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211W.D. Stevens/SKYOS8/72SHAREXXXIXToronto
This was a black ribbon, produced hurriedly when IBM announced the stabilization of OS just a week before the meeting. There was no time to get ribbons made in Tulsa, so I called the headquarters in New York and Jeanne got them made there and delivered them to me on Saturday before the meeting. About 20 were handed out secretly because Don Jardine had written a eulogy for OS and it was to be read at the general session. As soon as he started reading, he pinned on his ribbon and all the advance ribbon holders rose, pinned on theirs, and stood with bowed heads while the eulogy was read. There were a hundred copies altogether and I had about 25 left at the end of the meeting which I pitched into a drawer and forgot about until OS was officially dropped. I got the extras and gave them to the IBM Rep to Share, Jerry Feineman) who pitched them into the middle of the floor at an OS project meeting, with quite a scramble. Others have since reprinted the ribbon (w/o permission). Bill Stevens.
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