAME         
Jul  3, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Rodger Foreman, Black Knight, USA                          
   Thanks to Luis Mendoza, Black Knight, USA                            
Change 36.126 Variables added to dataset TYPE70:                        
Jul  2, 2018  SMF70CPA_ACTUAL_CBP                                       
Change 36.125  Variable SRDGCOMM was replaced by SRDGNAME, but due to   
VMACSRDF       use of SRDGCOMM in existing reports, both are kept now.  
Jun 29, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Joe Faska, DTCC, USA.                                      
Change 36.124  SMF 42 Subtype 5 ABEND, more invalid LENSR=560/640.      
VMAC42         As reported in Change 36.027, APAR OA54663 corrects.     
Jun 29, 2018   MXG circumvention extended to protect these values:      
               IF LENSR IN(232,240,320,376,400,448,480,560,640)         
                 THEN LENSR=160;                                        
               LENSR=376 added Oct 15 in Change 36.124.                 
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 36.123  Error Documentation: BMC's CMF SMF 74 Subtype 8 SMF74IET 
VMAC74         field is incorrect, and causes R748AEBC to be invalid.   
Jun 26, 2018   BMC1316 corrects.  NO MXG CODE CHANGE.                   
Change 36.122  Examples in comments for both z/OS and ASCII execution   
SAGANAL        are revised and enhanced to create HTML output files in  
Jun 22, 2018   either a PDSE or in a ZFS File System or ftp to MXG.     
Jul  6, 2018   The KEEP CPI: CPU: replaced by specific list of TYPE30_V 
Jul 22, 2018   variables, reducing kept from 1533 to the intended 64.   
   Thanks to Tennie Olson, TIAA,USA.                                    
Change 36.121  If you specified READDB2(IFCIDS=ALL), dataset DB2STATS   
READDB2        wasn't created; circumvent with (IFCIDS=ALL STATISTICS). 
Jun 16, 2018   MXG 35.03-36.05.                                         
   Thanks to Hans Coolen, Allianz Technology, THE NETHERLANDS.          
Change 36.120  Support for BVIR History HSM Compression Container V412  
EXBVR303       creates new dataset:                                     
FORMATS          DDDDDD  Dataset  Description                           
Jun 16, 2018   and new format MGBVIME decodes Compression Method        
   Thanks to Bradley Leis, TELUS, CANADA.                               
====== Changes thru 36.119 are in MXG 36.05 dated Jun 13, 2018==========
Change 36.119 -Formats MG119CI and MG119MA did not decode new values for
FORMATS        variables SSH_CIPHER and SSH_MAC in TYP11994 & TYP11995, 
VMAC119        and protection for unknown values prints the $HEX4 value.
Jun 13, 2018  -New variable T119RCID='RECORD*ID' added to all datasets. 
Change 36.118  Support for TANDEM TMF data creates new TANDTMF dataset. 
EXTANTMF        DDDDDD  DATASET  DESCRIPTION                            
Jun 11, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Kurt Gramling, TSYS, USA.                                  
Change 36.117  SORTBY= is not a valid option for the PMAUD02 trace      
ANALDB2R       report. If you happened to specify QWHSSSID it worked    
Jun 11, 2018   but that was a coincidence.  Now produces a message to   
               tell you and sets SORTBY to QWHSSTCK QWHSSSID.           
Change 36.116  STCVSM11 variables NIO and CUB in VSM6 are now bytes so  
VMACSTC        new variables are created with B added as last character.
Jun 13, 2018   The previous code did not initialize the six calculated  
Jun 15, 2018   variables, causing their sum to be greater than the CUB  
Jun 22, 2018   and NIO variables; that is corrected.                    
Jul  2, 2018  -Jun 15: First 36.05. Two Debugging PUTLOGs removed.      
              -Jun 22: Test to identify VSM6 vs earlier now tests for   
               VSM6 or ELSE DO; for any other STC11VTS name value.      
              -Jul  2: Test to identify VSM6 now tests STC11CSP for     
               values of 1000 or 8000 based on this site's values for   
               STC11INM to modify that test:                            
                 PROC SORT DATA=STCVSM11;                               
                 BY STC11CSP;                                           
                 PROC FREQ;                                             
                 TITLE STCVSM11 TABULATIONS;                            
                     PROC FREQ;BY STC11CSP;                             
                 TITLE STCVSM11 TABULATIONS;                            
                 PROC MEANS N MIN MAX SUM; BY STC11CSP;RUN;             
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 36.115  Unused Change Number.                                    
Change 36.114  DB2ACCTR dataset has been misaligned when QLACOFF1 is not
VMACDB2        zero, i.e. if QLACLOCN field is longer than 16 bytes, and
Jun 10, 2018   there is more than one QLAC segment, due to 2 undoc bytes
               in the second and subsequent segments, but it was only   
               INVALID DATA FOR QLACCPUL/QLACDBWT messages that exposed 
               the error - no user had reported the bad QLACxxxx values,
               suggesting DB2ACCTR has not been important nor used!     
               And those QLAC variables are also kept in DB2ACCT, but   
               only from the LAST QLAC segment, because originally there
               was only one QLAC segment.                               
                 Option a:  Leave the QLAC variables in DB2ACCT as-is   
                            with this documentation that they are only  
                            from the last segment.                      
                 Option b:  Set all QLAC variables in DB2ACCT missing   
                            but keep them; dropping existing variables  
                            by MXG is unsafe because it could cause     
                            an ABEND with VARIABLES NOT FOUND if you    
                            have an old report that references then.    
                            I have NOT chosen this option.              
                 Option c:  Create macro _DRPQLAC listing all QLAC vars 
                            kept in DB2ACCT so you can add              
                              MACRO _KDB2ACR DROP=_DRPQLAC %            
                            in your IMACKEEP to always drop them from   
                            DB2ACCT, or use you can use                 
                              %LET MACKEEP=                             
                                MACRO _KDB2ACR DROP=_DRPQLAC % ;        
                            in the //SYSIN of your DB2ACCT create job.  
                            MACRO DRPQLAC is created and available, but 
                            it does not drop QLACLOCN,QLACCNVR due to   
                            references to those variables in others.    
   Thanks to Scott Wiig, US Bank, USA.                                  
Change 36.113  Incorrect test for GE 526 corrected to GE 538 to input   
VMACDB2        QPAC_PIPE_WAIT and QPAC_PIPE_COUNT to correct those two  
Jun  5, 2018   variable's values.                                       
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 36.112  Support for Dell EMC Mainframe Enablers 8.30, previously 
EXSRDF02       SRDF, Symmetric Remote Data Facility, creates separate   
EXSRDF03       datasets for each subtype:                               
EXSRDF04          DDDDDD   DATASET   DESCRIPTION                        
EXSRDF06          SRDF02   SRDFA02   TOLERANCE MODE CHG                 
EXSRDF07          SRDF03   SRDFA03   ACT CHANGE                         
EXSRDF08          SRDF04   SRDFA04   SECONDARY DELAY                    
IMACSRDF          SRDFAA   SRDFAA    REGULAR INTERVAL 05                
VMACSRDF          SRDF06   SRDFA06   RECULAR MSC INTERVAL               
VMXGINIT          SRDF07   SRDFA07   WRITE PACING GROUP                 
Apr 27, 2018      SRDF08   SRDFA08   WRITE PACING DEVICE                
Jun  5, 2018                                                            
Change 36.111  JCL examples to CPORT/CIMPORT data from WPS to SAS,      
JCLCPORT       and vice versa on z/OS and ASCII.                        
Jun  4, 2018                                                            
Change 36.110 -S0C7 Abend reading non-Extended Function VSAM dataset in 
ADOCRMFV       SHOWSP subroutine after Change 36.068 (MXG 36.04 only).  
ASMRMFV          Extended Function VSAM datasets support striping and   
Jun  2, 2018     compression and extended addressability.  It is an     
                 attribute of the Data Class. LISTC ENT('dataset') ALL  
                 command will display EXTENDED attribute if file is EF. 
              -Common RMFV030I and RMFV031I messages now issued for     
               either EF or non-EF VSAM data sets.                      
              -Documentation Section updated to support the above       
               changes:  Section 12 "Messages"                          
    Thanks to Randy Shumate, RELX Group, USA                            
Change 36.109  INPUT X $VARYING32000 is very CPU/Elapsed expensive when 
TYPENMON       the maximum length of the input records is small. Adding 
TYPERHEL       LENGTH X $1926; reduced 111 CPU seconds to only 40, so a 
TYPSNMON       _NULL_ data step is added to TYPENMON to find the maximum
TYPSRHEL       record length, and the INPUT NMONTEXT $VARYING32000.; is 
VMACNMON       replaced with this logic, using the _INFILE_ variable:   
VMACRHEL         LENGTH NMONTEXT $ &NMONLENGTH ;                        
Jun  5, 2018     NMONTEXT=TRANWRD(_INFILE_,',,',', ,');                 
               It is the actual LENGTH of NMONTEXT that is the major    
               impact on CPU and Elapsed times, but on z/OS, the LRECL  
               has some impact, so you need to use an LRECL that is     
               greater than the MAXNMONLENGTH, printed on the SAS log.  
               The calculation of the NRWORDSIN that was needed for SAS 
               V8 and early WPS was revised with added CPU reduction.   
               The same changes are made for the RHEL/NMON processing.  
               Steve Bagshaw gets credit for this discovery!            
   Thanks to Steve Bagshaw, ITMetrics, ENGLAND.                         
