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SAS - Barry Merrill

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This was the name tag I wore in the 3-day class on Computer Performance Evaluation that I originally taught thru the SAS Education Department, starting in 1980. I remember SAS folks catching heck from folks at CA who complained that the name tag made it look like I was an employee of SAS Institute, when I was still employed at Sun Oil (until 1984, when Merrill Consultants was founded). I continued to teach under the SAS Training department until 1992 or so, when we began managing and scheduling the class ourselves. Over 3500 students have attended the class, which has now been crammed into two, long, intense days (from 8:30am until 7:30pm) on the Saturday and Sunday prior to the CMG Annual Meeting, and the $1200 class is now tuition-free, and students are fed continental breakfast, a sit-down three-course lunch, and a desert at 5:00pm to keep them awake until 7:30.
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