ANNUAL  MXG VERSION 38.38 is  dated Jan  4, 2021, thru Change 38.234.   
        MXG VERSION 38.10 was dated Nov 23, 2020, thru Change 38.213.   
        MXG VERSION 38.09 was dated Nov  4, 2020, thru Change 38.196.   
First   MXG VERSION 38.09 was dated Nov  2, 2020, thru Change 38.194.   
        MXG VERSION 38.08 was dated Sep 28, 2020, thru Change 38.163.   
        MXG VERSION 38.07 was dated Aug 22, 2020, thru Change 38.141.   
        MXG VERSION 38.06 was dated Jul 25, 2020, thru Change 38.123.   
Second  MXG VERSION 38.06 was dated Jul 25, 2020, thru Change 38.122.   
First   MXG VERSION 38.06 was dated Jul 24, 2020, thru Change 38.120.   
        MXG VERSION 38.05 was dated Jul 15, 2020, thru Change 38.112.   
        MXG VERSION 38.04 was dated May 25, 2020, thru Change 38.081.   
        MXG VERSION 38.03 was dated May  7, 2020, thru Change 38.071.   
        MXG VERSION 38.02 was dated Mar 23, 2020, thru Change 38.048.   
        MXG VERSION 38.01 was dated Feb 17, 2020, thru Change 38.027.   
Annual  MXG VERSION 37.37 was dated Jan  6, 2020, thru Change 37.272.   
        The Final MXG Newsletter SIXTY-NINE was dated Jan  3, 2018.     
        New TECHNOTES previously in NEWSLTRS are now in CHANGESS.       
Instructions for ftp download can be requested by using this form:                          
Your download instructions will be sent via return email.               
Contents of member CHANGES:                                             
I.    Current MXG Software Version 38.38 is available upon request.     
II.   SAS Version requirement information.                              
III.  WPS Version requirement information.                              
IV.   MXG Version Required for Hardware, Operating System Release, etc. 
V.    Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 38.38.                  
VI.   Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
VII.  Changes Log                                                       
  Member NEWSLTRS contains Technical Notes, especially APARs of interest
  and is updated with new notes frequently.  All Newsletters are online 
  at in the "Newsletters" frame, although there are  
  no new NEWSLTRS updates; they are now found in CHANGESS as TECHNOTEs. 
  Member CHANGES contains the changes made in the current MXG version.  
  Member CHANGESS contains all changes that have ever been made to MXG. 
  All MXG changes are also online at, in "Changes".  
I.  MXG VERSION 38.38 DATED Jan  4, 2021, THRU CHANGE 38.234.           
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 38.38, DATED Jan  4, 2021 THRU 38.234.     
ABEND CORRECTED:                                                        
  TYPE90A  38.220  z/OS 2.2, MXG 38.09-10 SMF 90 ST 9 ABEND INPUT EXCEED
  ASMRMFV  38.226  MXG 38.09-10. RMF III CFIG3 record error.            
NEW SUPPORT:                                                            
  TYPETMO2 38.228  Support for TMON/CICS 4.1 revisions, INSTREAM TMON.  
  TYPE92   38.222  Support for APAR OA60306, adds 8-byte memory fields. 
  TYPESY2K 38.221  Support for SYSTEM 2000 Flat File.                   
  TYPE42   38.216  Support for APAR OA59581 new TYPE42DS SYNC fields.   
  TYPESYNC 38.214  New SYNCSORT zIIPSaver add-on variables.             
  TYPE70PR 38.215  TYPE70PR var CP70BPS/ZIP70BPS/CP70ACS/ZIP70ACS wrong.
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 38.10, DATED Nov 23, 2020 THRU 38.213.     
ABEND CORRECTED                                                         
  TYPE42   38.204  TYPE 42 ST 5 incorrect MXG logic INPUT EXCEEDED.     
NEW SUPPORT:                                                            
  ASUM113  38.201  New z/15 EXTND256-EXTND287 were not kept in ASUM1131.
  TYPEBETA 38.200  Support for BETA93 and BETA97 new data and updates.  
  TECHNOTE 38.199  Compressed SMF 110 expensive without EXITCICS on z/OS
  ASMVVDS  38.197  Updates to read VVDS records and output to file/SMF. 
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 38.09, DATED Nov  4, 2020 THRU 38.196.     
ABEND CORRECTED                                                         
  UTILBLDP 38.195   UTILBLDP with SUPPRESS=110 and BUILDPDB NE 'NO'     
                    ABENDED with ERROR:WORK.CICSEXCE.DATA not found.    
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 38.09, DATED Nov  2, 2020 THRU 38.194.     
NEW SUPPORT:                                                            
  TYPE110  38.168  Support for CICS/TS 5.6 STID=43, 46, and new STID=61.
  TYPE16   38.164  Support for APAR PH03207 for DFSORT ZSORT stats.     
  ASMRMFV  38.188  Support for RMF III EXECVEL and PERFINDX variables.  
  ASMRMFV  38.181  New Field Data Filter support for CFIG3 table.       
  TYPE102  38.179  Support for DB2 ZPARM MFA_AUTHCACHE_UNUSED_TIME.     
  TYPE38   38.178  Support for z NetView 6.3 Subtype 4 Command stats.   
  ANALAVAI 38.183  Enhanced reporting on availability.                  
ERRORS CORRECTED:                                                       
  UTILEXCL 38.180  Optional "Candle" CICS segment kept wrong variables. 
  TYPE50   38.177  VSAM Tuning data sets were misaligned.               
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 38.08, DATED Sep 28, 2020 THRU 38.163.     
  VMAC30   38.163  Support for APAR OA59813 for BOOSTCLASS='RECO'.      
  TYPE74   38.152  Support for APARs OA58724/58729 new Monopoly in ST=4.
  UTILBLDP 38.157  BUILDMXG fails if you didn't specify OUTFILE=.       
  TYPE119  38.156  Tokens for TYP11924/11925 were not in _N119.         
  ANAL119  38.150  Errors corrected if you didn't have //IPHOSTS file.  
  ANALSIIS 38.149  SM113TM replaced by TIMESTMP for better match up.    
  READDB2  38.147  ACCTSORT=NO caused redirects to not be honored.      
  VMXGDUR  38.145  If interval LT actual duratm, warning is printed.    
  VMXG70PR 38.142  Support for ASUM70WK to keep full hours.             
  VMXGPRAL 38.159  MXG 38.07 only, 180 Syntax Error citing SP_NOBS.     
  TYPERMFV 38.124  Many dupes in ZRBXCG/XCP/XCS datasets.               
  TYPERMFV 38.162  Datasets ZRBCHP and ZRBSCM had zero observations.    
  PDBAUDIT 38.161  Value of PDBAUDIT incorrectly set, revised.          
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 38.07, DATED Aug 22, 2020 THRU 38.141.     
  TYPE26J2 38.137  Support for APAR OA57466 new TYPE26J2 compress data. 
  ASMRMFV  38.128  Field Data Filter FDF Support adds XCFG3, FDF fix.   
  TYPE7072 38.126  SMF sysplex data with SMF Logger INTERLEAVES ALL SMF.
  TYPERMFV 38.124  Many dupes in ZRBXCG/XCP/XCS datasets.               
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 38.06, DATED Jul 25, 2020 THRU 38.123.     
  VMXGCICI 38.123  Tailored CICxxxxx statistics in PDB and WORK failed. 
  TYPE110  38.122  Some CICS Statistics datasets (CICxxxxx) were sorted 
                   because %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(SCICSORT) after line 6281  
                   was accidentally deleted.                            
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 38.06, DATED Jul 24, 2020 THRU 38.120.     
  TYPE110  38.114  New CICSRDUR/URIMAP, CICSRDWB/WEBSVC datasets.       
  TYPEDB2  38.117  Support for DB2 APAR PH16111 IFCID 365 SMF 100.      
  TYPE102  38.117  Support for DB2 APAR PH16111 IFCID 365 SMF 102.      
  TYPEMVCI 38.116  Support for BMC Mainview for CICS 7.1 (COMPATIBLE).  
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 38.05, DATED Jul 15, 2020 THRU 38.112.     
ABEND CORRECTED:                                                        
  TYPE7072 38.103  MXG 38.03/38.04 TYPE7072 fails if //PDB on TAPE.     
  ASCII    38.091  MXG on Windows, AV Products, LOCK NOT AVAILABLE      
  SAS      38.087  ERROR: Utility File Open Failed PROC MEANS/SUMMARY.  
  TYPE83   38.090  SMF 83 ST 3 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.                
NEW SUPPORT:                                                            
  TYPE110  38.084  Support for CICS/TS 5.6 (INCOMPAT, FIELDS INSERTED). 
  TYPE7072 38.107  Support for APAR OA59330 new variables in TYPE7002.  
  MANY     38.105  Support for May 2020 SMF Manual Changes zOS 2.4.     
  TYPETPMX 38.102  Support for Thruput Manager TMT7123/TMT7124 Jul 2020.
  TYPE85   38.100  Support for SMF 85 OAM Cloud Tier.                   
  TYPE74   38.098  Support for SMF 74 CMF from BMC PTF BQM12658/59.     
  TYPE78   38.097  Support for APAR OA56684 TYPE78IO EADM/SCM variables.
  TYPEDB2  38.096  Support for APAR PI98851 new variables DB2STATS.     
  TYPE30   38.093  Support for APAR OA59126, dataspaces variables.      
  TYPE74   38.089  Support for new EADM variables in TYPE7410.          
  TYPESARR 38.088  Support for CA View SARR SMF Subtypes 34 and 35.     
  ANALINIT 38.083  Enhanced JOB EXEC/QUEUED/HELD/etc analysis           
  TYPE110  38.099  CICS Statistics Records revisions.                   
  ASMRMFV  38.082  ASMRMFV FDF Support for new tables.                  
  CMF+RMF  38.095  Variable CMFPROD to select CMF vs SMF if both are on.
  UCICSCNT 38.085  Enhanced counts/bytes for SMF 110 including STIDs.   
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 38.04, DATED MAY 25, 2020 THRU 38.081.     
ABEND CORRECTED:                                                        
  BLDSMPDB 38.081  MXG 38.03 only.  BLDSMPDB WEEKLY JOB ABENDS, typo.   
                      Line 667 has     1   %END;  remove the "1".       
                   Only on z/OS and only if WEEK is a GDG.              
ERRORS CORRECTED:                                                       
  TYPE30_6 38.072  Revised deaccumulate for accumulated subtype 6.      
  TYPEDB2  38.075  Support for APAR PH14037 DB2ACCTP QPACPKID truncated.
                     No MXG Change, IBM APAR corrected wrong offset.    
  ANAL119  38.073  Cleanup and removal of a typo.                       
NEW SUPPORT:                                                            
  FORMATS  38.080  Support for z15 T02 values in $MGRMIPS format.       
  TYPE42   38.079  Support for APAR OA59541 for Type 42 Subtype 27.     
  TYPE102  38.077  SMF102 IFCID 143/144 increase length QW014xUR.       
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 38.03, DATED MAY 16, 2020 THRU 38.071.     
EXPOSURE CORRECTED:                                                     
  AUTOINST 38.054  ASCII Unique INSTREAM create for Concurrent Sessions.
ERRORS CORRECTED                                                        
  TYPE123A 38.061  Datetime values were 2080 instead of 2020, MXG error.
  TYPECMFV 38.063  CMF VSAM INVALID DATA messages, wrong informat.      
  TYPECIMS 38.058  CIMS/IMF CIMSDBD/DB2/MQ Zero Obs 37.37-38.02         
  VMXGOPTR 38.056  ANALHSM caused Error "SAS Option Name OPTIONS 1".    
  TYPE70   38.055  PCTMVSBY incorrect after 37.123. (NOT PCTCPUBY!!!).  
  ASMRMFV  38.064  Support for APAR OA58759, caused Condition Code 4.   
  TYPEXCOM 38.069  XCOM input did not skip the 461 bytes added in 12.0. 
New Support                                                             
  TYPE119  38.068  Support for Comm Server SMF 119 Subtype 11 ZERT data.
  TYPE110  38.060  SET MONITOR FREQ hourly CICSTRAN for long runners.   
  UTILROLL 38.065  UTILROLL example to combine PDBs created every 4hr.  
  TYPEDB2  38.062  Support DB2 APAR PI92652,PI82191 and DPAGE support.  
  TYPESVIE 38.057  Support for SYSVIEW Subtype 2 record one min detail. 
  TYPEXAM  38.059  zVPS XAMCUV LCPUID=96 Totals records now deleted.    
  VMACSMF  38.051  SAS FTP Access Method &MXGABND=1 set to print errors.
  TYPE42   38.067  Yet another TYPE42 invalid LENSR in subtype 5 42's.  
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 38.02, DATED MAR 23, 2020 THRU 38.048.     
ERRORS CORRECTED                                                        
  VMACSMF  38.033  SMF Signature Type 2 St 1/2 MANY BACK2BACK LOG msgs  
  TYPE73   38.038  Variable SHIFT was not populated.                    
New Product Support                                                     
  TYPEVMXA 38.048  z/VM MONWRITE z15 INCOMPATIBLE.             
                   Many Log Messages, PRCMFC/PRCMFM empty, rest okay.   
  TYPE70   38.031  Support for APAR OA56683 SMFBOOST System Recovery    
  TYPE62   38.041  Support for APAR OA57105, adds JOBID SYSPLEX.        
  TYPE64   38.041  Support for APAR OA57105, adds JOBID SYSPLEX.        
  TYPETPMX 38.039  Support for new INREI and JCLJJ in TYPETPMX.         
  TYPE116  38.037  MQMACCTQ/MQMACCT/MQCFSTAT/MQMQUEUE/ revisions.       
  TYPE113  38.035  TYPE113 Counters EXTND247/252/264/265 now labeled.   
  TYPEVMXA 38.019  z/VM VXAPLSLM variable SHARERAM zero if not RHEL8.   
  TYPE89   38.034  APAR OA59002 corrects TYPE89 var SMF89UZT values.    
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 38.01, DATED Feb 17, 2020 THRU 38.027.     
ERRORS CORRECTED                                                        
  CONFIMXG 38.004  MXG 37.37 only, 1024 should be OPEN_ED=1047.         
  TYPE80A  38.017  INPUT EXCEEDED due to a HOME segment with no data.   
  ANALID   38.010  ERROR "OPTORG4" if you changed SMFAUDIT to NO.       
  UTILBLDP 38.008  Error after Change 37.149 if first USERADD is IDMS.  
New Product Support                                                     
  FORMATS  38.020  Support for SMF73CPT 33/34 connection types.         
  TYPE102  38.019  Support for DB2 APAR PH18739 var QW0389IT in T102S389
  TYPEIMS  38.014  Support for APAR PH14569/PH21001 IMS 22 log record.  
  TYPEBETA 38.013  Support for BETA (93) and BETA97 Version 7.1.0       
  TYPEBE97 38.013  Support for BETA (93) and BETA97 Version 7.1.0       
  TYPE42   38.011  Support for APAR OA57718, zHyperLink TYPE42DS stats. 
  TYPEIAM  38.006  Support for IAM 9.3 Spin 3 INCOMPATIBLE inserts.     
  FORMATS  38.003A R744HOPM $MG074HO new '50x:CL5 10GBIT/S CEE ROCE'.   
  TYPEIDMS 38.003  IDMSTAS UOW/NETNAME added, TASUFLD1-3 corrected.     
  TYPETMS5 38.002  Variables BYTEPRC and BESKEY added to TMS/DSNBRECD.  
  BUILDIMS 38.001  All selections now work, new INPUTCLNR variable.     
New Analysis/Reporting                                                  
  ANAL95TH 38.018  PROC TABULATE 95th pct response stats CICSTRAN/JOBS. 
  ANALATNC 38.005  Report Code for Latent Demand analysis, examples of  
  DOCVLONG 38.012  Creates a DOCVLONG with all DOCVER data on one line. 
  ANALSIIS 38.009  Analysis of Store Into Instruction Stream enhanced.  
    Please read CHANGESS for the complete list of major enhancements.   
  See member NEWSLTRS or the Newsletters frame at for
  current MXG Technical Notes.                                          
  All of these enhancements are described in the Change Log, below.     
II.   SAS Version requirement information:                              
   SAS Versions                                                         
    The current version nomenclature is SAS 9.4 TS1M7 (9.4M7),          
     "M7", or with options  VERSIONLONG;                                
      "SAS 9.4 (9.04.01M7P080520)" on z/OS                              
           9.4 (TS04.01M7P08052020)"  on ASCII.                         
     SAS V9.4 M7 is RECOMMENDED, but MXG executes without error         
     using SAS Version 9.4 M0-M2 or M4-M6 or SAS Version 9.3 M0-M2.     
     SAS V9.4 M5 is REQUIRED with z/OS 2.3 with Eight-Byte USERIDs      
                for Interactive TSO (DMS) SAS Sessions. SAS Note 61339. 
     Only on z/OS, SAS 9.4 "M5" requires MXG 35.36+ because it adds the 
     NOERRORSTOP option to protect all MXG PROC SQLs from the M5 defect 
     described in SAS Note 61672.  But SAS apparently does not plan for 
     a defect correction since the MXG Circumvention solves for MXG and 
     the text of 61672 simply describes the circumvention needed because
     MXG's use of OPTIONS OBS=0 without NOERRORSTOP exposed the defect. 
     See Change 35.309 for more details on using NOERRORSTOP for your   
     own PROC SQLs.                                                     
     SAS V9.4 M3 is NOT RECOMMENDED.  See Change 36.128 SAS Note 61906  
                that reports 40% Increase in CPU time with M3.          
     SAS V9.4 (ALL) and SAS V9.3 (ALL) are at LEVEL A SAS Support.      
     SAS V9.3   SAS 9.3 TS1M2 was RECOMMENDED. SAS 9.3 TS1M1 works ok.  
                But SAS 9.3 at TS1M0, the HOT FIX for SAS Note SN-43828,
                see CHANGE 29.169, IS REQUIRED:                         
                  The %MACRO compiler error is in processing %LET       
                  statements. While only two MXG members failed         
                  repeatedly in MXG QA tests on z/OS, there were random 
                  %LET errors in ASCII QA tests, so ANY use of %LET     
                  statement on ANY platform are vulnerable to this      
                  error, as the %MACRO compiler is SAS portable code,   
                  used on all platforms.  So this is NOT just an MXG    
                  error, but impacts ALL SAS programs.                  
                SAS9.3 is LEVEL A support from SAS.                     
     SAS V9.2   Was recommended, prior to 9.3, and was error-free with  
                MXG 26.03 SAS Hot Fix for SAS Note 37166 is required to 
                use a VIEW with the MXG EXITCICS/CICSFIUE CICS/DB2      
                Decompression Infile Exit.  but SAS V9.2 does execute on
                that platform.                                          
                9.2 is LEVEL B Support from SAS, as of Sep 30, 2013.    
     SAS V9.1.3 on z/OS 1.10 requires SAS Hot Fix for SN-35332 and is at
                Support level C by SAS Institute, Sep 30, 2013.         
                SAS V9.1.3 is NOT supported by SAS on Windows SEVEN.    
                with SAS 8.2.                                           
                SAS 8.2 is Level C Support from SAS as of Dec 31, 2011. 
      JCL in MXGSAS94 or MXGSAS93 can be used, or MXGNAMES can be used  
      As documented in Change 27.356, for SAS V9.2 or later):           
      The standard SAS JCL Procedure can be used for MXG with SAS V9.2+ 
           // EXEC SAS,CONFIG='MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIMXG)'                  
      But CONFIMXG is required for sites with NLS issues, and you must  
      use JCLCONFI to create/update the MXG.FORMATS catalog if you use  
      For no NLS, you can  use the MXGSAS94 JCL Procedure example.      
      MXG 26.03 thru MXG 36.11 will execute under the previously listed 
      SAS Versions on all supported platforms                           
      Unrelated to the above SAS Note/Hot Fix, ODS users will want to   
      use MXG 29.06+, because SAS V9.3 did expose incompatibilities in  
      MXG code for ODS reporting, that were fixed in MXG Version 29.06. 
      See Changes 29.159 and 29.169.                                    
      And, only for z/OS 1.10 with SAS V9.1.3 with ANY version of MXG,  
      the SAS Hot Fix for SN-35332 is REQUIRED (to be completely safe). 
        Without this Hot Fix, "LIBREF XXXXXXXX IS NOT ASSIGNED" errors  
        can occur even though //XXXXXXXX DD is a valid SAS Data Library.
        This error ONLY occurs with z/OS 1.10 and SAS V9.1.3; it does   
        NOT occur with SAS V9.2, nor with z/OS 1.9.  It can be          
        circumvented by adding a LIBNAME statement that specifies the   
        ENGINE name. See the Technical Note in Newsletters for SN-35332.
        Note that SAS V9.1.3 is now at "Level B" Support from SAS.      
      Old MXG code may continue to execute with SAS V8.2, but V8 is now 
      "Level C" support from SAS Institute, and there are known errors  
      in V8.2 that are only fixed in SAS V9.  I no longer QA with V8.2; 
      While many MXG programs (accidentally) will still execute under   
      V8.2, I cannot guarantee that all of MXG executes error free.     
      PLEASE INSTALL V9.2/V9.3/V9.4, TO AVOID FIXED PROBLEMS!           
         If you are absolutely stuck on V8, you need to copy MXG member 
         V8GETOBS into USERID.SOURCLIB and rename to VGETOBS.           
      MXG Software has not executed under SAS V6 in many years.         
      The "PDB" libraries (i.e., SAS data libraries) must be created by 
      SAS V8 or later, but any of those data libraries can be read or   
      updated by the SAS Versions that MXG Supports, above.             
      For SAS Version V9.3:                                             
        SAS 93 TS1M1 is RECOMMENDED; for TS1M0, SAS Hot Fix in SAS Note 
        SN43828 is REQUIRED.  See text of Change 29.159.                
        With SAS 93 TS1M1, (or TS1M0 with that Hot Fix) MXG Versions    
        26.03 or later execute under SAS V9.3 on all platforms.         
        SAS Data Libraries created by SAS V8.2, V9.1.3, V9.2, V9.3 and  
        SAS V9.4 are interchangeable and can be read/written by any of  
        those versions, provided they are on the same platform.         
          BUT: on ASCII, the 32-bit and 64-bit SAS versions are NOT the 
          same "platform" and attempting to read/use the FORMAT catalog 
          created on one of those "platforms" on the other "platform"   
          will error out to remind you of that difference!              
        SAS V9.4 did change some V9.3 ODS processing defaults and syntax
        that might cause errors with MXG 29.05 or earlier; MXG 29.06,   
        Change 29.160 documents the major revisions made in MXG to fully
        support ODS, and MXG 29.06 is STRONGLY recommended for ODS with 
        SAS V9.3 or SAS V9.4.                                           
      For (Archaic) SAS Version V9.2 (TS1M0):                           
        Big Picture: SAS Version V9.2 is COMPATIBLE with MXG Software.  
        On z/OS, SAS changed the DSNAMES for some of the SAS libraries, 
        so you do need to use the new MXGSAS92 JCL Procedure for MXG,   
        but it still uses the CONFIGV9 configuration file.              
        However, NEW, and documented in Change 27.356, with SAS V9.2+:  
          The standard SAS JCL Procedure can be used for MXG:           
             // EXEC SAS,CONFIG='MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIMXG)'                
          instead of using the MXGSAS92 JCL Procedure example.          
        SAS Data Libraries are compatible for V8.2, V9.1.3, V9.2, V9.3, 
        and V9.4. "PDBs" can be read/written interchangeably between    
        these SAS versions.                                             
        MXG Versions 26.03+ do execute with SAS V9.2 with NO WARNINGS   
        and with NO ERRORS reported.                                    
          Pre-MXG 26.03, SAS Hot Fix F9BA07 was required to suppress a  
          new SAS V9.2 WARNING, that on z/OS, set CC=4 (condition/return
          code). That warning is harmless (to MXG code) and all MXG     
          created SAS datasets were correct, even with that warning.    
          The ONLY exposure was ONLY on z/OS, and ONLY if condition code
          tests are used in your MXG jobstreams.                        
        SAS Version 9.2 requires z/OS 1.7 or later, both officially as  
        documented by SAS Institute, and actually as V9.2 fails with 0C4
        under z/OS 1.4.                                                 
      For SAS V9.1.3 on z/OS with Service Pack 4:                       
        On z/OS 1.10, Hot Fix SN-35332 is REQUIRED.                     
        CONFIGV9 now specifies V9SEQ instead of V6SEQ.  As V6SEQ does   
        not support long length character variables, it can't be used.  
       SAS V9.1.3 with current Service Pack 4 is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.  
       For (back-level!) SAS V9.1 or V9.1.2 on z/OS:                    
        SN-013514 is REQUIRED to be able to read datasets that were     
          created by V6SEQ (tape) engine.                               
        SN-012437 is REQUIRED to prevent creation of corrupt/unreadable 
          datasets with tape engines V7SEQ, V8SEQ, or V9SEQ.            
        Both fixes ARE included in SAS V9.1.3, but V9.1 or 9.1.2 is NOT 
          SAFE without those two hot fixes, and if you do NOT have those
          two fixes on 9.1 or 9.1.2, you MUST set V6SEQ in CONFIGV9.    
        With MXG 23.02 or later, V9SEQ is the default sequential engine 
        specified in CONFIGV9, but if you are back at SAS V9.1 or V9.1.2
        you MUST install the two hot fixes listed above.                
       For SAS Version 8.2, HotFix Bundle 82BX08 (or later) was required
         as an absolute minimum level when that SAS Version was last    
         supported by MXG Software.  PLEASE INSTALL SAS V9.x ASAP.      
       Sequential Engine Status:                                        
          V9SEQ was fixed in V9.1.3; it has been default in CONFIGV9.   
          V8SEQ was always safe under SAS V8.2, but it wasted CPU time  
            by always compressing when writing in tape format.          
          V6SEQ, if used under V9.1.2, requires SN-013514, but V6SEQ    
                 should no longer be used, as it does not support long  
                 length variables.                                      
      MXG QA tests are executed with V9.4, on z/OS, on Windows TEN and  
      Linux on 64-bit hardware, but MXG users execute MXG on MANY       
      (ALL??) SAS platforms, including AIX, Linux, and other 'nix'      
      variants, on many different hardware platforms, and since they all
      work we don't need to list them. If SAS executes so does MXG.     
      Prior QA tests have been run with all SAS releases available at   
      that time on Linux RH8 on Intel, on Solaris v2.8 on a Model V880, 
      and on HP-UX v11.11 model rp5470, confirming full compatibility.  
      MXG should execute under ALL SUPPORTED SAS VERSIONS on EVERY SAS  
      platform without errors! Each new MXG version is also tested with 
      the SAS ITSV/ITRM product by the ITRM developers.                 
III.  WPS Version requirement information:                              
      WPS Version 4.1 USER 4037 ABEND, See Change 37.116.               
      WPS Version 4.0 reportedly fixed version 3 problems.              