   Thanks to Steve McCulloch, TMX, CANADA.                              
Change 36.108  Support for RACF TOKENs REQTCRE and ADMINCII creates     
VMAC80A          TOKMADMINCII='TOKEN*ADMINCII'                          
Jun  1, 2018     TOKMREQTCRE='TOKEN*REQTCRE'                            
               variables in TYPE80TK dataset.                           
   Thanks to Bruce Hewson, Citibank N.A., SINGAPORE.                    
Change 36.107  If you are using ROLLUPS in DB2 to reduce the volume of  
ASUMUOW        data then it becomes unlikely that you will get a good   
VMXGUOW        match between CICSTRAN and DB2ACCT.  Further with some   
May 31, 2018   of the more recent changes in VMAC110 other than the     
               class 3 wait times and counts from DB2ACCT there is      
               not a lot of information added to ASUMUOW from the       
               DB2ACCT data.  To suppress the use of DB2ACCT in your    
               ASUMUOW invocation all you need to do is to modify the   
               _LDB2ACC substitution macro to point to _NULL_ as shown  
               in this code:                                            
                   %LET MACKEEP=%QUOTE(                                 
                     MACRO _YESOBS %                                    
                     MACRO _NOOBS %                                     
                     MACRO _LDB2ACC _NULL_ %                            
                   OPTIONS SOURCE SOURCE2;                              
                   %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(VMXGUOW);                          
                   OPTIONS NODSNFERR NOVNFERR;                          
                   _SUOWCIC  /* SORT CICSTRAN DATA */                   
                   _SUOWDB2  /* SORT DB2 DATA */                        
                   _SUOWMQ   /* SORT MQ SERIES DATA */                  
                   _SUOWSPN  /* CREATE ASUMUOW DATASET */               
                   OPTIONS DSNFERR VNFERR;                              
               The new VMXGUOW drops the DB2ACCT variables with the     
               above suppression, keeping only 99 in the new            
               PDB.ASUMUOW, previously there were 144.                  
               Only comments were added in ASUMUOW with this example.   
Change 36.106  TYPE42DS Encryption variables were INPUT but not KEPT nor
VMAC42         labeled nor formatted:                                   
May 31, 2018     S42AMRIB='S42AMRIB*BYTES*READ'                         
                 S42AMRBD='READ BYTES*DECRYPTED*OR ELIGIBLE'            
                 S42AMWBE='WRITE BYTES*ENCRYPTED*OR ELIGIBLE'           
                 S42AMRCI='VSAM*CI-S READ OR*PHYSICAL*BLOCKS'           
                 S42AMWCI='VSAM*CI-S WRITTEN*PHYSICAL*BLOCKS'           
               With the large number of TYPE42DS observations, if you   
               want to only select datasets with encryption counts:     
                 %LET MACFILE=                                          
                   %QUOTE(IF ID=42 THEN DO; IF SUBTYPE=6; END; );       
                 %LET MACKEEP=                                          
                    MACRO _ETY42DS                                      
                      IF S42AMRBD GT 0 OR S42AMWBE GT 0 THEN DO;        
                        OUTPUT _WTY42DS;                                
                    %    );                                             
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE42);RUN;                         
               which will only populate TYPE42DS when bytes GT zero.    
               Syntax note:  The original MACFILE syntax suggested      
                 %LET MACFILE= %QUOTE( IF ID=42 AND SUBTYPE=6; );       
               is fine for ONLY the TYPE42 program, but if that was     
               used with BUILDPDB, only the 42.6 would be read, hence   
               the above, safer selection will pass all other SMF       
               records in case you want to process other records.       
   Thanks to David Cogar, Wells Fargo, USA.                             
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 36.105  Example SYSLOG processing TYPESYSL/TYPSSYSL/VMACSYSL that
TYPESYSL       was added in 34.04 renamed TYPESYSX/TYPSSYSX/VMACSYSX due
May 24, 2018   to conflict with TYPESYSL dataset created by TYPETMNT.   
Change 36.104  z/OS 2.4 SMF 30 enhancement adds these fields:           
VMAC30          SMF30TIH='HWM*TIOT SPACE*USED'                          
Jun 11, 2018    SMF30TIS='AVAILABLE*TIOT*SPACE FOR*ENTRIES'             
               ICN 1634 May 23, 2018.                                   
Change 36.103  Format MGSTCCS for variable STC11CSP in STCVSM11 dataset 
FORMATS        has new value '8000'x='8000X:VSM6 FICON CHANNEL'.        
May 23, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 36.102  DB2 V11 APARS PI71903,PI84045,PI82755 added offsets _SC, 
VMAC102        _PR, _INC, and _SQL to populate those fields that were   
May 22, 2018   previously only in DB2 V12.  MXG test changed to GE 11.1.
               The timestamp variable QW0376TS in old data was invalid  
               (e.g. '1A6CE0BD12FCB083'x, a date in 1914!) and was set  
               to a missing value; now whatever is there is input so it 
               may still be incorrect.                                  
   Thanks to Joachim Sarkoschits, DATEV, GERMANY.                       
Change 36.101  Support for NDM-CDI OP (Operator Clist Record) creates   
EXNDMOP        NDMOP dataset.                                           
May 21, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Michael Oujesky, DTCC, USA.                                
Change 36.100  ACF2 Version 6.2 circumvention in Change 36.075 exposed  
VMACACF2       another STOPOVER as LENLEFT was not correctly calculated.
May 23, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
   Thanks to Mohammed Naseer, Lowe's USA.                               
Change 36.099  Support for RACF TOKDANAM IBMLABEL creates new TOKLABEL  
VMAC80A        variable in TYPE80TK dataset.                            
May 23, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Coen Wessels, IBM, GERMANY                                 
Change 36.098  Format MGMOCTY, used for Information Builder's FOCUS,    
FORMATS        has two new values for BEGIN and END. Only FORMAT was    
VMACFOCU       changed, no change was made to VMACFOUU.                 
May 17, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Tim Hare, Hare Systems, USA.                               
Change 36.097  The default triplet length for CICS/TS 5.2 to detect and 
VMAC110        report there are excluded fields is corrected to 365/3260
May 14, 2018   from 373/3356 (which had included optional fields).      
   Thanks to Paul Maradin, DXC, USA                                     
   Thanks to Larry McCulley, DXC, USA                                   
Change 36.096  Line seven should have two periods, &PDBMXG..ACF2AR.     
May 14, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 36.095  The %LET MXGABND=nnnn; option to abend instead of error  
VMACBBMQ       is added to the BBMQ processing.  See Change 21.384.     
May 11, 2018                                                            
Change 36.095  New 4-digit example format in tailoring IMACSMFF fails on
IMACSMFF       WPS Version 4, under investigation, but add the comments 
May  9, 2018   as shown here to circumvent:                             
                /* COMMENT OUT - DEFAULT BREAKS WPS V4                  
                '2047.000'='2047.000:MAX VALUE AND LABEL NO SUBTY'      
                '2047.001'='2047.001:MAX VALUE LABEL WITH SUBTYPE'      
                   END COMMENT */                                       
               The default IMACSMFF is always executed when SMF is read.
Change 36.094  MXG 35.12-36.04.  If you use IMACFMTS to add your site's 
FORMATS        own FORMATs, the RUN; statement in member FORMATS after  
Apr 10, 2018   the VALUE $MGRMVOS statement should NOT have been added. 
   Thanks to Robert Debartolo, Cognizant, USA.                          
Change 36.093  CICS Dispatcher Statistics CICDS dataset, DSGTMADQ was   
VMAC110        too large; field is now input &PIB.4.2 with two decimals.
Apr  9, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 36.092  ACCTSORT=NO was not working as advertised.  The datasets 
READDB2        ended up in WORK rather than PDBOUT.                     
Apr  9, 2018                                                            
====== Changes thru 36.091 are in MXG 36.04 dated May  8, 2018==========
Change 36.091  If DB2ACCT existed but had 0 OBS input was set to _NULL_ 
VMXGUOW        resulting in many UNITIALIZED variable messages. VMXGUOW 
May  7, 2018   now checks only for the existence of the dataset and if  
               it does not exist sets it to _NULL_.                     
Change 36.090  If you tailored IMACDB2 to redefine MACRO _Lxxxxxx's and 
ANALDB2R       you specified only a single level name, so those datasets
May  3, 2018   are written to WORK, and did not specify a PDBOUT,       
               you could get this syntax error                          
               due to incorrect logic, now corrected, in ANALDB2R.      
               Originally posted to MXG-L as possible issue with SAS    
               V9.3 to V9.4 migration, the thread was updated/corrected.
               Change 31.104, MXG 31.03, May 2013, created the exposure;
               the user's good run was with MXG 31.01.                  
   Thanks to Dennis Longnecker, State of Washington Courts, USA.        
Change 36.089  APAR OA54884 for z/OS 2.3 ONLY reports very high I/O EXCP
DOCUMENT       counts in EXCPTOTL (Address Space Total, SMF30TEX) that  
May  1, 2018   was observed in the MASTER address space, but could occur
               in any address space.                                    
Change 36.088  SAS Note 51008 Java versions 1.6/1.7/1.8 can cause errors
DOCUMENT        ERROR: The Java proxy could not create a new xxxxxxxx.  
May  1, 2018    ERROR: shmag() failed in Java extension rc -1 errno 124 
                ERROR: Unable to attach current thread.                 
               on z/OS.  That Note the circumvention is to add this line
               to your SASHLQ.CONFIG(SITE) configuration PDS member.    
