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336Ann Ashley-Dave ThewlisMVS3/75SHARE44Los Angeles
This is a cassette, signed by the authors and the recording artists, Jerry and Karen Cooper (Karen is Dave's sister). The song's melody is from Hoyt Axton's country and western song, Boney Fingers, and was written by Ann and Dave one long weekend with a jug of wine. At the very first SHARE session on VS2 User Experiences, to a very overflow audience, the song was played over the podium speaker from a tape recorder by Ann. A great deal of dissention by IBM was displayed, in large part because the song made public for the first time that IBM had had to offer a $4000 bonus to motivate their salesmen to convince MVT sites to install VS2 /MVS. The song never was played at a HASP singalong until 1979, when at SHARE 52, in San Francisco, Jerry and Karen performed live. This was the very first time they had ever sung the song before an audience which understood it (late at nite, in their professional performances at C&W bars, they had sung these words before drunks in Ukiah, CA!). It was so well received that they were called back for a repeat performance. Barry Merrill instigated the performance when he realized at the prior SHARE that Jerry and Karen could fly down to San Francisco (and covered their air fare), and his room was used for Jerry and Karen's parents to baby-sit their child during the late night performance at Thursday SCICS. This song is available in Real Audio at http://www.mxg.com/TheButtonMan Collection, and is on The Button Man Collection 2005 CD-ROM in mp3 format. See also buttons 87 and 88. Anne Ashley became Anne Hieronymus when she transferred fro Cornell to SLAC.
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