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The creator actually was SAS Airlines, not SAS Institute. Barry had just given the first open session paper on the use of SAS for performance measurement to an overflow audience of 1400 of the 1700 total attendees. (At the previous SHARE's CME Closed Session, Barry had presented the first-ever paper on SAS, and several dozen CME members had started using SAS in those six months.) At that time, SAS was still purchased, with source code. from the Statistics Department of North Carolina State University, for $100, and was called the Statistical Analysis System. At SCIDS, an unknown person gave me this button that he had seen in the window of the SAS Airlines office. That session was split with Bill Tetzloff, of IBM, who had just developed the SGP, Statistics Gathering Package, an IBM FDP (Field Developed Program) that was the first IBM program that could read and process a few fields from the type 4 and 5 SMF records. SGP was a valiant but limited step forward for IBM, but it did not have the power and simplicity of SAS for reading and processing SMF data. At the end of that session, one question to Barry was "Do you know the price of SAS", and mention of any pricing was verbotten at SHARE, so the CME Project Chair, Dennis Chastain started to interject, but I said, that I could answer the question, and turned back to the audience, and replied "Yes.". A second question to Bill asked him, "After seeing State Farm's use of SAS, can you now give us any reason we would want SGP".
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