               SAS Support reported SAS does not support Java 8 yet;    
               see also SAS Note 51195.                                 
Change 36.087  Unused Change Number.                                    
Change 36.086  DCOLLECT Encryption Variables are now kept in DCOLDSET:  
VMACDCOL       indicates if the LCU contains at least one FICON channel.
Apr 24, 2018     DCDTYPE ='ENCRYPTION*TYPE'                             
May 20, 2019     DCDKLBL ='ENCRYPTION*KEY*LABEL'                        
               The IBM Documentation does not provide DCDTYPE values to 
               decode.  These fields were added by z/OS 2.3.            
              -Unfortunately, DCDTYPE was changed from CHAR to NUM in   
               this change, which will cause ERROR BOTH CHAR AND NUM    
               if you merge PDBs built with this change with earlier    
               PDBs.  You can use  MACRO _KDCODSN DROP=DCDTYPE= % in    
               your SYSIN in your TYPEDCOL job to eliminate the conflict
               to circumvent this badly designed change. May 20/2019.   
   Thanks to Mike Creech, Black Knight, USA.                            
   Thanks to Robert Hamilton, Fifth Third Bank, USA.                    
Change 36.085  Variable IOPDSTX is now kept in TYPE78IO dataset; bit 1  
VMAC78         indicates if the LCU contains at least one FICON channel.
Apr 24, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Lane Thorne, Honda of America Manufacturing, USA.          
Change 36.084  Dataset STCVSM11 variables added by Change 34.237 were   
VMACSTC        incorrectly labeled and inconsistent, now corrected:     
Apr 23, 2018     STC11NHR='HOST*INTERFACE*I/OS'                         
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 36.083  EXPDBINC EXPDBVAR EXPDBCDE can now be used with UTILBLDP 
UTILBLDP       and BUILDPDB=NO so you can create your own custom dataset
Apr 27, 2018   with control of variables, etc.  This example creates the
               PDB.SMFHEADER dataset with four variables kept from every
               SMF header:                                              
                  %UTILBLDP(USERADD=ID 118,BUILDPDB=NO,                 
                       (KEEP=SYSTEM SMFTIME ID SUBTYPE),                
                     EXPDBCDE=OUTPUT PDB.SMFHEADER;,                    
                   %INCLUDE INSTREAM;                                   
              -Unrelated, unprintable '08'x character introduced 35.09  
               is removed.                                              
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 36.082  Correction for DB2 BPHITRAT variable to replace the sum  
VMACDB2        of RIO/SPP/DPP/LPP with DIO/LIO/RIO/SIO.                 
Apr 19, 2018                                                            
Change 36.081  Support for four-digit SMF Record Type ID (MAX 2047) for 
ANALID         the ANALID report.                                       
FORMATS       -Format $MGSMFID text shifted one byte to the right; a few
IMACSMFF       record descriptions lost 1 character to keep 37 maximum. 
VMACID        -VMACID,VMACSMF formats are now SMFIDSUB $8. SMFIDCH $4.  
VMACSMF        increasing the LENGTH of those variables by one byte,    
Apr 23, 2018   format 7.3 references are changed to 8.4 for IDANDSUB.   
Apr 27, 2018  -Unfortunately, if you have used IMACSMFF to label your   
               user SMF Record Descriptions, you will need to replicate 
               all and insert a blank at the beginning of each existing 
               3-character record type, to match the new example in that
               IMACSMFF member:                                         
                 '2047.001'='2047.001:MAX POSSIBLE VALUE AND LABEL'     
              -One line summary report with total records and bytes and 
               the time range of the input SMF file is added.           
Change 36.080  VMXGGETM utility accepts SMF selection syntax nnnn.mmm   
VMXGGETM       where nnnn is the SMF Record Type (max is now 2047) and  
Apr 18, 2018   where mmm is the subtype.  VMXGGETM creates an output SMF
               file with example records of each selected type.         
Change 36.079 -Support for new SMF 119 subtypes 24, 38, 39, 40, and 45. 
EXT11924       creates these new datasets:                              
EXT11938         dddddd   Dataset   Description                         
EXT11939         T11924  TYP11924  TNPROFILE                            
EXT11940         T11938  TYP11938  SmcdLnkStats                         
EXT11945         T11939  TYP11939  SmcdLnkStart                         
IMAC119          T11940  TYP11940  SmcdLnkEnd                           
VMAC119          T11945  TYP11945  IsmStats                             
VMXGINIT       Untested with data.                                      
Apr 18, 2018  -New BitRate variables added to TYP11906 dataset:         
Apr 26, 2018     IFINBITRT='INBOUND*BITS PER*SECOND'                    
                 IFOUBITRT='OUTBOUND*BITS PER*SECOND'                   
                 IFBITRATE='TOTAL*BITS PER*SECOND'                      
              -CO:Z subtypes 192 and 193 are validated with data.       
Change 36.078  z/OS, SAS 9.4 M3 with IBM DFSORT, ABEND 0C4 in SASVZSR1, 
CONFIGxx       when sorting a large dataset. SAS notes 57676 and 58629  
Apr 17, 2018   circumvent the error with these options                  
               which could alternately be specified in your CONFIGxx,   
               but SORTBLKMODE has been the SAS Default for years. The  
               SORTBLKREC option is not yet documented by SAS.          
               This is documentation only, no code was changed.         
Change 36.077  With a BY statement in your VMXGSUM INCODE, there is no  
VMXGSUM        guarantee that the data order will be correct, and if you
Apr 14, 2018   also  %LET MXGSUMCLASS=YES or CLASSNWAY to YES, the data 
May  8, 2018   step may fail. VMXGSUM now looks at the first word in the
               INCODE= and if it is BY sets CLASSNWAY to NO.            
Change 36.076  CICS Statistics Dispatcher CICDS dataset set DSGTWT to   
VMAC110        DURATM when DSGTWT was greater (Change 35.264), but that 
Apr 14, 2018   should only have been done for SMFSTRQT='INT' as DURATM  
               doesn't exist in the 'REQ', 'USS', nor 'EOD' records.    
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
VMACACF2       MXG tests for the last release, 6.2, but new ACF2 record 
Apr 14, 2018   has '00'x instead of '62'x in byte 119, causing MXG test 
               for 6.2 to fail.  This change forces ACSMFREL=6.2 if it  
               is zero for this INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE to the ACF2 record. 
               The CA fix is PI24126 and a reassembly of DMGSMF exit.   
   Thanks to Michael K Yuan, Navy Federal Credit Union, USA.            
Change 36.074 -Variables BETALOG in BETA50 and B97LOG in BETA9750 were  
VMACBETA       reversed, OFF was ON and ON was OFF, bit test corrected. 
VMACBE97      -TYPEBE97 subtype 31 revised: like TYPEBETA, there can be 
Apr 17, 2018   an R1 and R2 value for each FIELDNAME, but TYPEBETA PUT  
May 15, 2018   the text value into a character variable for R1 and R2,  
               but those values were then difficult to test.  TYPEBE97  
               instead creates nine pair of variables with true values  
               (like Dates, Times, HEX, etc).                           
   Thanks to Andreas Menne, Finanz Informatik, GERMANY.                 
Change 36.073  Support for z14 ZR1 adds new variable to TYPE70 dataset: 
Apr 12, 2018                                                            
Change 36.072  Variables now INPUT for TYPE99_6 subtype 6 dataset:      
VMAC99            PSERV        ='SERVICE*DURING*INTERVAL'               
Apr 12, 2018      PISERV       ='ZAAP*SERVICE*DURING*INTERVAL'          
                  PSSERV       ='ZIIP*SERVICE*DURING*INTERVAL'          
                  TIME_AT_PDP_USING='TIME AT*PDP USING*SAMPLES'         
                  TIME_AT_PDP    ='TIME AT*PDP*ACCUMULATOR'             
                  PCT_USING_PDP  ='PCT*TIME*USING*SAMPLES'              
                  SMF996_FLAGS   ='SMF996_FLAGS'                        
                  EWLM_LOCAL_PI  ='EWLM*LOCAL*PI'                       
                  EWLM_GLOBAL_PI ='EWLM*GLOBAL*PI'                      
                  SMF996EWLM     ='EWLM*MANAGED?'                       
                  SMF996IOPR     ='I/O*PRIORITY?'                       
                  SMF996INEL     ='ZIP*INELIGIBLE?'                     
   Thanks to Randall Schlueter, First Data, USA.                        
Change 36.071  IAM User SMF INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED because unexpected 
VMACIAM        short segment lengths IAMIAINL=148 (MXG expected 204) and
Apr  8, 2018   IAMIASTL=148 (MXG Expected 204) were encountered, and now
               protected for these IAM 9.2 records.                     
   Thanks to Paul Naddeo, FISERV, USA.                                  
Change 36.070  VMXGDUR rejected INTERVAL=THREEHOUR but the warning      
VMXGDUR        message said that was correct. It was looking for THREEHR
Apr  8, 2018   but will now accept THREEHOUR, EIGHTHOUR, or TWELVEHOUR. 
Change 36.069  Dataset CICSTRAN variables DURATM and DSGTWT were missing
VMXGCICI       values in CICS Statistics SMFSTREQ='USS','REQ',or 'EOD'  
Apr  6, 2018   records as the DURATM only exists in the 'INT' records.  
               But using the DIF(COLLTIME) a pseudo DURATM is created   
               and used to populate/correct DSGTWT and DURATM.          
Change 36.068 -Two new enhancements.                                    