      WPS Version 3.02 ( is required Change 34.266.  
         and other errors with 3.00 or 3.01 have been corrected in the  
         current WPS version.                                           
      WPS Version 3.01.1 maintenance level 731 required for PDB to tape 
      WPS Version 3.01 (also shows 3.1.1) is required for AUTOEZOS.     
      WPS Version 3.01  is required for MOBILWRK, PICTURE fails in 2.5. 
      WPS Version 3.01  executed MXG 32.03 BUILDPDB with no errors.     
      WPS Version 3.0   requires MXG 31.09 (see Change 31.251).         
      WPS Version 2.4   required MXG 27.09 (see Change 27.239).         
      WPS Version 2.3.5 required MXG 27.05.                             
      See NEWSLETTERS for WPS Support Statement.                        
      WPS prints this message ERROR: COULD NOT CREATE DATA SET "PDB.ID" 
      when the LIBNAME PDB does not exist; there would also have been a 
      prior log message  NOTE: Library PDB does not exist   as the clue.
IV.   MXG Version Required for Hardware, Operating System Release, etc. 
   MXG is usually NOT sensitive to z/OS Hardware changes, but:          
     The z15 and z15 T02 processors INCOMPATIBLY changed the SMF 113    
     records by inserting 32 new EXTEND and 4 CRYPTO counters, causing  
     ARRAY SIZE EXCEEDED with BUILDPDB which processes the SMF 113s.    
     Support for counter changes for both models was in MXG 37.08.      
        If you use MIPS in reports, the format $MGRMIPS provides the    
        MIPS/MSU value for each processor; the z15 values were updated  
        in MXG 37.08, and the z15 TO2 values were updated in MXG 38.04. 
        These MXG programs use $MGRMIPS: ASUMMIPS GRAFCEC GRAFWLM       
        GRAFWRKX and TYPERMFV (RMF III).                                
     The z/14 also inserted SMF 113 fields, supported in MXG 36.07.     
     The z/13 with 61+ LPARs requires MXG 32.05 IF NON-SMT MODE.        
     The z/EC12 with 85+ engines required MXG 30.07.                    
     Support for 255 engines was added in MXG 31.04.                    
     And z/VM on the z15 requires MXG 38.02, PRCMFC/MFM COUNTERS caused 
     HARDWARE COUNTER messages, PRCMFC/PRCMFM no obs.  Change 38.048.   
   The z13 processor INCOMPATIBLY CHANGED, the new SMT-MODE RMF 70, and 
   MXG 34.03 was REQUIRED (PCTCPUBY WRONG!), to read the SMT-format RMF 
   (which are written if you have zIIP engines AND have enabled the new 
   PROCVIEW CORE option for Multi-Threading, even if only one thread is 
   The new zEDC/EADM compression hardware requires MXG 38.05 to support 
   new metrics.                                                         
    Availability dates for the IBM products and MXG version required for
    error-free processing of that product's data records:               
                                       Availability     MXG Version     
      Product Name                     Date              Required       
      MVS/ESA 4.1                      Oct 26, 1990         8.8         
      MVS/ESA 4.2                      Mar 29, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.2.2                    Aug 15, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.3                      Mar 23, 1993        10.10        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - compatibility    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - Goal Mode        May  3, 1995        13.01        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.0                    Jun 15, 1995        13.05        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.2                    Oct 19, 1995        13.09        
      OS/390  1.1.0                    Feb 22, 1996        14.01        
      OS/390  1.2.0                    Sep 30, 1996        14.05        
      OS/390  1.3.0 Compatibility Mode Mar 28, 1997        14.14        
      OS/390  1.3.0 WLM Goal Mode      Mar 28, 1997        15.02        
      OS/390  2.4.0                    Sep 28, 1997        15.06        
      OS/390  2.5.0                    Feb 24, 1998        15.06        
      OS/390  2.6.0                    Sep 24, 1998        16.04        
      OS/390  2.7.0                    Mar 26, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.7.0 APAR OW41318       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.8.0                    Aug 24, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.8.0 FICON/SHARK        Aug 24, 1999        17.08        
      OS/390  2.8.0 APAR OW41317       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.9.0                    Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390 2.10.0                    Sep 15, 2000        18.06        
      OS/390  PAV                      Oct 24, 2000        18.09        
      z/OS 1.1                         Mar 30, 2001        18.11        
      z/OS 1.1 on 2064s                Mar 30, 2001        19.01        
      z/OS 1.1 with correct MSU        Mar 30, 2001        19.02        
      z/OS 1.2                         Oct 31, 2001        19.04        
      z/OS 1.1,1.2 APARs to 78         Oct 31, 2001        19.05        
      z/OS 1.2+ APAR OW52227           Apr 26, 2002        20.02        
      z/OS 1.3+ APAR OW52227           Apr 26, 2002        20.02        
      z/OS 1.2 JESNR Z2 MODE           Apr 26, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.3 JESNR Z2 MODE           Apr 26, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.4 Tolerate                Sep 27, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.4 Support                 Sep 27, 2002        20.06        
      z/OS 1.4 Over 16 CPUs/LPARs      May 29, 2003        21.02        
      z/OS 1.4 DFSMS/rmm, RACF         Aug 29, 2003        21.04        
      z/OS 1.5                         Mar 31, 2004        21.21        
      z/OS IRD ASUM70PR/ASUMCEC        Sep 22, 2003       *24.10        
      z/OS IRD TYPE70PR                Mar 11, 2004       *24.10        
      z/OS IRD TYPE70,RMFINTRV         Mar 22, 2002       *24.10        
      z/OS 1.6 - No IFAs               Sep 30, 2004       *22.09        
      z/OS 1.6 - With IFAs             Sep 30, 2004       *22.11        
      z/OS 1.7 (COMPATIBLE CHANGES)    Sep 30, 2005       *24.10        
      z/OS 1.7 (SPLIT70 CORRECTION)    Sep 30, 2005       *24.10        
      z/OS IFA data in RMF 79s         Sep 30, 2005        23.10        
      z/OS 1.8 - ASMTAPEE assembly     Sep 30, 2005       *25.03        
      z/OS 1.8 - SMF 119 INCOMPAT      Sep 30, 2005       *25.06        
      z/OS More than 32 LPARs          Jan 30, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS SPLIT RMF 70 records        Jan 30, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS Dupe SYSTEMs in a SYSPLEX   Jan 30, 2006       *24.02        
      z/OS IRD errors corrected        May 15, 2006        24.03        
      z/OS ASUMCEC errors corrected    May 15, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS ASUM70LP errors corrected   Jun 13, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS zIIP Processor Support      Jun 22, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS Dedicated zIIP Support      Mar  8, 2008       *26.01        
      z/OS Dedicated zAAP Support      Mar  8, 2008        26.01        
      z/OS 1.8 (COMPATIBLE CHANGES)    Sep 20, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS 1.9 (INCOMPAT, 54 CPs)      Sep 27, 2007        25.10        
      z/OS 1.9 MXGTMNT at ML-39 reASM  Sep 27, 2007        25.10        
      z/OS new z10 variables           Mar  5, 2008        26.01        
      z/OS 1.8 With HiperDispatch      Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.9 With HiperDispatch      Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.10 (INCOMPAT, MXG code)   Sep 15, 2008        26.07        
      z/OS 1.10 With HiperDispatch     Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.10 RMF III, SMF 119       Jul 20, 2009        27.05        
      z/OS 1.11                        Sep  2, 2009        27.08        
      z/OS 1.11 New 30 variables       Apr 14, 2010       *28.02        
      z/OS 1.12                        Aug 17, 2010       *28.05        
      z/OS 1.12 SMF 85 Subtype 79      Aug 17, 2010       *29.03        
      z/OS 1.12 VMGUEST option         Aug 17, 2010       *29.06        
      z/OS 1.13                        Sep 30, 2011        29.03        
      z/OS 1.13 - MXGTMNT only         Dec 15, 2011        29.08        
      z/OS 1.13 SMF 119 ST 6 INCOMPAT  Feb  7, 2012        30.01        
      z/OS 2.1  - Most Records support Jul 23, 2013        30.05        
      z/OS 2.1  - ID=0 ERROR MESSAGE   Jul 23, 2013        31.07        
      z/OS 2.1  - ID=85 INCOMPAT       Jul 23, 2013        32.03        
      z/OS 2.1  - ID=70 SMF70CPA       Jul 23, 2013        32.03        
      z/OS 2.1  - INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED ERROR SMF 74    33.10        
      z/OS 2.2  COMPATIBLE CH 33.189   Aug 19, 2015        33.08        
      z/OS 2.2 MXGTMNT ABEND S0E0-28   Sep 15, 2015        33.09        
               REQUIRES ASMTAPE ML-55  Sep 15, 2015        33.09        
      z/OS 2.2 OAM SMF 85 ABEND 33.067 Apr  5, 2016        34.02        
      z/OS 2.2 SPLIT 73, ABEND 33.068  Apr  5, 2016        34.02        
      z/OS 2.2 JES2 8-char JOBCLASS    Oct  7, 2016        34.07        
      z/OS 2.2 NEW SMF 124 IOS Spvr    Oct  7, 2016        34.07        
      z/OS 2.3 Many new variables      Sep 24, 2017 35.166 35.09*       
      z/OS 2.3 RMF III Support         Sep 24, 2017 35.190 35.09*       
      z/OS 2.3 type 2 st 2 STOPOVER    Sep 24, 2017 35.190 35.09*       
      z/OS 2.3 type 90 st 38 STOPOVER  Sep 24, 2017 35.199 35.09*       
      z/OS 2.4 Compatible from SMF Manual Sep 2019 37.166  37.07.       
      z/OS 2.4 Compatible from SMF Manual May 2020 38.105  38.05.       
      z990 CPUs - CPUTYPE '2084'x      Aug 25, 2003        21.04        
      z890 CPUs - CPUTYPE '2086'x      Jun 24, 2004        22.07        
      z9   CPUs - CPUTYPE '2094'x      Jul 20, 2005       *24.24        
      z9EC CPUs - CPUTYPE '2094'x:                                      
             with 64-bit z/OS - no change required        *24.24        
             with 32-bit z/OS only:    Aug 26, 2006        24.06        
      z9BC CPUs - CPUTYPE '2096'x:                                      
             with 64-bit z/OS - no change required         24.01        
             with 32-bit z/OS only:    Jul 27, 2006       *24.24        
      z10  CPUs - CPUTYPE '2097'x      Dec  7, 2008        25.11        
      z10  HiperDispatch/Parked Time   Mar  3, 2008       *26.10        
      z196 (INCOMPAT IF GT 64 ENG)     Aug 17, 2010        28.05        
      zEC12                            Nov 14, 2012        30.07        
      z13   non-SMT Mode               May 27, 2014        32.05        
      z13   SMT Mode Change 33.217     Sep 15, 2015       *33.09        
      z13   SMT Mode NRZIPCPU 34.106   May 10, 2016        34.03        
      z13   SMT MT=2 CPUZIPTM TYPE70   Mar 21, 2016        35.03        
      z14   SMF 113 INCOMPAT, ABEND    Oct  2, 2017        35.11        
      z14   113 LPARBUSY missing value Aug  8, 2018        36.07        
      z14 ZR1 New SMF70MAXPU variable  May  8, 2018        36.04        
      z15 New SMF 113 fields INCOMPAT  Nov 18, 2020        37.08        
      z15 z/VM MFC counters, INCOMPAT  Mar 23, 2020        38.02        
      CICS/CTG V9 Transaction Gateway  ??  ??  2013        31.31        
      CICS/ESA 3.2                     Jun 28, 1991         9.9         
      CICS/ESA 3.3                     Mar 28, 1992        10.01        
      CICS/ESA 4.1                     Oct 27, 1994        13.09        
      CICS/ESA 5.1 aka CICS/TS V1R1    Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-Transaction Server V1R1     Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-TS V1R1 with APAR UN98309   Sep 15, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R2  CICS/TS 1.2        Oct 27, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R3  CICS/TS 1.3        Mar 15, 1999        17.04        
      CICS-TS V2R1  CICS/TS 2.1        Mar 15, 2001        18.11        
      CICS-TS V2R2  CICS/TS 2.2        Feb  9, 2002        19.19        
       CICSTRAN subtype 1 support only                    *19.19        
       CICSTRAN subtype 2 completed                       *19.08        
      CICS-TS V2R3  CICS?TS 2.3        Dec 19, 2003                     
       Using UTILEXCL to create IMACEXCL:                  21.04        
       Reading un-Excluded CICS with TYPE110, no IMACEXCL:*22.04        
      CICS-TS V2R3  CICS/TS 2.3        Aug 13, 2004        22.04        
      CICS-TS V3R1  CICS/TS 3.1        Jan 18, 2005        22.22        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 3.1     Mar 15, 2005                     
       Using UTILEXCL to create IMACEXCL:                  22.13        
       Reading un-Excluded CICS with TYPE110, no IMACEXCL: 22.22        
      CICS-TS V3R2  CICS/TS 3.2        Dec  6, 2007        25.11        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 3.2     Jun 29, 2007        25.03        
      CICS-TS/3.2 Compressed Records   Nov  3, 2007        25.11        
      CICS-TS/4.1 (CICSTRAN INCOMPAT)  Mar 13, 2009        27.01        
      CICS-TS/4.1 (STATISTICS ST=2)    Sep 18, 2009        27.08        
      CICS-TS/4.2 CICSTRAN/STATISTICS  Jun 24, 2011        29.03        
      CICS-TS/4.2 CICSRDS MNSEGCL=5    Jun 24, 2011       *29.05        
      CICS-TS/4.2 INVALID STID=116     Jan 31, 2012       *30.01        
      CICS-TS/5.1 (INCOMPATIBLE)       Dec 14, 2012       *30.08        
      CICS-TS/5.1 for valid TASZIP/ELG Jan 21, 2013       *30.30        
      CICS-TS/5.1 MNSEGCL=5 INCOMPAT   Jun 17, 2013       *31.03        
      CICS-TS/5.2 COMPATIBLE CICSTRAN  Jun 13, 2014       *31.03        
      CICS-TS/5.2 INCOMPAT Statistics  Jun 13, 2014       *32.03        
      CICS-TS/5.3 INCOMPAT CICSTRAN    Apr 29, 2015        33.04        
      CICS-TS/5.3 RESOURCE SEGCL=5     Sep 31, 2015        33.09        
      CICS-TS/5.3 CICSTRAN INCOMPATIBL Oct 29, 2015        33.11        
      CICS-TS/5.3 GA date              Dec 11, 2015        33.33        
      CICS-TS/5.3 MNSEGCL=5 INPUT ERR  Mar 21, 2016        34.02        
      CICS-TS/5.4 OPEN BETA  Aug       Aug 11, 2016        34.06        
      CICS-TS/5.4 OPEN BETA  Nov       Nov 11, 2016        34.09        
      CICS-TS/5.4 GA                   Jun 17, 2017        35.03        
      CICS-TS/5.5 GA (INCOMPAT)        Jan 29, 2018        36.11        
      CICS-TS/5.6 GA (INCOMPAT)        Jun  1, 2020        38.07        
      CICS-TS/5.6 NEW DATA (COMPAT)    Oct  5, 2020        38.09        
      DB2 2.3.0                        Oct 28, 1991        10.01        
      DB2 3.1.0                        Dec 17, 1993        13.02        
      DB2 4.1.0 Tolerate               Nov  7, 1995        13.07        
      DB2 4.1.0 Full support           Sep 11, 1996        14.07        
      DB2 5.1.0 Tolerate               Jun 27, 1997        14.14        
      DB2 5.1.0 Full support           Jun 27, 1997        15.02        
      DB2 6.1.0 initial support        Mar 15, 1999        16.09        
      DB2 6.1.0 all buffer pools       Mar 15, 1999        18.01        
      DB2 6.1.0 parallel DB2           Mar 15, 1999        19.19        
      DB2 7.1.0 parallel DB2           Mar 31, 2001        19.19        
      DB2 7.1.0 corrections            Mar 31, 2001        20.06        
      DB2 8.1 Tolerate, no packages    Mar 31, 2004        20.20        
      DB2 8.1 New Data Packages wrong  Mar 31, 2004        21.08        
      DB2 8.1 Support with Packages    Mar 31, 2004       *23.09        
      DB2 8.1 with all zIIP Variables  Sep 30, 2006        24.08        
      DB2 8.1 +PK47659                 Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      DB2 9.1 See Change 25.265.       Dec  7, 2007        25.11        
      DB2 9.1 Full Support +PK/56356   Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      DB2 10.1 Tolerate                Oct  1, 2010        28.06        
      DB2 10.1 New vars + Compressed   Nov  1, 2010       *28.07        
      DB2 10.1 Invalid Header pre APAR Jan 12, 2011       *28.28        
      DB2 10.1 IFCID=225 INCOMPAT      Sep 23, 2011       *29.07        
      DB2 10.1 QWHCCV for QWHCATYP=8   Oct  3, 2011       *30.07        
      DB2 10.1 DBID/OBID decode        Jan 21, 2013       *30.30        
      DB2 10.1 QLSTxxxx vars corrected Jun 21, 2013       *31.04        
               (ONLY IMPACTS DB2STATS)                                  
      DB2 11.1 TOLERATE DB2 V11.1      Jun 21, 2013        30.30        
      DB2 11.1 DB2STATS QLST CORRECT   Jun 21, 2013        31.04        
      DB2 11.1 SUPPORT NEW VARIABLES   Jun 21, 2013        31.08        
      DB2 11.1 IRLM NEW SEGMENT        Jun 21, 2013        32.10        
      DB2 12.1 COMPATIBLE              Oct  5, 2016        34.08        
      DB2 12.1 NETEZZA CORRECTIONS     Oct  5, 2016        34.08        
      DB2 12.1 QLAC INSERTS DB2ACCT    May 15, 2017        35.05*       
      DFSMS/MVS 1.1                    Mar 13, 1993        11.11        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.2                    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.3                    Dec 29, 1995        13.09        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4                    Sep 28, 1997        15.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4 HSM                Sep 23, 1998        16.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.5                    ??? ??, 1999        16.04        
      DFSORT SMF V1R5                  Mar  1, 2006        24.02        
      MQM 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4          Apr 25, 1996        14.02        
      MQ Series 1.2.0                  May 26, 1998        16.02        
      MQ Series 2.1.0                  Oct  2, 1999        17.07        
      MQ Series 5.2                    Dec 16, 2000        18.10        
      MQ Series 5.3                    Dec 16, 2002        21.05        
      MQ Series 6.0                    Feb 14, 2006        23.23        
      Websphere MQ Series 7.0          ??? ??, 2009       *28.06        
      Websphere MQ Series 7.1          MAR 12, 2011        29.03        
      Websphere MQ Series 8.0          Jun 24, 2011        29.05        
      Websphere MQ Series 9.1          Mar 20, 2017        35.03        
      NETVIEW 3.1 type 37              ??? ??, 1996        14.03        
      NPM 2.0                          Dec 17, 1993        12.03        
      NPM 2.2                          Aug 29, 1994        12.05        
      NPM 2.3                          ??? ??, 1996        15.08        
      NPM 2.4                          Nov 18, 1998        17.01        
      NPM 2.5                          Feb ??, 2000        18.02        
      NPM 2.6                          Nov ??, 2001        19.06        
      RMDS 2.1, 2.2                    Dec 12, 1995        12.12        
      RMDS 2.3                         Jan 31, 2002        19.11        
      TCP/IP 3.1                       Jun 12, 1995        12.12        
      TCP/IP 3.4                       Sep 22, 1998        16.04        
      WebSphere 5.0 APAR PQ7463        Aug 19, 2003        21.04        
      WebSphere 6.0                    Feb 18, 2006        23.23        
      WebSphere 7.0                    Oct  7, 2010        28.06        
      WebSphere 8.0                    Jul 17, 2011        29.05        
      DOS/VSE POWER V6.3.0             Dec 19, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.0                      Dec 23, 1992        10.04        
      VM/ESA  2.1                      Jun 27, 1993        12.02        
      VM/ESA  2.2                      Nov 22, 1994        12.06        
      VM/ESA  2.3                      Jun  1, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.4                      Mar  1, 2001        19.03        
      z/VM    3.1                      Mar  1, 2001        19.03        
      z/VM    3.1 DATABYTE=0           May  2, 2002        20.02        
      z/VM    4.2 ??                   May  2, 2002        20.02        
      z/VM    4.4                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      z/VM    5.1                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      z/VM    5.2                      Jan 22, 2006        24.01        
      z/VM    5.3 TOLERATE             Jun  7, 2007        25.05        
      z/VM    5.3 NEW VARIABLES        Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      z/VM    5.4 (COMPATIBLE)         Sep 12, 2008       *27.01        
      z/VM    6.1 (NO CHANGES)         Jul  7, 2008        27.01        
      z/VM    6.2                      Dec  2, 2011        29.04        
      z/VM    6.3 INCOMPATIBLE         Jul 23, 2013        31.05        
      z/VM    6.3 z/13                 Jan 23, 2016        33.33        
      z/VM    6.4 SYTLCK Incompat      Apr 26, 2016        34.04        
      z/VM    6.40061802 ABEND         Jan 17, 2019        37.02        
      z/VM    7.1  INCOMPAT ABEND      Feb 14, 2019        37.02        
      z15 z/VM MFC counters, INCOMPAT  Mar 23, 2020        38.02        
      IMS log 4.1                      Jul  4, 1994        12.02        
      IMS log 5.1                      Jun  9, 1996        14.05        
      IMS log 6.1                      ???  ?, 199?        20.03        
      IMS log 7.1                      ???  ?, 200?        20.03        
      IMS log 8.1                      May 21, 2003        21.02        
      IMS log 9.1                      Mar 96, 2004       *26.01        
      IMS log 10.1                     Mar 06, 2007       *26.01        
      IMS log 11.1                     Apr  1, 2010       *28.02        
      IMS log 12.1                     Jan 23, 2012       *29.29        
      IMS log 13.1 (NOT 56FA)          May 25, 2013        31.03        
      IMS log 13.1 (56FA RECORD)       May 27, 2014        32.05        
      IMS log 14.1 COMPATIBLE          Dec 19, 2015        33.07        
      IMS log 15.1 NO CHANGES          Mar  1, 2018        35.07        
      AS400 3.7.0                      Nov  1, 1996        15.01        
      AS400 4.1.0                      Dec 30, 1996        15.08        
      AS400 4.2.0                      Apr 27, 1998        16.02        
      AS400 4.4.0                      Sep 27, 1999        17.07        
      AS400 4.5.0                      Jul 27, 2000        18.07        
      AS400 5.2.0 - Most records       Jul 23, 2003        21.03        
      AS400 5.2.0 - QAPMMIOP           Jul 23, 2003        22.04        
      AS400 5.3.0                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      AS400 5.4.0                      Aug 26, 2006        24.06        
      AS400 6.1.0                      Jun 29, 2008        26.05        
    Note: Asterisk by the version number means the Version number       
          was changed (to the MXG version required), after an earlier   
          MXG version was listed as supporting this product release,    
          usually because an APAR modified the product's data records.  
          Or a coding error in MXG could be the reason for the change!  
    Availability dates for non-IBM products and MXG version required:   
                                                        MXG Version     
      Product Name                                       Required       
      Demand Technology                                                 
       NTSMF Version 1 Beta                                14.11        
       NTSMF Version 2.0                                   15.05        
       NTSMF Version 2.1                                   15.06        
       NTSMF Version 2.2                                   16.04        
       NTSMF Version 2.3                                   17.10        
       NTSMF 2.4.4                     Aug  9, 2002        20.04        
       NTSMF 2.4.5   INCOMPAT          Apr  1, 2003        21.02        
       NTSMF 2.4.7                     Sep 30, 2004        22.08        
       NTSMF 3.1.4                     Mar 15, 2009        27.01        
       NTSMF 4.0                       Mar 15, 2011        29.03        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 2                       13.06        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.0                     16.02        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.1                     20.04        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 4.0                     22.10        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 5.0                     30.02        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.2 -                      12.12        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.3 -                      15.01        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 2.0 -                      15.06        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.1 -                      20.04        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.2 - 20.335, 21.134       21.04        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.3 including CICS/TS 3.1  22.08        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.2 (almost all)           25.11        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.2 (almost all)           27.01        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.3 (for CICS/TS 4.1,4.2)  29.07        
       TMON/CICS 3.4 (for CICS/TS 5.1)               30.30-32.12        
        (Do not use 32.13,32.32,33.01,33.02,33.03 for 3.4)              
       TMON/CICS 3.4 (for CICS/TS 5.1 - Change 33.099)     33.04        
       TMON/CICS 4.0 (for CICS/TS 5.2 - Change 33.195)    *33.09        
       TMON/CICS 4.1 (for CICS/TS 5.3 - Change 34.257      34.08        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.3  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.5  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 2.0  -                      15.09        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 3.0  -                      19.19        
       TMON/MVS Version 4.4                                32.04        
       Omegamon for CICS V200 User SMF                     12.05        
       Omegamon for CICS V300 User SMF                     13.06        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 User SMF                     16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 type 110 segments            16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V500 User SMF                     18.01        
       Omegamon for IMS V110 (ITRF)                        12.12        
       Omegamon for IMS V300 (ITRF)                        14.04        
       Omegamon for IMS V550/V560 (ITRF)                   25.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V300                               13.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V400                               13.06        
       Omegamon for DB2 Version 2.1/2.2                    13.05        
       Omegamon for VTAM V160                              12.04A       
       Omegamon for VTAM V400                              15.15        
       Omegamon for VTAM V500                              18.08        
       Omegamon for SMS V100/V110                          12.03        
       ACF2 6.2 was 16.04 but ABEND, ACSMFREL=0 May 2018   36.05        
       ASTEX 2.1                                           14.04        
       IDMS 18                                             32.05        
       IDMS 19 (INCOMPAT after PTF R084146 Change 34.164)  33.05        
       NETSPY 4.7                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.0                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.2                                          16.05        
       NETSPY 5.3                                          18.03        
       NETSPY 6.0                                          20.10 20.305 
       NETSPY 7.0                                          20.10 20.305 
       SAR/VIEW R11                                        23.07 23.196 
      BMC, was Boole & Babbage                                          
       APPTUNE V11R2 SMF 102                               33.11 33.264 
       IMF 3.1 (for IMS 5.1)                               12.12        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1 only)                          15.09        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 5.1 and 6.1+)                      16.04        
       IMF 3.3 (for IMS 7.1 and 8.1)                      *22.08        
       IMF 4.1 (for IMS 9.1)                              *26.02        
       IMF 4.4 (for IMS 9.1)                              *31.08        
       IMF 4.5 (for IMS 11.1)  (No change since 4.4)       31.08        
       IMF 4.6 a/k/a Mainview IMS                         *31.08        
       IMF 5.1 a/k/a Mainview IMS                         *34.01        
       IMF 5.2 a/k/a Mainview IMS                          34.01        
       IMF 5.3 a/k/a Mainview IMS                          35.03        
       Mainview for MQ Version 4.4                         29.03        
       Mainview for MQ Version 5.1                         30.02        
       Mainview for MQ Version 5.2, 5.3, 5.4               33.01        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.5 (CICS/TS 5.1)         30.30        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.4 (CICS/TS 4.2)         30.04        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.1                       26.26        
       Mainview Auto Operator data file                    28.28        
       Mainview for DB2 THRDHIST file                      20.20        
       Mainview for TCP/IP                                 20.20        
       Mainview for IP                                     34.??        
