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157John ChapmanMVS3/75SHAREXLIVLos Angeles
VS2.2 came with a free Measurement Facility 1, but it was No Fxxxing Good, hence this message. At the New York SHARE meeting 18 IBMers came down from Poughkeepsie to meet with members of both the CME Project and the MVS Performance Project, and what had been scheduled for an hour session extended well into the evening, as we went over every field in every record in MF1 and educated the IBMers as to what was needed (like, in the RMF 74 record, we thought that VOLSER would be useful; MF1 had only provided the UCB Address!), Six months later, IBM announced RMF, with almost eveything we asked for fixed, but RMF was no longer free. However, because it was now a product, with revenue, it was no longer a part of the Operating System, where it had been competing with the Paging Supervisor, and the Dispatcher, and all of the other components for staff, and so we began to get the enhancements we had needed, now that we were paying for them directly.
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