ADOCRMFV      -A new RMFBSAM record with an MXG01 id is now output      
ASMRMFV        for every successfully processed RMF III VSAM data set.  
VMACRMFV       VSAM attributes and statistics are included as well as   
Apr  6, 2018   many ASMRMFV statistics and counters, and the record is  
May  5, 2018   output in new dataset ZRBAS1.                            
May  9, 2018  -Between the existing MXG00 record and the new MXG01      
               record nearly all information on an ASMRMFV log is       
               captured. The MXG01 data becomes the ZRBASMDS (?) data   
               set in the result PDB.                                   
              -MXG01 records are only created for RMF III VSAM data sets
               that open and close successfully.  There are no MXG01    
               records generated for:                                   
                Empty VSAM data sets (VSAM considers this an error)     
                VSAM data sets that are not an RRDS type                
                VSAM data with an invalid CISIZE for RMF III data       
                VSAM data with an invalid LRECL for RMF III data        
                Non-VSAM data sets                                      
               The above conditions have been flagged in the ASMRMFV    
               Log for a long time.                                     
              -Two new parameters UPCASE/NOUPCASE control the handling  
               of values assigned in keyword=value usage.               
              -UPCASE (alias UC) is the default and provides the same   
               behavior as in prior ASMRMFV versions which force all    
               PARM and SYSIN (or alternative) input data to upper case 
              -NOUPCASE (alias NOUC) is the default and does not alter  
               any values assigned to a keyword.  And thus lower case   
               values can be assigned to a keyword.                     
              -However, for most (if not all) data filters currently    
               supported by ASMRMFV only upper case values are accepted.
               For example, Sysplex Ids, System Ids, Job Names, Job     
               Classes, and so on are all required by IBM syntax rules  
               to be in upper case.  Lower case values are flagged as   
               errors by ASMRMFV validation routines.                   
              -NOUPCASE is a feature primarily intended for future      
               filtering enhancements where lower case values could     
               be accepted.                                             
              -NOINDEXES and/or NOSPACE parameters might not work       
               correctly in all situations and this has been corrected. 
               Messages were not always suppressed when they should     
               have been.                                               
              -Message RMFV105I produced for ASMRMFV Detail and         
               Summary reports now shows the full 5 character RMF III   
               table id instead of just the first 3 characters.  This   
               change was needed to distinguish MXG00 and MXG01 output  
               record statistics.                                       
              -Minor changes to messages RMFV037I, RMFV041I, RMFV051*   
               (*= S,E,W,I), and RMFV106W.                              
              -Several documentation Sections are updated to support    
               the above changes:                                       
               Section  5 "Input Data Selection Parameters"             
               Section 12 "Messages"                                    
               Section 31 "Summary"                                     
               Section 32 "Bibliography"                                
Change 36.067  z/OS, MXG's default CAPSOUT option causes lower case text
CONFIGxx       to be upper cased, but MXG recommends NOCAPSOUT for ODS, 
Apr  5, 2018   and the SAS default on z/OS is NOCAPSOUT.  I don't know  
               why I changed the SAS default years ago, but "CAPSOUT" is
               removed from all of the example MXG CONFIGxx members, so 
               your site's default value will be used.                  
Change 36.066  Support for "IBM Developer for z Systems IDZ" SMF 122    
EXTY122A       subtype 1 record creates new dataset TYPE122A.  TYPE122A 
IMAC122A       is used because there is a TYPE122 record (that is/was?) 
TYPE122A       previously written by Tivoli Allocation. The Product Name
TYPS122A       The Product Name field contains 'C2AE'x before and after 
VMAC122A       the name, where 'AE'x is the ASCII registered copyright  
VMXGINIT       symbol, but 'C2'x is a Danish A with a ring above!  Both 
Apr  4, 2018   are printed on ASCII SAS, but both are blank on z/OS, and
               on z/OS lower case characters are converted to upper case
               by the $ASCIIn. INFORMAT.                                
   Thanks to Tory Lepak, Aetna, USA.                                    
Change 36.065  AS400 7.3 QAPMDISK new fields below are now documented   
VMACQACS       and are added to QAPMDISK dataset, transparently.        
Apr  3, 2018   MXG created the PCTCLEAN and DSFSMAPBY variables:        
                DSFSMAPSZ ='FREE SPACE*MAP 4K*PAGES*COUNT'              
                DSFSCLEAN ='CLEAN*4K PAGES*FREE SPACE*COUNT'            
                DSFSCLEAN0='LEVEL 0*CLEAN BLOCKS*PAGES 1-7'             
                DSFSCLEAN1='LEVEL 1*CLEAN BLOCKS*PAGES   8'             
                DSFSCLEAN2='LEVEL 2*CLEAN BLOCKS*PAGES  16'             
                DSFSCLEAN3='LEVEL 3*CLEAN BLOCKS*PAGES  32'             
                DSFSCLEAN4='LEVEL 4*CLEAN BLOCKS*PAGES  64'             
                DSFSCLEAN5='LEVEL 5*CLEAN BLOCKS*PAGES 128'             
                DSFSCLEAN6='LEVEL 6*CLEAN BLOCKS*PAGES 156'             
                DSFSDIRTY ='DIRTY*4K PAGES*FREE SPACE*COUNT'            
                DSFSDIRTY0='LEVEL 0*DIRTY BLOCKS*PAGES 1-7'             
                DSFSDIRTY1='LEVEL 1*DIRTY BLOCKS*PAGES   8'             
                DSFSDIRTY2='LEVEL 2*DIRTY BLOCKS*PAGES  16'             
                DSFSDIRTY3='LEVEL 3*DIRTY BLOCKS*PAGES  32'             
                DSFSDIRTY4='LEVEL 4*DIRTY BLOCKS*PAGES  64'             
                DSFSDIRTY5='LEVEL 5*DIRTY BLOCKS*PAGES 128'             
                DSFSDIRTY6='LEVEL 6*DIRTY BLOCKS*PAGES 256'             
                PCTCLEAN='PERCENT*CLEAN*PAGES IN*FREE SPACE'            
====== Changes thru 36.064 are in MXG 36.03 dated Apr  2, 2018========= 
Change 36.064  All updates in the Jan, 2018, SMF Manual are included in 
SMF MANUAL     MXG Version 36.03, except new SMF 122, which is not in   
Mar 30, 2018   that SMF Manual.                                         
Change 36.063  DB2 V9 ONLY, zero obs in DB2STATB and other statistics   
VMACDB2        datasets listed in Change 35.299, which revised deaccum  
Mar 29, 2018   logic and expected one minute statistics intervals, but  
               that IBM Change to force the DB2 Statistics Interval to  
               one minute wasn't introduced until DB2 Version 10!       
   Thanks to Don Blaszka, Wipro Limited, USA.                           
Change 36.062  Further VXBYUSR logic revised to use only 2 decimals for 
VMACVMXA       all _MT1 DIF() functions; these data have only two digit 
Apr  1, 2018   time resolution, but the divide by 4096 produced false   
               digits in 3rd and 4th place that, coupled with these     
               very large 2-complement numbers, cause MXG to falsely    
               detect a break in deaccumulation.   See also 36.052.     
Change 36.061  Invalid SYTNLPS value in SYTCUP records prevented their  
VMACXAM        output; pending Velocity fix, SYTNLPS=(SEGLEN-28)/20; is 
Mar 20, 2018   used to calculate the actual number of segments.         
Change 36.060  Support for BMC Extended Buffer Manager XBM SMF Record.  
EXXBMDS           -The Data Set Statistics Record can have seven OIDs:  
EXXBMCA            OID   Variables   Segment                            
EXXBMCC            113   xbmDSSnn    Dataset Statistics                 
EXXBMCE            113   xbmSDSnn    Snapshot Data Set Statistics       
EXXBMCS            154   xbmDB2nn    DB2 Statistics                     
IMACXBM            158   xbmSUSnn    Snapshot Utilities Statistics      
TYPEXBM            199   xbmVSAnn    VSAM Statistics                    
TYPSXBM            272   xbmEPSnn    Extended Prefetch Statistics       
VMACXBM            242   xbmIMSnn    IMS Statistics                     
VMXGINIT         and all seven segments are output in XBMDSET dataset.  
Mar 21, 2018         DDDDDD   Dataset       Description                 
Sep  9, 2020         XBMDS    XBMDSET       XBM Data Set Record         
                 (Only the first four OID's have been data-validated).  
                -The Cache Statistics Record can have four OIDs,        
                    1   xbmCSSnn    Configuration Start Section         
                    2   xbmCEEnn    Configuration End/Stop Section      
                    3   xbmCCCnn    Configuration Change Statistics     
                  106   xbmCACnn    Cache Statistics Section            
                 and each is output in a separate dataset:              
                    DDDDDD   Dataset       Description                  
                    XBMCA    XBMCACHE      XBM Cache Record             
                    XBMCS    XBMCSTRT      XBM Configuration Start      
                    XBMCE    XBMCEND       XBM Configuration End        
                    XBMCC    XBMCHG        XBM Configuration Change     
                -Sep 9 2020: Apparently unused, KEEP list was wrong.    
   Thanks to Flavio Lima, MetLife, USA.                                 
Change 36.059 -If you specified USERADD=ID a CHAR OPERAND FOUND IN %EVAL
UTILBLDP       error indicated that a numeric was needed, which was due 
Mar 21, 2018   to the compiler interpreting %STR(/VIEW=ID) as a formula.
               Resolved by using %QUOTE rather than %STR, like the other
               references in UTILBLDP.                                  