       Mainview for Batch Optimizer                        19.19        
       LMS 3.1                                             12.12A       
      Oracle V9, V10                                       24.06        
       2.1                                                 33.05        
       1.4                                                 33.08        
       APAF 4.1, 4.3                                       16.08        
      Velocity Software                                                 
       XAMAP 3.4                                           22.10        
       XAMAP 3406                                          24.03        
       XAMAP 3.7                                           27.10        
       XAMAP 4.1   Now Renamed to ZVPS 4.1                 29.07        
       XVPS  4.2                                           31.06        
       ZVPS  5.4                                          *33.07        
V.    Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 38.38.                  
 1. Incompatibilities introduced in MXG 38.38:                          
  a. Changes in MXG architecture made between 38.38 and prior versions  
     that can introduce known incompatibilities.                        
     YOU MUST CHANGE _LTY70 to _WTY70 in that member. CHANGE 38.105.    
     The error before this correction will be:                          
     ERROR: DATA SET "PDB.TYPE70" was not specified on the DATAA stmt.  
 2. Installation and re-installation procedures are described in detail 
    in member INSTALL (which also lists common Error/Warning messages a 
    new user might encounter), and sample JCL is in member JCLINSTT for 
    SAS Version 9.                                                      
    MXG Definitions with regard to MXG Software Changes:                
    COMPATIBLE   A change in a data record which did not alter either   
    COMPAT       the location or the format of all of the previously-   
                 kept MXG variables is COMPATIBLE, and you can continue 
                 to run the old version of MXG software, which will read
                 the new records without error, but none of any new data
                 fields or any new record subtypes will be created/kept 
                 until you install the MXG Version with this change.    
    INCOMPAT     A change in a data record that causes the current MXG  
                 version to fail, visibly or invisibly, with or without 
                 error conditions or messages, and the output datasets  
                 may contain wrong values and incomplete observations,  
                 and/or observations may have been lost.                
                 You MUST install the new MXG Version with this change  
                 to process data records that have been INCOMPATIBLY    
                 changed by their vendor.                               
    TOLERATE     In other words, the old MXG Version TOLERATES the new  
                 data records, if they are COMPATIBLY changed.          
    EXPLOIT      Once you use the new MXG Version to read the changed   
                 records, all of the new fields, subtypes, etc, that are
                 described in this change will be created in the MXG    
                 datasets, so the new MXG Version EXPLOITS the new data,
                 and you have full support of the new data records.     
      An MXG Version never "expires" nor "goes out of Support".  When   
      you put in a new product/subsystem/Release/APAR that incompatibly 
      changed its records then you must install the current MXG Version 
      or at least be using the minimum level of MXG that is currently   
      documented in the preceding list in section IV.                   
     COSMETIC     Some Changes will start with COSMETIC.  This indicates
                  that that change only alters a displayed value or may 
                  be a spelling error in a label, but it is "cosmetic"  
                  in that it ONLY affected the display, and the output  
                  data sets created are NOT impacted by this change.    
VI.   Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
    MXG Documentation is now described in member DOCUMENT.              
    See also member INDEX, but it may be overwhelming.                  
VII.  Changes Log                                                       
--------------------------Changes Log---------------------------------  
 You MUST read each Change description to determine if a Change will    
 impact your site.  All changes have been made in this MXG Library.     
 Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of     
 MXG Software that is contained in that library.                        
 The CHANGES selection on our homepage at            
 is always the most current information on MXG Software status,         
 and is frequently updated.                                             
 Important changes are also posted to the MXG-L ListServer, which is    
 also described by a selection on the homepage.  Please subscribe.      
 The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be  
 different than described in the change text (which might have printed  
 only the critical part of the correction that need be made by users).  
 Scan each source member named in any impacting change for any comments 
 at the beginning of the member for additional documentation, since the 
 documentation of new datasets, variables, validation status, and notes,
 are often found in comments in the source members.                     
Alphabetical list of important changes in MXG 38.38:                    
  Member   Change    Description                                        
  ANAL95TH 38.018  PROC TABULATE 95th pct response stats CICSTRAN/JOBS. 
  ANALATNC 38.005  Report Code for Latent Demand analysis, examples at  
  ANAL119  38.073  Cleanup and removal of a typo.                       
  ANAL119  38.150  Errors corrected if you didn't have //IPHOSTS file.  
  ANALAVAI 38.183  Enhanced reporting on availability.                  
  ANALID   38.010  ERROR "OPTORG4" if you changed SMFAUDIT to NO.       
  ANALINIT 38.083  Enhanced JOB EXEC/QUEUED/HELD/etc analysis           
  ANALSIIS 38.009  Analysis of Store Into Instruction Stream enhanced.  
  ANALSIIS 38.149  SM113TM replaced by TIMESTMP for better match up.    
  ASCII    38.091  MXG on Windows, AV Products, LOCK NOT AVAILABLE      
  ASMRMFV  38.064  Support for APAR OA58759, caused Condition Code 4.   
  ASMRMFV  38.082  ASMRMFV FDF Support for new tables.                  
  ASMRMFV  38.128  Field Data Filter FDF Support adds XCFG3, FDF fix.   
  ASMRMFV  38.181  New Field Data Filter support for CFIG3 table.       
  ASMRMFV  38.226  MXG 38.09-10. RMF III CFIG3 record error.            
  ASMVVDS  38.197  Updates to read VVDS records and output to file/SMF. 
  ASUM113  38.201  New z/15 EXTND256-EXTND287 were not kept in ASUM1131.
  AUTOINST 38.054  ASCII Unique INSTREAM needed for Concurrent Sessions.
  BLDSMPDB 38.081  MXG 38.01 only.  BLDSMPDB WEEKLY JOB ABENDS, typo.   
  BUILDIMS 38.001  All selections now work, new INPUTCLNR variable.     
  CMF+RMF  38.095  Variable CMFPROD to select CMF vs SMF if both are on.
  CONFIMXG 38.004  MXG 37.37 only, 1024 should be OPEN_ED=1047.         
  DOCVLONG 38.012  Creates a DOCVLONG with all DOCVER data on one line. 
  FORMATS  38.003A R744HOPM $MG074HO new '50x:CL5 10GBIT/S CEE ROCE'.   
  FORMATS  38.020  Support for SMF73CPT 33/34 connection types.         
  FORMATS  38.080  Support for z15 T02 values in $MGRMIPS format.       
  MANY     38.105  Support for May 2020 SMF Manual Changes zOS 2.4.     
  READDB2  38.147  ACCTSORT=NO caused redirects to not be honored.      
  SAS      38.087  ERROR: Utility File Open Failed PROC MEANS/SUMMARY.  
  TECHNOTE 38.199  Compressed SMF 110 expensive without EXITCICS on z/OS
  TYPE102  38.019  Support for DB2 APAR PH18739 var QW0389IT in T102S389
  TYPE102  38.077  SMF102 IFCID 143/144 increase length QW014xUR.       
  TYPE102  38.117  Support for DB2 APAR PH15111 for IFCID 365. SMF 102. 
  TYPE102  38.179  Support for DB2 ZPARM MFA_AUTHCACHE_UNUSED_TIME.     
  TYPE110  38.060  Long Running CICS Trans, SMF 110 every hour.         
  TYPE110  38.060  SET MONITOR FREQ hourly CICSTRAN for long runners.   
  TYPE110  38.084  Support for CICS/TS 5.6 (INCOMPAT, FIELDS INSERTED). 
  TYPE110  38.099  CICS Statistics Records revisions.                   
  TYPE110  38.114  New CICSRDUR/URIMAP, CICSRDWB/WEBSVC datasets.       
  TYPE110  38.114  New CICSRDUR/URIMAP, CICSRDWB/WEBSVC datasets.       
  TYPE110  38.168  Support for CICS/TS 5.6 STID=43, 46, and new STID=61.
  TYPE113  38.035  TYPE113 Counters EXTND247/252/264/265 now labeled.   
  TYPE116  38.037  MQMACCTQ/MQMACCT/MQCFSTAT/MQMQUEUE/ revisions.       
  TYPE119  38.068  Support for Comm Server SMF 119 Subtype 11 ZERT data.
  TYPE119  38.156  Tokens for TYP11924/11925 were not in _N119.         
  TYPE123A 38.061  Datetime values were 2080 instead of 2020, MXG error.
  TYPE16   38.164  Support for APAR PH03207 for DFSORT ZSORT stats.     
  TYPE30   38.093  Support for APAR OA59126, dataspaces variables.      
  TYPE30_6 38.072  Revised deaccumulate for accumulated subtype 6.      
  TYPE38   38.178  Support for z NetView 6.3 Subtype 4 Command stats.   
  TYPE42   38.011  Support for APAR OA57718, zHyperLink TYPE42DS stats. 
  TYPE42   38.067  Yet another TYPE42 invalid LENSR in subtype 5 42's.  
  TYPE42   38.079  Support for APAR OA59541 for Type 42 Subtype 27.     
  TYPE42   38.204  TYPE 42 ST 5 incorrect MXG logic INPUT EXCEEDED.     
  TYPE42   38.216  Support for APAR OA59581 new TYPE42DS SYNC fields.   
  TYPE50   38.177  VSAM Tuning data sets were misaligned.               
  TYPE62   38.041  Support for APAR OA57105, adds JOBID SYSPLEX.        
  TYPE64   38.041  Support for APAR OA57105, adds JOBID SYSPLEX.        
  TYPE70   38.031  Support for APAR OA56683 SMFBOOST System Recovery    
  TYPE70   38.055  PCTMVSBY incorrect after 37.123. (NOT PCTCPUBY!!!).  
  TYPE7072 38.103  MXG 38.03/38.04 TYPE7072 fails if //PDB is on TAPE.  
  TYPE7072 38.106  Support for APAR OA59330 new variables in TYPE7002:  
  TYPE7072 38.126  SMF sysplex data with SMF Logger INTERLEAVES ALL SMF.
  TYPE70PR 38.215  TYPE70PR vars CP70BPS/ZIP70BPS/CP70ACS/ZIP70ACS wrong
  TYPE73   38.038  Variable SHIFT was not populated.                    
  TYPE74   38.089  Support for new EADM variables in TYPE7410.          
  TYPE74   38.098  Support for SMF 74 CMF from BMC PTF BQM12658/59.     
  TYPE74   38.152  Support for APARs OA58724/58729 new Monopoly in ST=4.
  TYPE78   38.097  Support for APAR OA56684 TYPE78IO EADM/SCM variables.
  TYPE80A  38.017  INPUT EXCEEDED due to a HOME segment with no data.   
  TYPE83   38.090  SMF 83 ST 3 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.                
  TYPE85   38.100  Support for SMF 85 OAM Cloud Tier.                   
  TYPE89   38.034  APAR OA59002 corrects TYPE89 var SMF89UZT values.    
  TYPE90A  38.220  z/OS 2.2, MXG 38.09-10 SMF 90 ST 9 ABEND INPUT EXCEED
  TYPE92   38.222  Support for APAR OA60306, adds 8-byte memory fields. 
  TYPEBE97 38.036  Support for BETA (93) and BETA97 Version 7.1.0       
  TYPEBETA 38.036  Support for BETA (93) and BETA97 Version 7.1.0       
  TYPEBETA 38.200  Support for BETA93 and BETA97 new data and updates.  
  TYPECIMS 38.058  CIMS/IMF CIMSDBD/DB2/MQ Zero Obs 37.37-38.02         
  TYPECMFV 38.063  CMF VSAM INVALID DATA messages, wrong informat.      
  TYPEDB2  38.062  Support DB2 APAR PI92652,PI82191 and DPAGE support.  
  TYPEDB2  38.075  Support for APAR PH14037 DB2ACCTP QPACPKID truncated.
  TYPEDB2  38.096  Support for APAR PI98851 new variables DB2STATS.     
  TYPEDB2  38.117  Support for DB2 APAR PH16111 SMF 100 Locations.      
  TYPEIAM  38.006  Support for IAM 9.3 Spin 3 INCOMPATIBLE inserts.     
  TYPEIDMS 38.003  IDMSTAS UOW/NETNAME added, TASUFLD1-3 corrected.     
  TYPEIMS  38.014  Support for APAR PH14569/PH21001 IMS 22 log record.  
  TYPEMVCI 38.116  Support for BMC Mainview for CICS 7.1 (COMPATIBLE).  
  TYPERMFV 38.124  Many dupes in ZRBXCG/XCP/XCS datasets.               
  TYPESARR 38.088  Support for CA View SARR SMF Subtypes 34 and 35.     
  TYPESVIE 38.057  Support for SYSVIEW Subtype 2 record one min detail. 
  TYPESY2K 38.221  Support for SYSTEM 2000 Flat File.                   
  TYPESYNC 38.214  New SYNCSORT zIIPSaver add-on variables.             
  TYPETMO2 38.228  Support for TMON/CICS 4.1 revisions, INSTREAM TMON.  
  TYPETMS5 38.002  Variables BYTEPRC and BESKEY added to TMS/DSNBRECD.  
  TYPETPMX 38.039  Support for new INREI and JCLJJ in TYPETPMX.         
  TYPETPMX 38.102  Support for Thruput Manager TMT7123/TMT7124 Jul 2020.
  TYPEVMXA 38.019  z/VM VXAPLSLM variable SHARERAM zero if not RHEL8.   
  TYPEVMXA 38.047  z/VM MONWRITE z15 INCOMPATIBLE.             
  TYPEXAM  38.059  zVPS XAMCUV LCPUID=96 Totals records now deleted.    
  TYPEXCOM 38.069  XCOM input did not skip the 461 bytes added in 12.0. 
  UCICSCNT 38.085  Enhanced counts/bytes for SMF 110 including STIDs.   
  UTILBLDP 38.008  Error after Change 37.149 if first USERADD is IDMS.  
  UTILBLDP 38.157  BUILDMXG fails if you didn't specify OUTFILE=.       
  UTILEXCL 38.180  Optional "Candle" CICS segment kept wrong variables. 
  UTILROLL 38.065  UTILROLL example to combine PDBs created every 4hr.  
  VMACSMF  38.033  SMF Signature Type 2 St 1/2 MANY BACK2BACK LOG msgs  
  VMACSMF  38.051  SAS FTP Access Method &MXGABND=1 set to print errors.
  VMXG70PR 38.142  Support for ASUM70WK and ASUM70P3 to keep full hours.
  VMXGDUR  38.145  If interval LT actual duratm, warning printed.       
  VMXGINIT 38.046  SAS Option REUSE=YES is forced to REUSE=NO DEFAULT.  
  VMXGOPTR 38.056  ANALHSM caused Error "SAS Option Name OPTIONS 1".    
  TYPEXAM  38.234  zVPS/XAM datasets XAMIFLBY & XAMIFLTO have zero obs. 
  See member CHANGESS for all changes ever made to MXG Software, or     
  the CHANGES frames at                            
Inverse chronological list of all Changes:                              
====== CHANGES THRU 38.234 ARE  IN MXG 38.38 DATED Jan  4, 2021 ========
Change 38.234  zVPS/XAM datasets XAMIFLBY & XAMIFLTO now have zero obs. 
VMACXAM        Dataset XAMCPUTO contains the CPID=TOTAL/GPs/IFLs types  
Dec 29, 2020   (TOTAL is all engines, GPS GP engines IFLS IFL engines)  
               for each interval. (Previously only had TOTAL and GPS).  
               The individual CPnn engine values are in XAMCPUBY and the
               PFXCPUTY variable identifies if the engine is GP or IFL. 
              -HEX format added for CALMNEST RCCTOPDS DSVASSOC DSVUNPRK 
              -CPID is UPCASED so GPs or IFLs values will be GPS/IFLS.  
   Thanks to Douglas C. Walter, CITIGROUP, USA.                         
Change 38.233  Six variables added to TRNDRMFI:                         
VMXGRMFI         MAXZIPBY - maximum PCTZIPBY                            
Dec  23, 2020    MAXZIPTM - maximum ZIP time                            
                 MAXZIETM - maximum ZIP eligible time                   
                 MAXCPUTM - maximum CPU time                            
                 CPCFNAME - processor type                              
                 LPARSHAR - initial LPAR share                          
               to prevent UNINIT messages and missing values using      
               GRAFWRKX with PDB=TREND.                                 
ANAL119        if there is no //IPHOSTS file. Logic to read IPHOSTS was 
Dec 21, 2020   revised to skip incomplete entries.                      
====== CHANGES THRU 38.231 WERE IN EARLY ADOPTER 38.38 Dec 23, 2020 ====
Change 38.231  GOUT is suppressed when running WPS since WPS does not   
GRAFCEC        support graphic catalogs. These members also did not     
GRAFWRKX       recognize PDB=TREND and printed blank pages when the     
Dec 18, 2020   response variable was missing values in all OBS. Both    
               issues were corrected.                                   
Change 38.230 -The UTILWORK report helps you set up RMFINTRV WORKLOADS. 
UTILWORK       If the sum of CPUTM from service classes is greater than 
Dec 31, 2020   the sum for report classes that means not all workloads  
               have a report class defined and you may not use report   
               classes to define workloads. Now USERPRT is set to NO to 
               force using service class.                               
              -If you have an environment with multiple plexes then the 
               WLM policies may be different. UTILWORK now adds SYSTEM  
               and SYSPLEX to the skeleton RMFINTRV member. These can be
               removed in your editing of the member if they are not    
               needed in your environment.                              
Change 38.229  Four variables added to TRNDRMFI:                        
VMXGRMFI         MAXZIPBY - maximum PCTZIPBY                            
Dec  18, 2020    MAXZIPTM - maximum ZIP time                            
                 MAXZIETM - maximum ZIP eligible time                   
                 MAXCPUTM - maximum CPU time                            
Change 38.228  Support for TMON/CICS changes to 4.1, INCOMPATIBLE       
IMACTMO2       No ERROR Messages, but INVALID Values because fields were
VMACTMO2       increased from 4 to 8 bytes.                             
Dec 16, 2020  -MONIARQ dataset, TAARQRCN was increased to 8 bytes,      
               which were also increased to 8 bytes.                    
              -MONISYS dataset. TIHDASSZ and TITERILG byte counts have  
               some negative values; they were 1E19 when INPUT as PIB8. 
              -MONITASK dataset PRIINCHR byte counts can be negative.   
               Variable FILEIOCN was increased to 8 bytes causing       
               FCDELCN,FCGETCN,FCBROCN,FCADDCN and FCUPDCN to be wrong  
               and those fields were also increased to 8 bytes.         
              -MONIEXT dataset.  All EBCDIC64 variables translate '00'x 
               to a blank.                                              
              -MONIDBDS dataset, for DB2 the VOLSER starts with two null
               bytes and only the last four bytes are populated.        
              -MONIAWT dataset. TAAWTTCN was increased to 8 bytes       
               misaligning TAAWTTTM TAAWTFLG TAAWTWRC TAAWTWRT variables
               that were also increased to 8 bytes.                     
              -MEMBER IMACTMO2 example enables TMON exit in SYSIN; using
               the EXITMON6/TMON Infile Exit saves significant CPU time.
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America. USA.                            
Change 38.227  SMF 119 Subtype 3 FCBYTES with z/OS 2.1 is wrong; there  
VMAC119        are two inputs, the original PIB8 64-bit binary field and
Dec 16, 2020   the RB8 float field added to support larger values. Data 
               records with valid binary (9.2 million) and invalid float
               (1.16225) values are created, and that float value is the
               one that is output.  This change inputs float as FCBYTES2
                 IF FCBYTES2 GT FCBYTES THEN FCBYTES=FCBYTES2;          
   Thanks to Perry Lim, MUFG Union Bank, USA.                           
Change 38.226 -ASMRMFV when processing RMF III CFIG3 can issue a warning
ASMRMFV        message: RMFV035W **WARNING: DETAIL nnn CFI TABLES       
              -Change number 38.188 incorrectly altered CFIG3 table     
               processing when validating Connection entries.           
              -Affects only ASMRMFV at 38.188 level,MXG version 38.09-10
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
   Thanks to Gary Wyper, Natwest, ENGLAND                               
   Thanks to Rob D'Andrea, Natwest, ENGLAND.                            
Change 38.225  WPS did not support Views so the MXG Defaults MXGVIEW=NO.
VMXGINIT       Current WPS versions now support views.  You can use     
WPSVIEWS          //SYSIN DD                                            
Dec 12, 2020      %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(WPSVIEWS);                          
               to enable their use to save CPU and I/O resources.       
ANALID         to prevent that dataset from being created. Originally in
UTILBLDP       Change 38.056, and partially corrected in 38.174, this   
Dec 12, 2020   change protects ANALID for DONEANALID case.              
Change 38.223  If you used %LET MXGCLASSNWAY=YES in SYSIN for %VMXGSUM, 
VMXGSUM        to set CLASSNWAY=YES, VMXGSUM ignored it and it caused an
Dec 12, 2020   ERROR: DSNAME NOT FOUND trying to delete VMXGSUM1. See   
               Change 34.137 which introduced CLASSNWAY.                
Change 38.222  Support for APAR OA60306 which adds 8-byte memory metrics
VMAC92         for more than 2GB in type 92 subtype 12 and 23 records:  
Dec 10, 2020     TYPE9212: SMF92MLSZ='BYTES*BEING*MEMORY*MAPPED'        
                 TYPE9213: SMF92MULSZ='BYTES*BEING*MEMORY*MAPPED'       
Change 38.221  Support for SYSTEM 2000 Flat File, work in progress.     
Dec  9, 2020                                                            
Change 38.220  z/OS 2.2, MXG 38.09-.10 SMF 90 ST 9 ABEND INPUT EXCEEDED 
VMAC90A        RECORD LENGTH because MXG added INPUT of SMF90STE in MXG 
Dec  5, 2020   Change 38.186 SMF Manual Update, but IBM added that field
               in z/OS 2.3. Now, it is kept and INPUT if it exists.     
               Use this statement in //SYSIN to circumvent the ABEND:   
               The subtype 9 is only written for an IPL SMF event,      
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 38.219 -Labels for S42DSGSR/S42DSLSR/S42DSRLS/S42DSNSR removed   
VMAC42         "COMPRESSED"; only if S42DSEFC='Y' are they compressed.  
Dec 10, 2020   Labels S42AMRIB/S42AMWIB are now VSAM*BYTES*read/write,  
               S42DSHWR label corrected to COUNT and S42DSIOS changed.  
               to S42DSIOS='TOTAL METRO*MIRROR*IO-S'.                   
   Thanks to Michael Friske, FMR, USA.                                  
Change 38.218  Change 36.049 added and extra / causing a failure to     
VGETALOC       communicate with the operating system and could result in
Dec  3, 2020   no allocations and a failure of a following VMXGSET. Now 
               there should be only 1.                                  
   Thanks to Ken Pressley, SRPNET, USA.                                 
Change 38.217 -NOTRAN attribute support for WPS is added in VMXGINIT so 
VMXGINIT       that z/OS WPS datasets can be downloaded to ASCII and the
TESSOTHR       $HEX formatted variables will not be translated.  See    
VMACXDFG       Change 27.014 for the &MXGNOTRA/&MXGNOTRB addition.      
VMACXDNS      -TESSOTHR and the six VMACXDxx members were updated for   
VMACXDSP       WPS QA. A test for &SASVER prevented their WPS execution.
Dec  8, 2020                                                            
Change 38.216  Support for APAR OA59581, new TYPE42DS variables:        
Dec 10, 2020    S42SNTWV='SYNC*WRITES*RESERVED*DEVICE'                  
                S42SNTWU='SYNC*WRITES*HYPER DISABLED*COPY'              
                S42SNTWQ='SYNC*WRITES*HYPER DISABLED*INVALID'           
                S42SNTDX='SYNC*WRITES*HYPER DISABLED*ASYNC'             
Change 38.215  TYPE70PR variables CP70BPS/ZIP70BPS/CP70ACS/ZIP70ACS were
VMAC7072       sometimes incorrectly populated and were a missing value 
VMXG70PR       in ASUMCELP dataset.  The variable labels were corrected.
Nov 27, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 38.214  New variables in dataset SYNCSORT by zIIPSaver add-on:   
Dec  1, 2020     SYNCMPON    $CHAR1.  /**CMPO*NOGO*REASON*CODE*/        
                 SYNCMPRT    &PIB.2.  /**COMPRESSION*RATIO*SORTOUT*/    
               Variables CPUZIPTM and CPUCPTM are now correctly located 
               and correctly input. The DSECT does not match the data.  
   Thanks to Glen Bowman, Wakefern, USA.                                
====== CHANGES THRU 38.213 ARE  IN MXG 38.10 DATED Nov 23, 2020 ========
Change 38.213  New DB2STAT1 (IFCID=0002) APAR PH29098 variables:        
VMACDB2          QISTINPR   ='IAG2*PIPE*RENABLE*ATTEMPTS'               
Nov 21, 2020     QISTINPE   ='IAG2*PIPE*RENABLE*SUCCESS'                
Change 38.212  In the TYPE70EN dataset, when the engine was parked for  
VMAC7072       the full interval, PCTCPUBY and PCTMVSBY could be small  
Nov 20, 2020   negative values due to resolution differences in DURATM  
               with 2 decimals and SMF70PAT with 6.  Now, the negative  
               value is replaced with zero.                             
   Thanks to Pierre Pascal Joulin, SOCGEN, FRANCE.                      
Change 38.211  New variables added in Oct 25, 2020 SMF Manual:          
VMAC7072      -Dataset TYPE72TR new variables                           
VMAC89           R723GMLT='GGMN/GGMX*ARE IN*MSU/HR?'                    
VMAC78           R723GMLZ='ZIP*INCLUDED*GGMN*GGMX?'                     
Nov 20, 2020  -Dataset TYPE892 new variables                            
                 BOOSTACTIVE BOOSTCLASS (were in TYPE89 but not TYPE892)
              -Dataset TYPE78VS new variables                           
Change 38.210  New variables added to TYPE9040 dataset SMF 90 ST 40:    
VMAC90A          SMF9040ID='ID OF*START*REQUESTOR'                      
Nov 19, 2020     SMF9040DU='RECOVERY*PROCESS*BOOSTS*DURATION'           
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBTechLLC, USA.                              
Change 38.209  zERT variable SMF119SC_TLS_PROT_VER format $MG119PX now  
FORMATS        decodes '0304'x as TLSV1.3.                              
Nov 19, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Thomas Liu, ANZ, AUSTRALIA.                                
Change 38.208  Variable RESPAVG is added to ASUMCICS/ASUMCICT/TRNDCICS  
ASUMCICS       as it already existed in ASUMCICX. Variable IRESPTM is   
ASUMCICT       the SUM of all transaction response times.               
Nov 18, 2020                                                            
CHANGE 38.207  If you are rolling up interval data to weeks and your    
TECHNOTE       week does not start on Monday you can use the STARTDAY   
VMXGDUR        macro variable to start weeks on the day of the week     
TRND****       you choose by inserting this line in IMACINIT or any     
Nov 18, 2020   code where you are using VMXGDUR to summarize data to    
               a week (all of the TRND**** members).                    
