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2Dorothy Davis DenningMVT3/72SHAREXXXVIIISan Francisco
Soon after our 360 was installed, most users developed a loathing for JCL. To try to circumvent some of the inherent weaknesses of same, Dorothy and Bill ??? Developed a syntax and grammar for ECL (Easy Control Language) and Dorothy and Mike Armstrong (later to be SHARE President) built an ECL Intrepreter into HASP to translate ECL to JCL. ECL Statements were identified by 3 slashes (if 2 are bad, 3 must be good?), so the button is actually an ECL command to delete (scratch and uncatalog) a dataset named 'JCL'. It also expressed our feelings toward JCL. The button was given out or sold at a BOF (Birds of a Feather) session. In 1989, ECL was still running at SLAC at Stanford, and it was used at SLAC under ASP, and it ran on SVS; it finally died there when SLAC went to VM (because the sysprog staff was deemed to small to manage MVS.. John Ehrman was also involved in the creation of this button, as was Bill Arcuri
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