              -The SMF AUDIT report was not being produced, now is.     
Change 36.058  Missing %END in PMAUD02 corrected and BEGTIME and ENDTIME
ANALDB2R       parameters enabled for MXGDB2B1 report.  MXG 36.02 only, 
Mar 23, 2018   introduced by Change 36.048.                             
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 36.057  Support for z/OS 2.3 RMF Changes (SHARE Sacramento 2018):
EXTY748S      -Support for APAR OA53411 for more than 65535 devices adds
FORMATS        SMF74SMF bit and populates existing SMF74LSN with a flag 
IMAC74         when multiple logical SMF records were created, but these
VMAC7072       variables are not kept, and don't impact MXG's reading of
VMAC74         the individual physical SMF records; the variables are   
VMXGINIT       available in the EXTY74 exit, if ever of interest.       
Mar 26, 2018  -Support for APAR OA50760 72.3/4, was in Change 35.125.   
              -Support for APAR OA50761 74.10, was in Change 35.273.    
              -Support for APAR OA52694 72.3 TYPE72TR+ in Change 36.050.
              -Support for APAR OA50762 74.9 new bit existing R749FLAG. 
              -Support for APAR OA50693 70.2 CEX6C/CEX6A/CEX6P Crypto   
               updated $MGRMFCX/$MGRMFCY/MGRMFCZ formats.               
              -Support for APAR OA50755 74.1 was in Change 35.193.      
              -Support for APAR OA50755 74.9 was in Change 35.146.      
              -Support for APAR OA53411 adds 74.5 vars to TYPE74CA.     
                 R7451SRR='SYNC I/O*CACHE*READ*REQUESTS'                
                 R7451SRH='SYNC I/O*CACHE*READ*HITS'                    
                 R7451SWR='SYNC I/O*CACHE*READ*REQUESTS'                
                 R7451SWH='SYNC I/O*CACHE*READ*HITSS'                   
              -Support for APAR OA53411 74.8 adds new Synchronous I/O   
               Link Statistics Segment that creates new TYPE748S data   
               set with these variables:                                
                 R748SWDH='SYNC*I/O*LINK WIDTH*LANES'                   
                 R748SCBR='SYNC I/o*CACHE*BYTES*READ'                   
                 R748SCro='SYNC I/o*CACHE*READ*OPERATIONS'              
                 R748SCRT='SYNC I/o*CACHE*READ*TIME'                    
                 R748SCBW='SYNC I/o*CACHE*BYTES*WRITE'                  
                 R748SCWO='SYNC I/o*CACHE*WRITE*OPERATIONS'             
                 R748SNBW='SYNC I/O*CACHE*WRITE*TIME'                   
              -Support for APAR OA51913, z14 physical core addresses    
               greater than 191, was protected in MXG 31.04, which      
               supports the maximum possible value of 255, even though  
               z/OS doesn't even support 191.                           
              -Support for Jan 2018 SMF Manual and APAR OA52003 that    
               added these variables to TYPE74ST Structure dataset:     
                 R744SIAD R744SADN R744SIXC R744SXSC R744SXST R744SXSQ  
                 R744SADO R744SADR R744SQCH R744SXFL R744SWDR R744SWAC  
                 R744SRDR R744SRAC R744SWEC R744SREC R744SWED R744SWES  
                 R744SRED R744SRES                                      
                 R744SIAD R744SADN R744SIXC R744SXSC R744SSXT R744SXSQ  
                 R744SADR R744SQCH R744SXFL                             
                 R744SWDR R744SWAC R744SRDR R744SRAC R744SWEC R744SREC  
                 R744SWED R744SWES R744SRED R744SRES                    
              -Support for Jan 2018 SMF Manual which added to TYPE74DU: 
                 R744RSST R744RIDP R744RCPI R744RCPN R744RSGS R744RSA1  
                 R744RSA2 R744RSA3 R744RSA4 R744RSA5 R744RSA6 R744RSA7  
                 R744RSA8 R744RSID R744RSC  R744RAMC R744RAMS R744RAMS  
                 R744RAMP R744RAMN                                      
Change 36.056  zHyperwrite enables DB2 to perform parallel log writes to
VMAC74         PPRC primary and secondary volumes, but they are the same
VMAC79         4-hex-digit DEVNR, and because they can be concurrently  
Mar 15, 2018   active, RMF Reports now display 5-hex-digit DEVNR, with  
               the first nybble containing the SubChannel ID, 'sdddd'X, 
               where the SubChannel ID is 0,1,2 or 3. No change was made
               to the SMF 74/79 records, as the SubChannel ID is already
               in those records, and the 5-hex-digit display is only in 
               RMF reports/data: they won't exist in other SMF records. 
               MXG variable DEVNR5HEX is created in TYPE74, TYPE74CA,   
               TYPE748 and TYPE796 as DEVNR5HEX=65536*SMF74SCS+DEVNR    
               with FORMAT DEVNR5HEX HEX5. format.                      
Change 36.055  New TYPE8231 dataset was misaligned and the VMXGINIT for 
VMAC82         _WTY8231 thru _WTY8247 was corrected to write to WORK    
VMXGINIT       rather than to PDB.                                      
Mar 13, 2018  -Mar 20: Invalid Subtype 31 with only 4 bytes for 0203 TAG
Mar 20, 2018   encountered, circumvented, and reported to IBM.          
Apr 12, 2018  -Apr 12: MXG's problem was that the SMF82_TRIPL_LENGTH    
               field was presumed to be the length following it, but it 
               was 8 with when 4 bytes remained, so I presumed there was
               truncated data for the TAG 0203 segment.  IBM Support    
               responded with a very detailed decoding of the record    
               with their utility that matched MXG's values, concluding:
               "To sum up, the length of 08 that you are referencing    
                does not mean that 8 bytes will follow. It means the    
                length in the record is composed of the length of the   
                data item (4 bytes) plus the length of the tag and      
                size info (another 4 bytes)."                           
                While TAGs have different lengths, since each TAG's     
                length is fixed, MXG did not need to use that field,    
                so no MXG code change was required, and no data was     
   Thanks to Andreas Menne, Finanz Informatik, GERMANY.                 
   Thanks to David A. Hilliard, IBM Support, GERMANY.                   
Change 36.054  A missing paren caused BLDSMPDB to fail, and %macro      
BLDSMPDB       &PDBPATH was not initialized in PDBAUDIT. BLDSMPDB only  
PDBAUDIT       failed when MTD was used which then caused SAS to set    
Mar 13, 2018   OBS=0 and caused PROC SQLs in PDBAUDIT to then fail.     
               PDBAUDIT is now protected for the 0 OBS case             
   Thanks to Harold Zbiegien, American Greetings, USA.                  
Change 36.053  INTBTIME and INTETIME variables are now all DATETIME25.6 
BUIL3005       formatted, even though only those INPUT with TODSTAMP8   
BUILD005       will have all six decimals populated, SMFSTAMP informat  
SMFINTRV       only has 2 decimals.  INTETIME in SMF 91 with TODSTAMP8  
VMAC30         informat forced the format change, since you can't have  
VMAC91         different formats for the same variable name in datasets 
Mar  8, 2018   created in the same DATA step.                           
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 36.052  Revision to z/VM VXBYUSR logic to correct large values   
VMACVMXA       in many deaccumulated durations when there were multiple 
Mar  7, 2018   logon values in CALTODON for the same user, and/or when  
               a guest has been relocated.  Logic to recalculate DELTATM
               from HFRATE*HFQCNT was causing output of first instances,
               so it was removed.  A heuristic was added to test that   
               the record DELTATM was not more than 2*INTERVAL since    
               that also detects a return of a relocate to delete.      
               See Change 36.062.                                       
   Thanks to Graham Harris, RBS, ENGLAND.                               
Change 36.051  Support for AS/400 Version 7.3 Collection Services.      
VMACQACS      -New GDES fields added to QAPMCONF dataset for keys       
Mar  7, 2018   FL PM TY TZ T1 T2 T3 T4 U1 U2 U3 U4 XS                   
Mar 16, 2018  -New DATETIMECH,UTCTIMECH 26-character datetimes and      
Mar 23, 2018   DSQUEOPS counter added to QAPMDISK record, which now     
Mar 26, 2018   has LRECL=751 (YOU MUST SET IN YOUR JCL/FILENAME).       
               See change 36.065.                                       
               The 26 character format is YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MI.SS.999999    
====== Changes thru 36.050 are in MXG 36.02 dated Mar  5, 2018========= 
Change 36.050  TYPE72GO variables R723CPA_ACTUAL and R723CPA_SCALING    
VMAC7072       added by APAR OA52694, were trashed because they were    
Mar  2, 2018   input when they shouldn't have been; the test for INPUT  
Mar  6, 2018   should have been GE 276 instead of repeated GE 268.      
               Mar 6: New variable ORG70CPA was added to TYPE70 and     
               TYPE70PR, but the label statement had OGT70CPA causing   
               a harmless UNINIT variable message on the log.           
   Thanks to Al Sherkow, I/S Management Strategies, Ltd.                
Change 36.049  Change 35.200 left off the trailing / or ] on the        
VGETALOC       directory names if you did not supply it and it could    
Mar  2, 2018   result in no allocations and a failure of a following    
               VMXGSET. Now if we don't find the / or \ we supply it.   
   Thanks to Richard Krueger, Sentry, USA.                              
Change 36.048  For PMAUD02 report SORTBY use is restored, but the first 
ANALDB2R       variable in the list must be QWHSSSID, and variables not 
Mar  2, 2018   in the below list will terminate with error messages.    