                 %LET STARTDAY=day 1 of MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN     
Change 38.206  Format MG116CT for TYPE116 variable QCSTCHTY in dataset  
FORMATS        MQCHININ had 9='9:DLUSSCR' typo, now is 9='9:CLUSSDR'.   
Nov 18, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Rob Hollingum, HSBC, ENGLAND.                              
   Thanks to Matt Crawford, HSBC, ENGLAND.                              
Change 38.205  SMF 110 St 1 MNSEGCL=5 Resource Record extra 14 bytes    
Nov 18, 2020   WHILE (LENLEFT GT 0) changed to WHILE (LENLEFT GT 140).  
               You can circumvent with this added to your //SYSIN:      
                 %LET IHDR110= %QUOTE(IF MNSEGCL=5 THEN DELETE;) ;      
   Thanks to Martha A. Knapik, Progressive, USA.                        
   Thanks to Craig S. Bigler, Progressive, USA                          
   Thanks to Diana L. Laskovich, Progressive, USA.                      
Change 38.204  Type 42 St 5 MXG logic to correctly calculate SRLEN was  
VMAC42         exposed to INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED LENGTH error because 
Nov 17, 2020   SRLEN=160 is valid, but the optional SYNC segment length 
Nov 19, 2020   is included in SRLENGTH=OFFVOL-OFFSR which misled to     
               the incorrect recalculation, which is now bypassed.      
   Thanks to Andrew Petersen, DXC, AUSTRALIA.                           
Change 38.203  CHANGE 37.267 added an ERROR:INCORRECT ENCODING message  
VMXGINIT       on the log, but the code was inserted before &OPSYS was  
Nov 17, 2020   populated, so the message was never printed.             
   Thanks to John Compton, World Programming, ENGLAND                   
Change 38.202  Variable DCDCTYPE='COMPRESSION*TYPE' was not kept in the 
VMACDCOL       DCOLDSET dataset.                                        
Nov 16, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Heimir Hauksson, Barclays, ENGLAND.                        
Change 38.201  The new z/15 TYPE 113 counters EXTND256-EXTND287 were not
ASUM113        kept in the PDB.ASUM1131 dataset. Only EXTND264/EXTND265 
Nov 11, 2020   are described, and neither is used in any calculations.  
               but now, all will exist, and be populated if on z z/15.  
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 38.200  Support for BETA 93 and BETA 97 new data and corrections:
EXTYBETO      -New variables added to dataset BETA50:                   
EXTYBETU          BETAINDI='IP*ADDRESS*INDICATOR'                       
FORMATS           BETAIFLGS='ADDRESS*TYPE*INDICATOR'                    
VMACBE97          BETAHOSTPORT='HOST*PORT'                              
VMXGINIT          BETAIPHOST  ='HOST*IP*ADDRESS'                        
Nov 17, 2020      BETAIPCLIENT='WEB*BROWSER*CLIENT*IP'                  
                  BETAIPSERV  ='WEB*APP SERVER*IP'                      
                  BETAIPSERVI ='WEB*INTERNAL*FORMAT'                    
                  BETALJOBN='MASK USED*JOB*NAME*FIELD'                  
                  BETALSTPD='MASK USED*STEP*NAME*FIELD'                 
              -Two new BETA 93 datasets from subtype 43                 
                  DDDDDD  DATASET   DESCRIPTION                         
                  TYBETO  BETA43    ST43 ARCHIVE DATE CHANGE            
                  TYBETU  BETA43DS  ST43 CHANGE DATASETS                
              -Corrections to BETA93 subtypes 50 and 55.                
              -Corrections to BETA97 subtypes 0, 22, 51 and 55.         
   Thanks to Andreas Menne, Finanz Informatik, GERMANY                  
Change 38.199  Processing compressed SMF 110 Records without the INFILE 
TECHNOTE       decompression exit (EXITCICS) is VERY expensive on z/OS. 
Nov 24, 2020   Each test processed the same 50000 110 records & created 
               668,652 OBS in CICSTRAN.                                 
               Uncompressed records were 7.4GB, compressed were 1.5GB.  
      STEPNR                CPUTM    SELAPSTM    EXCP    EXCP           
                                                  3390    TAPE          
 zOS   EXTRACT ONLY 110.1  0:03:23.39 0:05:04.72  5493  653324          
 zOS   DFH$MOLS            0:00:12.84 0:00:55.97     2   93621  Xfer:   
 zOS   READ COMP USE EXIT  0:00:20.56 0:00:20.56 42866         117MB/sec
 zOS   READ COMP NO EXIT   0:03:30.25 0:04:31.70 42870        3673KB/sec
 zOS   READ UNCOMPRESSED   0:00:12.12 0:00:17.20 63949          99MB/sec
 Win   FTP compressed      0:00:37.12 0:01:28.56                11MB/sec
 Win   FTP unpacked        0:00:43.45 0:02:03.78                12MB/sec
 Win   Read compressed FTP 0:03:32.10 0:03:36.68              3783KB/sec
 Win   Read unpacked   FTP 0:00:56.40 0:02:06.41                12MB/sec
 Win   Read comp local     0:03:49.73 0:04:23.97              4590KB/sec
 Win   Read unpacked local 0:00:21.18 0:00:21.40                74MB/sec
Change 38.198  GOUT suppressed when running WPS since WPS does not      
GRAFCEC        support graphic catalogs.                                
Nov  6, 2020                                                            
Change 38.197 -Updates to ASMVVDS program that reads VVDS records with  
ASMVVDS        output to a sequential flat file and/or output as SMF    
JCLASMXG       records.                                                 
Nov  4, 2020  -Default setting of 0 for @UCB31 (UCBs below 16MB) line   
               changed to a setting of 1 (UCBs above 16MB) which is more
               appropriate for modern z/OS systems.                     
              -Two assembly errors are also fixed.                      
              -NOTE: ASMVVDS must be APF authorized. That requires parm 
               of AC(1) in program binder step and the load library must
               also be authorized.                                      
              -See ASMVVDS source member for full installation and usage
              -Sample JCL for assembly and linkedit of ASMVVDS was added
               to member JCLASMXG (which Assembles all MXG ASM program).
   Thanks to Victor Li, Atos, Hong Kong                                 
====== CHANGES THRU 38.196 ARE  IN MXG 38.09 DATED Nov  4, 2020 ========
Change 38.196  New parameter COMPANY added with default of MXG to allow 
GRAFWLM        you to insert your COMPANY NAME in titles.  The Parameter
NOV  4, 2020   list was sorted into alphabetic order..                  
Change 38.195  ERROR: WORK.CICSEXCE.DATA does not exist if SUPPRESS=110 
UTILBLDP       and BUILDPDB NE 'NO' were specified in your invocation;  
Nov  4, 2020   the null _SCICEXC, _SCICSYS, _INTCICS macros were not    
               created, causing the ABEND.                              
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
====== CHANGES THRU 38.194 ARE  IN MXG 38.09 DATED Nov  2, 2020 ========
Change 38.194  Support for dataset TYPE80TK new variables:              
                 TOKMUSERTYPE TOKMLDAPPROF                              
   Thanks to  Gaetan Martel, INTACT, CANADA.                            
   Thanks to  Serte-TI Belanger, INTACT, CANADA.                        
Change 38.193  Correction for IDMSTAS variables TASUFLD1-TASUFLD3 input;
VMACIDMS       the extra 8-bytes do not exist in TASTTYPE='40'x records.
OCT 31, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Dennis Jamiel, Travelport, USA.                            
   Thanks to Marcos Villasenor, Travelport, USA.                        
Change 38.192  Support for ThruPut Manager TMT7124 update, which adds.  
VMACTPMX       these variables to dataset TYPETPMX:                     
OCT 30, 2020     TPMTMNOM='NUMBER*OF THIS*RECORD'                       
                 TPMTMNON='TOTAL*NUMBER OF*RECORDS'                     
                 TPMTMAPP='KNOWN APPLICATIONS'                          
                 TPMTMELR='ELAPSED*TIME ON*READER'                      
                 TPMTMDJC='DAL/JAL*CPU TIME''                           
                 TPMTMSSC='DTMSSREQ*CPU TIME'                           
                 TPMTMUXC='USER EXIT*CPU TIME'                          
                 TPMTMUXE='USER EXIT*ELAPSED*TIME'                      
                 TPMTMJ2C='JES2 INTERFACE*CPU TIME'                     
                 TPMTMJ2E='JES2 INTERFACE*ELAPSED*TIME'                 
                 TPMTMTLC='TAPE*LIBRARY*CPUT TIME'                      
Change 38.191  Support for CICS optional HUMTRAN field INPUT $EBCDIC8.  
UTILEXCL       Change 38.115 had added support for $16 and $24 INPUTs.  
OCT 29, 2020   Variable HUMTRAN is length $24 with either INPUT.        
   Thanks to Dave Baker, HCA Healthcare, USA.                           
   Thanks to Lisa Gascoigne, HCA Healthcare, USA.                       
Change 38.190  The report of all job activity only printed the first 500
ANALJOBE       lines of the report; now all lines are printed.          
OCT 28, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 38.189  Format $MG119SP decodes variable SMF119SC_SASECPROTOS:   
FORMATS           VALUE $MG119SP     /*$MG119SC FORMAT FOR VMAC119*/    
VMAC119            '00'X='00X:NO PROTECTION'                            
Oct 28, 2020       '80'X='80X:TLS/SSL'                                  
   Thanks to Joe Faska, DTCC, USA.                                      
Change 38.188 -New MXG variables EXECVEL (Execution Velocity) and       
ADOCRMFV       PERFINDX (Performance Index) are added to PDB data set   
VMACRMFV      -New MXG variable EXECVEL (Execution Velocity) added to   
Oct 27, 2020   PDB data set ZRBRCDX (RMF III RESPTIME REPORTING         
              -If for some reason a Response Time Distribution Array was
               not present in the RCDG3 RMF III table the corresponding 
               Service Class or Report Class period would not be output 
               to the PDB.                                              
              -Rarely RMF III may generate an SSHG3 (Sample Set Header) 
               table where the sample begin datetime and sample end     
               datetime are the same.  Effectively this is a null table 
               with zero samples. With this condition an Abend S002 in  
               ASMRMFV is possible.                                     
              -ASMRMFV will now detect this condition, then issue a new 
               RMFV023W message:                                        
               ENTIRE SAMPLE SET WILL BE SKIPPED***                     
               and the entire SSHG3 table will be skipped and output to 
               the RMFSKIP DD file (if present).                        
              -This condition may be due to the timing sequence in a    
               system shutdown process.   Both RMFGAT and RMF Started   
               Tasks should be completely terminated before the process 
              -Warning message RMFV022W was not formatted correctly.    
              -Warning message RMFV023W was duplicated.                 
              -Section 12 Messages in ADOCRMFV updated to include the   
               new RMFV023W message.                                    
              -TUTORIAL 1:                                              
               Execution Velocity is a WLM measurement based on system  
               states which are continuously collected by sampling.     
               System states describe when a work request uses a system 
               resource (a using state) and when it must wait for it    
               because it is used by other work (a delay state).        
                                          # Using Samples               
               Execution Velocity  = --------------------------- * 100  
                                      # Using + # Delay Samples         
               Execution Velocities thus range from 0 to 100.           
               A value of 100 means the unit of work is running with no 
               WLM DETECTED delays.  A value of 0 means the that unit of
               work is not running at all either because it has no      
               access to the resources needed or it is idle.            
               The Execution Velocity formula does not include the      
               unknown state.  This state includes delays not tracked by
               WLM, such as locks or enqueues.  So an Execution Velocity
               of 100 does not necessarily mean the work unit is running
               totally unencumbered.                                    
              -TUTORIAL 2:                                              
               Performance Index (PI) is a calculation of how well work 
               is meeting its WLM defined goal.                         
               For work with response time goals, the Performance Index 
               is the actual response divided by the goal response.     
               For work with velocity goals, the Performance Index is   
               the goal velocity divided by actual velocity.            
               A Performance Index of 1.0 indicates the Service Class   
               period is exactly meeting its goal.  A Performance Index 
               greater than 1 indicates the Service class period is     
               missing its goal.  A Performance Index of less than 1.0  
               indicates the Service Class period is beating its goal.  
               Work with a Discretionary goal is defined to have a fixed
               Performance Index of .81 .  Service Classes for System   
               address space have no Performance Index as they do not   
               have goals.                                              
               Each Service Class period has a Sysplex and a Local      
               Performance Index.                                       
               The Sysplex Performance Index represents the performance 
               of a Service Class period across all systems in the      
               Sysplex.  The RMF III SYSSUM report shows this assuming  
               it has access to all RMF III VSAM data sets for the      
               Sysplex in the time period being reported.               
               The Local Performance Index represents only the          
               performance on a single local system. PERFINDX in MXG    
               is a Local Performance Index.                            
  Thanks to Rodger Foreman, Black Knight, Jacksonville, FL, USA         
  Thanks to Len Shenfield, ADP, Roseland, NJ, USA                       
Change 38.187 -If you suppressed CICSSTAT that also unintentionally     
UTILBLDP       suppressed ASUMUOW and ASUMCICX. Now if you want to      
Oct 27, 2020   suppress ASUMUOW ASUMDBAA or ASUMDBSS you can add them to
               the SUPPRESS= parameter by name. In the case of ASUMUOW  
               this also suppresses ASUMCICX but if you did not suppress
               CICSTRAN then ASUMCICS is substituted. These four members
               CICSSTAT ASUMUOW ASUMDBAA and ASUMDBSS are all resource  
               intensive, and if you don't use them you can save those  
               resources by suppressing them.                           
              -If you suppressed ID and used BUILDPDB=JES3 you got an   
               error message that the type of VIEW could not be         
               determined. There were many other spots which looked only
               for YES or NO that were fixed. The value of BUILDPDB is  
               now validated and if it is not blank, NO, YES, or JES3   
               UTILBLDP will end with error messages.                   
Change 38.186  MXG estimate of DOWNTM prior to an IPL used the PREVTIME 
VMAC0          of the last record, but what was needed was the PREVTIME 
VMAC90A        of the ID=0 record, and the IPLTIME of the ID=0 is now   
Oct 26, 2020   retained in TMP0TIME and used for the IPLTIME in the     
               DOWNTM calculation in the ID=90 ST=10 IPL SRM record.    
              -Processing ID=0 record, the GMTOFF was off by one second.
              -Variable SMF90STE was INPUT, but see Change 38.220 ABEND.
   Thanks to Tore Hansson, IBM Services, NORWAY.                        
Change 38.185  MXG 38.03 Change 38.051 set MXGABND=1 for missing SMFTIME
VMACSMF        value when using the SAS FTP Access Method, because we   
VMXGINIT       have seen that associated with an FTP "hang" until it was
Oct 21, 2020   cancelled, and by forcing an ABEND you can avoid the hang
               and if you've pointed the LOG option to a file, you can  
               see if there were other error conditions. But MXGABND is 
               is macro variable used in many members so you can choose 
               an ABEND instead of ERROR messages (like TYPE110, where  
               some sites want an ABEND alert when EXCLUDED FIELDS are  
               detected).  In this case, the CPUTM GT ELAPSED condition 
               in TYPE110 tested MXGABND GT 0 and cause an unwanted     
               ABEND.  Now, macro variable SMFMISS is created and can be
               used to cause the abend when SMFTIME is missing using the
               FTP access method, using  %LET SMFMISS=NNN; in your SYSIN
               to cause ABORT ABEND NNN instead of the ERROR and a hang.
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK-COBURG, GERMANY.                       
Change 38.184  MXG 38.08. ERROR: File WORK.PDBTYPE70.DATA does not exist
VMXG70PR       if you tailor and invoke %VMXG70PR with no PDB= argument.
Oct 19, 2020   We recommend you always use %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(ASUM70PR); 
               instead of putting a tailored VMXG70PR in USERID because 
               IBM changes may require incompatible changes in VMXG70PR,
               but we can protect ASUM70PR from the need for change.    
               In general, if there is an ASUMxxxx that invokes VMXGxxxx
               its always safer to use the ASUMxxxx member.             
   Thanks to Otto A. Burges, OPM, USA.                                  
Change 38.183 -The detail report did not correctly report outages. The  
ANALAVAI       beginning was the beginning of the interval when it came 
Oct 29, 2020   back up and the ending was the time when that interval   
Nov  4, 2020   ended.                                                   
              -A new month-to-date summary report was added and the     
               availability is now calculated as the                    
                   (uptime-outagetime + scheduledtime)/86400*100;       
              -Changed Parameter values:                                
                 CYCLE=M1    has not been changed but a null value will 
                             let you accumulate many months of data.    
              - New Parameters:                                         
                 MINOUTAGE=5  number of outage seconds to ignore        
                 OUTCODE=     a stub of code just after PCTAVAIL is     
                 SCHEDULED=   stub of code allowing you to specify      
                              scheduled outages for each app.           
                              see doc and examples in member.           
              Update in MXG 38.09 dated Nov 4, 2020:                    
              If you were not very careful building schedules and       
              outages, duplicate obs could skew percentages. SORTS with 
              NDDUP added to eliminate duplicate obs. Also outages were 
              not carried into month totals resulting in availability GT
                An Example of invoking %ANALAVAI:                       
                  When building schedules it is critical that you always
                  output either outages or scheduled for each app with a
                  COMPANY=YOUR COMPANY,                                 
                    IF APP IN('SYSA','SYSB','SYSC')                     
                    AND WEEKDAY(DATE) = 1 THEN DO;                      
                       IF APP IN('SYSB','SYSA')                         
                       AND  BEGSKED GE '03:00'T                         
                       AND  ENDSKED LE '03:30'T                         
                          THEN OUTPUT SCHEDULED;                        
                       IF APP='SYSC'                                    
                       AND  BEGSKED GE '03:00'T                         
                       AND  ENDSKED LE '04:00'T                         
                          THEN OUTPUT SCHEDULED;                        
                       ELSE OUTPUT OUTAGES; *critical statement;        
                    ELSE IF APP = 'PRODCICS' THEN DO;                   
                       IF WEEKDAY(DATE) NE 7                            
                       AND  BEGSKED GE '23:15'T                         
                       AND  ENDSKED LE '06:05'T                         
                          THEN OUTPUT SCHEDULED;                        
                       ELSE IF  BEGSKED GE '23:15'T                     
                       AND  ENDSKED LE '07:05'T                         
                          THEN OUTPUT SCHEDULED;                        
                       ELSE OUTPUT OUTAGES; *critical statement;        
                    ELSE IF APP = 'ADABAS' THEN DO;                     
                       IF WEEKDAY(DATE) EQ 1                            
                       AND  BEGSKED GE '23:15'T                         
                       AND  ENDSKED LE '02:05'T                         
                          THEN OUTPUT SCHEDULED;                        
                       ELSE OUTPUT OUTAGES; *critical statement;        
                    ELSE OUTPUT OUTAGES;    *required final statement;  
                  APP1=SYSB/SYSC IS UP/JES2,                            
                  APP2=SYSA/SYSA IS UP/JES2,                            
                  APP3=SYSC/SYSC IS UP/JES2,                            
   Thanks to Shantanu.Gupta, ENSONO, USA.                               
   Thanks to Ankush Dudhbavare, ENSONO, USA.                            
   Thanks to Rahul Raj, ENSONO, USA.                                    
Change 38.182 -If you specified BUILDPDB=NO with SUPPRESS=x you got an  
UTILBLDP       invalid compare on several FLAGxx macro variables used to
Oct 21, 2020   keep track of suppressed items for BUILDPDB. SUPPRESS= is
               ignored when BUILDPDB is set to NO as the only records   
               read are those in USERADD=. Comments updated for MXGINCL.
              -If you specified OUTFILE=XYZ and XYZ did not exist you   
               got an unresolved macro reference. On zOS you must have  
               a DD or a filename statement for the OUTFILE= parameter  
               unless you use the recommended INSTREAM.                 
              -Comments added to handle products with multiple SMF IDs. 
   Thanks to Thomas Liu, ANZ. NEW ZEALAND.                              
Change 38.181 -New ASMRMFV Field Data Filter (FDF) support for the RMF  
ADOCRMFV       III Coupling Facility Information Table (CFIG3).         
ASMRMFV       -New Section 33 Filtering The CFIG3 Table added to        
Oct 16, 2020   documentation member ADOCRMFV.   Following section       
               numbers all incremented by 1.                            
              -FDF filtering is supported for the Header, Coupling      
               Facility, Structure, and Structure Extension sections in 
               the RMF III CFIG3 table.                                 
              -After a Structure Extension section in CFIG3 with no     
               connections occurs, ASMRMFV did not output following     
               connection entries for subsequent Structure Extensions in
               the same Coupling Facility to RMFBSAM.                   
               The result of a FDF IF=/ORIF=/ANDIF= expression compare  
               is one of the following:                                 
                            TRUE  FALSE  IGNORE                         
               An expression is IGNOREd when:                           
               1) The input RMF III data is for a release that does not 
               support the Fieldname. This is the most common reason.   
               IBM may have discontinued the Fieldname, moved it to     
               another offset with a different Fieldname, or added it in
               a higher RMF release than the data being processed.      
               2) The RMF III table section containing the Fieldname is 
               absent. Not every section is always present in every RMF 
               III table. Some sections depend on RMF III startup       
               NOTE: In the case of the CFIG3 table the Structure       
               Extension, Connections, and/or Storage Class Memory      
               sections may not exist. In some cases the Structure      
               and/or Channel Path sections may not exist. The CFIG3    
               does not exist at all for LPARs running as z/VM guests.  
               3) The known offset for Fieldname is beyond the length of
               the table section being processed. This could be an      
               internal ASMRMFV or RMF III error.                       
               4) ASMRMFV treats an IGNORE condition as a TRUE condition
               and the data is NOT filtered.                            
               The Fieldname CFISTMAE is part of the Structure Extension
               section in the CFIG3 table. But if NOCFDETAIL is in      
               effect in the RMF Monitor III start options, then the    
               Structure Extension section will not exist for that LPAR.
               Assume there are 35,020 structures in the RMF III VSAM   
               file for the CFIG3 table.  Recall that the table is      
               generated for each RMF III MINTIME interval.             
                 The IF expression is:                                  
                 RMFV002I  SYSIN   :  IF=(CFISTMAE GT 0)                
                 RMFV088I  IF=     :  CFISTMAE GT 0  X'00000000'        
                 The result will be:                                    
                 RMFV080I  COMPARES:  TRUE=  0  FALSE= 0  IGNORE= 35,520
                 TOTAL=      35,520                                     
Change 38.180  These optional "Candle" CICS segments' variables were not
UTILEXCL       correctly kept in the _VCICTRN created by UTILEXCL:      
               CANDCOMT CANRES01.  The names in the "Link to IMACICxx:" 
               were in the wrong "xx:" labels.                          
   Thanks to Shantanu Gupta, ENSONO, USA.                               
Change 38.179  Support for DB2 ZPARM MFA_AUTHCACHE_UNUSED_TIME value in 
VMAC102        seconds in variable QWP4MFAT in T102S106 dataset.        
Oct 14, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Lai Fai Wong, Bank of America, USA.                        
Change 38.178  Support for Z NetView 6.3 subtype 4 Command Statistics   
EXTY3804       creates new dataset TYPE3804 which contains these        
VMAC38            S38DCMDN ='COMMAND*NAME'                              
VMXGINIT          S38DALTN ='COMMAND*ALTERNATE*NAME'                    
Oct 19, 2020      S38DPRNT ='PARENT*NAME'                               
                  S38DTSK  ='NETVIEW*TASK*NAME'                         
                  S38DSTCK ='START*DATETIME'                            
                  S38DETCK ='END*DATETIME'                              
                  S38DSTCK ='CPU*TIME'                                  
                  S38DSTG  ='STORAGE*HWM'                               
                  S38DIOC  ='TOTAL*I/O'                                 
                  S38DAUSR ='AUTHORIZED*USER*NAME'                      
   Thanks to Mark Tomlinson, Lloydsbanking, ENGLAND.                    
Change 38.177  VTAM Tuning SMF 50 record datasets 502R/502W/504R/504W   
VMAC50         were misaligned.                                         
Oct 16, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Thomas Doster, IBM, USA.                                   
   Thanks to Kristen Lamastr, IBM,USA.                                  
Change 38.176  User tailoring %LET PDBMXG=yourdd; failed with PDB NOT   
VMXG70PR       FOUND if there was no PDB=LIBNAME argument, or ASUM70GC  
Oct  9, 2020   and ASUM70GL were written to PDB instead of "yourdd" if  
               the PDB libname exists. MXG 38.08 only.                  
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 38.175  MXG 38.08 only.  Change 38.170 added support for suppress
UTILBLDP       115 and 116 records, but if you suppressed ID and did not
Oct  8, 2020   set VWVMACID to null you could get an error message from 
               SAS that the type of VIEW could not be determined, but   
               only with older SAS versions.                            
Change 38.174  The Change 38.056 "Error: Unrecognized SAS option name"  
ANALID         only occurred if ID was suppressed, now that's protected.
Oct  9, 2020                                                            
Change 38.173  The ANALID format for SMF 72.4 and 72.5 is changed from  
FORMATS        RMF I to RMF III because the data gatherer source for    
Oct  6, 2020   both of those records written by RMF I is RMF III.       
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC Technology                               
Change 38.172  Variable ZCOSTIME is now numeric with DATETIME20. format.
Oct  6, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Pierre Pascal Joulin, SOCGEN, FRANCE.                      
Change 38.171  The title for the report for DEVMNTMX and DEVMNTAV was   
ANALBVIR       reversed and is now "INST MIN MAX AVG THRUPUT"/          
Oct  5, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to John Donoghue, AIB, IRELAND                                
Change 38.170  This utility to create tailored BUILDPDB input code adds 
UTILBLDP       MQ option to SUPPRESS= so both the 115 and 116 records   
Oct  3, 2020   can be skipped.                                          
Change 38.169  Corrected a JCL error in the IBM DFH$MOLS CICS program   
DFH$MOLS       that decompresses SMF 110 (SUBTYPE 1 ONLY) records.      
Oct  2, 2020                                                            
Change 38.168  Support for new CICS/TS 5.6 Statistics Variables added to
EXCICXSG       STID=43 (CICDQR), eliminate spurious message STID=46 that
SCICSORT       new fields were added,and new CICXSG dataset from STID=61
VMAC110        SMF 110 Subtype 2 records.                               
Oct  5, 2020                                                            
Change 38.167  Labels for TYPE64 SINCE*OPEN and SINCE*CREATION were     
               ACCEXCPS are SINCE*OPEN and variables INDXLVLS NREXTNTS  
               CISPLTS CASPLITS and EXCPS are SINCE CREATION.           
   Thanks to Michael Friske, FMR, USA.                                  
Change 38.166  New utility that will help you decide if you should run  
UTILUOW        ASUMUOW and whether you should use CASE1 or CASE2 from   
Oct  1, 2020   IMACUOW if you do decide to run it. ASUMUOW is used to   
               create the ASUMUOW observations for each UOW in an MRO   
               by combining the CICSTRAN observations from TOR/AOR/DOR  
               so you have the valid TRANNAME for the CSMI transactions.
