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435Aaron Eisenpress993/81SHARE
Judy Merrill's "nicknumber". In the early 60's, Judith Spencer was teaching business courses at Pan American Business College in Richmond, VA, and explained on the first day of her class that you could get an "A" if you worked hard and did good work, because she would give a grade of "99" for good work, but would only give a grade of "100" for perfect work, so that getting a "100" would be a meaningful experience. A week later, on Monday morning, every time she went to the blackboard, her students giggled, and these were adults (ages 18-80) paying their own way and not given to giggles. Finally at the end of class, she asked what was going on, and a student replied "Miss Spencer, your lecture was great, but we are only going to give you a 99, because you have been lecturing with your dress unzipped from top to bottom (and it was a long zipper!)" She immediately became known a "99" as a result of this error. This was also around the time of Get Smart with agent number 86 and 99. Aaron created this button for Judy when he heard of her "nicknumber".
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