               The default values are QWHSSSID QWHSSTCK; if that first  
               variable is not DB2 or QWHSSSID, QWHSSSID is inserted.   
               Allowed variables are:                                   
                 DB2        - THE DB2 SUBSYSTEM ID                      
                 PLAN       - THE DB2 PLAN NAME                         
                 AUTHID     - THE AUTHORIZATION ID                      
                 CONNID     - THE CONNECTION ID                         
                 CONNTYPE   - THE CONNECTION TYPE                       
                 CORRID     - THE CORRELATION ID                        
                 QWHSSSID   - THE DB2 SUBSYSTEM ID                      
                 QWHCPLAN   - THE DB2 PLAN NAME                         
                 QWHCAID    - THE AUTHORIZATION ID                      
                 QWHCOPID   - THE ORIGINAL AUTHORIZATION ID             
                 QWHCCN     - THE CONNECTION ID                         
                 QWACATYP   - THE CONNECTION TYPE                       
                 QWHCCV     - THE CORRELATION ID                        
                 QWHSSTCK   - THE TIME OF THE EVENT                     
   Thanks to Scott Swindling, PREMERA, USA.                             
Change 36.047  Support for XCOM Version 12.0 (COMPATIBLE) adds variables
VMACXCOM         XCOMGWDP='GATEWAY*DPATH'                               
Feb 28, 2018     XCOMSSLT='SSL*VERSION'                                 
   Thanks to Alfredo Antonio Gonzalez Ortega, ITNOW, SPAIN              
   Thanks to Sergi Vilaseca Punti, ITNOW, SPAIN                         
   Thanks to Miguel Fco. Monferrer Carvajal, ITNOW, SPAIN               
Change 36.046  Support for NDM Version 5.2 corrects NDMCPU and adds     
VMACNDM        these variables to the NDMCT dataset:                    
Mar  1, 2018     NDMCLASS   ='PROCESS*SESSION*CLASS'                    
Apr  6, 2018     NDMCTFLAG17='FASP17*OVERRIDE*TO FASP=NO'               
                 NDMCTFLAG18='FASP18*OVERRIDE*TO FASP=NO'               
                 NDMCTGPF   ='GENERAL*PURPOSE*FLAG'                     
                 NDMDBLKSZ  ='DESTINATION*BLKSIZE'                      
                 NDMDDSORG  ='DESTINATION*DSORG'                        
                 NDMDLRECL  ='DESTINATION*LRECL'                        
                 NDMDRECFM  ='DESTINATION*RECFM'                        
                 NDMFASPBW  ='FASP*BANDWIDTH*KBITS'                     
                 NDMFASPFT  ='FASP*FILESIZE*THRESHOLD'                  
                 NDMFASPPL  ='FASP*POLICY'                              
                 NDMPNRLS   ='PNODE*C:D*VERSION'                        
                 NDMSBLKSZ  ='SOURCE*BLKSIZE'                           
                 NDMSDSORG  ='SOURCE*DSORG'                             
                 NDMSLRECL  ='SOURCE*LRECL'                             
                 NDMSMFID   ='SMFID*THAT*CREATED'                       
                 NDMSMRLS   ='SNODE*C:D*VERSION'                        
                 NDMSRECFM  ='SOURCE*RECFM'                             
                 NDMSTEPOS  ='STEP*OFFSET*IN*TCQ'                       
                 NDMXDATE   ='PROCESS*STOP*DATE'                        
                 NDMXTIME   ='PROCESS*STOP*TIME'                        
                 NDMZWINR   ='COMPRESSION*WINDOW*SIZE'                  
                -Apr 6: Reported Truncated CERI and CERT to IBM.        
                -Apr 16: IBM APAR PI24126 corrects the truncation,      
                 but makes no mention of the truncation.  That fix      
                 required reassembly of DGMSMF.                         
   Thanks to Heimir Hauksson, Barclays Technology Center, ENGLAND.      
   Thanks to Robert Richards, OPM, USA.                                 
   Thanks to Walter J Freeman, OPM, USA.                                
   Thanks to Otto A. Burgess, OPM, USA.                                 
Change 36.045  Support for enhanced Mobile Work 4HOUR MSU reporting.    
FORMATS       -New parameter, TYPE=, for the type of mobile work, to    
MOBMWRT        be added to your %MOBMWRT invocation in your MOBWRKxx    
MOBWRK72       tailored members, where TYPE=DB2 CICS IMS WAS or MQ to   
MOBWRK73       create the WORK.MWRT_BLD_SUM_&TYPE dataset that is then  
MOBWRKMS       used to create the new MOBILE.MSU_&TYPE dataset with the 
Feb 28, 2018   4 hour rolling average MSU for that &TYPE of workload.   
              -MOBWRKMS provides reporting on the new &TYPE datasets.   
              -Some improvements in SMF70CPA calculation in MOBWRK73,   
               and ORIGCPUTM/CPUCPONLY/CICDSCPUTM are init to missing   
               in MOBWRK72.                                             
              -FORMAT mwrtdt is enhanced to support years beyond 2042.  
   Thanks to Al Sherkow, I/S Management Strategies, Ltd.                
Change 36.044  The value you set in MACRO _IMSVERS mm.n % is now kept   
VMACIMS        in variable IMSVERS in IMS0708 and IMS07 datasets.       
Mar  1, 2018   (The IMS56FA transaction dataset already has IMSVERSN    
               that is created from that IMS log record.)               
   Thanks to Alfredo Gonzalez, La Caixa, SPAIN.                         
Change 36.043  Initial support for NMON Nigel's Monitor for RHEL Release
EXRHELAA       14i with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7.                   
EXRHELBP       The data with 1 second interval is suspect as the times  
EXRHELCI       of the interval are often 2 or 3 seconds apart.          
EXRHELME       The developers page is at ''  
EXRHELNS       The BBBP fields are not currently decoded since the RHEL 
EXRHELCD       text is not consistent with the NMON contents.           
EXRHELDS      -Mar 6: FULLCOMD in RHELUARG expanded to 4096 bytes and   
EXRHELIN       WORK dataset CPUBUSY is deleted; the values of CPU_ALL   
EXRHELJF       variables are output in RHELINTV Interval Dataset.       
EXRHELTO         DDDDDD  MXG       MXG                                  
EXRHELUA         DATASET DATASET   DATASET                              
EXRHELMT         SUFFIX  NAME      LABEL                                
Mar  1, 2018     RHELMT  RHELBBBPMOUNT   RHEL BBBP MOUNT                
Mar 14, 2018     RHELCD  RHELCPUD        RHEL CPU DETAIL                
Mar 28, 2018     RHELDS  RHELDISK        RHEL DISK                      
Apr  6, 2018     RHELIN  RHELINTV        RHEL MONITOR INTERVAL          
                 RHELJF  RHELJFSF        RHEL JFSFILE                   
                 RHELNT  RHELNETW        RHEL NETWORK                   
                 RHELTO  RHELTOP         RHEL TOP PROCESS               
                 RHELUA  RHELUARG        RHEL UARG PROCESS              
              -Apr 6: RHELAAA now output for each concatenated input    
               file; only the first was output previously.              
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK-COBURG, GERMANY.                       
   Thanks to Andreas Windisch, HUK-COBURG, GERMANY.                     
Change 36.042  ANALCAPD ERROR: FOUND "IF" when expecting ... when the   
ANALCAPD       CEC= options was used, due to a missing semicolon.       
Feb 22, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Norbert T. Wagner, Deutsche-Boerse, GERMANY.               
Change 36.041  The MXGERROR:MISSING TYPE70 message is now MXGWARN:MISS  
VMXG70PR       because it's only an alert to be examined (Change 36.026)
Feb 20, 2018   to see if the SYSTEMs listed are the systems of interest.
               Only variables in dataset ASUMCELP observations for those
               LPARs whose 70s were not read are impacted, and in many  
               cases the message is generated because the SMF data from 
               a sandbox LPAR was not present in that day's SMF input.  
               These variables will have missing values in PDB.ASUMCELP;
               SMF70CPA SMF70LAC SMF70PAT SMF70WTI SMF70WTS SMF70WTI.   
   Thanks to Ed Wieszczek, Zions Bank Corporation, USA.                 
Change 36.040  Support for IMS 56FA Record APAR UI50912. COMPATIBLE as  
VMACIMS        it uses a reserved field for the new TPCEXTOF offset to  
Feb 19, 2018   the TPCE DSECT, but TPCEXTOF is zero so the extension    
               is not populated by THIS APAR, so it is also not input.  
   Thanks to Heimir Hauksson, Barclays, ENGLAND.                        
Change 36.039  Enhancement to dataset TYPE70PR creates new LPARZIPS with
VMAC7072       the number of online ZIIP engines for each LPAR for each 
Feb 19, 2018   interval.                                                
   Thanks to Kurt Gramling, TSYS, USA.                                  
Change 36.038  The MXG "INVALID SMF 119 TYPE 81" message in MXG 36.01   
Feb 19, 2018   but I had misunderstood the DS_DOOFF offset to be the    
               offset into the SMF buffer to the DORU field; IBM L3     
               Support corrected me: it is the offset into the RU that  
               will be moved into the DORU field, if the DORU is larger 
               than 4096 bytes, so that the anomaly's data will be in   
               in the SMF record.  The circumvention is removed and the 
               DORU variable is correctly populated.                    
              -Variable IST119DS_SID was changed from numeric to char   
               with $HEX16. format.                                     