               If there is little use of MRO, then it is not worth the  
               CPU expense. And if there is MRO usage, you need to chose
               CASE1 or CASE2 for your IMACUOW tailoring.               
Change 38.165   Error "Attempt to open two sequential members" if PDBOUT
READDB2         is on tape (which we DO NOT RECOMMEND) and ACCTSORT=NO  
Sep 30, 2020    is specified with READDB2.  A circumvention that creates
                only the below account datasets is to use TYPSDB2:      
                  %let mackeep=%quote(                                  
                   macro _sdb2acp data _lDb2acp; set _wdb2acp; %        
                   macro _sdb2acr data _lDb2acr; set _wdb2acr; %        
                   macro _sdb2acg data _lDb2acg; set _wdb2acg; %        
                   macro _sdb2acw data _lDb2acw; set _wdb2acw; %        
                   macro _sdb2pat data _lDb2pat; set _wdb2pat; %        
                   %include sourclib(typsdb2);                          
                But if your READDB2 did selection (like SSID), that PDB 
                could have a lot more observations, and any other IFCID 
                in the original READDB2 would not be created.           
                An alternative is to use READDB2 but point PDBOUT to a  
                temporary disk data library, and then PROC COPY to the  
                tape data library, so all selections are supported.     
                But the temp disk data library could be quite large,    
                and might require multi-volumes.                        
Change 38.164  Support for APAR PH03207 for DFSORT ZSORT statistics that
FORMATS        are added to TYPE16 dataset:                             
VMAC16           ICECOLLK ='ACTIVE*COLLKEY*VALUE'                       
Sep 29, 2020     ICETCBT  ='TOTAL*TCB*TIME'                             
                 ICEFLBY5 ='ZSORT*WAS*USED?'                            
                 ICEZSRNU ='ZSORT*NON*USAGE*CODE'                       
                 ICEZSFLG ='ZSORT*FLAGS'                                
                 ICEZSPH1 ='ZSORT*PH1*ELAPSED'                          
                 ICEZSPH3 ='ZSORT*PH3*ELAPSED'                          
                 ICESSTC1 ='ZSORT*PH1*TCB TIME'                         
                 ICESSTC3 ='ZSORT*PH3*TCB TIME'                         
                 ICEZSDIA ='ZSORT*DIAGNOSTIC*AREA'                      
                 ICEZSDIV ='ZSORT*DIAGNOSTIC*VERSION'                   
               Note: you must specify DFSORT parameter SMF=FULL to      
                     populate these ZSORT variables (Not SHORT).        
   Thanks to Sri H Kolusu, IBM DFSORT, USA.                             
====== CHANGES THRU 38.163 ARE  IN MXG 38.08 DATED Sep 28, 2020 ========
Change 38.163  Support for APAR OA59813 which adds RECOVERY BOOST so new
VMAC30         value BOOSTCLASS='RECO' is added to IPL or SHUT values.  
Sep 23, 2020                                                            
Change 38.162  Datasets ZRBCHP and ZRBSCM had zero observations because 
VMACRMFV       the test for valid length needed -1 subtracted           
Sep 22, 2020                                                            
Change 38.161  Macro always looked for PDB rather than the value of     
PDBAUDIT       PDBAUDIT as it should have. Now it looks for PDBAUDIT and
Sep 21, 2020   if not found on zOS looks in EXTFILES and issues a       
               LIBNAME statement and if that is successful starts over. 
               On z/OS, if not successful, or if the LIBNAME's engine is
               sequential, or on ASCII, if the LIBNAME is not found,    
               PDBAUDIT is set to WORK.                                 
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC Technology, USA.                         
CHANGE 38.160  Initial support for dataset DB2NETZA new variables:      
Sep 18, 2020     Q8STTMPS='MEMORY*AVAILABLE*FOR SQL REQ*MB'             
                 Q8STSA  ='DISK SPACE*TEMPORARY*DATA*MB'                
                 Q8STLSA ='DISK SPACE*LOG DATA*MB'                      
                 Q8STTDPS='SUCCESSFUL*QUERY*REQUESTS*THIS DB2'          
                 Q8STEDPS='QUERY*REQUESTS*EXPIRED*THIS DB2'             
                 Q8STTDPA='SUCCESSFUL*QUERY*REQUESTS*ALL DB2'           
                 Q8STEDPA='QUERY*REQUESTS*EXPIRED*ALL DB2'              
                 Q8STLRCP='CPU TIME*INTEGRATED*SYNC'                    
                 Q8STLRZI='ZIIP TIME*INTEGRATED*SYNC'                   
                 Q8STZRZE='ZIIP TIME*ELIGIBLE'                          
               Please contact before using, because only
               test data with one record was available, so the fields   
               that are accumulated could not be identified/validated.  
               This update was NOT in MXG 38.08/09/10, need test data.  
CHANGE 38.159  MXG 38.07 only, 180 Syntax Error citing SP_NOBS=&NOBS,   
VMXGPRAL       due to an incorrect and undocumented &VARLST change.     
Sep 16, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
CHANGE 38.158  Format $MGSMFID didn't map SMF 119 subtypes 11, 12, 81,  
FORMATS        and 101-104, but those records were already supported in 
Sep 16, 2020   VMAC119, although 101-104 subtypes are not written and   
               are only available thru an API.                          
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
CHANGE 38.157  OUTFILE= defaults to BUILDMXG though the more common     
UTILBLDP       usage is INSTREAM and INSTREAM exists in all of the MXG  
Sep 14, 2020   PROCs and AUTOEXECs. But if you fail to specify an       
               OUTFILE or the one you specified does not exist your job 
               would fail with FILE NOT FOUND errors. Now it is detected
               and tells you what the problem was but it will still     
               ABEND and cause errors in your job.                      
   Thanks to Arnold Kim, UPS, USA.                                      
   Thanks to George Carlquist, UPS, USA                                 
Change 38.156  Dataset tokens for datasets TYP11924 and TYP11945 were   
VMAC119        not in the _N119 list of all datasets.                   
Sep 14, 2020                                                            
Change 38.155  Debugging Option DKROCOND=WARN found many non-references 
ANALDB2R       that were typo's and did cause some variables to not be  
IMACICVH       kept,  This was a long time on my to-do-list, now done.  
IMACICWV      -VMAC71 DELTATM is not created in WORK.TYPE71 but is added
UTILEXCL       in the _S71 Sort Step, removed from KEEP= list for WORK. 
VMAC110       -VMACCMFV variables starting with PRRE_G  in CMFV82.      
VMAC116       -VMACMVAO variables HHMM and YYYYMMDD were typos.         
VMAC120       -VMAC85 R850SUB was spelled R50SUB.                       
VMAC71        -VMAC89 variable PRODMOD was spelled PROCMOD.             
VMAC85        -VMAC92 variable SMF92DTY in TYPE9217, typo, not kept.    
VMAC89        -VMAC99 typos in S99EEHMxx, S99SLET, S99CVCM in TYPE99SL. 
VMAC92        -VMAC110 variable SSMVSSTM typo for SMMVSSTM, now kept.   
VMAC99        -VMAC110 WBJCNRPL typo in CICSTRAN.                       
VMACCMFV      -IMACICVH was not in PRODTEST with comment removed.       
VMACMVAO      -IMACICWV still had comment block in PRODTEST.            
VMXGUOW       -UTILEXCL variable SSMVSSTM typo for SMMVSSTM, now kept.  
Sep 13, 2020  -VMAC110 variable MNGAPPLS typo for MNGAPPNS, now kept.   
VMAC112       -VMAC110 SORTCPIPSMAXPERSIST underscores removed.         
VMACWSF       -VMAC110 IMSTM NRIMS removed from KEEP.                   
VMACCTCP      -VMAC112 T112JOB replaced OMCIJOB, T112NUMB/OBJTYPE gone. 
              -VMAC116 WTSAWQCT typo for WTASWQCT.                      
              -VMAC120 GMTOFFDOM typo for SM120GMT.                     
              -ANALDB2R Variable QWHSSSID not on S102S083.              
              -VMXGUOW  SPURIOUS WARNs are printed if MXGEXIMSG=YES.    
              -VMACWSF  ACCCHOST typo ACCHOS, S1ODS typo ACCS1ODS.      
              -VMACCTCP CTCP32CA/B/C/D gone, CTCPSUBS typo SUBSYS.      
Change 38.154  Labels for variables D06xxxxx in VMACIMS and GAVxxxxx in 
VMAC99         VMAC99 had unbalanced quotes, which cause no error but   
VMACIMS        labels were not correct.                                 
Sep 11, 2020                                                            
Change 38.153  Syntax revisions to prevent spurious log messages about  
ASUMPRTR       ancient DATETIME syntax.                                 
Sep 11, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Wayne Bell, UNIGROUP, USA.                                 
Change 38.152  Support for APARs OA58729/OA58724 which added these new  
VMAC74         Resource Monopoly fields in dataset TYPE74ST subtype 4:  
Sep 11, 2020     R744SMRC='REQUESTS*DELAYED*MONOPOLY'                   
                 R744SMSQ='SUMMED*SQ OF*QUEUE TIME*MONOPOLY'            
                 R744SMHT='HI OPS*QUEUED*MONOPOLY*AVOID'                
                 R744SMMN='MIN OPS*QUEUED*MONOPOLY*AVOID'               
                 R744SMMX='MAX OPS*QUEUED*MONOPOLY*AVOID'               
                 R744SMHN='MIN HI OPS*QUEUED*MONOPOLY*AVOID'            
                 R744SMHX='MAX HI OPS*QUEUED*MONOPOLY*AVOID'            
   Thanks to Kurt Gramling, T-SYS, USA.                                 
Change 38.151  Unused Change Number.                                    
Change 38.150  If you did not have a //IPHOSTS  or FILENAME IPHOSTS,    
ANAL119        errors including divide by zero occurred.  Now, if it    
Sep  6, 2020   doesn't exist, an MXGWARN message is printed and the     
               processing continues creating the zero obs dataset.      
Change 38.149  TYPE113 SM113TM was not an interval time and this would  
ANALSIIS       only occasionally match to SMFINTRV records. Now a new   
Sep  6, 2020   interval TIMESTMP is calculated. SYNC59=YES added to the 
               parameter list.                                          
   Thanks to Pierre Pascal Joulin, SocGen, FRANCE.                      
Change 38.148  VMXGSUM calls were added to prevent errors or warnings   
VMXGSUM        when deleting work files that do not always exist.       
Sep 10, 2020                                                            
Change 38.147  ACCTSORT=NO was not suppressing SORTS and caused         
READDB2        accounting datasets to be sorted to output libname       
Sep 12, 2020   instead of being directly written to libname when        
               PDBOUT=libname, and any redirects of output (eg.         
               DB2ACCTP to libname DB2ACCTP) were not honored.          
              -IFCIDS=DB2GBPAT was not recognized; now is.              
Change 38.146  After _N7072, MACRO _WTY70 TYPE70 % was added.           
Sep  4, 2020                                                            
Change 38.145  If you are rolling up interval data and specify an       
VMXGDUR        interval LT the actual duration in the data the results  
Sep 10, 2020   may not be what is expected. VMXGDUR now detects this    
               when the input data contains a DURATM variable and puts  
               an MXGNOTE on the log.                                   
Change 38.144  Line 55 had "SAAV" text that was accidentally found in   
TESTIBM2       MXG 38.05-38.07.                                         
Aug 31, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Altino Pimentel, Express-Scrips, USA.                      
Change 38.143 -Variable CFISCVER in ZRBSCM is replaced by CFISCVERCH as 
VMACRMFV       that variable should have been input as $CHAR8, but was  
Aug 28,2020    incorrectly INPUT as a datetime, and name must be changed
               to prevent errors if merging old and new ZRBSCM.         
              -Variables CFISCMAX,CFISCFAU,CFISCIAU,CFISIUS were not    
               multiplied by 4096 to store bytes instead of KB.         
Change 38.142 -When creating PDB.ASUMCELP and PDB.ASUMCEC datasets with 
ASUM70WK       intervals, the ASUMCELP/ASUMCEC has 23 valid hourly obs, 
VMXG70PR       with two additional obs, one from the last interval of   
Aug 25, 2020   yesterdaq with (DURATM 15 min) and one from the last hour
               of today (DURATM 45 min). To report only full hours, you 
               can select obs with IF DURATM GT 3400; in your reports.  
              -This new ASUM70WK program reads your WEEK.TYPE70/70PR to 
               create two weekly hourly WEEK.ASUMCEHR and WEEK.ASUMLPHR 
               (like CEC/CELP) with all intervals one hour.  The two    
               partial intervals are not output, but they are from the  
               SMFDUMP time on the weekends and presumably unimportant. 
              -Enhancements were needed in VMXG70PR.                    
               -The PDB= argument for the libname of input datasets was 
                incorrectly ignored, and the &PTY70 and &PTY7072 tokens 
                were used.  Now it will be used, but VMXG70PR checks for
                the existence of TYPE70 & TYPE70PR if PDB= is nonblank, 
                and terminates if either has zero obs or isn't there.   
               -New PDBOUT= argument names the output LIBNAME for the   
                two new datasets, if argument is non-blank.             
               -OUTCODE70PR= Your SAS code that will let you control    
                what observations are output to ASUM70PR.               
               -OUTCODE70LP= Your SAS code that will let you control    
                what observations are output to ASUM70LP.               
               -OUTCODECEC = Your SAS code that will let you control    
                what observations are output to ASUMCEC/ASUMCEHR        
               -OUTCODECELP= Your SAS code that will let you control    
                what observations are output to ASUMCELP/ASUMLPHR       
               -OUTCODE70GL= Your SAS code that will let you control    
                what observations are output to ASUM70GL.               
               -OUTCODE70GC= Your SAS code that will let you control    
                what observations are output to ASUM70GC.               
              -The ASUM70WK defaults to PDB=WEEK, PDBOUT=WEEK, and      
                the two OUTCODEs use IF DURATM GT 3400; to only create  
                full hourly data for the week.                          
                            OUTCODE70PR=IF DURATM GT 3400;,             
                            OUTCODECELP=IF DURATM GT 3400;,             
====== CHANGES THRU 38.141 ARE  IN MXG 38.07 DATED Aug 22, 2020 ========
Change 38.141 -Processing CICS Statistics records in BUILDPDB can be    
EXCICLDR       very CPU/Elasped intensive for very little daily value.  
EXCICSDR       The SMF 110 Subtype 2 records are tactical data for the  
EXCICSMD       resolution of CICS problems, which happen so rarely that 
EXCICSMT       it would be better to only process them with TYPS110-2 if
EXCICTCR       and when your CICS folks actually have need of that data.
EXCICXMR       IBM CICINTRV dataset default 3 hour interval is also not 
SCICSORT       much use for tactical analysis.  To suppress processing  
VMXGCICI       of the statistics records in BUILDPDB/TYPE110            
Aug 21, 2020   you can insert this at the top of your //SYSIN           
Aug 21, 2020     %LET MACFILE=                                          
                   %QUOTE( IF ID=110 AND SUBTYPE=2 THEN DELETE;);       
               With UTILBLDP, SUPPRESS=CICSSTAT will suppress sorts and 
               CICINTRV and all of the Statistics datasets will have    
               obs so they take no space, but will exist so subsequent  
               reports won't fail.                                      
               And if you ONLY want CICSTRAN with no other account nor  
               statistics datasets, add this and the MACFILE to SYSIN.  
                 %LET MACKEEP= %QUOTE                                   
                  (_N110 _S110 MACRO _WCICTRN CICSTRAN.CICSTRAN % );    
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE110);                            
               (and always have a blank between percent and paren).     
              -For sites that do use those data, there are large counts 
               of observations created during intervals of no activity  
               that increased CPU, elapsed time and disk space needed.  
               For example CICXMR created 1,173,518 obs in WORK.CICXMR  
               but only 4061 obs were output in PDB.CICXMR.  With this  
               change, these seven datasets are only output in WORK if  
               there was activity: FCR LDR SDR SMD SMT TCR XMR, but that
               test can be tailored to create all obs in the EXCICxxx.  
              -%INCLUDE SOURCLIB(UCICSCNT) will report how many obs were
               written to SMF and not output for each STID. MXG member  
               IMAC110 documents the CICxxxxx dataset for each STID.    
              -This change significantly reduced the CPU and elapsed    
               time for a 5GB SMF file with lots of "idle" hours, with  
               lots of regions, ET from 17:24 to 6:21, CPU 517 to 258.  
               There were 104 Regions and the data was from a Monday.   
   Thanks to Vijay Singh, IBM, NEW ZEALAND.                             
Change 38.140  Variable CMM, CMM BALOON is added to XMUCDSYS dataset.   
Aug 20, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Raymond J. Smith, OPTUM, USA.                              
Change 38.139  Change 38.037, in MXG 38.02 MQMQUEUE these variables     
Aug 17, 2020   were in the Change text, but were dropped from the KEEP  
               list; the KEEP list now includes them.                   
   Thanks to Pietro Rosella, Canadian National Railway, CANADA.         
Change 38.138  Unused Change Number                                     
Change 38.137  Support for APAR OA57466 which adds variables to TYPE26J2
VMAC26J2         SMF26BYU='TOTAL JOB*UNCOMPRESSED*BYTES'                
Aug 15, 2020     SMF26BYC='TOTAL JOB*COMPRESSED*BYTES'                  
Change 38.136  If you rerouted CICXMG to PDB all sorts of strangeness   
VMXGCICI       occurred since VMXGCICI was looking for CICXMR rather    
Aug 13, 2020   than CICXMG.                                             
   Thanks to Nilton de Oliveira Mello Junior, IBM, Brazil.              
Change 38.135 -Change 38.128 wasn't released, but a severe error message
Aug 13, 2020     EXPECTED: CPUG3  ACTUAL: CPUG3 (C3D7E4C7F3X)<<<        
               incorrectly appears.  A table id validation test branch  
               was incorrect.                                           
Change 38.134 -Example added to output ALL Service/Report Classes even  
ASUMMIPS       those with CPUTM=0, which are not normally output.       
Aug 11, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Nestor D Rossi, BANCOGALICiA, ARGENTINA.                   
Change 38.133 -Support for IMS LOG Record 67D0 Subtype 6 creates new    
BUILDIMS       dataset IMS67D006.                                       
EX67D006      -BUILDIMS requires REPORT=YES (to avoid a MAJOR rewrite)  
IMACIMS        so it is now always forced.                              
Aug 14, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 38.132  DCOLLECT ABEND B37 (SPACE). New UNIX fields were added in
EXDCOBKU       Change 38.102 (MXG 38.05), adding 1231 bytes to each obs,
IMACDCOL       in DCOLBKUP, Unix or Not.  The variables are now removed 
VMACDCOL       from DCOLBKUP and new DCOLBKUU dataset is now created for
VMXGINIT       Unix dataset information.                                
Aug  7,2020                                                             
   Thanks to Bill Davis, Transamerica, USA.                             
Change 38.131  Unused Change Number                                     
Change 38.130  Support for Thruput Manager IZWS fields.                 
Aug  5, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Kurt Gramling, T-SYS, USA.                                 
Change 38.129 -Writing SMF with SYNC=59 has NEVER BEEN RECOMMENDED, it  
VMXG70PR       was required with MICS, and while MXG summarization can  
Jul 30, 2020   take it into account, there is intrinsic inaccuracy as   
Aug 13, 2020   only SYNC=0 will provide exact 00,15:30:45 intervals.    
               The hourly summarization in VMXG70PR forces those exact  
               interval start to the exact value, but other RMF datasets
               will still have 59:14:29:44 starts.  This change creates 
               the new OUTCODE70PR argument for VMXG70PR, which you can 
               add in your ASUM70PR member's invocation of VMXG70PR:    
                      OUTCODE70PR= STARTIME=STARTIME-60;                
              -A blank TITLE was added at the end to prevent carry.     
   Thanks to Linda Berkeley, DISA Mainframe, USA.                       
Change 38.128 -ASMRMFV Field Data Filter (FDF) support for the RMF III  
ADOCRMFV       XCF Activity Data Table (XCFG3) and an IMPORTANT FDF FIX.
ASMRMFV       -The Field Data Filter (FDF) feature of RMF III was added 
Jul 30, 2020   in MXG Change 37.089 and allows you to filter raw RMF    
               reducing the size of the created RMFBSAM file. You can   
               filter table entries based on one or more numeric and/or 
               character fields, and is intended for advanced MXG users 
               building ad hoc data collection of RMF III data.         
              -ASMRMFV FDF can fail to correctly translate X'00'        
               characters to X'40' blank characters for RMF III field   
               names in FDF expressions that can contain nulls. This can
               cause filter comparisons to be FALSE instead of TRUE.    
              -The example JCLRMFV/JCLCRMFV/JCLDRMFV members have been  
               integrated into Sections 48, 49, 50 in ADOCRMFV, with new
               FDF examples; the old members are pointers to ADOCRMFV.  
              -  J is now an alias for SCM table selection.             
              - -J is now an alias for SCM table exclusion.             
              -See Change 38.135 correction; 38.128 was never released. 
              -Following updated or added in the ADOCRMFV documentation 
               Section     Contents                                     
               -------     -------------------------------              
                  0        Contents                                     
                  2        Terminology                                  
                  3        Execution JCL                                
                  5        Input Data Selection Parameters              
                 32        Filtering The ASIG3 Table                    
                 33        Filtering The CPDG3 Table                    
                 34        Filtering The CSRG3 Table                    
                 35        Filtering The DSIG3 Table                    
                 36        Filtering The DVTG3 Table                    
                 37        Filtering The ENCG3 Table                    
                 38        Filtering The ENTG3 Table                    
                 39        Filtering The GEIG3 Table                    
                 40        Filtering The OPDG3 Table                    
                 41        Filtering The PCIG3 Table                    
                 42        Filtering The SCMG3 Table                    
                 43        Filtering The SPGG3 Table                    
                 44        Filtering The SSHG3 Table                    
                 45        Filtering The XCFG3 Table                    
                 46        Filtering The ZFXG3 Table                    
                 47        ASMRMFV Execution and Methods Overview       
                 48        PDB Build Examples With Direct JCL Method    
                 49        PDB Build Examples With TSO Clist Method     
                 50        PDB Build Examples With Dynamic Method       
                 51        Summary                                      
               This level of ASMRMFV introduces the concept of          
               Independent Data Sections when using FDF.                
               An Independent Section is an ASMRMFV term for a RMF III  
               data section containing data unrelated to other sections 
               in the same RMF Monitor III table. Examples of this are  
               the Group Data, Path Data, and System Data Sections of   
               the XCFG3 table.                                         
               ASMRMFV does not support logical FDF ANDing of filters   
               from two different Independent Sections because the data 
               is not logically related.                                
               ASMRMFV FDF processes each Independent Section           
               separately. If ANDIF= expressions for 2 fields in two    
               different Independent Sections occur FDF will bypass any 
               IF expressions for fields not contained in the section   
               being currently processed.                               
               Data dictionary sections in ADOCRMFV for tables now      
               identify the Section when Independent Sections are       
               applicable an RMF III table.                             
Change 38.127  Using ANAL119 with PDB=SMF without a PDBOUT=, 0 OBS were 
ANAL119        found for the FTP report.  Now if PDBOUT= is null PDB is 
Jul 30, 2020   set to &MXGWORK.                                         
   Thanks to Jennifer D. Ayers, West Virginia Government, USA.          
Change 38.126  When SMF Logger outputs sysplex data for multiple systems
VMAC7072       records are interleaved, so it is no longer possible to  
VMXGINIT       retain TYPE70 variables like CECSER/CPCMODEL from the 70 
Jul 29, 2020   into the TYPE72GO dataset, where they are frequently     
               missing values.  This change revises the _STY72GO dataset
               sort macro to sort and merge the two datasets to populate
               CECSER and CPCMODEL whenever possible (if a 70 ends an   
               SMF dataset, the subsequent 72 read tomorrow won't have a
               matching 70 even with the new sorting logic).            
              -All of the 7072 processing programs that sort and create 
               PDB datasets, like BUILDPDB/BLDSMPDB/UTILBLDP/TYPS7072   
               already invoke the _STY72GO macro so this change will be 
               transparent.  However, if you use only TYPE7072 to write 
               only to //WORK, you will need to use this syntax to sort 
               and create the correctly populated TYPE72GO dataset:     
                  %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE7072);                          
                  %LET PTY70=WORK;                                      
                  %LET PTY72GO=WORK;                                    
              -And new macro variable &SSTY72GO is added in _STY72GO so 
               you can insert code to create new variables from the     
               CECSER/CPCMODEL variables into your TYPE72GO dataset.    
   Thanks to Kurt Gramling, T-SYS, USA.                                 
Change 38.125  Change 38.117 test for QLSTVRSN='000001' was changed to  
VMACDB2        'F0F0F0F0F0F1'x to detect new data on EBCDIC or ASCII.   
Jul 26, 2020                                                            
Change 38.124 -RMF III datasets ZRBXCG, ZRBXCP and ZRBXCS had many dupes
VMACRMFV       because the offset was not updated and so only the first 
Jul 26, 2020   segment was read and re-read and output XCFxDATN times.  
Jul 30, 2020   Caused incorrect ZRBXCG INVALID TRIPLET messages.        
              -Dataset ZRBZFS variable ZFX_FS_AGGRREADKBYTES corrected. 
====== CHANGES THRU 38.123 WERE IN MXG 38.06 DATED Jul 25, 2020 ========
Change 38.123  Change 38.121 overlooked one dataset causing the refresh 
VMXGCICI       on Saturday morning.                                     
Jul 25, 2020                                                            
Change 38.122  Some CICS Statistics datasets (CICxxxxx) were incorrectly
VMAC110        sorted because the %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(SCICSORT) statement 
Jul 25, 2020   was accidentally deleted.                                
Change 38.121  If you tailored CICS statistics datasets and some were in
VMXGCICI       WORK and some were in PDB, a dataset not found error due 
Jul 25, 2020   to MXG expecting all in one place.  Individual locations 
               now are tested, and the sorts commented out.             
====== CHANGES THRU 38.120 WERE IN MXG 38.06 DATED Jul 24, 2020 ========
Change 38.120  Variables decoded from SMF30SLM weren't kept in SMFINTRV:
Jul 24, 2020    SMF30SLMBY                                              
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC Technology                               
Change 38.119  Type 92 subtype 16 records are the same as subtype 11 so 
VMAC92         both subtypes are now output in TYPE9211 and SMF92STP is 
Jul 23, 2020   kept to identity which subtype was output.               
   Thanks to Nathan Lowenthal, CITIGROUP, USA.                          
Change 38.118 -ASMRMFV FDF message RMFV088I can be incorrectly formatted
ASMRMFV        showing the hex value of a number in an IF expression    
JCLASM3        as zeros.  Processing is not impacted.  The message only 
Jul 21, 2020   appears when FDF is used.                                
              -After Change 38.082 to reduce SYSOUT output from an      
               ASMRMFV assembly condition code 0002 can occur after an  
               assembly. The XREF(SHORT) option in the JCLASM3 sample   
               member is no longer required. ASMRMFV will override this 
               value to NOXREF, so no JCL change is required.           
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC Technology                               
Change 38.117  Support for DB2 APAR PH16111 adds location variables to  
VMACDB2        the QLST segment,in IFCID 365 in dataset T102S365 and in 
VMAC102        SMF 100 Subtype 1 datasets DB2STAT0/DB2STATS/DB2STATR.   
Jul 21, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, Huk-Coberg, GERMANY.                       
Change 38.116  Support for BMC Mainview for CICS Version 7.1 (COMPAT).  
VMACMVCI      -New variables in dataset CMRDETL:                        
Jul 20, 2020     T6EXSVPT='TOTAL*PASSWORD*VERIFY*TIME'                  
                 T6EXSVBT='TOTAL*BASIC AUTH*VERIFY*TIME'                
                 T6EXSVBN='TOTAL*BASIC AUTH*VERIFY*COUNT'               
                 T6EXSVBF='TOTAL*BASIC AUTH*VERIFY*FLAG'                
                 T6EXSVJT='TOTAL*JSON JWT*VERIFY*TIME'                  
                 T6EXSVJN='TOTAL*JSON JWT*VERIFY*COUNT'                 
                 T6EXSVJF='TOTAL*JSON JWT*VERIFY*FLAG'                  
                 T6ESMMWT='TOTAL*Z/OS SOS*WAIT*TIME'                    
                 T6ESMMWN='TOTAL*Z/OS SOS*WAIT*COUNT'                   
                 T6ESMMWF='TOTAL*Z/OS SOS*WAIT*FLAG'                    
              -Complete revision of MXG Code for CMRFPROG.              
                 T6EPGNM ='PROGRAM*NAME1'                               
Change 38.115  Support for Optional CICS Field HUMTRAN with multiple    
UTILEXCL       INPUT lengths of $16 and $24. The length of variable     
VMAC110        HUMTRAN is $24.                                          
Jul 16, 2020                                                            
Change 38.114  New CICS datasets SMF 110 Subtype 1 MNSEGCL=5 Resource   
EXCICRDU       class datasets:                                          
EXCICRDW         DDDDD  Dataset   Description                           
IMAC110          CICRDU CICSRDUR  URIMAP Resource                       
VMAC110          CICRDW CICSRDWB  WEBSVC Resource                       
Jul 16, 2020                                                            
Change 38.113  SMF records that EXCLUDE ABCODEC, field 114, have a four 
UTILEXCL       byte misalignment when UTILEXCL is used, so this change  
VMXGINIT       created macro variable MXGCICSABCODELN which could be set
Jul 15, 2020   in UTILEXCL SYSIN to 4 to change INPUT ABCIDEO $EBCDIC8. 
Jul 26, 2023   to EBCDIC4. But this change was replaced by Change 41.063
               which detects the EXCLUDE for you and creates the correct
               INPUT ABCODE $EBCDIC4. statement.                        
   Thanks to Bradley Leis, TELUS, CANADA.                               
====== CHANGES THRU 38.112 WERE IN MXG 38.05 DATED Jul 15, 2020 ========
Change 38.112  Support for DFSMS APAR OA59510 OA59830 collects UNIX file
VMACDCOL       Backup information in DCOLLECT, new DCOLBKUP variables   
Jul 14, 2020     UBUNIX ='UNIX*FILE*BACKUP?'                            
                 UBUNIXDIR='UNIX*FILE OR*DIRECTORY?'                    
                 UBPATHL='LENGTH*OF THE*FILENAME'                       
Change 38.111  TYPE1415 Space Allocation Unit is set to SPACE='AVG' for 
VMAC1415       AVGREC when JFCBCTRI='90'x and based on values in SMF    
Jul 13, 2020   that matches the job's JCL. Previously these records had 
               SPACE='TRK' because the '80'x bit was detected.          
   Thanks to Bruce Sloss, PNC, USA.                                     
   Thanks to Walt Unterbrink, PNC, USA.                                 
Change 38.110 -38.05 Early Adopter, test IF LENPDGS GE 2296 in line 2094
VMAC71         should be IF LENPDGS GE 2440. This could cause a STOPOVER
Jul 12, 2020   INPUT EXCEEDED RECORD LENGTH error.                      
Change 38.109 -38.05 Early Adopter, period missing in VMAC98 line 876.  
VMAC98         Should be $CHAR16. (with the period).                    
Jul 12, 2020                                                            
Change 38.108 -RMF III dataset ZRBENC PROC SORT removed more duplicates 
VMACRMFV       than intended; the _BZRBENC sort list needed the two     
Jul 16, 2020   added variables at the end:                              
              -Variable SSHGOSYN='GATHERER*SYNC*OPTION?' is added to all
              -Data sets ZRBXCG, XRBXCP, ZRBSCS have added variables    
                SSHRMFVN SSHSMPNR                                       
   Thanks to Kurt Gramling, TSYS, USA.                                  
Change 38.107  Some macro variables were unresolved because they needed 
ANAL119        to %GLOBALed.                                            
Jul 11, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Jennifer D. Ayers, West Virginia Government, USA.          
TECHNOTE - z/OS ONLY                                                    
Jul  8, 2020                                                            
          The PDB library written by BUILDPDB CAN'T BE ON TAPE, neither 
          REAL TAPE or VIRTUAL TAPE or V9SEQ libraries on DASD.         
          We have NEVER recommended the PDB be written directly to TAPE 
          because BUILDPDB reads and writes to and from //PDB, multiple 
          times, and since sequential datasets have no directory, each  
          action requires a rewind to the beginning of the dataset and a
          read until it finds the desired dataset, increasing run time. 
          And PROC DATASETS fails with ERROR: Proc Datasets is not able 
          to process a sequential library. Consider using PROC CONTENTS 
          or PROC COPY instead.                                         
          If you want your PDB on TAPE, point //PDB to Temporary DASD,  
          then PROC COPY to TAPE dataset at the end.                    
          The more insidious issue is the potential for lost data.      
          Assume that you want to create a SAS data library with        
          datasets A B C D and then find that you need to rewrite       
          dataset B to add a variable. You can do it but you would then 
          lose datasets C and D PERMANENTLY. If you try to access them  
          you will get a DATASET x NOT FOUND error.                     
          SAS Technical Support documentation for sequential libraries: 
          Due to the nature of sequential devices, SAS allows only two  
          types of operations with members of a sequential bound        
           -reading an existing member and writing a new copy           
           -writing a new copy of a member to the library.              
          The following types of operations are not                     
          supported for sequential access bound libraries.              
           -Having multiple members in the library open at same time    
           -Updating the contents or attributes of a member of the      
           -Renaming or deleting a member of the library.               
           -Using BLKSIZE GT 32760 with SAS 9.4M1 or earlier which did  
            not support LBI. Error is ABEND 013 Return E1.              
           -PROC DATASETS is not able to process a sequential dataset.  
          SAS deletes all members of a sequential bound library that are
          subsequent to the library member that you replace.            
          By default, when writing a member of a sequential bound       
          library, SAS scans the entire library from the beginning to   
          determine whether a member having the specified name already  
          exists in the library. If such a member already exists in the 
          library, then the new copy of the member is written starting  
          at the position in the library data set where the old copy of 
          the member began, and all subsequent members of the library   
          are deleted. If the specified member does not already exist in
          the library, it is appended to the end of the library. This   
          behavior is not influenced by the REPLACE system option       
          because NOREPLACE is not supported by the TAPE engine.        
          When the FILEDISP=NEW data set option is specified for a      
          member to be written to a sequential access bound library, SAS
          replaces all of the members that previously existed in the    
          library, even if they were protected by an ALTER password. The
          ALTER password is not checked even for the member being       
          When the COPY procedure is used to write members to a         
          sequential access bound library, the rules regarding member   
          replacement (discussed in the previous topic) apply only to   
          the first member being processed by a COPY statement or PROC  
          COPY invocation. All other members involved in the COPY       
          operation are appended to the end of the library data even if 
          they already exist in the library. Therefore, it is possible  
          to cause a library to contain two copies of the member, only  
          the first of which is recognized. You should plan all COPY    
          operations carefully so that you avoid this outcome.          
          Some specialized SAS procedures repeatedly process a group of 
          observations that have the same value for a specific variable.
          This situation requires SAS to interrupt its sequential access
          pattern and reposition to a previous location in the library  
          data set. However, SAS does not support repositioning to a    
          location on a previous volume of a multi-volume tape data set.
          When this situation occurs, SAS issues the following error    
          ERROR: A POINT operation was attempted on sequential library  
          A volume switch has occurred on this library since the last   
          NOTE operation, making the POINT results unpredictable.       
          Should this situation occur, you can avoid the limitation by  
          copying the member to a library on disk.                      
          When using the LIBNAME statement to dynamically allocate SAS  
          libraries on tape, it is not possible to simultaneously       
          allocate multiple MVS data sets on the same tape volume.      
          Therefore, it is necessary to use the SAS LIBNAME CLEAR       
          statement to deassign the library before you attempt to assign
          another MVS data set on the tape.                             
          The mode in which SAS opens the library data set is primarily 
          governed by the type of access that is being performed. When  
          reading a member, listing the members in the library, or      
          retrieving information about the library, the library data set
          is opened for INPUT. When writing a member, the library data  
          set is opened for INOUT (unless DISP=NEW and the data set has 
          not been previously opened. In that case, OUTIN is used). SAS 
          does not write to a library that is allocated with DISP=SHR or
          LABEL=(,,,IN), issuing an ERROR message instead. Before       
          opening the library data set, SAS first checks the RACF       
          authorization, but only for libraries that reside on disk, and
          only if NOFILEAUTHDEFER is in effect.                         
   Thanks to Jill Ackerman, SAS Technical Support, USA.                 
Change 38.106  Support for APAR OA59330 new variables in TYPE7002:      
Jul  7, 2020     R702FXEC='CALLS TO*ENCIPHER*USING*FFX'                 
                 R702FXEI='INSTRUCTIONS*TO ENCIPHER*USING*FFX'          
                 R702FXDC='CALLS TO*DECIPHER*USING*FFX'                 
                 R702FXDI='INSTRUCTIONS*TO DECIPHER*USING*FFX'          
                 R702FXTC='CALLS TO*TRANSLATE*USING*FFX'                
                 R702FXTI='INSTRUCTIONS*TO TRANSLATE*USING*FFX'         
Change 38.105  Support for May 2020 SMF Manual Changes (still-40).      
EXTY9040      -TYPE02 Records                                           
FORMATS        -Subtype 1 new variables in TYPE0201                     
VMAC0203         SMFGFLG2='RESERVED?'                                   
VMAC25           SMFGFLG2='APAR OA55526*APPLIED?'                       
VMAC30           SMFGFLG2='SELF*DEFINING*SECTION?'                      
VMAC42           There is a new Self Defining Section "triplet" for the 
VMAC7072         new ARECSIGN section, I need data to decode.           
VMAC71         -Subtype 2 new variables in TYPE0201                     
VMAC89           SMFIFLG24='RESERVED?'                                  
VMAC90A          SMFIFLG25='NOT DOCUMENTED?'                            
VMAC98           SMFIFLG26='APAR*OA55526*APPLIED'                       
VMAC99           SMFIFLG27='SELF*DEFINING*SEGMENT?'                     
VMAC106          There is a new Self Defining Section "triplet" for the 
VMXGINIT         new ARECSIGN section, I need data to decode.           
Jul  3, 2020  -TYPE 25 SMF Records                                      
               -Label changed for TYPE25 SMF25NTF.                      
              -TYPE 30 SMF Records                                      
               -ZEDC section                                            
                -z15 changes:                                           
                 SMF30_US_COMPRREQ only counts authorized request       
                 are now always zero.                                   
               -Variables added to TYPE30_V/_4,_5,_6:                   
              -TYPE 42 Records                                          
                 Variable S42VTUNC count is zero with APAR OA55709.     
                 There is no volume metrics section when there are no   
                 SSCH instructions for this volume, and no system I/O   
                 section when no system I/O to this volume, and no      
                 background activity section when there no background   
              -TYPE 70 records                                          
               -Subtype 1                                               
                 New variable SMF70CPC_TYPE (8561) to TYPE70 dataset.   
               -Subtype 2                                               
                 New FORMATS value 0Dx:CEX7C for R7023CT/R7024CT/R7025CT
                 crypto type in TYPE7002/TYPE70X2/TYPE7Y3 datasets.     
              -TYPE 71 SMF Records                                      
                 New variables in TYPE71 dataset:                       
                 SMF71M6F='MIN FIXED*BACK*64-BIT*SHARED*PAGE GROUPS'    
                 SMF71X6F='MAX FIXED*BACK*64-BIT*SHARED*PAGE GROUPS'    
                 SMF71A6F='AVG FIXED*BACK*64-BIT*SHARED*PAGE GROUPS'    
                 SMF71M6B='MIN 24-BIT*BACK*64-BIT*SHARED*PAGE GROUPS'   
                 SMF71X6B='MAX 24-BIT*BACK*64-BIT*SHARED*PAGE GROUPS'   
                 SMF71A6B='AVG 24-BIT*BACK*64-BIT*SHARED*PAGE GROUPS'   
                 SMF71M6T='MIN 64-BIT*SHARED*PAGE GROUPS'               
                 SMF71X6T='MAX 64-BIT*SHARED*PAGE GROUPS'               
                 SMF71A6T='AVG 64-BIT*SHARED*PAGE GROUPS'               
              -TYPE 72 SMF RECORDS                                      
               -Variables BOOSTACTIVE and BOOSTCLASS added to TYPE72GO. 
                (In 70, BOOSTINFO flags partial boost, but there is no  
                 field for partial boost in 72).                        
              -TYPE 89 SMF Records                                      
               -Variables BOOSTACTIVE and BOOSTCLASS added to TYPE89,   
                but there are no bits for full boost, only partial.     
              -TYPE 90A SMF Records                                     
               - New subtype 40, SET BOOST, creates TYPE9040 dataset.   
              -TYPE 98 SMF Records  (Last updated 2017!)                
               -Variables added to TYPE9801 dataset:                    
                  SMF98_CVTLSO= 'LEAP*SECOND*OFFSET'                    
                  SMF98_ECVTLDTOCH ='ETOD*LOCAL*OFFSET*CHAR'            
                  SMF98_ECVTLSOCH  ='ETOD*LEAP*SECOND*OFFSET*CHAR'      
               -The Workload Interaction Correlator WICDATA records     
                  require more documentation from each exploiter and    
                  won't be decoded without actual data records:         
                  "These mappings are incomplete and depend on the      
                   particular data to be recorded for each exploiter.   
                   Use the mapping produced by the subtype holder."     
              -TYPE 99 SMF Records                                      
               -Variable added to TYPE99_1 - BOOSTINFO                  
               -Variables TOD added to TYPE99EH subtype 14.             
               -Await a USER with need+data for new subtypes 9 and 10   
                and updates to subtype 12.                              
              -TYPE 106 SMF Records                                     
               -New FORMAT MG106CT values for SMF6ACTP=CONNECT*TYPE.    
              -TYPE 124 SMF Records                                     
               - Await a USER with need+data for new subtypes 2-5.      
Change 38.104  Dataset XAMUSR variable USERTYPE='ACCT' is now set if the
VMACXAM        value in the record was A.                               
Jun 30, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC Technology, USA.                         
Change 38.103 -MXG 38.03/38.04 TYPE7072 fails if PDB is on TAPE, with   
E2TY70         ERROR: DATASET PDB.TYPE70PR NOT FOUND (after it had been 
VMAC7072       created, and there was no DELETE statement on the log).  
Jun 30, 2020  -Changing from TAPE to DASD accidentally circumvents the  
               error that was introduced in Change 38.055.              
              -But this correction in VMAC7072 is INCOMPATIBLE requiring
               you to see IF YOU HAVE MEMBER E2TY70 in your tailoring   
               'USERID.SOURCLIB' library, as you must change _LTY70 to  
               _WTY70 in that member.  Fortunately, I doubt any site    
               has actually ever used that obscure exit member, and with
               this change, the MXG default is _WTY70.                  
              -But we have NEVER recommended the PDB library be on      
               tape for the BUILDPDB process for several reasons:       
                 -tapes have no directory, so the full tape has to be   
                  read from the start to find each dataset, and         
                 -BUILDPDB has many datasets that are written to and    
                  then read from the PDB library, causing many rewinds  
                  which increases the job run time.                     
   Thanks to Silambarasan Shanmugam, IBM, INDIA.                        
Change 38.102  Support for Thruput Manager TMT7123/TMT7124 JUL 2020.    
VMACTPMX       Compatible Changes:                                      
Jun 26, 2020  -New variables in dataset TPM10:                          
                 TPMCMSTA='TENANT*4HRA*MSU PER*HOUR'                    
                 TPMCMSTI='TENANT*INT USE*MSU PER HOUR'                 
              -New variables in dataset TPMSLM                          
                 These flags are decoded in the comments.               
              -See Change 38.132 which creates DCOLBKUU for Unix.       
Change 38.101  The TYPE42DS original default display FORMAT TIME13.3 for
VMAC42         duration variables to display milliseconds is changed to 
Jun 26, 2020   TIME13.6 to display the full microsecond resolution that 
               has been in the stored values for decades (MVS/ESA?).    
   Thanks to John Burg, IBM, USA.                                       
   Thanks to Mark Rader, IBM, USA.                                      
   Thanks to Kathleen C McManus, Aetna, USA.                            
Change 38.100  Support for OAM Cloud Tier                               
EXTY8500      -New variables in TYPE85AC dataset:                       
FORMATS          R85INST ='INSTANCE*ID'                                 
IMAC85           R85CLDID='ID OF*ENTRY IN*CLOUDID*PROVIDER'             
VMAC85           R85CINST='CLOUD*INSTANCE*ID'                           
VMXGINIT      -Many new variables added to TYPE85ST:                    
Jun 23, 2020     R85PEWO  R85PERO  R85PEDO  R85PDWB  R85PDRB  R85PDDB   
Aug 14, 2020     R85POWB  R85PORB  R85PODB  R85PTWB  R85PTRB  R85PTDB   
                 R85BOWB  R85BORB  R85BODB  R85BTWB  R85BTRB  R85BTDB   
                 R85B2OWB R85B2ORB R85B2ODB R85B2TWB R85B2TRB R85B2TDB  
                 R85RCLB  R85PUWB  R85PURB  R85PUDB  R85PEWB  R85PERB   
                 R85PEDB  R85BOAO  R85B2OAO R85BTAO  R85B2TAO R85BOAB   
                 R85B2OAB R85BTAB  R85B2TAB R85PCWB  R85PCRB  R85PCDB   
                 R85PCWO  R85PCRO  R85PCDO                              
              -New variables in TYPE85SO dataset:                       
                 R85DSL  ='DISK*SUBSYSTEM*RECOVERED*OBJECT'             
                 R85TCLID='ID OF*ENTRY IN*CLOUDID*TABLE'                
              -New variable  in TYPE85IB dataset:                       
                 R85SCLID='ID OF*ENTRY IN*CLOUDID*TABLE'                
              -New variable  in TYPE85RE dataset:                       
                 R85CLDID='ID OF*ENTRY IN*CLOUDID*TABLE'                
              -New dataset TYPE8500 for new subtypes 100,101,102,103    
                 dddddd    dataset   description                        
                 TY8500    TYPE8500  LCS CLOUD WRITE READ DELETE        
                 with new cloud variables                               
                 R850CID ='ID OF*ENTRY IN*CLOUDID*TABLE'                
                 R850SGN ='OBJECT*STORAGE*GROUP*NAME'                   
                 R850RC  ='LCS*RETURN*CODE*TIME'                        
                 R850RS  ='LCS*REASON*CODE*TIME'                        
                 and R850SUB identifies the Subtype/Event               
   Thanks to Scott Rowe, SSA, USA.                                      
Change 38.099  Sorts of CICS stats sometimes calculated negative DURATM 
VMAC110        values for CICS statistics datasets.  We also found that 
SCICSORT       some no longer needed to be deaccumulated. The sort order
UTILBLDP       was changed to correct the DURATMs and the DIF logic was 
VMXGCICI       removed. In addition, only the records which contained   
Jul  3, 2020   activity are now output. VMXGCICI was revised to remove  
               sorts and DIFs that were being done and many steps were  
               eliminated since it is now a single VMXGSUM execution.   
              -The CICLDR dataset was missing obs and incorrectly       
               and accidentally had a number of LDGxxxxx variables      
               that are now removed.  Note that the new logic will      
               only output observations that had activity. For LDR,     
               there were 1,098,909 WORK.CICLDR observations but        
               only 2982 obs were in PDB.CICLDR that actually had       
               any activity.                                            
              -CICFCR dataset now only contains obs with activity,      
               with 15195 WORK.CICFCR and only 214 PDB.CICFCR.          
              -Protection for new MNSEGCL=5 5th and 6th triplets for    
               URIMAP and WEBSVC prevents a STOPOVER, but the two new   
               datasets were not created until Change 38.114.           
Change 38.098  BMC SMF 74 CMF records variable R744STRC was zero, now   
VMAC74         corrected by PTF BQM1658 for 6.1, BQM1659 for 6.2.       
Jun 23, 2020   Note that MXG can not process both CMF and RMF records   
               in the same SMF Input file.  See Change 38.095.          
Change 38.097  Support for APAR OA56684 adds variables in TYPE78IO:     
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBTechLLC, USA.                              
Change 38.096  Support for APAR PI98851 adds two variables to DB2STATS: 
VMACDB2         QWOSREAL='REAL*STORAGE*ON LPAR*IN MB'                   
Jun 18, 2020    QWOSFLG1='80X IF*QWOSREAL*IS VALID'                     
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBTechLLC, USA.                              
Change 38.095  Variable CMFPROD is now created for all SMF 70-79 records
VMACSMF        and will be RMF or CMF-CPM or CMF-IPM and must be used   
Jun 17, 2020   TO SELECT CMF or RMF if BOTH ARE WRITING SMF 70-79 data. 
               MXG can NOT correctly process that duplicated data in    
               one job.  You would use this logic in //SYSIN:           
                 %LET MACFILE= %QUOTE(IF CMFPROD=:'RMF';);  or          
                 %LET MACFILE= %QUOTE(IF CMFPROD=:'CMF';);              
Change 38.094  SPINCOPY tests for macro variables were UPCASED to       
BUILD005       protect for user typing LIBNAME in lower case.           
Jun 15, 2020                                                            
Change 38.093  Support for APAR OA59126 which adds two variables to     
VMAC30         TYPE30_V,. TYPE30_4, and TYPE30_5 datasets:              
Jun 12, 2020     SMF30NRDS='HWM*IN USE*DATA SPACES*DSPSERV'             
Change 38.092  Labels added.                                            
Jun 12, 2020                                                            
Change 38.091  Running MXG on Windows SAS, the Carbon Black AV product  
TECHNOTE       (and probably other Anti-Virus programs) caused Errors:  
Jun 10, 2020   ERROR: Permanent copy of file Libref.Entity.UTILITY was  
               deleted.  SAS Note 41488 notes show these messages:      
                 WORK._tf000NN.UTILITY  /*Where NN is a number. */      
                 WORK.'SASTMP-000NN'n.UTILITY /*Where NN is a number.*/ 
               and recommends these extensions be excluded:             
                 sd7 sc7 sas7bdat sas7butl sas7bput sas7bcat            
                 sas7bpgm sas7bndx sas7bvew sas7bacs sas7bmdb           
                 sas7bfdb sas7bitm sas7baud sas7bbak sas7bdmd           
              -ERROR: A lock is not available for WORK.OPTVAR.DATA.     
               This is extremely random and can occur anywhere in the   
               SAS job. It may also occur with other anti-virus types   
               of software as noted in SAS NOTE 36803. SAS suggested    
               that the following types of datasets be excluded from    
               monitoring.  Disabling Carbon Black resolved the error.  
               or updating the Anti-Virus program to exclude these file 
               suffixes is recommended by SAS,                          
               ERROR: A lock is not available for WORK.OPTVAR.DATA when 
               executing MXG on WINDOWS (could be another file name).   
               The SAS Support reply:                                   
              -The lock on the file means the file is locked by another 
               processes when SAS tries to lock it. That other process  
               is often a third party application. SAS opens data sets  
               to update them but closes them at the end of the PROC or 
               DATA STEP. It is when the data set is closed that the 3rd
               party applications open the files (i.e. lock them) and   
               prevent the next PROC or DATA STEP from opening the data 
               set. In some cases for a fraction of a second.           
              -In most cases, a good workaround is to set FILELOCKWAIT  
               at the top of your sasv9.cfg.                            
              -You can find the location of your sasv9.cfg with         
                 PROC OPTIONS OPTION=CONFIG; RUN;                       
              -How to edit the sasv9.cfg:                               
               The default SAS configuration file(sasv9.cfg) on Windows 
               is almost always protected by User Account Control (UAC) 
               because it is in c:\program files. Run notepad (or other 
               plain text editor like Notepad++) as an administrator to 
               edit the configuration file so that you can save changes.
                -Wikipedia has a good definition of UAC here:           
                -Click the start circle or go to the start screen so you
                 can search for notepad in white box type notepad to    
                 search for it(do not open yet)                         
                -Right click on notepad|notepad++ and choose "Run as    
                -In notepad click File | Open.                          
                -Change the file type you are looking for to all files  
                -Browse to the configuration path referenced above and  
                 open the sasv9.cfg                                     
                -Make the change and save the sasv9.cfg. (you can leave 
                 it open)                                               
                -You do not need to restart your machine and you can do 
                 this live on a system. Any SAS session already running 
                 will not have the setting but all future SAS sessions  
                 will have the setting(s).                              
                 TO EDIT THE SASV9.CFG                                  
                -After you start a new session of SAS you can check     
                 that you have the setting by submitting:               
                   PROC OPTIONS OPTION=FILELOCKWAIT;RUN;                
              -An alternative: copy sasv9.cfg to another directory, and 
               add to your SAS startup command:                         
                 -config 'newdir\sas.cfg'                               
   Thanks to Kelly Ballamis, Zions Bancorporation NA, USA.              
  8. Exposure on Windows to FAIL/ABEND with LOCK NOT AVAILABLE ERROR.   
     SAS Technical Support confirms that execution of SAS under Windows 
     has ALWAYS been exposed to a LOCK NOT AVAILABLE error because any  
     file's lock can be "grabbed" by another process at any time, even  
     a SAS dataset file in the WORK data library!  MXG creates a dataset
     WORK.ZZdddddd with PROC SORT, reads it with SET ZZdddddd and then  
     PROC DELETE DATA=ZZdddddd.  But in several QA runs under Windows 7,
     SAS lost its file lock after the DATA step closed successfully,    
     causing the PROC DELETE to fail, terminating the QA job:           
       -"Lock held by another process" is probably caused by a backup   
        program, antivirus program, encryption, or an indexing          
        application like Google Desktop that is accessing or touching   
        the SAS temporary files while they are in use by SAS.  If a     
        backup program or virus scan is running on an interval, that    
        would explain why the problem is intermittent.                  