   Thanks to Gary Zaetz, IBM z/OS Communications Server Support, USA.   
   Thanks to David Campbell, SUNTRUST, USA.                             
Change 36.037  Variable QWHSACE was missing from the BY list for dataset
Feb 19, 2018   INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.  This code has been executing  
               and accidentally working since MXG 35.10, last year,     
               before two site's data records with multiple QWHSACEs    
               exposed my coding error.                                 
   Thanks to Lori A Stratford,The Auto Club Group AAA Michigan, USA.    
   Thanks to Kare Martin Torsvik, IBM Services, NORWAY                  
Change 36.036  Support for new Subtype 31 SMF 82 JOB-level crypto stats.
Feb 14, 2018                                                            
               During testing of this update, Error Message UNDECLARED  
               ARRAY YPE8231 (note T is missing) was caused by VMXGINIT 
               typo setting PTY8231=DEFAULT instead of setting WTY8231. 
               Just a developers note as for that " YPExxxx" error text 
               shows up in testing from time to time.                   
Change 36.035  If the last engine type in an LPAR was an IFL, the MXG   
VMAC7072       calculation of LPARSHAR/LPARSHAC and LZIPSHAR/LZIPSHAC   
Feb 14, 2018   was incorrect in the TYPE70 dataset.                     
   Thanks to Andrew Petersen, DXC, AUSTRALIA.                           
Change 36.034  Some debugging options added when MXGEXIMSG=YES and a bad
VGETOBS        branch to end modified so that if the dataset you seek   
Feb 14, 2018   does not exist and debugging is on you will get the      
               message that it did not exist.                           
Change 36.033  Analysis of different I/O counts between SMF 42 subtype 6
ANAL4274       and type74 subtype 1.                                    
Feb 13, 2018                                                            
Change 36.032  WebSphere INVALID Subtype 9 messages were cause by the   
VMAC120        absence of ELSE clauses that are now corrected.          
Feb 12, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
VMACDB2H       issue, but rather is due to BMC APPTUNE SMF 102 records  
Feb 11, 2018   with Data Sharing Group sections that were incorrectly   
               decoded by MXG logic, now corrected.  The ERROR is real  
               in that observations were NOT output in some datasets.   
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 36.030  Old-style substitution macro _HSMINTV added so you can   
ASUMHSM        easily change the default HOUR interval to you choice.   
Feb  6, 2018   If you want the interval to be QTRHOUR and the final     
               output written to dataset HSM.QTRHOUR, you would use:    
                 %LET MACKEEP=%QUOTE(                                   
                   MACRO _LSUHSM HSM.QTRHOUR % /* SETS OUTPUT DSN */    
                   MACRO _HSMINTV QTRHOUR % /* SETS INTERVAL */         
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(ASUMHSM);                            
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 36.029  Variables SM120RULEXFBOM/DEB/MON/FTRC are one-bit fields 
VMAC120        that MXG incorrectly INPUT as one-byte variables.        
Feb  8, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
   Thanks to Jack Hyde, UHC, USA.                                       
Change 36.028  Change 35.124 introduced code that stopped PDBAUDIT with 
PDBAUDIT       a memory limitation problem with WPS when more than 20   
Feb  8, 2018   LIBNAMEs were found.  Change 35.201 then accidentally    
               circumvented that error by removing duplicate entries,   
               but the real error was that DICTIONARY.MEMBERS returned  
               all libname.member entries, (THOUSANDS in MXG QA JOB),   
               rather than the LIBNAME entries from DICTIONARY.LIBNAMES.
               The error message is inactive.                           
   Thanks to Earl Kline, Luminex, USA.                                  
Change 36.027  More invalid LENSR=304 and 448 for SMF 42 Subtype 5;     
VMAC42         IF LENSR IN(232,240,320,400,448,480) THEN LENSR=160;     
Feb  8, 2018   The line was also moved up to after the DO because       
               those large values with lots of SR segments caused the   
               MXG test for INVALID SR Length exceeds record length.    
               The correcting APAR number is OA54663, but it did not    
               acknowledge the multiplicity of incorrect values when    
               it "Updated SMF42SRL to contain only length of SMF4205A".
   Thanks to Luis Mendoza, Black Knight, USA.                           
   Thanks to Lori A Stratford,The Auto Club Group AAA Michigan, USA.    
====== Changes thru 36.026 are in MXG 36.01 dated Feb  6, 2018========= 
VMXG70PR       datasets, with some incorrect values in those datasets   
Feb  5, 2018   when those messages are printed, not just SMF70LAC, when 
               either the data from a system is not input, or if your   
               LPARNAME/SYSTEM/SYSNAME/SMF70STN names are inconsistent. 
               Change 35.144 introduced the message and provided a way  
               if your SMF70STN matches LPARNAME, but you may need the  
               below logic to create consistent names.                  
                   %LET INCODE70FOR70PR=%QUOTE(                         
                     LENGTH SMF70STN $8;                                
                     IF      SYSNAME='ZUT1ACP1' THEN SYSTEM='ACP1';     
                     ELSE IF SYSNAME='ZUT1DEV1' THEN SYSTEM='DEV1';     
                     ELSE IF SYSNAME='ZUT1PRD1' THEN SYSTEM='PRD1';     
                     IF      SYSNAME='ZUT1ACP1' THEN SYSNAME='ACP1';    
                     ELSE IF SYSNAME='ZUT1DEV1' THEN SYSNAME='DEV1';    
                     ELSE IF SYSNAME='ZUT1PRD1' THEN SYSNAME='PRD1';    
                     IF      SMF70STN='ZUT1ACP1' THEN SYSTEM='ACP1';    
                     ELSE IF SMF70STN='ZUT1DEV1' THEN SYSTEM='DEV1';    
                     ELSE IF SMF70STN='ZUT1PRD1' THEN SYSTEM='PRD1';    
                     IF      SMF70STN='ZUT1ACP1' THEN SMF70STN='ACP1';  
                     ELSE IF SMF70STN='ZUT1DEV1' THEN SMF70STN='DEV1';  
                     ELSE IF SMF70STN='ZUT1PRD1' THEN SMF70STN='PRD1';  
                     IF      SYSNAME='ZUT1ACP1' THEN SYSTEM='ACP1';     
                     ELSE IF SYSNAME='ZUT1DEV1' THEN SYSTEM='DEV1';     
                     ELSE IF SYSNAME='ZUT1PRD1' THEN SYSTEM='PRD1';     
                     IF      SYSNAME='ZUT1ACP1' THEN SYSNAME='ACP1';    
                     ELSE IF SYSNAME='ZUT1DEV1' THEN SYSNAME='DEV1';    
                     ELSE IF SYSNAME='ZUT1PRD1' THEN SYSNAME='PRD1';    
                   %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(ASUM70PR);                         
               These are the variables that will have missing values    
               in PDB.ASUMCECLP and ASUMCEC for those LPARs listed:     
               SMF70CPA SMF70LAC SMF70PAT SMF70WTI SMF70WTS SMF70WTI.   
   Thanks to Ed Wieszczek, Zions Bank, USA.                             
Change 36.025  Support for zVM64 Level 40061701 and 1702 INCOMPATIBLE.  
VMACVMXA       Changes to MTRSYS 1.04 for SKIP calculation and MTREND   
Feb  6, 2018   1.11 logic required for new instance where the rest of   
               the record contains only nulls.                          
   Thanks to Graham Harris, RBS, ENGLAND.                               
Change 36.024  Support for ThruPutManager Release/Version 18.02 COMPAT, 
VMACTPMX       PTF Level TMT7113, adds new variable JXJBSTXT to dataset 
Feb  1, 2018   TYPETPMX, with label 'JXJBSSYSAFF*TEXT'.                 
               Long labels and variables with blank labels corrected.   
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 36.023  Yet another ID 42 ST 5 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED due to   
VMAC42         yet another invalid LENSR of 232 that should be 160.     
Jan 29, 2018   NOW: IF LENSR IN(232,240,320,400,480) THEN LENSR=160;    
               See Change 35.302 and 35.305 original invalid LENSRs.    
               IBM APAR OA54663 has been opened to fix the reported     
               problem. (Note IBM calls it "reported", apparently       
               until they have accepted and fixed the issue!)           
   Thanks to Bradley A. Foxhall, BNY, USA.                              
Change 36.022  Support for Liberty SMF 120 Subtype 100 (COMPAT) 
VMAC120        added two new fields to dataset TY120100:                
                SM120RULEXPNUM='RULESET*NUMBER OF*PARAMETERS*/          
              -Unknown Subtype logic added to print a hex dump if found.
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
   Thanks to Jack Hyde, UHC, USA.                                       
Change 36.021  Allocation utility VMXGALOC is enhanced so that if your  
VMXGALOC       have specified DB2KEEP=0 or CICSKEEP=0 or SPINKEEP=0, the
Jan 25, 2018   directories are not created.  This is primarily for      
               specialized tailoring where you want to send output data 
               to different directories than the normal PDB processing, 
               as SPIN CICSTRAN and DB2 are neither needed or desirable 
               with those arguments (DAILYDSN being a good example).    
Change 36.020  ASCII version of JCLDAYDS that uses the SAS FTP engine to
ASCIIDSN       process TMC and DCOLLECT data.                           
Jan 25, 2018                                                            
Change 36.019  Change to output dataset label to reflect the correct    
TRNDDSNS       source of the data.                                      