       -To fix the lock, add the file extensions used by SAS to the     
        exclude list of the interfering application; you should exclude 
          .lck , .sd2,  .sc2 , .SPDS, and .Sas*                         
        where the .SAS* wild card excludes these extensions:            
          .sas7bdat /* DATA */     .sas7bfdb /* FDB */                  
          .sas7butl /* UTILITY */  .sas7bitm /* ITEMSTOR */             
          .sas7bput /* PUTILITY */ .sas7baud /* AUDIT */                
          .sas7bcat /* CATALOG */  .sas7bbak /* BACKUP */               
          .sas7bpgm /* PROGRAM */  .sas7bdmd /* DMDB */                 
          .sas7bndx /* INDEX */    .sas7bods /* SASODS */               
          .sas7bvew /* VIEW */     .sas /* SAS program file */          
          .sas7bacs /* ACCESS */                                        
          .sas7bmdb /* MDDB */                                          
        Caution: careful when excluding non-temporary SAS data sets from
        a backup.  SAS Recommends that backups occur when SAS is not    
        Caution two: other applications can use those suffixes:         
            SC2 - windows scheduler                                     
            SD2 - sound designer                                        
            LCK - database control                                      
            SPDS - ACROBAT                                              
       -If the problem application is not a backup program or virus scan
        then the cause is still probably a third party program. A way to
        determine which program(s) are causing the lock is to use       
        utility from Microsoft Sysinternals called Process Monitor. You 
        can download Process Monitor for free from Microsoft at         
          Open Process Monitor, click filter and make these 3 changes:  
            1)Path "begins with" "%temp%\SAS Temporary Files"           
              (Click ADD) (use your work path name, if different).      
            2)Process Name is Sas.exe then Exclude (click Add)          
            3)Process Name is Explorer.exe then Exclude (click Add)     
            Click Apply and OK.                                         
          Then clear the log.                                           
          Then start SAS and run the SAS program that creates the lock  
          error. What Process Name(s) are listed in Process Monitor?    
          This particular filter doesn't always find the problem.       
          Usually the best advice is to ask your internal support team  
          for help using this tool to find the problem                  
          We have not yet been able to identify what process grabbed the
          file lock, because the lock conflict is intermittent.         
          BUT: The pathname of the WORK data library was NOT the        
               SAS Default, it did not contain the text "TEMP" nor "SAS 
               We have changed that pathname to the SAS default, and    
               there has not (YET!) been a lock conflict, so we         
               presume/assume that the process causing the conflict     
               automatically excluded scanning of directories with      
               "TEMP" in their name.                                    
Change 38.090 -SMF 83 Subtype 3 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED because RELO   
VMAC83         218 length 1415 exceeded $VARYING1024 guess for maximum. 
Jun 10, 2020   LDAP document still shows length 256 for 218.            
              -RELO segments 113/114 are now supported, new variables   
               LDAP_POLICY_UPDATED and LDAP_FLGS.                       
              -User observed last update was in 2013, "I did notice the 
               code had a significant vintage!"                         
   Thanks to Graham Harris, RBS, ENGLAND.                               
Change 38.089 -Variable R7410FLG (TYPE IS*VIRTUAL*FLASH*MEMORY?) was not
VMAC74         set to 'Y' when true ('80'x), due to typo R710FLG='Y'.   
Jun  9, 2020  -Support for these new EADM variables in TYPE7410.        
Jun 23, 2020    R7410DFLG='EADM*COMPRESSION*IS*AVAILABLE?'              
              This was added by APAR OA56684.                           
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBTechLLC, USA.                              
Change 38.088  Support for CA VIEW SARR SMF Subtypes 34 and 35 create   
EXSARR36       four new datasets:                                       
EXSARR35         DDDDDD    Dataset   Description                        
VMACSARR         SART36    SARRT36   TAPES ACCESSED                     
VMXGINIT         SARI36    SARRI36   INDEXEX ACCESSED                   
Jun  9, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Steven W. Erikkila, USBANK, USA                            
Change 38.087  ERROR: Utility file open failed using PROC MEANS/SUMMARY 
AUTOEXEC       with a CLASS statement that includes many variables.     
AUTOEXEU      -To circumvent the problem, include the NWAY option in the
AUTOEXQA       PROC MEANS/ PROC SUMMARY statement. SAS Note 17594 notes:
AUTOEZOS      -Without the NWAY option, the procedure tries to create   
CONFIG94       with a CLASS statement that includes many variables.     
CONFIGEZ       being created. This results in the error message above.  
CONFIGT9      -Other circumventions include adding the NOTHREADS option 
CONFIGVM       to the PROC MEANS or PROC SUMMARY statement and/or using 
CONFIMXG       a BY statement instead of a CLASS statement, or in your  
TECHNOTE       AUTOEXEC file or CONFIG file.                            
Jun  8, 2020  -NOTHREADS option was already in CONFIGV9/9N/V9/T9 due to 
               Change 22.207 and is added in CONFIMXG/CONFIG94/EZ/VM,   
               and to AUTOEXEC/EXQA/EZOS/EXEU, for the circumvention of 
               this error.                                              
               and/or CONFIGxx are likely changes and will be in your   
               USERID.SOURCLIB dataset.                                 
Change 38.086  Unused Change Number.                                    
Change 38.085  UCICSCNT analyzes counts and bytes written for SMF 110   
UCICSCNT       and DATA steps were replaced with PROC TABULATE, and     
Jun  3, 2020   duration added to the final report to see the frequency  
               of records. Both the average and maximum values are      
               reported but the MAX is more likely to reflect the actual
               DFHSIT record interval for CICS statistics records.      
               In addition the number of bytes in the subtype segments  
               and the percentage of the total bytes is included.       
              -FORMAT $MGCICVER was added to decode the CICS Version.   
              -An INCODE= exit is added for tailoring, and examples     
               were added.                                              
              -The four Resource Records and the two Identity records,  
               Subtype 1 MNSEGCL 5 and 6, were not counted, nor were    
               Subtype 4 Exception records.                             
          0=JOURNAL SEGMENT                                             
                       CICSJOUR (DEFAULT IF UNKNOWN JOURNAL).           
                       CICSSAP  (IF IMACICSA ENABLED FOR SAP).          
            MNSEGCL=4    EXCEPTION:  CICSEXCE                           
            MNSEGCL=5    RESOURCE                                       
              COUNTER       DATASET                                     
               MNR5NUMI      CICSRDS  CICS RESOURCE DATA CLASS          
               MNR5NUMD      CICSRDPL CICS RESOURCE DPL DETAIL          
            MNSEGCL=6    IDENTITY                                       
              COUNTER       DATASET                                     
          2=STATISTICS                       ALL OTHER CICXXXXX         
                            STID:   121    122     123    124           
                            STID:   126    127     128    129           
          5=NAMED COUNTER STATS:   CICNS4D,CICNS5D                      
                            STID:   124    125                          
   Thanks to Luis Mendoza, BKFS, USA.                                   
Change 38.084  Support for CICS/TS 5.6 (INCOMPATIBLE, FIELDS INSERTED). 
VMAC110       -New Variables in CICSTRAN:                               
UTILEXCL         SMMVSSCN='SHORT ON*STORAGE*COUNT'                      
Jun  1, 2020     SMMVSSTM='SHORT ON*STORAGE*DELAY*TIME'                 
              -New Variables IN CICMNG:                                 
                 MNGRMI='RMI*OPTION?'  (Y/N)                            
                 MNGAPPNS='APPLICATION*NAMING*SUPPORT?'  (Y/N)          
Change 38.083  Updated and enhanced parameters allow you to select the  
ANALINIT       reports of interest. Substantial doc improvements, using 
May 28, 2020   PDB.JOBS.                                                
Change 38.082 -New ASMRMFV Field Data Filter (FDF) support for the RMF  
ADOCRMFV       III Enclave Data Table (ENCG3) and an IMPORTANT FIX.     
ASMRMFV       -The Field Data Filter (FDF) feature of RMF III was added 
May 29, 2020   in MXG Change 37.089 and allows you to filter raw RMF    
               data values when ASMRMFV reads the RMF III VSAM file,    
               reducing the size of the created RMFBSAM file.  You can  
               filter table entries based on one or more numeric and/or 
               character fields, and is intended for advanced MXG users 
               building ad hoc data collection of RMF III data.         
               Section 31 in ADOCRMFV documents the FDF implementation. 
              -ASMRMFV can issue incorrect error message RMFV086E FIELD 
               NAME IS INVALID for a FDF IF expression. Some Variable   
               Name Table (VNT) entries were missing a required flag    
               byte thus causing the search for the expression field    
               name to fail. But some expressions worked fine.          
              -This is a PERVASIVE problem with the FDF feature and any 
               MXG users needing to use FDF for RMF III data filtering  
               should use this version of ASMRMFV, as it impacts all use
               of FDF with MXG 37.03 or later.                          
              -ASMRMFV now supports RMF III table fields up to 512      
               characters in length such as the EDEACCT field in the    
               ENCG3 table.                                             
              -Message RMFV088I is upgraded to support to the new       
               extended field lengths. There can be several continuation
               RMFV088I messages until all character data has been      
               displayed as well as the equivalent value as hex digits  
               (0-9, A-F).                                              
              -However, when EBCDIC characters are used in an IF        
               expression as the user provided value ASMRMFV has an     
               internal limit of 64 hex digits shown in the RMFV088I    
               message. This is to prevent long repetitive strings of   
               X'40' hex digits in RMFV088I. The character value is     
               displayed in full.                                       
               The ENCG3 Enclave Data Table contains some very large    
               character fields from 32 up to 512 bytes that have       
               bearing on how an IF expression for these is coded.      
               When a character string is used in an IF expression all  
               possible characters are shown in RMFV088I messages       
               including trailing blanks.                               
               For large fields such as the 512 byte EDEACCT field this 
               can result in many RMFV088I continuation messages in the 
               ASMRMFV log showing only repetitive trailing blanks.     
               Use the ':' (colon) operator modifier in the IF          
               expression to control the number of RMFV088I messages and
               improve the efficiency of the compare process as well.   
               In this case only the number of characters in the IF     
               expression are shown in RMFV088I and only those          
               characters are used in the compare process.              
               As an example in ASMRMFV SYSIN instead of coding:        
               IF=(EDEACCT EQ  C'ABC')  512 characters shown in RMFV088I
                                        and all 512 are compared.       
               IF=(EDEACCT EQ: C'ABC')    3 characters shown in RMFV088I
                                        and only 3 characters compared. 
              -Assembler options NOXREF and NORXREF added internally to 
               reduce ASMRMFV assembly output by 41,000 lines or 22%.   
              -ASMRMFV now automatically uppercases user specified      
               values in IF expressions for:                            
                  Service Class Names                                   
                  Report Class Names                                    
                  Workload Names                                        
                  Resource Group Names                                  
                    For example:                                        
                    IF=(ASICNM EQ 'hot batch')                          
                    IF=(ASICNM EQ 'HOT BATCH')                          
                  The WLM ISPF application does not accept lower case   
                  for these names and neither will ASMRMFV. Descriptions
                  for these names may be mixed case for WLM or ASMRMFV. 
              -PROCENC subroutine was outputting one less ENCG3 entry in
               a RMFBSAM record when there was still room in the output 
               buffer for one more.                                     
              -ADOCRMFV member's documentation has been updated for:    
                  Section     Contents                                  
                  -------     --------                                  
                     0        Contents                                  
                     5        Input Data Selection Parameters           
                    12        Messages                                  
                    13        Filtered Records                          
                    26        ASMRMFV and MXG PDB Data Relationships    
                    31        Field Data Filtering (FDF)                
                    37        Filtering The ENCG3 Table                 
                    40        Filtering The OPDG3 Table                 
                    42        Filtering The SCMG3 Table                 
                    46        Summary                                   
====== CHANGES THRU 38.081 WERE IN MXG 38.04 DATED MAY 25, 2020 ========
Change 38.081  MXG 3803 only. The WEEKLY BLDSMPDB failed due to a typo  
BLDSMPDB       in line 667, which has   1    %end;                      
May 25, 2020   Remove that 1.                                           
               The error only occurs if BLDSMPDB is run on z/OA AND only
               if WEEK points to a GDG.                                 
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's, USA.                                 
Change 38.080  Support for z15 T02 8562 processor's (156 models) values 
FORMATS        in $MGRMIPS format, used in ASUMMIPS,GRAFCEC,GRAFWLM,    
May 24, 2020   GRAFWRKX and VMACRMFV(RMFIII) to map the MIPS per MSU.   
               If you use those programs to report MIPS, you need 38.04.
Change 38.079  Support for APAR OA59541 for TYPE42 Subtype 27, adds new 
FORMATS        variables;                                               
VMAC42           SMF42REOS='ERASE*ON*SCRATCH?'                          
May 28, 2020     SMF42RZRTY='ZHPF*CHANNEL*PROGRAM*FAILED?'              
                 SMF42RCLRIC='LOCATE*RECORD*IMBEDDED*OP CODE'           
                 SMF42RCLRC ='LOCATE*RECORD*COUNT'                      
                 SMF42RCLRAB7='READ* COUNT*CCW?'                        
                 SMF42RCLRIC='LOCATE*RECORD*IMBEDDED*OP CODE'           
               Format $MG042VT was updated for new values, and new      
               MG042OR and MXG042OB are created.                        
Change 38.078  zVPS PLSDSPCN LABEL contained an unintended & character. 
May 22, 2020                                                            
Change 38.077  DB2 SMF 102 IFCID 143/144 fields QW0143UR/QW0144UR were  
ANALDB2R       increased to 10 bytes, 6 reserved bytes and new QW0143SI 
VMAC102        and QW0144SI were inserted before QW014xUR in VMAC102,   
May 22, 2020   and the format for QW0143UR/144UR in ANALDB2R updated.   
   Thanks to Terry Chao, DC Government, USA.                            
Change 38.076  Comments revised for the MIPFACTR which is now set from  
GRAFWRKX       the CPFCNAME using the $MGRMIPS format.                  
May 20, 2020                                                            
Change 38.075  DB2 APAR PH14037/UI65711 corrects the offset in DB2ACCTP 
May 20, 2020   variables, which caused them to still be truncated. The  
               error was introduced by APAR PH05989/UI61107.  There was 
               no change to MXG code, the IBM APAR corrected the offset.
Change 38.074  PDBAUDIT in BUILDPDB audits the daily PDB size metrics,  
PDBAUDIT       including the SAS compression percent PCOMPRESS, which   
May 19, 2020   can be a negative value, whenever compressing a dataset  
               would have increased its size, and is reported by SAS:   
               "Compressing dataset PDB.STCVSM15 increased by 11.43 pct"
               These datasets always have a small number of variables.  
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC Technology, USA.                         
Change 38.073  Significant cleanup of ANAL119 after a typo was found in 
ANAL119        37.37 version (extraneous 3 preceding a RUN.)  IPHOSTS DD
May 16, 2020   is no longer required but will be used if it is present  
               and all data steps are skipped if the input datasets are 
               not found.                                               
   Thanks to Tom Kelman, ATOS, USA.                                     
Change 38.072  Type 30 Subtype 6 records have accumulated values but not
VMAC30         all INST counts were deaccumulated, CPUASRTM correction  
May 15, 2020   was subtracted from raw rather than DIF'd values causing 
               a spurious warning message, and minimum SMF time .01 sec 
               was only a few hundred CPUUNITS which caused some small  
               negative values when CPUASRTM was non-zero.              
               The subtype 6 interval records are written instead of 2/3
               for Early ASIDs, STCs that start before JES is up, like  
                  SMSPDSE SMSPDSE1 TRACE                                
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, Huk-Coberg, GERMANY.                       
====== CHANGES THRU 38.071 WERE IN MXG 38.03 DATED MAY  7, 2020 ========
Change 38.071  SAGANAL option SYNC59 was incorrectly flooring ENDTIME,  
SAGANAL        but now uses VMXGDUR to set the Interval Started. SYNC59 
May  6, 2020   adds 1 minute and uses that hour, so with 15 min interval
               data written at SYNC59, these are the hour intervals into
               which the 15 min interval data is assigned.              
                 Original     15:59  16:14  16:29  16:44  16:59  17:14  
                 SYNC  0 hour  15     16     16     16     16     17    
                 SYNC 59 hour  16     16     16     16     17     17    
               Using SYNC59 for SYNC59 data matches common sense.       
Change 38.070  CICS Statistics 110-2 with SMFSTRQT='EOD' End of Day data
VMAC110        have invalid large values, with the same value repeated  
May  2, 2020   for dozens of unique events in time sequence that would  
               normally be accumulated values with zero deltas when they
               are deaccumulated, BUT EOD are NOT accumulated data. Each
               obs is a separate event, and most values are wrong.  In  
               addition, when EOD obs go thru MXG deaccum, obs are lost.
               Intervals of 24 hours are not very useful for analysis.  
               EOD was accidentally set, and you can sum INT data to get
               daily totals if that's what you need.                    
               So, I can not make a business case that the EOD interval;
               is needed, and with a circumvention, I'm not going to    
               pursue a PMR that would waste IBM and Customer time.     
              -When EOD records go thru Deacculation, many observations 
               are lost; I experimented with CICXML to bypass deaccum   
               for EOD, which did preserve observations, but I'm not.   
               going to implement that for other statistics datasets.   
Change 38.069  XCOM input did not skip the 461 bytes added in 12.0.     
May  1, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Peter J. Gray, DXC, AUSTRALIA.                             
Change 38.068  Support for Comm Server SMF 119 Subtype 11 ZERT revised  
EXT119ZE       to create new TYP119ZE dataset for each Zert instance,   
IMAC119        which can have more than one obs per record, and remove  
VMAC119        those variables from TYP11911 which has only one obs per 
VMXGINIT       SMF 119 subtype 11 record.                               
Apr 30, 2020   Updates to 73/74 for ICN1762 for IKET are not done, may  
               need data.                                               
Change 38.067  Yet another TYPE42 invalid LENSR in Subtype 5 records has
VMAC42         revised the logic to compare the delta between offsets   
Apr 30, 2020   with NRSR*LENSR, and if they do not, recalculate length  
               by dividing the delta by the NRSR, and if the CALCSRLEN  
               is an integer, use the new length for LENSR, or delete.  
               This was from old customer data and may not be a current 
               value, but this should finally eliminate exposures.      
   Thanks to John Compton, World Programming, ENGLAND                   
Change 38.066  Dataset ASUMCAPT was not labeled.                        
Apr 24, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 38.065  UTILROLL will rollup all observations in all datasets in 
UTILROLL       a data library into all datasets in another data library.
Apr 29, 2020   New examples added to combine PDBs created every four    
               hours into a daily PDB library, and to copy multiple days
               back to WORK for reporting. Modified to use PROC SQL to  
               get the engine of the output libname on z/OS so it works 
               for tape or sequential PDBs.  Also added FORCE to the    
               PROC APPEND to prevent warnings and added SORTEDBY and   
               ALLDATA datasets created by the macro to ROLLDROP.       
Change 38.064 -After New Function APAR OA58759 of 3/26/2020 for RMF the 
ASMRMFV        ERB3RDEC decompression load module does not contain an   
Apr 24, 2020   expected FMID. As a result ASMRMFV issues warning message
               RMFV091W that the module is not from IBM. Processing     
               continues normally, but Return Code 0004 is set.         
              -ASMRMFV will now also check for an 'IBM' character string
               in ERB3RDEC before issuing RMFV091W. The RMFV091W message
               was also incorrectly formatted.                          
Change 38.063  Variables WKRSENCP/WKRSENCV/WKRIENCP/WKRIENCV caused     
VMACCMFV       INVALID DATA messages because they were INPUT as &RB.4.  
Apr 24, 2020   (which worked fine when the fields were zeros) but they  
               are non-zero and are input with &PIB.4 informat.         
   Thanks to John Kim, TELUS, CANADA.                                   
Change 38.062 -DB2STAT0 variable QW0225_WARN was incorrectly treated as 
VMACDB2        bytes, and it is SERVICEABILITY.                         
Apr 22, 2020  -Support for APAR PI92652 that adds I/O Interrupt CPU time
               variables QWSxIIPT variables in dataset DB2STAT4.        
              -Support for APAR PI82191 that adds 3 _DPAGE variables to 
               dataset DB2STAT4, which per the APAR text, are now also  
               subtracted to correct the three _REAL variables.  The    
               APAR text listed a fourth  PVTSTG_DPAGE field, but it    
               does NOT exist in the records with segment length 320.   
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBTechLLC, USA.                              
Change 38.061  Support for z/OS Connect EE SMF 123 Version 2 Subtype 1  
EXTY1232       records create new TYPE1232 dataset:                     
IMAC123A         DDDDDD   DATASET   Description               SUBTYPE   
VMAC123A         TY123A   TYPE123A  Z/OS CONNECT EE AUDIT V1     1      
VMXGINIT         TY1232   TYPE1232  z/OS CONNECT EE AUDIT V2     1      
Apr 30, 2020     TY123C   TYPE123C  z/OS CONNECT EE API REQUEST  2      
Jul 15, 2020   The subtype 1 new version 2 record created new TYPE1232  
Feb  2, 2024   to replace TYPE123A because of many new variables.       
              -Member TYPE123A creates TYPE123A and TYPE1232 for EE     
               from subtype 1 and added TYPE123C from subtype 2         
               in Change 39.043 in 2021.                                
              -Member TYPE123  is archaic, for the S/390 Parallel Query 
               Server SPQS SMF 123 Record datasets DB2SPQS/DB2SPQAB.    
              -Jul 15 typo spelling SM123SORRCVD corrected.             
              -Feb  2: no code change, this text was clarified.         
   Thanks to Adam Banbury, PNC, USA.                                    
   Thanks to Robert Carter, PNC, USA.                                   
   Thanks to Robert Richards, PNC, USA.                                 
Change 38.060  CICSTRAN observations are written at task termination,   
VMAC110        so long running transactions won't have observations,    
Apr  9, 2020   but the CICS SET MONITOR command FREQUENCY argument will 
               create interval CICSTRAN observations, which can be      
               identified with RTYPE='F'.  RTYPE formatted values:      
                 'C'='C:TERMINAL CONVERSE'                              
                 'D'='D:USER EMP DELIVER REQUEST'                       
                 'F'='F:FREQUENCY REQUEST'                              
                 'M'='M:SEMI-PERMANENT MIRROR SUSPEND'                  
                 'T'='T:TASK TERMINATION'                               
   Thanks to Rob Hollingum, HSBC, ENGLAND                               
   Thanks to Renata Hoyland, HSBC, ENGLAND                              
Change 38.059 -zVPS XAMCUV records with LPARNAME='TOTAL' weren't output 
EXXAMCUV       because they duplicate the detail record's values. zVPS  
FORMATS        now sets LCUCPUID=96 for all total records, so the test  
VMACXAM        to NOT output in EXXAMCUV now tests to skip the 96's.    
Apr  8, 2020   This test is located in the Data Set Exit member so that 
               you can always override my decision to not OUTPUT them.  
              -Variables LCUCPUID LCXCPTYP are added to the _BXAMCUV BY 
               list for dataset XAMCUV.                                 
              -XAMCUV records have LCXCPTYP=1 for CP/GP engine instead  
               of zero, so the MGXAMTY format now maps that value also. 
   Thanks to John Holiday, Queensland Government, AUSTRALIA.            
Change 38.058  CIMS/IMF datasets CIMSDBD,CIMSDB2,CIMSMQ had zero obs    
VMXGINIT       in 37.37-38.02 because the three SELECTDBD/DB2/SELECTMQ  
Apr 21, 2020   macro variables added for BUILDIMS were only %GLOBALed   
               in VMXGINIT where they should have been %LET to defaults.
               The three statements have been added to VMXGINIT, but you
               can insert these three statements in your //SYSIN for    
               your CIMS/IMF processing jobs and they will be populated.
                 %LET SELECTDBD=%STR(OUTPUT _WIMFDBD;) ;                
                 %LET SELECTDB2=%STR(OUTPUT _WIMFDB2;) ;                
                 %LET SELECTMQ =%STR(OUTPUT _WIMFMQ;) ;                 
   Thanks to Andreas Menne, Finanz Informatik, GERMANY.                 
Change 38.057  Support for SYSVIEW Subtype 2 record creates new datasets
IMACSVIE         PDB.SV02INT  - Interval Data - One Obs per Minute.     
VMACSVIE                        Merge of 263 datasets, 1440 Obs daily.  
VMXGINIT         PDB.SV02MQ   - MQ Interval Data - One obs per MQ Subsys
Apr 20, 2020                    Merge of 25 datasets, 2880 Obs daily.   
                 PDB.SV02LP   - LPAR Interval Data - one per ARGEIGHT,  
                                individual LCPUADDR 0000-000B, and ALL  
                                CP,IFA,IIP,SP, 24480 obs THIS LPAR.     
                 PDB.SV02CP   - CPUPLPAR for all LPARs, 47520 obs.      
                 PDB.SV02WL   - WLM Service/Reporting Class 250560 obs. 
                 PDB.SV02PLOT - Control Variables, one obs/record.      
   Thanks to Nagaraj Pudokotia, ATOS, INDIA.                            
   Thanks to Martyn Jones, CPTGLOBAL, ENGLAND.                          
Change 38.056 -If you tried to reset an option with VMXGOPTR to ORIGINAL
ANALHSM        that hadn't previously been set using VMXGOPTR, the code 
VMXGOPTR       generated here was "OPTIONS 1;" which caused ERROR 13-12:
Apr  6, 2020   Unrecognized SAS option name 1, and execution terminated.
              -Now: VMXGOPTR detects that that option had not been set, 
               stores the current value and does not execute OPTIONS.   
              -ANALHSM was the culprit that exposed the error and was   
   Thanks to Jack Hyde, OPTUM, USA.                                     
Change 38.055  Change 37.123 (MXG 37.04) incorrectly changed variable   
VMAC7072       PCTMVSBY which impacted PLCPRDYQ and SHORTCPS in datasets
VMXGRMFI       PDB.TYPE70 and PDB.RMFINTRV.                             
Apr 30, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Paul Naddeo, Fiserv, USA.                                  
   Thanks to David Bixler, Fiserv, USA                                  
   Thanks to Robin Hanley, Fiserv, USA                                  
   Thanks to Bernie Ethridge, Fiserv, USA.                              
AUTOINST      -Concurrent ASCII SAS sessions can error due to INSTREAM  
IMACINIT       file sharing. The same INSTREAM.SAS file is used on ASCII
May  3, 2020   for every session, so multiple concurrent sessions error 
               because of the unintended file sharing. The new &AUTOINST
               %MACRO creates the temporary INSTREAM file in the session
               WORK libname, which is not sharable with other sessions. 
                a. Put the %AUTOINST; statement in the member IMACINIT  
                   in your "USERID.SOURCLIB" tailoring library and the  
                   unique file name will always be allocated.           
                b. Put the %AUTOINST; in AUTOEXEC, replacing the        
                   INFILE INSTREAM statement.                           
                c. Issue the %AUTOINST; in your SYSIN at start.         
              -z/OS sites can enable %AUTOINST in IMACINIT and then the 
               INSTREAM filename will always be created if it was not   
               already allocated.                                       
Change 38.053  Typo, variable not found, QHSSSID should be QWHSSSID.    
Mar 30, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Douglas C. Walter, CITIGROUP, USA.                         
Change 38.052  Spurious WARNING: MISSING %MEND Statement for VMXG344 is 
BUILDPDB       sometimes printed after prior error conditions; adding   
BUILDPD3       the name of the %MACRO to the %MEND eliminates message.  
Mar 29, 2020                                                            
Change 38.051  Using the SAS FTP Access Method, &MXGABND=1 is now set so
VMACSMF        that errors (e.g. the SMF file is in use) that can cause 
Mar 27, 2020   the SAS Session to hang doing nothing, instead will now  
               terminate with USER ABEND 69.                            
               If the session still hangs, and you have access to the   
               directory where the SAS log is being written by that     
               active session, you should be able to get read access to 
               the active session's log to see if there are messages    
               before you kill the session.                             
   Thanks to Richard Way, Office Depot, USA.                            
   Thanks to Amlan Mitra, Office Depot, USA.                            
Change 38.050  Variable QBSTPCO in dataset DB2STATB was always a        
VMACDB2        missing value after DB2 Version 9 due to MXG logic       
Mar 24, 2020   error for its INPUT.                                     
   Thanks to Flavio Lima, US.IBM.COM, USA.                              
Change 38.049 -New parameter ROLLWEEKS=5 added to let you keep more     
BLDSMPDB       weeks than the 5 needed to build a month. NOTE: this     
Mar 24, 2020   only applies on zOS or ASCII with STATIC libnames.       
               With GDGs on zOS or AUTOALOC on ASCII ROLLWEEK is        
              -So if you want to keep 6 weeks of rolling weekly         
               data specify rollweeks=6.  If the WEEK6 LIBNAME is       
               not found an error message is generated.                 
   Thanks to Richard Haynes, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas, USA.     
====== CHANGES THRU 38.048 WERE IN MXG 38.02 DATED Mar 23, 2020 ========
Change 38.048  Support for z15 INCOMPATIBLE z/VM MONWRITE due  
VMACVMXA       to insertion of new EXTND256-EXTND287 counters in dataset
Mar 20, 2020   VXPRCMFC and new variables CORCTLMT CORTLSEQ in VXPRCMFM.
               and datasets VXPRCMFC/VXPRCMFM have no observations, but 
               all the other z/VM MONWRITE datasets are not impacted    
   Thanks to David Campbell, SunTrust, USA.                             
Change 38.047  Variables R7023DID/R7024DID, Domain ID, are added to the 
VMAC7072       end of the BY List for datasets TYPE7002 and TYPE70X, and
Mar 18, 2020   R7023DID is kept in TYPE7002.                            
   Thanks to Stephen Hoar, Lloyds Banking, ENGLAND.                     
Change 38.046  Data Set Labels were revised:                            
VMACDB2          DB2PST: DB2 STATS GLOBAL BUFF POOL                     
Mar 17, 2020     DB2PAT: DB2 GLOBAL BUFF POOL ATTRIBS                   
Change 38.045  MXG sets option REUSE=NO to prevent a User change to YES 
VMXGINIT       in this just-discovered obscure option, that controls how
Mar 17, 2020   free-space is used when new observations are added to an 
               existing compressed SAS dataset, i.e., whether new obs   
               are inserted in free space or added at the end, but with 
               REUSE=YES, and COMPRESS=YES, the POINT= dataset option   
               ABENDs because it cannot open compressed SAS datasets.   
               MXG uses POINT= and sets COMPRESS=YES default value.     
               PROC APPEND disregards REUSE=YES, adding new obs at the  
               end of the dataset.  REUSE is an attribute of the dataset
               and cannot be changed for that dataset.                  
   Thanks to Richard Haynes, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas, USA.     
Change 38.044  VSAM Extended Addressability datasets values for sizes   
VMAC60         VVRDSHA VVRDSHU VVRHARBA VVRHURBA must be multiplied by  
Mar 15, 2020   VVRAMCIV, the CISIZE.  New variable VVREXTAD='Y' if this 
               is an Extended Addressability dataset (not to be confused
               with Extended Format datasets).                          
   Thanks to Michael Friske, FMR, USA.                                  
Change 38.043  Documentation only.  Example 10 show ways to select or   
READDB2        exclude data by QWHSSSID SubSystem ID.                   
Mar 14, 2020                                                            
Change 38.042  Your USER SMF record type descriptions are in IMACSMFF in
IMACSMFF       your tailoring, which adds them to $MGSMFID when FORMATS 
Mar 13, 2020   is run, but the MXG syntax - an eight-character VALUE,   
               with a leading blank if TYPE is LT 1000 - was not stated.
               A seven-character value without blank caused no error,   
               but those types had no description in ANALID reports.    
   Thanks to Jeff Harder, Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance, USA.           
Change 38.041  Support for APAR OA57105, adds to TYPE62/64              
VMAC62          Dataset TYPE62 New Variables                            
VMAC64             SMF62JOBID  ='JOB*ID'                                
Mar 12, 2020       SMF62SYSPLEX='SYSPLEX'                               
                   Variable SMF62DEF removed, did not exist and caused  
                   variables SMF62DET and SMF62DKL to be missing/blank. 
                Dataset TYPE64 New Variables                            
                   SMF64JOBID  ='JOB*ID'                                
Change 38.040  OMEGAMON TEMS Subtype 35 INVALID ARGUMENT THREE because  
VMAC112        the text length was increased from MXG's original guess  
Mar 14, 2020   of 256 with a length of 261, so the lengths are now 512. 
   Thanks to Jim Czechanski, Northwestern Mutual, USA.                  
Change 38.039  Support for new variables INREI and JCLJJ in TYPETPMX.   
Mar  5, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBTechLLC, USA.                              
Change 38.038  Dataset TYPE73 variable SHIFT was not populated; the code
VMAC73         for IMACSHFT was only in the code blocks for TYPE73P/L.  
Mar  4, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Mark Hiltbruner, State of South Dakota, USA.               
Change 38.037 -MQM Header/Correlation variables that are now kept:      
VMAC116         Dataset  MQMACCTQ                                       
Mar 11, 2020     QWHCAID  QWHCCVMQ QWHCCN                               
                 QWHSWSEQ WTCORREL                                      
                Dataset  MQMACCT                                        
                Dataset MQCFSTAT                                        
                 DSECT WTCORREL WTASINTE WQBASENA                       
                Dataset MQCHININ                                        
                Dataset MQMQUEUE                                        
                 QWHCAID  QWHCCCMQ QWHCCN                               
              -Alignment of the WTAS INPUT now populates WTAS variables.
              -The code segment for SUBTYPE=2 was relocated.            
              -Dataset MQMACCTQ is only output for SUBTYPE=1.           
   Thanks to Richard Simpson, CPTGLOBAL, AUSTRALIA.                     
   Thanks to Martyn Jones, CPTGLOBAL, ENGLAND.                          
Change 38.036 -TYPEBETA variables L030SRCJCSY/JCUS, S055IPSERVI were    
VMACBETA       incorrectly spelled in the KEEP= list and are now kept   
VMACBE97       as L030SRCJCSYS/L030SRCRCUSR/S055IPSEVI.                 
Mar  1, 2020  -TYPEBE97 variables B9759STY_1HEX B9759STY_2HEX were also 
               corrected to B9759STY_1_HEX andB975STY_2_HEX.            
Change 38.035  TYPE1131 vars EXTND247/252/264/265 now KNOWN COUNTERs.   
Feb 28, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, Huk-Coburg, GERMANY.                       
Change 38.034  APAR OA59002 corrects invalid values in SMF89UZT in the  
TECHNOTE       TYPE89 dataset.                                          
Feb 27, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Nick Varley, SYNCSORT, USA.                                
Change 38.033 -SMF Signature Type 2 Subtype 1 and 2 can print MANY log  
VMACSMF        "BACK2BACK HEADER" messages, if you have changed the     
Feb 28, 2020   IFASMFDL program default option SIGSTRIP to NOSIGSTRIP.  
               IFASMFDL is the "SMFDUMP" program for SMF LogStreams, and
               that SIGSTRIP default is to "Strip", i.e. NOT WRITE the  
               SMF Type 2 Subtype 1/2 records to the Output SMF file.   
              -The MXG _SMF Record Processing logic that writes those   
               Header/Trailer/First/Last diagnostics messages was not   
               updated when the VMAC0203 was updated in 2017, and these 
               new type 2 records caused spurious log messages. Datasets
               TYPE0201/TYPE0202/TYPE0203 were correct as the messages  
               have no impact on output datasets. You can use           
         ==>    //SYSIN DD *                                            
         ==>    %LET SMFPUTHD=NO;                                       
               or you can restore your IFASMFDL JOB to SIGSTRIP default,
               or you can use VMACSMF with Change 38.033+ (MXG 38.02).  
              -If you are back-level at MXG 36.04, then you will also   
               also need the DODSCRDT/READRATE/VMXGINIT members.        
               Macro variable SMFPUTHD was added in MXG 31.31.          
              -This _SMF header code is ALWAYS USED WHEN MXG READS SMF, 
               so you will see those diagnostic messages, when TYPE 2,  
               subtype 1 or 2 records are present, in the SMF file,     
               even if you didn't request Type 02 record processing.    
                 Change 35.266 notes "Even After OA?????, SYSTEM='DUMY' 
                 Type 02 14 byte records were still found." and they    
                 still are; the first SMF Header Message with NOSIGSTRIP
                 has "DUMY' and not the actual system, but the "FIRST"  
                 message that follows will have the actual SYSTEM name. 
                 (The APAR number in that APAR change is lost.)         
              -There were fifty ID=2 ST 1/2 messages per minute, or     
               about 288,000 SYSOUT print lines per day, which could    
               could cause a 722 SYSTEM ABEND.                          
                 How did I miss this in 2017 when subtype support was   
                 added? The original customer could not ftp SMF data, so
                 LIST; was used to print a hex dump of each subtype,    
                 which UTILBHEX converted to readable records, so there 
                 were (only) two back to back (expected) ID=2 records.  
               You must be at MXG 37.06 or later to use this VMACSMF.   
   Thanks to Douglas C. Walter, CITIGROUP, USA.                         
Change 38.032  Many missing values in WSFAUDIT dataset from TYPEWSF are 
VMACWSF        valid as the record only contains nulls starting in byte 
Feb 26, 2020   153.  Vendor is to be contacted.                         
Change 38.031  Support for APAR OA56683 adds SMFBOOST variables (System 
FORMATS        Recovery Boost) to dataset TYPE70:                       
Feb 20, 2020      BOOSTINFO  ='BOOST*INFO*PARTIAL*INTERVAL'             
                  BOOSTCLASS ='BOOST*CLASS'                             
               and FORMAT MG070SB decodes BOOSTACTIVE and BOOSTINFO as  
               ZIP or SPEED or BOTH. CLASS is either IPL or SHUTdown.   
   Thanks to Martin Packer, IBM, EUROPE!                                
Change 38.030  The example user tailoring for multiple TMS catalogs in  
ADOCTMS5       ADOCTMS5 (that you EDIT into your IHDRTMS5) ABEND 992 if 
Feb 20. 2020   the CRDDD days value was greater than 366; now an error  
               message and hex dump of the first 5 eliminates the ABEND.
Change 38.029  z/VM MONWRITE dataset VXAPLSLM (Z/VM LINUX MEMORY)       
VMACVMXA       variable SHARERAM is zero if Linux is not RHEL8.         
Feb 14. 2020                                                            
Change 38.028 -FDF (Field Data Filter) support added for the RMF Monitor
ADOCRMFV       III ZFXG3 (zFS Performance Data Table).   General ASMRMFV
ASMRMFV        support for this table already existed.                  
VMACRMFV      -Sysout output lines from ASMRMFV assembly reduced.       
Feb 21, 2020                   ** IMPORTANT **                          
Feb 28, 2020  -National character (@#$) pattern filter is now the '^'   
               caret character NOT the '.' period character.  There was 
               a conflict when an RMF III table field contained a       
               DSNAME.  The caret character may not print with some     
               SYSOUT character sets.                                   
              -This documentation section in member ADOCRMFV is added   
               for new FDF support:                                     
               44 Filtering The ZFXG3 Table                             
               Remaining existing section numbers are incremented by 1. 
              -FDF GOVAT macro call for ZFXG3 table was incomplete.     
               Table selection would not occur when needed if ZFXG3 was 
               not explicitly selected when using FDF.                  
              -VMACRMFV did not populate variable ENCCFL2 in ZRBENC.    
====== CHANGES THRU 38.027 WERE IN MXG 38.01 DATED Feb 17, 2020 ========
Change 38.027 -TYPE42D3 and TYPE42D4 datasets had the below variables   
VMAC42         incorrectly INPUT as SMF42Gxx instead of SMFA2Gxx so they
Feb 13, 2020   were not kept nor labeled.                               
               Dataset TYPE42D3                                         
                 SMFA2GSH SMFA2GSI SMFA2GSJ SMFA2GSK                    
               Dataset TYPE42D3                                         
                 SMFA2GTH SMFA2GTI SMFA2GTJ SMFA2GTK                    
               Some SMF42Gxx and SMFA2Gxx variable's label incorrectly  
               had "*DASD" which was removed.                           
   Thanks to Michael Friske, FMR, USA.                                  
Change 38.026 -New variables STC28CTP and STC28FLG are now INPUT and    
VMACSTC        kept in dataset STCVSM28, variables STC19CTP and STC28CTP
Feb 13, 2020   are formatted $MGSTCCT to display Cartridge Type.        
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 38.025  Support for CICSTRAN Optional CPICAOR/CPICAOR user field 
IMACICXC       that populates USERCHAR.                                 
Feb 12, 2020                                                            
Change 38.024 -Support for zVM VXPRCAPM dataset Crypto Types 11,12,13   
Feb 10, 2020  -Variable IODSSCH in VXIODDEV dataset is incorrect for    
               intervals with more than 65K I/Os, short by 65K counts,  
               but RDEVSKCT captures all I/Os, so MXG now sets variable 
               IODSSCH=RDEVSKCT for those intervals.                    
   Thanks to Graham Harris, RBS, ENGLAND.                               
Change 38.023  RMF ZFX variables ZFX_IO_WAIT_TIME, ZFX_LOCK_WAIT_TIME   
VMACRMFV       and ZFX_MONITORED_SLEEP_TIME in dataset ZRBZFX can be    
Feb 10, 2020   negative values because the ZfS interface bases average  
               response times on requests since last statistics reset,  
               which can be very long. zFS development is aware of their
               design flaw but have not yet responded with a correction.
Change 38.022  Label for EXTEND164 was changed for the z14 and z15 to:  
VMAC113         EXTND164='DIRWRIT*TO L1-I*ON CHIP*L3 INTVNT'            
Feb 10, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to George A. Frey, PNC, USA.                                  
Change 38.021  PROC TIMEPLOT example to show concurrent job executions  
ANALJOBS       and SGPLOTS of ANALCNCR statistics for all jobs or for   
Feb 9, 2020    selected jobs.                                           
                  %ANALJOBS(PDB=PDB,INCODE=if JOB I: ('SYS','PAY'));    
Change 38.020  Support for TYPE73 variable SMF73CPD Connection Types are
FORMATS        added to $MG073CD format.                                
Feb 7, 2020      '33'X='33X:COUPLING EXPRESS SR'                /*OSM*  
                 '34'X='34X:COUPLING EXPRESS LR'                /*OSM*  
   Thanks to Ehren Bailey, Progressive Insurance, USA.                  
Change 38.019  Support for DB2 APAR PH18739 EPIC 1016 that adds  a new  
VMAC102        variable QW0389IT='NUMBER*OF INDEX*TRANSVERSALS' to      
Feb 6, 2020    dataset T102S389, COMPATIBLE, using a reserved field.    
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, Huk-Coburg, GERMANY.                       
Change 38.018  SAS levels prior to TS1M6 for ODS PDF should avoid use   
TECHNOTE       of CONTENTS on the ODS statement.  There are several     
Feb 5, 2020    errors that can be caused and any graphs may overlay     
               the contents. For details see:                           
Change 38.017 -TYPE80A INPUT EXCEEDED ERROR due to a HOME segment that  
VMAC80A        had no data following, now protected.                    
Feb 11, 2020  -Support for TYPE80TK fields TOKMARCHIDE,TOKMSISEMAIL,    
               TOKMARCSISID TOKMIRRDAUTO.                               
              -SMF 80 SHORT EXTENDED RELOCATE FOUND messages were caused
               when a field input with $VARYINGnn LEN was increased with
               the actual data length LEN that is greater than the nn.  
              -The TYPE80TOK segments with TOKSUBSY='CSDATA' are "user" 
               or "customer" fields added by vendors or installations.  
               One CSDATA record where TOKDANAM=SISLAST was the last in 
               the record was truncated, with length 16 with only 14    
               bytes followed. Other SISxxxx segments were the last in  
               the record and were not truncated. An MXGNOTES is printed
               when truncation is detected and protected.               
   Thanks to Joe Faska, DTCC, USA.                                      
Change 38.016A ANAL95TH uses PROC TABULATE to create 95th percentile,   
ANAL95TH       mean and max response and resource statistics, with      
Feb  5, 2020   two examples of CICSTRAN.CICSTRAN by TRANNAME, one       
               across all executions and one by TRANNAME for 15 min     
               intervals, and one for PDB.JOBS by JOBCLASS for hour     
               intervals, but the syntax can be used for any data.      
   Thanks to Robert Barth Cross, IBM, USA.                              
Change 38.016  SGPLOTS referenced &PDBMXG..NATADAPCT which did not      
ANALNATR       exist. Changed to PDBOUT.NATADAPCT.                      
Feb  5, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Mark Hiltbruner, State of South Dakota, USA.               
CHANGE 38.015  See Change 38.061.                                       
CHANGE 38.014A ASCII Execution ERROR: Template 'Styles.MXGxxxx' was     
TECHNOTE       unable to write to template store when attempting to     
Jan 29, 2020   update the FORMAT directory, because a separate SAS      
               Windows session was using the LIBRARY catalog.           
CHANGE 38.014  Support for IMS APAR PH14569(v14) and PH21001 (V15)      
VMACIMS        which populates the USERID field in IMS 22 log record.   
Jan 29, 2020                                                            
CHANGE 38.013  Support for BETA93 and BETA97 Version 7.1.               
FORMATS       -Variables added to BETA9749 dataset:                     
VMACBETA        B9749PGM B9749VER B9749PTF B9749CDT B9749CTM B9749RC    
VMACBE97        B9749IC B9749STIME B9749ETIME B9749INFO B9749SELPTM     
EXTYB97T        B9749SCPUTM B9749SGETIO B9749SPUTIO                     
EXTYB97U        and the accounting fields are correctly aligned now.    
EXTYB97V      -New dataset BETA9755 variables:                          
VMXGINIT        B9755INDICAT B9755USER B9755IPCLN B9755IPSEV            
Feb 13, 2020    B9755IFLGS B9755HOSTIPORT B9755SERVPORT B9755IPHOST     
                B9755IPCLIENT B9755IPSERV B9755IPSERVI                  
              -New dataset BETA9759 variables:                          
                B9759MAXSUBT B9759CURSUBT B9759STBYTE B9759RQUST        
                B9759VERSION B9759INTERCNT B9759INTERTIME B9759NTAB1    
                B9759NTAB2 B9759STY_1 B9759STY_2 B9759ALLCNTW           
                B9759ALLCNTN B9759ALLCNTS B9759ALLCNTB                  
              -New dataset BETA9759SFF variables:                       
                B9759MJRCPU B9759MJRCPUN B9759MJRSRB B9759MJRSRBN       
                B9759MJRZIIP B9759MJRZIIPN B9759MJRCPU B9759MJRCPUN     
                B9759MJRSRB B9759MJRSRBN B9759MJRZIIP B9759MJRZIIPN     
              -New dataset BETA9759SFF variables:                       
                B9759MNRCPUN B9759MNRSRB B9759MNRSRBN B9759MNRZIIP      
                B9759MNRZIIPN B9759MNRCPU B9759MNRCPUN B9759MNRSRB      
                B9759MNRSRBN B9759MNRZIIP B9759MNRZIIPN                 
              -Datasets BETA0, BETA1, BETA55, BETA59  also have new     
                variables; they are listed in DOCVER38.                 
   Thanks to Andreas Menne, Finanz Informatik, GERMANY.                 
CHANGE 38.012  The MXG member DOCVER documents all variables in all MXG 
DOCVLONG       datasets, originally one line per variable, but the long 
Jan 25, 2020   variable names and MXG's 72-character z/OS limit caused  
               two lines to be needed.  The DOCVLONG program creates the
               "DOCVLONG.TXT" file with one line per variable with new  
               LRECL=94 to contain all the information.  This change    
               corrected an ERROR if the variable name ended in NUM and 
               was 13 characters long.                                  
                 ON Z/OS:                                               
                //  EXEC MXGSASV9                                       
                //DOCVLONG DD DSN='MXG.DOCVLONG,TXT,DISP=(,CATLG),      
                //         DD RECFM=FB LRECL=94 BLKSIZE=34500.          
                //         DD SPACE=(CYL,(40,4))                        
                //SYSIN DD *                                            
                   %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(DOCVLONG);                         
                ON ASCII:                                               
                  %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(DOCVLONG);                          
CHANGE 38.011  Support for APAR OA57718 that adds new zHyperlink write  
VMAC42         statistics to TYPE42DS dataset.                          
Jan 23, 2020                                                            
Change 38.010  If you changed the default SMFAUDIT=YES option to NO,    
ANALID         to suppress the SMF Audit Report (BUILDPDB,ANALID),      
Jan 24, 2020   inside ANALID, the VMXGOPTR utility could fail           
                  MXGNOTE: END OF ANALID                                
                  NOTE: Line generated by the macro variable "OPTORG4". 
               Change 37.245's setting options with VMXGOPTR in ANALID  
               were mis-located inside SMFAUDIT=YES block in MXG 37.08, 
               now relocated in MXG 38.01.                              
   Thanks to John Milne, IBM, AUSTRALIA                                 
Change 38.009  If you specified GRAPHS=YES and your system is old and   
ANALSIIS       not have the option SYSODSGRAPHICS or you are on z/OS    
READRATE       where it is 0 until an ODS GRAPHICS command is issued,   
Jan 24, 2020   the code defaulted to using PROC PLOT where XAXIS is not 
               supported. ANALSIIS and READRATE were both modified to   
               use the version executing to choose SGPLOT vs PLOT, and  
               XAXIS was removed from the PROC PLOT.                    
   Thanks to Mike Martin, North Carolina NCSECU, USA.                   
CHANGE 38.008  Change 37.149 was in error if first USERADD= was IDMS.   
Jan 22, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBTechLLC, USA.                              
Change 38.007  The BY LIST for PROC MEANS DATA=_LVMAINT inside INTVBLD  
VMACVMXA       is changed to BY CECSER SYSTEM, removing BEGINMTR, which 
Jan 21, 2020   caused tens of thousands of useless statistics.          
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBTechLLC, USA.                              
Change 38.006  Support for IAM 9.3 Spin 3 INCOMPATIBLE due to relocation
VMACIAM        and insertion of fields; many new variables in TYPEIAM.  
Feb  5, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Mike Jacques, BBandT, USA.                                 
Change 38.005  "Expressing Latent Demand as a Single Number" report code
ANALATNC       starts by graphing a latency number for all systems by   
Feb  5, 2020   interval on a single graph and drills down to individual 
               systems from there, displaying SMF70U00-15 variables in a
               stacked bar graph with the latency number and MVS Busy   
               for each systems as lines on top of the bar. Latency is a
               number based on bucket sizes of the SMF70U: (or SMF70Q:  
               for older OSes), designed to compress all the buckets to 
               a single number and allow multiple systems on a single   
               graph. While interesting, it takes interpretation to make
               sense of it, especially since it is logarithmic. I think 
               IBM may have done this deliberately because the SMF70Q:  
               variables worked out to exactly 9 using the obvious max  
               bucket value. I fudged the max bucket value when I went  
               to SMF70U: variables to make it come out to 10. The main 
               purpose though is to allow the drill down from a common  
               start to the system details.                             
               Jim's full paper, and report examples are found at:      
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's, USA.                                 
CONFIMXG       due to 1024 in CONFIGMXG should be OPEN_ED-1047.         
Jan 15, 2020   The JOB fails with 999 ABEND and NO SASLOG is created.   
   Thanks to Jeff.Harder, Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance, USA.           
Change 38.003A FORMAT $MG074OM for dataset TYPE74HO variable R744HOPM   
FORMATS        has new value '50'x='50x:CL5 10 GBIT/S CEE ROCE'         
Jan 15, 2020                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBTechLLC, USA.                              
Change 38.003  IDMSTAS dataset now contains UOW and NETNAME variables:  
VMACIDMS          TASCUOWI='CICS*UOW*ID'                                
Jan 24, 2020      TASCUOWS='CICS*UOW*SEQ'                               
              -Variables TASUFLD1-TASUFLD3 are now correctly input for  
               CICS records (IDM6623 corrected IDM6618).                
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBTechLLC, USA.                              
   Thanks to Paola Rosero, Centre de services partages du Quebec, CANADA
Change 38.002  Variable BYTEPRC='PCT OF*BYTES*WRITTEN' is added to both 
Feb  7, 2020   is added to TMS.DSNBRECD.                                
   Thanks to Umamaheswara Reddy, JPMCHASE, USA.                         
Change 38.001  BUILDIMS now works correctly with all selection options. 
BUILDIMS       See Change 37.221 for details                            
FORMATS       -Variable LTERM in CIMSTRAN dataset from IMF records can  
VMACCIMS       contain '00'x, which are now translated to blanks.       
VMACIMS       -New variable INPUTCLNR in dataset CIMSTRAN and LASTCLNR  
VMXGINIT       in dataset CIMSPROG are created with the decimal class   
Jan 20, 2020   number.  INPUTCL2 and LASTCLA2 have the HEX values.      
====== CHANGES THRU 37.275 WERE IN MXG 38.01 DATED Jan 20, 2020 ========
Change 37.275  SYNCSORT SMF WRKDVTYP and STWKSDEV device type variables 
FORMATS        values were changed some time in the way past 3350 era,  
Jan  9, 2020   but MXG Format MGSYNDV was not updated until now.        
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC. USA.                                    
Change 37.274  TYPE1415 Harmless NOTE: DUPLICATE BY VARIABLES, because  
VMAC1415       OPENTIME was repeated in _BTY1415 was supposedly fixed   
Jan  7, 2020   but wasn't until 38.01.                                  
   Thanks to Douglas C. Walter, CITIGROUP, USA.                         
Change 37.273  Using TYPE26J2 incorrectly to read JES 3 records caused  
VMAC26J2       INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED. Change 37.026 had added logic  
Jan  7, 2020   to delete those JES3 records when using TYPE26J2/BUILDPDB
               but tested for SUBS=3, when SUBS=5 is the JES3 SUBSYS.   
LASTCHANGE: Version 38.