Jan 25, 2018                                                            
Change 36.018  Obscure DB2 GTF file ASCII-only conversion utility to    
UDB2GTFA       assemble 256 byte pieces had the COL=OUTCOL that should  
Jan 25, 2018   have been COL=OUTLOC, causing no output records.  Was NOT
               reported, accidentally discovered.  But nasty to find.   
Change 36.017  INVALID SMF 119 SUBTYPE 81 RECORD has IST1219DS offset   
VMAC119        of 2899 and IST1219DS length of 2164 but the record is   
Jan 25, 2018   only 3076 bytes long, causing INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.  
               Test added to print MXGERROR and delete the record while 
               opening a problem with IBM support.                      
   Thanks to David Campbell, Suntrust, USA.                             
Change 36.016  Enhancement to create optional SMFHEADER dataset with    
TYPEID         selected variable from the SMF header when READSMF=YES   
VMXGINIT       is used.  These two macros (default blank) enable:       
Jan 24, 2018     %LET SMFHEADERDATASET1=                                
                 %LET SMFHEADERDATASET2=                                
                    %QUOTE( OUTPUT PDB.SMFHEADER; ) ;                   
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 36.015  Variable CPUID $EBCDIC8 ERROR when TYPEBETA and TYPE70   
VMACBETA       records were processed together - CPUID is a numeric but 
Jan 24, 2018   VMACBETA had an incorrect/old BETA93 reference.          
   Thanks to Lothar Koppe, Provinzial, GERMANY.                         
Change 36.014  ANALHSM Report 3 Title was overlaid if BYVAL was used.   
Jan 22, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 36.013  Documentation only.  APAR OA27291 corrects ABEND S0C4 if 
NEWSLTRS       USEZOSV1R9RULE(NO), the default, is used with Netview    
Jan 22, 2018   NvDM at z/OS 1.10 or higher, in DIAGxx member of parmlib.
   Thanks to Lizette Koehler, Albertsons/Safeway Stores, USA.           
Change 36.012  The created GMTOFF30 value could be .01 seconds more or  
VMAC30         .01 less than the exact hourly offset when SMF30IST was  
Jan 22, 2018   not the same second as INTBTIME, complicated by the two  
               different resolutions, .01 in SMF30IST/SMFSTAMP8/local,  
               .000001 in the higher resolution INTBTIME/TODSTAMP/GMT,  
               the only source of the GMT delta in SMF 30s. This change 
               impacts variables ACTDLYTM EXECTM INTBTIME INTETIME and  
               SYNCTIME with the PROC COMPARE difference less than .01. 
               And note that if you have not specified SYNC in SMFPRMxx,
               the TYPE30_V/SMFINTRV datasets are useless for any type  
               of interval totals.                                      
Change 36.011 -MXG 35.09-36.  Using %PDBAUDIT(LIBNAMES='Not _ALL_",     
PDBAUDIT       overriding the internal _ALL_ default, the program       
Jan 19, 2018   failed with a syntax error pointing to a Paren.          
              -If LIBNAMES=PDB was used, and //PDB DD is tape, the      
               program fails with PDB.PDBAUDIT NOT FOUND, because the   
               option EXCLUDESEQ=YES is the default to NOT READ tape    
               PDB libraries.  Now, if your PDBAUDIT= is on tape, and   
               EXCLUDESEQ=YES, the program will tell you that you must  
               change that to NO, so the program will report on the     
               contents of the tape Data Library, but there is no output
               of the PDB.PDBAUDIT dataset to that tape, as that could  
               destroy existing datasets on the sequential mode tape.   
              -It is NOT recommended that you build your PDB on tape    
               because of performance issues: tapes have no directory   
               so the full tape has to be read to determine its contents
               for PDBAUDIT, and worse for BUILDPDB, where datasets are 
               written AND read-from the //PDB, each reference has to   
               start at the beginning of the tape and read all data     
               to get to that dataset.                                  
              -If you do want your daily PDB on tape, you should write  
               to temp DASD for the //PDB, to eliminate the rereads, and
               then PROC COPY from //PDB to tape after all your reports 
               were created from the temp DASD PDB.  And, since this PDB
               for BUILDPDB is NOT on tape, PDB.PDBAUDIT will be created
               and output to the temp PDB so it is included in the copy.
              -Note that if you do use EXCLUDESEQ=NO with PDB on tape,  
               there are no observation counts in the PDBAUDIT reports. 
   Thanks to Peter Ten Eyck, American National, USA.                    
Change 36.010  TYPE73 dataset variable CHFXRATE should have been divided
VMAC73         SMF73PTI, the corrected elapsed time, and not by DURATM. 
Jan 18, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Steve Olenik, IBM, USA.                                    
Change 36.010A Support for z/OS 2.4 SMF 89 Dataset TYPE89R2 new TRG     
VMAC89         ICN1674.                                                 
Jan 16, 2019                                                            
Change 36.009  Message: INVALID TYPE 0 RECORD with LENGTH=70 was deleted
VMAC0          but that length is now valid when SMF0TBUF was added, but
Jan 18, 2018   its length was not added to the test for valid lengths.  
                 The test for each valid TYPE 0 record length is needed 
                 because, many times, sysprogs installing a product that
                 writes SMF records, incorrectly fail to set a record ID
                 and the product writes type 0 records, which were not  
                 valid IPL records, and thus were deleted by MXG, with  
                 the message.  I failed to add 70 to the test.          
              -And, this site had records that were LENGTH=52 that are  
               not IPL records, accidentally written.  Do you recognize 
               what product has values like these in that record?:      
          CHAR  ;... 3....E09ZBLOK. .. 3....LIDPOST BLKLDPSTLOADED   52 
          NUMR  E000B3181F509923622800B3181F394762302323472336145400    
   Thanks to Bruce Sloss, PNC, USA.                                     
Change 36.008  Variable TTAPLDAT in dataset TYP11902 was mis-aligned due
VMAC119        to INPUT that should have been INPUT @OFF11905 TTAPLDAT. 
Jan 15, 2018                                                            
   Thanks to Bob Davidson, LloydsBanking, ENGLAND.                      
Change 36.007  Scott Barry posted the UTILBPV program to examine the BVP
UTILBPV        cylinder value to minimize wasted space in the Cylinder  
Jan 15, 2018   Managed Area using EAV Volumes, using your DCOLLECT data.
               Datasets larger than the BPV value are written to the    
               Cylinder-Managed Space, while dataset smaller than BPV   
               are written to the Track-Managed Space.                  
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 36.006 -CICS/TS 5.3 new CPU variables in Statistics CICM dataset:
VMAC110           MNGCPUT ='TOTAL*CPU*TIME'                             
Jan 15, 2018      MNGTONCP='TOTAL*CPU*TIME*ON CP'                       
                  MNGOFLCP='TOTAL*CPU*TIME*OFFLOAD*ON CP'               
              -Variable MNGWLMCC now tests the correct bit.             
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 36.005 -TYPE115 header variable QWHSDURN in SMF 115 subtype 231  
VMACDB2H       has a value that requires a divide by 4096, while that   
VMAC115        same field in all other SMF 115 subtypes is microseconds.
Jan 18, 2018  -Header variable QWHSTIME and QWHSDURN are added to all   
Feb  2, 2018   datasets that have the 52-byte DB2 QWHS header segment:  
                TYPE115201 TYPE115215, subtypes 1, 201, 215, and 213.   
              -Variable QIS1EXPF is INPUT and kept in TYP115201 dataset.
              -The BY lists for 1155/115A/115L/115N were revised and now
               duplicates are removed (the 1155 and 1156 have MANY dupes
              -Variables QSSTCN64/QSSTCR64, ABOVE THE BAR CONTRACTIONS  
               and SHORT ON STORAGE counts added to MQMLOG dataset.     
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 36.004  Correction for DB2 V11 IFCID 376 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED
VMAC102        STOPOVER ERROR because the code incorrectly expected the 
Jan 14, 2018   V12 truncated offsets that are now unread with DB2 V11.  
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 36.003 -TYPE70TR TRG dataset misalignment was corrected when data
VMAC7072       records were received from IBM, but with these questions:
VMAC89          Split 70 records have a 70 TRG segment in each record,  
Jan 17, 2018    and the second record's TRG data is identical.          
              -TYPE72TR TRG dataset has negative values for R723TSUCP:  
               IBM RMF replies: Negative values can occur in certain    
               cases.  When transaction processor usage is reported to  
               WLM through IWM4RPT or IWM4MNTF services, the consumed   
               service units are accounted to the transaction service or
               report classes, and deducted from the region's service   
               and report classes. If the number of transactions is very
               small and a single transaction reports high processor    
               times, it can occur that processor times become negative.
               R723CETSX is natively in "squared microseconds" but is   
               converted to "squared millisecs" to match R723CETS units.
              -TYPE89 documentation had offset at 64 with length 80, but
               actual offset/length are 36/52, causing the original MXG 
               code to not INPUT the TRG TRO/TCO segments, so datasets  
               TYPE80TI, TYPE89R1, and TYPE89R2 had zero observations.  
              -With these changes, Tenant Resource Group, TRG datasets  
               have been validated with data.                           
Change 36.002  See Change 36.135.                                       
Jul 20, 2018                                                            
Change 36.001  TYPETCP (SMF 118) APISTART datetime was on GMT, the only 
VMACTCP        field with SMFSTAMP informat not on local time zone.     
Jan  9, 2018   Labels with MBYTES changed to BYTES since they all use   
               the MGBYTES format that prints the suffix letter.        
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC Technology, USA.                         
LASTCHANGE: Version 36.